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I wanna start a band called S.O.C.

[Sep 9,2004 4:57pm - ASSUCK ""]
The way I see it, there's S.O.A., S.O.B., and 2 S.O.D.'S

so why not have a band called S.O.C.?

I dont know what it will stand for yet, but that can come later.

who's in?

i'll play drums.
[Sep 9,2004 5:09pm - Dissector ""]
I'm in, but I also play drums so I guess I'm out
[Sep 9,2004 5:13pm - ASSUCK ""]
i could also do guitar and vocals if needed.

we'll see what happens.

i want it to be a three piece.
[Sep 9,2004 5:28pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Suck On Cock
[Sep 9,2004 5:29pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Slurp On Cunt
[Sep 9,2004 5:51pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
too bad mastamindz's home boys have been called S.O.C. since the espresso bar was still open.

state of corruption. 3rd wave hip hop core in the footsteps of seventh rail crew and eastcide.
[Sep 9,2004 5:54pm - succubus ""]
Shit on Cunts
[Sep 9,2004 5:56pm - succubus ""]
society of cunts
[Sep 9,2004 6:03pm - ASSUCK ""]
good suggestions. keep em comin.

as far as mastamindz' homeboys go, fuck em.
[Sep 9,2004 6:12pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
stupid ovary crispers
[Sep 9,2004 6:15pm - succubus ""]
Stabbed Omniphallic Casket

for that one .. i used the rev's random title generator and looked for words starting with S, O & C
[Sep 9,2004 6:15pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Save Our Children.
[Sep 10,2004 2:11am - the_reverend ""]
sack of crap
[Sep 10,2004 2:37am - xmikex ""]
want a singer?
[Sep 10,2004 2:38am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Sleep Over Cparty.
[Sep 10,2004 2:55am - MyDeadDoll away  ""]
snack on crack
[Sep 10,2004 2:56am - MyDeadDoll away  ""]
why not have more than one drummer... you could be cool like slipknot... hahahahha
[Sep 10,2004 2:59am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Or that band from Sick as Sin, METAL WITH THREE DRUMMERS (and one guitar, no bass, and a singer who plays guitar once in a while and they sounded like slipknot anyway). What was their name? They should play that free make up show that's going to happen because the fest got shut down. Y'know?
[Sep 10,2004 3:05am - MyDeadDoll away  ""]
succubus on candy?
[Sep 10,2004 7:43am - korpse-l- ""]
Sick Old Cunt
[Sep 10,2004 7:55am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Spoon Out Cum
[Sep 10,2004 8:37am - succubus ""]
Stupid Ovarian Cyst
[Sep 10,2004 9:12am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
MarkKevorkian said:Spoon Out Cum

Haha you are a genius.
[Sep 10,2004 11:15am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
why has no one already said this?!??

[Sep 10,2004 2:41pm - ASSUCK ""]
[Sep 10,2004 2:41pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Sep 10,2004 3:42pm - EXPLODINGCHRIST  ""]
[Sep 11,2004 12:10pm - ASSUCK ""]
is that you, ryan?
[Sep 22,2004 5:59pm - www.mastamindz.com  ""]
Respect is what I want from you and if not, a straight FUCK YOU!!!
[Sep 22,2004 6:56pm - Assuck ""]
god damn, gee

no need to get your roca-wear in a bunch
[Sep 22,2004 7:11pm - anonymous  ""]
i actually wouldnt recommend naming your band that.

the entire second stage at ozzfest this year started the "S.O.C." (shirts off crew) it was soemthing stupid about not wearing shirts, being straight edge and running around acting like idiots. if you see the new lamb of god video, Randy has it written on his hand.
[Sep 22,2004 7:11pm - anonymous  ""]
there are exceptions to the straight edge thing obviously, for randy and a bunch of the dudes in the SlIpKnOt are not edge.
[Sep 22,2004 7:12pm - succubus ""]
suck our cocks
suck our cunts
[Sep 22,2004 7:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Signs Of Carnage
[Sep 22,2004 7:26pm - Assuck ""]
anonymous said:i actually wouldnt recommend naming your band that.

the entire second stage at ozzfest this year started the "S.O.C." (shirts off crew) it was soemthing stupid about not wearing shirts, being straight edge and running around acting like idiots. if you see the new lamb of god video, Randy has it written on his hand.

finally an anonymous person has something good to say

that it is a damn good reason for not naming it s.o.c.

i probably wouldnt have followed through with the band anyway.
[Sep 25,2004 12:39am - STATE OF CORRUPTION  ""]
our personal favorite was always "Shit On Crackers"
[Sep 25,2004 1:39am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
off the top of my head....

