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New Pillory song

[Sep 7,2004 6:40pm - pillorydan ""]
There's a rough mix of our song Grandular in the pillory web site....

Our Full Length should be out in a couple months...

Lets us know what you think of the song....

[Sep 7,2004 6:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
sounds great!
is that god or jesus on the drums?
[Sep 7,2004 6:53pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 7,2004 10:56pm - ArrowHead ""]
pillorydan said:There's a rough mix of our song Grandular in the pillory web site....


What's a Grandular?

[Sep 8,2004 1:10am - El Justin  ""]
this fucking rules

i want a cd when this is all finished
[Sep 8,2004 1:48am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
pillory makes me juicy, i am psyched to play with them again New Years Eve, the acacia strain is playing too who else plays is a mystery
[Sep 8,2004 2:05am - attendmyrequiem ""]
this fucking rules.

i'm totally gonna pick this cd up!

sorta reminds me of Kalibas... anyone else hear that?
[Sep 8,2004 9:10am - TYAG  ""]
sounds fucking badass!
[Sep 8,2004 3:57pm - ArrowHead ""]
[Sep 8,2004 5:24pm - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
It's just a rough mix, but it's getting there. I'm hoping the full length will out my mid to late October. As far as the drumming, everyone on here should know by know either by my work with Goratory or Pillory what i do. I am also avaliable for studio work, email me if you need professional tracks.
[Sep 8,2004 5:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
Darren is a Samurai.
[Sep 8,2004 9:57pm - cdan ""]
hey, while you're checking out our new sssick track, pick up a new Pillory "Boston Brutalitarianism" t-shirt, before all the trendy hardcore kids are wearin' em!


go already! http://www.pillorygrind.com
[Sep 8,2004 10:03pm - nick ""]
i think the vocals are pretty boring.
i thought the noise track playing on the main website with the animal noises and stuff was sick though.
high five for that.
[Sep 8,2004 10:10pm - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
yeah, the vocals aren't mixed yet, but i don't know what's boring about varied hardcore vocals, with inhales and low gurlges. No one does that as far as i know, and u didn't mention the drumming.
[Sep 8,2004 10:14pm - ArrowHead ""]
nick said:i think the vocals are pretty boring.

Yeah, I was shooting for a vibe somewhere between boring and veiled homosexuality.

[Sep 8,2004 10:20pm - cdan ""]
hmm, its not too "veiled"
[Sep 8,2004 10:24pm - ArrowHead ""]
I dunno, I think I managed to veil it pretty well with that boston accent.
[Sep 8,2004 10:38pm - nick ""]
sorry guys, just my opinion.
im a huge fan of inhales.
the main vocals just dont do anything for me.
i think you are missing my point that the noise track is great.
high five.
[Sep 8,2004 10:42pm - hybrid ""]
i like it a lot. want a new vocalist? i'll come do vocals for you. haha.
[Sep 8,2004 11:36pm - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
still didn't mention the drumming
[Sep 9,2004 12:22am - BornSoVile ""]
Darren I'm gonna beat you down. I need me a Pillory shirt.
[Sep 9,2004 1:06am - ArrowHead ""]
I think pillory shirts and fro-hawks go great together!
[Sep 9,2004 1:10am - BornSoVile ""]
To bad I don't have neither.
[Sep 9,2004 1:17am - attendmyrequiem ""]
remember these are the kids who make fun of DEP because hardcore kids wear dep shirt yet love new dimmu borgir who have nu-metal fans.

or say lord worm is greater than disalvo...

meaning don't listen to anyone but me.

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