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100 fish, one turtle, one hour.. and this is the outcome

[Sep 19,2004 8:04pm - the_reverend ""]
a full on blood orgy.
he ate about 10 of them and then massacred the rest.
[Sep 19,2004 8:07pm - succubus ""]

whenever i walk by it he starts snapping on the glass like he's trying to bite me

oink oink
[Sep 19,2004 8:09pm - goratory ""]
Thats one badass turtle!!!!!
[Sep 19,2004 8:20pm - the_reverend ""]
he's also 27 years old
[Sep 19,2004 8:31pm - Abbath ""]
turtles are awesome
nuff said
[Sep 19,2004 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
carina's just telling me the turtle's dead.
it's not.

when I came back, my whole place stank of dead fish.
oh boy!
[Sep 19,2004 9:21pm - $ilky  ""]
what ever happened to your turtle's live web cam? that shit was way hot.
[Sep 19,2004 9:23pm - ExHuMeD4DeAtH ""]
haha nice that turtle is fucking metal, killing just for the pleasure
[Sep 19,2004 9:40pm - the_reverend ""]
I have to set up the cam again.

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