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The road trip to Long Island

[Sep 18,2004 1:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Yesterday, Stephanie, McCracken and I met up at 1:45 and left from Chelsea to Long Island to see Abhorred play. We were stuck in Boston traffic for 2 and a half hours, which sucked because traffic is gay and now we knew we would get stuck in NYC traffic.

Once we got through Boston, getting through the south shore to 95 was pretty easy, we weren't sure what was causing the traffic backups. We got through Rhode Island with no problems as well.

I have never set foot in CT before yesterday, the entire state is gay. We stopped at some mall, which had no place to eat! We eventually found the restrooms, hidden in the back of a maze of stupid stores. We did find a yuppy sandwich shop, which charged 14.99 for a small turkey sandwich. We left this mall and got off at some other exit to eat at some upscale diner, which was good but expensive. The regular patrons, real uppity old people or rich young couples, were completely disgusted by just our appearance (razor fucking grind), and we kept getting dirty stares from them during our conversations. After being pretty pleased with ourselves for ruining those peoples days, we hit the road again because CT is a very long state.

After a bit we hit some traffic in CT because of some construction, then eventually made it to NY. Once we got to NYC, there was more traffic, a rain storm, and alot of construction. We figured out the detour pretty easily and got on our way to Long Island. I don't know if any of you have been to Long Island, but our directions seemed pretty straightforward, but in reality there are no roads in Long island, only highways. After getting lost for about 20 minutes, we accidently found the place because we saw Eric towering above everything.

The first band, demise of sanity, was really lame metalcore mosh stuff. The crowd loved them, doing their hokey pokey mosh moves. Abhorred was on second cuz some band didn't show up or something. They managed to clear the entire club during their first 3 songs. After their set, the bouncer, who loved them, was telling me he went outside to confront the crowd about not watching Abhorred and was like 'you idiots come here and mosh and support the local bands, these guys came all the way here to play for you so why arent you in there moshing to these guys?' He told me their response was 'Their too fast'. A few people liked them though, and they sold some demos. The club and the booking guy liked them so thats all that matters for now I guess.

We hung outside during the next band, shooting the shit with this crazy guy named Mike who was getting in kids faces when the red sox one, because he is a Mets fan. Pretty funny stuff. Then a Corey Feldman look alike with a Pantera shirt (with the sleeves cut off) got kicked out for starting a fight with what he described as 'a white boy who wants to be a nigger like Tupac'. We had some laughs at his expense and then we left around 1:20 AM. Their was no traffic so we were making great time, then a torrential downpour occured and when we almost hydroplaned off a bridge we decided to slow down and even stop at one point. The ride home should have taken 4 hours, but took 5. I got home at 6:15 am or so and was asleep before Stephanie and McCracken even got out of Holbrook. The end
[Sep 18,2004 3:56pm - succubus ""]
that was a great story and very interesting to read!

any photos joe?
[Sep 18,2004 3:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wish, I even said on the ride home, I wish I had brought a camera. There was some awesome place and events I wish I had snapped pictures of.
[Sep 7,2018 3:03am - Harry Shirlow  ""]
[Sep 8,2018 12:56am - Joe/bighomo  ""]
So why didn't you catch some head from anyone on the way home.

What a waste of a road trip.

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