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Abhorred, 5 Minutes Hate, and Thanos Nocturnum Evo's

Evo's Art Space (Lowell, Ma) - [5_minutes_hate][abhorred][coffin_birth][randomshots][thanos_nocturnum]
[Apr 22,2004 4:36pm - assuck ""]
Evo's in Lowell

Does anyone know anything else about this show? Other bands? that kinda thing?
[Apr 22,2004 4:37pm - assuck ""]
either way people need to come to lowell and make Abhorred's presence known.
[Apr 22,2004 4:43pm - Siberia ""]
There is one other band playing called Genuine Rust. It's 21+ and although it's small the sound system is really nice. We had a lot of fun there a couple weeks ago, it's a nice venue.
[Apr 23,2004 10:47am - assuck ""]
awesome thank you
[Apr 23,2004 12:05pm - Siberian  ""]
No problem! Are you guys from Lowell?

We ran into a few snags on the way down last time. We had two vehicles, Dave and I were in front, Brad and the rest of the guys with all the gear were following. We get into Lowell and stop at a stop light and Brad pulls up next to us and says If I don't piss now I'm gonna die. Luckily there's a gas station to the right of us and we pull in there, all of us go running out of our vehicles to the bushes to piss and the next thing we hear is HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK THERE. Fucking cops. They pulled all of our ID's and ran their checks on them. One cop was really cool, the other was a fucking dink! The cool cop was like I didn't know if you all had just robbed the place or what? Anyway, they let us go but what a fucking pain.
[Apr 23,2004 12:14pm - assuck ""]
jesus that sucks. but yeah we're from chelmsford, next town over from lowell. i think i'll piss ahead of time though.
[Apr 23,2004 12:25pm - Siberian  ""]
Yup, the exact words from the cool cop...
"Next time you're in Lowell, use a toilet" That was the best piece of advice I got all day!

[Apr 23,2004 2:03pm - pessimist ""]
you should have reminded him that lowell IS a toilet
[Apr 23,2004 2:34pm - Siberian  ""]
Had I known at the time..............

Shit you wanna talk about toilets, I used to live in Marlboro!
[Apr 23,2004 6:32pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
yup and I (Dave also from 5 minuteshate) lived in Malden, or Ballsden as i would prefere to call it
[Apr 25,2004 12:37pm - assuck ""]
[May 15,2004 5:14pm - assuck ""]
bump motherfuckers...

i believe the lineup is as follows:

Genuine Rust
5 Minutes Hate
Thanos Nocturnum

Come to lowell, bitches
[May 15,2004 8:02pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How about a date?
[May 15,2004 8:07pm - abhorred ""]
haha.....ben is a fucking idiot.....it is friday may 28 @ 9pm
[May 15,2004 9:30pm - Dissector ""]
I fuckin hate lowell.
[May 15,2004 10:29pm - Aegathis ""]
my band (Coffin birth) should be playing there, I was just talking to that guy Keith about it last night, i think hes the guy running the show. Oh by the way Im going to be filling in on bass for Leukoria this thurusday, and hopefully Leukoria and Coffin birth will be both be able to play on Friday as well on Cape.
[May 16,2004 1:12am - 666abhorred666  ""]
Dissector said:I fuckin hate lowell.

you don't have to tell me brother.......i share your hatred for this dirty, smelly, shit hole of a city!
[May 16,2004 10:17am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I love the place that sells live ducks to eat
[May 16,2004 11:28am - assuck ""]
wow i forgot to post the date of the show. thats it. i'm kicking myself out of the band.
[May 18,2004 4:27pm - assuck ""]
[May 18,2004 6:18pm - Siberian  ""]
Hey, the line up I got from Tim at Evos is Genuine Rust, Thanos Nocturnum, 5 Minutes Hate and Abhorred. Tim is the man too, Lowell may be a shithole but Evos is a really nice, comfortable atmosphere to play in. We'll see you all soon.
[May 19,2004 3:28pm - assuck ""]
is that the order the bands are playing in?
[May 19,2004 3:53pm - Siberian  ""]
As far as I know it is!?!?! Let me get in touch with Tim and find out for sure.
[May 19,2004 5:45pm - assuck ""]
cool. email me whwen you find out

