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BOE-bay the cd is now available on E-BAY

[Sep 12,2004 7:21pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Sep 12,2004 7:23pm - succubus ""]
i noticed someone already bid on one
[Sep 12,2004 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
that's hilarious..
which one of those people are you?
[Sep 12,2004 9:01pm - dugoxistance  ""]
i threw some up on ebay. I'm mayhemstreet. I can't believe how shitty Unmatched Brutality is with their reviews. Do they think shitting on a band that has a CD in their distro is beneficial?
[Sep 13,2004 7:59am - subjugate ""]
[Sep 13,2004 12:34pm - blue nli  ""]
Bane of Existence cd humanity DEATH metal GRIND fast !!
[Sep 13,2004 1:58pm - subjugate ""]
and heavy how heavy you ask

this heavy


buy it now fuckers
[Sep 15,2004 12:01pm - subjugate ""]
[Sep 16,2004 6:43pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
she has a very pretty mouth i could think of some good uses for it
[Sep 17,2004 7:37pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
still need more poontang porn

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