Sandpaper Orgasm Challenge
Special Olympics Cumshot
Snorkling Over Canada
Sexy Otter Cunts
Sit On Crabs
Should Owls Crochet?
Saucy Orange Cancer
Sexually Obliterate Children
Sniffing Obtuse Clowns
Saturdays Of Colostomy
Smell Of Carpet
Sassy Oger Chunks

I'm sure I'll think of some more later when I'm crying and masturbating at the same time.
[Sep 25,2004 8:43am - dugoxistance  ""]
I love you Mikeee.
[Sep 25,2004 8:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha fantastic
[Sep 25,2004 8:57am - pessimist ""]
[Sep 25,2004 11:27am - Assuck ""]
i like special olympics cumshot
[Sep 26,2004 7:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Stop Opposing Castration
Severed Octopus Clitoris
Sacred Ovarian Cocktail
Scorched Olive Crispers
Siamese Orangutan Cooter
Strangle Ostentatious Celebrities
Someone Offer Cholera
Send Over Cheesecake
Slap Old Chicks
Strike Oafish Customers
Surrender Or Crumble
Shoot Off Chunks
Shotgun Oneself Cheerfully
Sacrifice Omniscient Clods
[Sep 26,2004 9:31pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Sauted Ostrich Cakes
Superduper Onionshaped Cock
[Sep 26,2004 10:16pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha. I couldn't think of a way to properly use "sautéed"
[Sep 27,2004 2:13pm - Assuck ""]
severed octopus clitoris is fantastic when served with sauteed ostrich cakes
[Aug 3,2008 10:26pm - Kadoogapalooza  ""]
[Aug 3,2008 10:51pm - Whoremastery ""]
and the album will be called "spread eagle or die!!"
im in!!!!
[Aug 4,2008 7:57am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This is like when my friend wanted to write a song called "Two" because so many bands have a song called "One"
[Aug 4,2008 8:39am - Slymo ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:off the top of my head....

Sandpaper Orgasm Challenge
Special Olympics Cumshot
Snorkling Over Canada
Sexy Otter Cunts
Sit On Crabs
Should Owls Crochet?
Saucy Orange Cancer
Sexually Obliterate Children
Sniffing Obtuse Clowns
Saturdays Of Colostomy
Smell Of Carpet
Sassy Oger Chunks

I'm sure I'll think of some more later when I'm crying and masturbating at the same time.

sandpaper orgasm challenge rules it!!!
[Aug 4,2008 8:49am - SkinSandwich ""]
Slags on Crack
[Aug 4,2008 11:54am - ..........  ""]
there used to be a band from Providence called that..i can't believe no one mentioned it as they were fairly popular for a little while.

tough guy hardcore type shit. state of corrupation i believe.

they're intro song repeated "here comes the s...here comes the o...here comes the c....s.o.c."....like i said...tough guy hardcore shit.

i prefer slap old chicks.
[Aug 4,2008 12:14pm - KitchenIncident ""]
Severely Overpriced Cooze.
[Aug 4,2008 12:28pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
Sabbath of Caturday.
Scared of Crepes.
Satan's Off-kilter Cockles.
Sandwich of Catastrophe.
Saggy Orange Couchballs.
Sasafras Oblivion Cupcake.
Swass Over California.
Sadly Omitted Cooch.
Self-inflicted Oral Cribdeath.
[Aug 4,2008 3:17pm - josh_hates_you ""]
apparently you never saw State Of Corruption with eastcide and 7th rail crew back in the day. they had huge S.O.C. stickers.
[Aug 4,2008 3:18pm - josh_hates_you ""]
ha. i just realized this thread is 4 years old........then i realized i basicly just typed the same thing i did 4 years ago.

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