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whoah... Goratory.net like dude!

[Sep 19,2004 7:54pm - the_reverend ""]
it's a pretty slick looking site there buddy.
[Sep 19,2004 8:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 19,2004 8:01pm - goratory ""]
thanks man, we got a forum and boob games coming soon.
[Sep 19,2004 8:04pm - succubus ""]
even though i've taken goratory pics and there is no link to my site...*sigh* s'ok
[Sep 19,2004 8:05pm - goratory ""]
Rev., go to pics page and look at the Tokyo pics. You have to see Zach's new hat. He found it in the trash and then wore that fucking thing the entire time we were their.
[Sep 19,2004 8:07pm - goratory ""]
that whole links page is comming down in a couple more days. I think most of those links don't even work anymore. You are actually on the new list along with most of the Rttp bands we didn't have on their. Aren't I the coolest!!!
[Sep 19,2004 8:20pm - succubus ""]
oh ok cool then!=)
[Sep 19,2004 8:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
goratory said:that whole links page is comming down in a couple more days.

oh come dude, i found out about abuse through that page, those dudes are sick, would be crazy if they played a show here!
[Sep 19,2004 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 19,2004 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]
just don't give them your cellphone #
[Sep 19,2004 9:58pm - goratory ""]
[Sep 19,2004 9:59pm - goratory ""]
did I tell everyone here how Trev from Abuse showed up at our Tokyo show threatening to stab us with all his friends.
[Sep 19,2004 11:11pm - Kalopsia ""]
no, please tell us about it
[Sep 20,2004 12:54am - BornSoVile ""]
legend has it that he is a nazi now and Adam told him to fuck off.
[Sep 20,2004 1:07am - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Yeah Alan, why the fuck is their name even on our site? Tell Marcos to get the name Abuse off our site ASAP.
[Sep 20,2004 1:21am - BornSoVile ""]
Darren I can't believe you took the name Goratory/Pillory Drummer, that's so stupid, are you superman or something??
[Sep 20,2004 10:23pm - the_reverend ""]
goratory said:did I tell everyone here how Trev from Abuse showed up at our Tokyo show threatening to stab us with all his friends.

I would have told him to try.. and then laughed at him. I'm sure his friends aren't that sharp either.
[Sep 20,2004 10:38pm - goratory ""]
Trev's girlfriend lives in Japan (kahori, the girl who does our artwork) so after his tour completely bombed(Abuse had still went on with their own tour), he desided to stay an extra week and take it out on us. He came up to me and started threatening me and then Adam walked up and told him to go ahead and try it. I never pictured Adam to do something like that. I almost shit. Trev then preceded to turn around and walk away with out a word said. It funny as shit. So we then went downstairs and took out all the Abuse cds out of our label's distro and were giving them to fans to smash. Trev's girlfriend (who decided to stay and watch our set) saw this and started crying to me. A very funny night and it also turned out to be the best show I think we have ever played.
[Sep 20,2004 10:40pm - the_reverend ""]
you topped your set from 2000 at the palladium?
[Sep 20,2004 10:41pm - the_reverend ""]
dude! I now use fonts they couldn't even dream of back then!
[Sep 20,2004 10:42pm - goratory ""]

dude, thats funny cause I was talking about that show today with the ex-drummer from 5 min. hate

[Sep 20,2004 10:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
dood he's got video of tokyo with the soundboard direct feed, it's swwweeeet.
[Sep 20,2004 10:43pm - goratory ""]
look in the front. Some kid is wearing a goratory red logo hoodie. I have no idea where that came from. I just noticed that. He must of made it himself.
[Sep 20,2004 10:45pm - goratory ""]
BornSoVile said:dood he's got video of tokyo with the soundboard direct feed, it's swwweeeet.

what the fuck. how did you see it when i didn't.
[Sep 20,2004 10:45pm - goratory ""]
I'm gonna go drink his beers for not showing it to me, hahaha. Just kidding Zach, I'll just have a few.
[Sep 20,2004 10:46pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... bootleggin goratory merch?!?
I think I'm going to make up some boot leg shirts that AREN'T 2xl
[Sep 20,2004 10:47pm - goratory ""]
please do, I could use one that actually fits me.
[Sep 20,2004 10:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
? we watched that all together when ya'll came back. you still need to show me the uncensored shit in between shows.
[Sep 20,2004 11:03pm - goratory ""]
oohhhhh. That is only half the show. We have a professional video in the mail. I thought you were saying that you saw that one.
[Sep 20,2004 11:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
al, quit making merch for fat people.
[Sep 20,2004 11:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
smalls and mediums bitch. we learned our lesson... we sold 15 smalls in two weeks... and we've only sold like 10 XL's in 3 months.
[Sep 20,2004 11:22pm - goratory ""]
hey, fat guys need lovin too
[Sep 21,2004 12:22am - mammalsauce ""]
well here's the lovin then baby
[Sep 21,2004 12:23am - goratory ""]
suck it. leave my fat alone
[Sep 21,2004 12:27am - BornSoVile ""]
hahaha, Hi Jacqueline!
[Sep 21,2004 12:31am - mammalsauce ""]
hey i can be cool now too
[Sep 21,2004 12:35am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
i haven't stopped listening to that Mammal Sauce song.

I love the vocal processor thing on the end, the one from that Cher song.
[Sep 21,2004 12:36am - mammalsauce ""]
i can't even understand why i'm addicted to it, but i feel as if i need help now, it never goes away in my head

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