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practice space

[Sep 8,2004 2:38pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
Trying despirately to avoid renting a room at priority, as I've have a perfect record of avoiding the place, I'm looking for practice space for my band. If I could find a drummer close enough to hanson than I'd be set but there don't seem to be any. if anyone knows of reasonably priced practice spaces around the hanson ma area, I'm despirate at this point.
[Sep 8,2004 2:47pm - H8  ""]
i know what you mean. i posted something similar. studio prices are f'n retarded. especially at priority. we used to have a space there. it's easier to pay rent with more people, so if your interested, let me know. there's two of us. i'll keep my eyes open for space.
[Sep 8,2004 2:51pm - Dick_Bloodeye ""]
sharing a room with another band can be tough, My band shared a room with On Broken Wings a few years back and there was alot of problems with people touching other people's equiptment, ect. I'll definately give it a shot, but would like to avoid sharing a room if at all possable. if I can't find anything else I'll contact you, but does anyone else have any ideas?
[Sep 8,2004 4:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
there might be some rooms available in our place in Brockton. I have no contact information, sorry. email me at odiumvile@hotmail.com if you want. It's not black bird. it's off main street.
[Sep 8,2004 5:01pm - ArrowHead ""]
Out of curiosity, what's wrong with Priority? I've been up there for 12 years now, and I've had problems in the past, but the only issues I would have now would be the kids up there, not the establishment. I've got a room literally 3 times the size of Pillory's space in boston, with stage, utility room, A/C, my own circuit breakers, all for less than the room in boston costs.
[Sep 8,2004 5:04pm - Bradness  ""]
that clown from Priority is a fucking prick. i think his name is...ummm, Dickface? I forget. He fucked us on rent, destroyed a recording we did in his gay studio, and his "security" is a joke.
[Sep 8,2004 5:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
Arrowhead, I need to go up in the attic some day soon, with a friend, just for a little tour.
[Sep 8,2004 5:12pm - ArrowHead ""]
You sound pretty bitter.

1) His recording studio destroyed your recording? Did you make an effort to listen to any previous recordings he's done? It's cheap for a reason, the studio sucks. I'd say that's your bad for wasting your money recording there. We're talking about rehearsal spaces here, not studios.

2) How did he fuck you on rent? Just wondering, as I've never gotten screwed on rent, and always save my reciepts just in case.

3) The security is poor, I agree, they walk about socializing and take a hell of a long time to answer the goddamned door when you buzz. However, name one studio around here that has even THAT MUCH security. I never saw cameras in Blackbird, and I've never seen any on duty security guards at the sound museam, blackbird, or any of the local spaces. Not to mention on site music store (shitty selection, granted, but it's good for strings, picks, cords, etc...)
[Sep 8,2004 5:13pm - ArrowHead ""]
BornSoVile said:Arrowhead, I need to go up in the attic some day soon, with a friend, just for a little tour.

I believe there's another band up there right now. However, let's see if we can get up there anyways, I love that place. Even better is some of the sub-basement areas, featuring chop shops, kids toys, and all other assortments of strangeness.
[Sep 8,2004 5:16pm - nick ""]
ArrowHead said:Out of curiosity, what's wrong with Priority? I've been up there for 12 years now, and I've had problems in the past, but the only issues I would have now would be the kids up there, not the establishment. I've got a room literally 3 times the size of Pillory's space in boston, with stage, utility room, A/C, my own circuit breakers, all for less than the room in boston costs.

priority is filled with ghosts and shitty highschool retards.
its interesting to walk through there though because the way some of the rooms and hallways are built make no sense.
im pretty sure they keep finding new sub-basments there all the time too.
im pretty sure theres a door to hell in one of those sub-basments.
im pretty sure.
[Sep 8,2004 5:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
nick said:im pretty sure theres a door to hell in one of those sub-basments.
im pretty sure.

yes, that's right where I want to go.
[Sep 8,2004 5:22pm - nick ""]
yeah id like to check that out too actually.
[Sep 8,2004 5:41pm - ArrowHead ""]
It's pretty sick. It's the old ocean spray factory and bottling plant. I know a lot of the history from being up there so long. Also, Chris the security guard knows a shitload of the history of the building itself and how it was built.

