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ex red chord and current unearth drummer..

[Sep 12,2004 3:26am - MattRCT ""]
i was looking through some pictures and saw that he use to drum for candy stripper death orgy, i never knew that. hmm weird
[Sep 12,2004 4:10am - the_reverend ""]
yep, he is.



[Sep 12,2004 5:20am - Kalopsia ""]
haha, at first i thought u were talking about john longstreth
[Sep 12,2004 1:24pm - Jellyfish ""]
mike is crazy.
[Sep 12,2004 5:09pm - the_reverend ""]
crazy and awesome..
how bout him as the drummer for backstabbers inc.

or before that as a guitarist for bsi
[Sep 12,2004 6:17pm - MattRCT ""]
i knew he played drums for BSI for a little while but he played guitar too, damn he is very talented.
[Sep 12,2004 6:21pm - the_reverend ""]
that's what he did first.
[Sep 12,2004 7:05pm - MattRCT ""]
[Sep 13,2004 12:06am - mike.......  ""]
how about hassan i sabbah?

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