[May 20,2004 10:10pm - assuck ""]
[May 22,2004 11:35pm - Aegathis ""]
Isnt the name of the guy setting this show up named Keith? He said that my band was defunatly still playing this shin dig. Any way will the rev. be there or is he just gonna get more friggin pictures of in flames and killswitch? If ya ask me theres plenty of pics of killswitch, and theres none of Thanos nocturnum, and this is probably gonna be there last show. Come on man dont ditch this show just to be with the bigger ones, again.
[May 23,2004 2:33am - The_ExhumeD ""]
fucking 21+ BAHHHHHH
[May 23,2004 1:13pm - assuck ""]
this is gonna be thanos' last show? i didnt now that.
[May 23,2004 7:24pm - Aegathis ""]
Yea i guess theyre taking a short break from this band. Any way I was assured that my band ( Coffin Birth) would be playing this show , but its not listed on this site or anywhere else. Please some one let me know whether or not im being yanked cause we really need to play !!
[May 23,2004 10:27pm - assuck ""]
i'll see what i can find out
[May 24,2004 9:42am - Siberian  ""]

I'm still trying to find out the details as well, hopefully I'll hear something in the next day or two. Evo's Site states the lineup as Genuine Rust, Thanos Nocturnum, 5 Minutes Hate and Abhorred. I'll let you all know when/if I find out.
[May 24,2004 10:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
5 Minutes Hate was fucking awesome on Friday night.
[May 24,2004 10:55am - Siberian  ""]
Thanks Joe! We're always looking to play in MA, if anyone's interested in booking us we won't let you down!
[May 24,2004 3:00pm - pessimist ""]
actually, evo's site lists us as Abhord. thats lowell for you, geniuses, all geniuses
[May 24,2004 5:27pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[May 24,2004 9:35pm - Aegathis ""]
yea billy is the guitarist/vocalist
[May 25,2004 3:17pm - pessimist ""]
i talked to Keith today and Coffin Birth is definantly playing, so you guys are all set...
[May 25,2004 3:33pm - Siberian  ""]
pessimist said:i talked to Keith today and Coffin Birth is definantly playing, so you guys are all set...

So, what's the lineup and everything?!?!?!

[May 25,2004 4:06pm - assuck ""]
yea this show is confusing... my guess is... i dont even have a guess at this point
[May 26,2004 5:25pm - pessimist ""]
i believe: coffin birth, 5 minutes hate, abhorred, thanos nocturnum. the show starts at 8:30.
[May 26,2004 5:45pm - assuck ""]
done and done
[May 26,2004 11:16pm - aegathis ""]
DO ya think the rev will be there?
[May 27,2004 12:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I know I will be there, isn't that enough? I can buy a brooks brand disposable camera and take pictures if you want.
[May 27,2004 4:17pm - assuck ""]
we dont want the rev at our shows taking pictures. we're too underground for that.
[May 27,2004 10:57pm - Aegathis ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I know I will be there, isn't that enough? I can buy a brooks brand disposable camera and take pictures if you want.