The reason some stuff makes no sense in there is twofold. One, Ocean Spray added onto the building at one point, building outward and upward from the original building. Secondly, Luke has done so much work. Say what you want about his business, craftsmanship, etc.., But I remember when half the rooms up there were Floorless or Roofless. The entire area where the smoking room is, and the room with the double doors, had no floor and was completely open and exposed to the sky. We called it the "birdshit room".

I've been everywhere in there, literally, and that place scares the fuck out of me. Between kiddie porn, chop shops, Steve Erkle cars, Coke dealers, Rottweilers, and all the shit I've seen in that place over the years, I think Luke has done a pretty decent job. You know the guy is only 28 years old, right? That whole Priority thing started as him renting 1 room to teach guitar lessons out of. Before that, there were 3 rehearsal rooms in there, rented out by Jambalaya, king of wee porn.
[Sep 8,2004 7:15pm - niccolai ""]
I heard Luke steals babies and sacrifices him to the Norse wolf god of the moon in priorities basement. I had a room at priority once 2 or three years ago, Luke would always be in our room snooping around, he has sold defective equiptment... he really just isn't the kindof person I'd leave at home with my kids so to speak.
[Sep 8,2004 8:03pm - nick ""]
^yeah dude.
[Sep 8,2004 8:17pm - heimdall ""]
hahahaha I know A wicked cheap place in nashua, but ill give out the details when I check it out and secure by band some space brohahaha
[Sep 9,2004 7:23am - H8  ""]
Priority- we used to bring our beers in a duffle bag (even though we were over the drinking age) and we'd jam and drink. we left a bag of empties in "our" room and the next day we went to jam, the guy stopped us in the hallway and told us there's no drinking on the property. the guy's in our room fuckin around when we're not there? what's that shit about? what's jam'n without drink'n anyway? and that stupid buzzing the bell before going in is retarded. that security system was pointless. the guy was out there everyday fixing the wires because they were exposed and the kids would rip the wires out. that guy is making a killing on renting rooms and we asked him if he could come down on rent only about 20 bucks a month and he wouldn't do it. it's getting to be regodamndiculous.
[Sep 9,2004 7:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think every band in Priority music hates me because they are all fags.
[Sep 9,2004 10:21am - niccolai ""]
"I think every band in Priority music hates me because they are all fags. "

As far as I know, there aren't even any bands that really practice there anymore. there like 4 ska/punk bands, a rapper, and thats like it.
[Sep 9,2004 10:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh, well they would hate me if they knew me.
[Nov 13,2004 8:15am - loser ""]
Stay away from the studios on Herred ave in Brockton...Several b&e's the fuckin elevator never works and all the studios are on like the 100th floor...The halls are all dark and full of piss dirty needles and broken bottles..THERES ABSOLUTLY NO SECURITY the front door was wide open every time i went there and the people on the first floor who live in a abandend warehouse let there dog shit every where...Just trying to look out for ya...Oh yeah and when our room got broken into no one gave a flyin fuck i couldn't even get the owner to come down!!!!!!!
[Nov 13,2004 8:16am - loser ""]
Theres a place in Rockland thats pretty good and if all else fails theres Black turd.......But tif you want to talk about getting fucked on rent ....theres the place for it to happen......
[Nov 13,2004 8:34am - loser ""]
And the reason Luke goes snoopin through rooms is Lets see..People are told to shut off shit when they leave..and well the idiots that left the 40yr old filthy fan running and caused a fire...i dont know it think its reason enough and if you actually read your contract it clearly says they will periodicly inspect rooms for contraban and for the fuckin teenie boppers who cant play by the rules... I think it is actually one of the better places and if your cool to luke he's not a bad guy i have always re negotiated our room prices and like pete said (Arrowhead) we have a palace in there and its not that expensive
[Nov 13,2004 10:35am - niccolai ""]
understandable, But when I'm with my band mid-practice in the middle of a song and he opens the door and starts looking under the couch, I don't love him for it.
[Nov 13,2004 4:59pm - ArrowHead ""]
I could understand you not loving him for that, but how about loving him for not kicking you out the first time when he caught you breaking the rules? I don't know a lot of other spaces that give people that much slack. Luke doesn't even fine people or add additional charges when rent is late.
[Nov 14,2004 2:49pm - niccolai ""]
what rule did I break in the first place?

I went to priority for the first time in about 2-3 years yeasterday with my friend Tim to see his friends that play in dark bleeds light's old room, Lukes been cleaning it up a bit.
[Nov 14,2004 2:57pm - ArrowHead ""]
You said earlier in the thread he caught you with empties in your room. If I'm mistaking you for someone else forgive me.

I'm not sure on what Luke's working on right now, I just went up there the other night for the first time in months and there's a whole bunch of stuff moved around and being worked on. Which room is Dark Bleeds Light's old room? If it's up near the smoking room, he has done a lot of cleaning and fixing up in that area over the last couple years. I just wish every bathroom in the place wasn't so goddamned rank!
[Nov 14,2004 3:01pm - ArrowHead ""]
loser said: and if you actually read your contract it clearly says they will periodicly inspect rooms for contraban and for the fuckin teenie boppers who cant play by the rules...

I've been up there off and on for over 10 years, and they've still been unable to get my signature on one of those contracts. hehe.

I'd actually reccomend this to everone who goes there. Those contracts are the only thing that gives priority rights to seize gear, lock out bands, and search rooms. Without the contract, regular tenancy laws apply, and you actually have rights. I'm not sure how one could get out of signing one, I've just been there so long (longer than Luke even) that I seem to have slipped through the cracks.

[Nov 16,2004 7:13am - loser ""]
I think every band in Priority music hates me because they are all fags.

i dont hate you im just a fag!!!!! ha ahahahhahahhahahhahhahahhahahah
[Nov 16,2004 10:28am - automata  ""]
You play at priority loser? wich band?
[Jun 30,2005 6:56pm - Bird boy  ""]
The thing about priority is that it sucked so bad for so long that people only remember that it sucked. but that's in the past. I've gotten rooms there off an on for years and it has steadily improved to the point where it doesn't suck anymore, unless you suck. There still are some bad rooms, but most now kick any studios ass.
[Jun 30,2005 8:11pm - berry ""]
The automata was a great band. Where did you go?
[Jun 30,2005 8:41pm - berry ""]
Hey, is that you Gooney? You used to be in the Automata right? Dude, It's Frank from Clemastis. We used to jam right next to you when you were in Back of tha Neck. Remember when Chad almost broke my ribs in that battle of the bands at Priority? That sucked, and I was being such a pussy. Sorry to hear that you broke up. Do you want to play guitar for us? We have a bigass room and we need a guitarist and a singer. Just come down, we jam MON-TUE-WED-FRI from 7-11pm on the second floor.
[Jun 30,2005 8:56pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
You realize you're having a conversation with a post from a year ago, right?

The guys are all in Life in Seconds now. Look them up.

[Oct 2,2005 5:25pm - anonymous  ""]
anyone have prioritys phone #
[Oct 2,2005 5:30pm - Niccolai nli  ""]
I think it's on thier site

prioritymusiccomplex.com I think
[Oct 2,2005 9:09pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Haha, I hate spaces. Goratory got evicted from our space back in 01 or 02, cause we were loud, drunk, & beligerant. And when we played it was even louder! The owner/landlord hired a Mass State Police officer to accompany her to our room, the day b4 we had to leave, just to find out if we were going to be out on time! We were. And we left the most disgusting pile of empties & trash for her too. It was about 6 feet high and was held up by a broken, mold infested Refridgerator. I can still smell that room.
[Oct 2,2005 9:10pm - BornSoVile ""]
ugh, the fridge was fucking nasty.
[Oct 2,2005 9:34pm - ArrowHead ""]
Priority's # is 1-ton-of-sound. Speaking of which, I'm looking for a band to sub-let my room at priority. It's pretty much the biggest, nicest room there. Clean, HUGE, drum riser that can fit 3 kits, and a side storage room as well.

I'm looking for a band to split pay with me, I pay $50 a week alone, the band pays the other $50. I'm in the process of building a recording studio in there, so whatever band shares the room will obviously get free access to record time. (guinea pigs). I'm rarely even up there, so most schedules are workable, however I am pretty adamant about the no drinking or smoking in the rooms policy. Smoking damages the gear, and the smoking room is RIGHT across from my room. Drinking in the room is unneccesary, theres a bar down the street. I've been up there a long time, it's a gay rule, but I've never had any trouble with luke and I get treated really well because of it.