Awsome dude!! We would really appreciate that.
[May 27,2004 11:07pm - Aegathis ""]
Actually you know what joe, my drummer might bring his digital down , if you could use that while we play that would be cool.
[May 28,2004 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
what time does this show start?
[May 28,2004 10:44am - Siberian  ""]
I've heard 8:30 and 9:00, we're shooting for arriving around 7.
[May 28,2004 11:58am - RustedAngel ""]
i'd like to go to this.. maybe i will if my current plans fall through
[May 28,2004 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm considering going to this too...
heavily considering.
[May 28,2004 1:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
5 Minutes Hate and Abhorred, you can't really go wrong.
[May 28,2004 1:19pm - succubus ""]
well as i told the people who asked me to go, if aaron goes, then i'm not needed
[May 28,2004 1:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
carina, if he goes, and I go, you are needed.
[May 28,2004 1:30pm - blue ""]
its official. ill be at this shizzle as well. im very interested to see 5 minutes hate again, they were great at obriens. and of course, my favorite band in the world, abwhatevertheirnameis.
[May 28,2004 1:38pm - Aegathis ""]
Hey Rev that would be awsome if you went, my band might actually be playing at 830, not sure cause ive heard a whole lot of different times.
[May 28,2004 1:50pm - succubus ""]
Aegathis said:Any way will the rev. be there or is he just gonna get more friggin pictures of in flames and killswitch? If ya ask me theres plenty of pics of killswitch, and theres none of Thanos nocturnum, and this is probably gonna be there last show. Come on man dont ditch this show just to be with the bigger ones, again.

he goes to shows he WANTS to go to ..

PLENTY OF local and larger acts

[May 28,2004 1:51pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Umm, Aaron goes to alot of smaller shows. Saying he always passes them up for the bigger shows is pretty ignorant
[May 28,2004 2:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
i agree, what you said was pretty gay.

if i were rev i'd go to the show and only take pictures of the bands after your band.
[May 28,2004 2:48pm - Aegathis ""]
Why? I think i was speaking for everyone at this show, and i never said he always passes the smaller shows up.
[May 28,2004 2:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
Aegathis said:Why? I think i was speaking for everyone at this show, and i never said he always passes the smaller shows up.

no, i don't think you are speaking for everyone AT THIS show that hasn't even happend yet.
[May 28,2004 3:04pm - assuck ""]
stop fighting you're ruining my birthday party!

but seriously, i hope all who said they will be there tonight are actually there. this includes people on this thread and other people who always lie to us and say theyre coming...bastards
[May 28,2004 3:06pm - Aegathis ""]
Its come to my attention that i offended the rev. with one of my statrments here and i would like to apologize for it. I have nothing but total respect for what he does.
[May 28,2004 3:18pm - succubus ""]
nope, you only semi offended his girlfriend
but she's ultra sensitive as of late due to being in the hospital and junk
people always ask him to go to shows and when he didn't go in order to stay with me, some people whined, ah well

it's all good
i don't know if i can make it tonight...5 minutes hate asked me to go..if i do..it's my first show in a while..i'll see what i can do.
[May 28,2004 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going too.
someone guess list me or I'll just say I'm there to shot ___ band.
that usually works for door people.
[May 28,2004 7:17pm - blue ""]
if anyone in abhorred is still on (which most likely none of you are) joe says to bring a stack of demos for him.
[May 28,2004 7:49pm - anonymous  ""]
I got a stack of demos for you right here, blue, you white devil.
[May 28,2004 7:50pm - SmallBrownRatFuck@work  ""]
Woops, that was me.
[May 28,2004 7:51pm - blue ""]
and on that note kev kev, ill see you in a little while.

[May 28,2004 7:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
kevin gets a little ghey on the weekend
[May 29,2004 1:15am - the_reverend ""]
that show was great.
I'm almost home!
[May 29,2004 2:28am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
[May 29,2004 3:00am - the_reverend ""]
I saw a cool accident on the way to the show. then succubus and rustedangel surprised me by showing up.

coffin birth: it was their first show. I was expecting coffin text (probably just cause of the name), but instead it was black/death metal with some utopia banished age naplam death. these guys definitly are on the right track with the music and they were very comfortable up there on the stage. only problem was that I could't hear the bass at all. there was a part where the guitar was doing a soft, sporatic solo and the bass was "punk punk" along softly, but I couldn't hear it at all.