Anyways, amateurs and retards need not inquire. Also, people who like to fuck with gear that isn't theirs are out. I had a band I roomed with play a gig... with MY drumkit. Never even asked. I never touch anything that's not mine, I can give some good refferals for that from my old roommate, and I'm very respectful, clean, and good about paying on time.

[Oct 2,2005 10:50pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Shit Fuck desperatley needs a place to jam, for maybe 2-4 hours a week. Hopefully around the Framingham/Natick/Wayland area. We've been without a jam space for 3 months now, looking for something in-exspensive, and we only really have our drum kit and practice amps. We don't take up much space, and normally are pretty fast when jamming. Anyone can help in any way/shape/or form PLEASE let me know. E-mail me at Nessie117@gmail.com or IM me at Nessie117.

Please, think of the children.
[Oct 3,2005 10:45am - babyshaker ""]
loser said:Stay away from the studios on Herred ave in Brockton...Several b&e's the fuckin elevator never works and all the studios are on like the 100th floor...The halls are all dark and full of piss dirty needles and broken bottles..THERES ABSOLUTLY NO SECURITY the front door was wide open every time i went there and the people on the first floor who live in a abandend warehouse let there dog shit every where...Just trying to look out for ya...Oh yeah and when our room got broken into no one gave a flyin fuck i couldn't even get the owner to come down!!!!!!!

Def stay away from herrod ave we just left there...i wish i had seen this thread before our room got broken into TWICE...the owner never came down as well....plus you gotta deal with crack head Ed bothering you all the time and i bet who ever this luke is Ed is 100 times more annoying
[Nov 29,2005 12:16am - anonymous  ""]
luke is fucking sour.
[Nov 29,2005 1:58pm - soloman ""]
arrowhead be's representin Priorty muthafuckka.
[Apr 5,2006 9:57am - anonymous  ""]
We were paying $400 a month at the MassMusic Complex in Taunton, which was pretty good. We paid $340 a month at BlackBird Studios in Brockton, but the elevators never worked and the management there does not own the building, so parking was a problem, there was no security (all bands on 3 floors share the same access keys to all three floors), but overall it was not a terrible experience.

Best so far has been BandStandLive in Taunton. The building is all new construction, heat/electricity included, massively freight elevator, in-house drum and guitar stores, multi recording studios, soundpeople, photographers, web developers, all rent there too. Room rental includes, a secure door, thumbprint access to building and floor, key entry to individual rooms, Internet access, web space, email, in-room phone line with voice mail (incoming calls are free, you pay for outgoing calls). Friendly helpful staff that RETURN PHONE CALLS QUICKLY. 24/6 access due to the thumbprint. RIDICULOUSLY EASY IN OUT FOR GIGS, with again... WORKING massive freight elevator, provided rolling carts, ramps, etc.

Finally, if that were not enough, no smoking in the building so there is reduced chance of your gear up in smoke or suffering water damage, plasma tv, conference table/meeting area, pool table in main lobby. And Aurora their new club/venue for rehearsal, live recording, and shows. The best ever environemnt to date, and the rent.... hold on to your hat is under $400 a month... all inclusive. No deposits required.
[Apr 5,2006 9:58am - anonymous  ""]
Excuse my topos... massive freight elevator (did I mention it always works)... 24/7 not 24/6 access. I do not work for them, but am just a seriously happy renter.
[Apr 5,2006 1:06pm - XmikeX bored at work  ""]
1. Goonie doesn't have a computer. He lives on a farm in EB, and barely has a phone.
2. If he did have a computer he'd probably smash it as opposed to use it.
3. I agree with Nick, the best thing about Priority is that the whole building makes basically no sense. It reminds me of the Winchester house that was built by the widow of the founder of Winchester rifle company. She built this giant house for all the ghosts of the people killed by her dead husband's invention. But she built, or tore something down literally every single day for 38 years, and claimed the spirits or whatever were telling her what to build. So there were staircases that lead to nowhere, and doors that opened up to walls. There one staircase that had like 44 steps, and 7 turns, but was only 9 feet high. That's all I can think of when I'm in Priority.
[Apr 5,2006 2:11pm - the_reverend ""]
that winchester place is awesome.

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