5 minutes hate: they fixed the bass issues during his set and turned it up after a song or two. these guys get better and better. only one of their songs still sounded like what I remembered assemble the remains sounding like, the last song. pretty sure the singer's been listening to the new from a second story window cause the vocals are definitly hearding in that direction. he goes crazy live and seemed a little too confined on that small stage. at a few points the bass player would snap and look like he wanted to throw his bass around. best not to on that small stage.

abhorred: you know what's wrong with lowell? there is nothing open downtown at night. so I was a little late to the abhorred set from some $30 per sandwich faux-italian cafe. this time the abhorred didn't their usual "more time than we planned so let's play a bunch of covers" and stuck mostly with the demo plus a new song. I wonder when and what's going to be on the full length.

thanos nocturnum: first time seeing these guys too. they are a 2 piece rawblack metal band, this 93-ish black metal. not really as grim and cold and dark, but in the same vien. They even covered an Emporer track which was pretty cool. unfortunately, I had to go to my work before heading home and I have to get up early to finish up moving so I cut out early from their set.
[May 29,2004 4:38am - aegathis ""]
I would like to say thanx to all that came out and supported all of us bands that played, especially Keith for letting us play, and the rev for the pictures. And what exactly is "punk punk."
[May 29,2004 9:36am - the_reverend ""]
there was a part where the bassist was just fingering the strings.
thats what I meant.
[May 29,2004 1:06pm - blue ""]
fingering = tapping.
[May 29,2004 3:09pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
I tapped blue last night. He liked it a lot. :shocker:

Oh, and the show was lots of fun. I particularly liked the part when Abhorred refused to play 'peanut butter (something or other)'. Great venue.
[May 29,2004 3:42pm - assuck ""]
I would just like to point out the presence of CastleDoomerOwn in the Down shirt.

[May 29,2004 3:46pm - blue ""]
may 21 @ obriens - "death metal is the only music i listen to."
last night @ evos - "black metal is the best music ever."
[May 29,2004 4:09pm - assuck ""]
silly castledoomerown
[May 29,2004 5:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh that wacky castledoomerown and his mischevious ways
[May 29,2004 7:28pm - Aegathis ""]
Yea he was telling us the same thing pretty much last night. That he only listens to black metal, but likes death metal. However he did video tape us while we were playing , which we really appreciated. He told us his name was Nick, is that right?
[May 29,2004 11:20pm - malice ""]
yeah.. i think he was one of those type of kids who'd say anything to get along with a crowd

thats ok though, he had a pretty crazy growling ability :D

and also......................................... he really fucking sucked at recording us. all he got was anthony (aegathis), 15 seconds of allen, 10 seconds of james, and he was too damned close. shouldve had billy tape it
[May 29,2004 11:50pm - Aegathis ""]
Yea i shoulda gave him some instructions first i guess.
[May 30,2004 1:13pm - Aegathis ""]
Allen told me the video does sound rather good, cant wait to get it on computer for all to see. If people are really interested in seeing it with out downloading it let me know cause i was thinking about burning a few copies on cd for some people.
[Jun 25,2004 10:07pm - aztaroth  ""]
thanos is not going to end i am simply going o getanoherdrummer to take ands place since he doesnt wantto play any more. i am thinking about getting pee from ex- achernar fame. o yeah this is billy from thanos.
[Jun 27,2004 12:22pm - Robdeadskin ""]
billy ...yo its rob...what up fucker!!
[Jul 5,2004 4:36pm - Aegathis ""]
Really, andy doesnt wanna play any more? That dude is an awsome drummer.
[Jul 5,2004 5:06pm - Robdeadskin ""]
andy was good..I jammed with him before
[Jul 5,2004 5:35pm - assuck ""]
its a small world
[Dec 22,2004 9:03am - anonymous  ""]
its not that andy doesn't want to play anymore, tell the truth aztaroth...its that andy doesn't want to play with BILLY anymore. andy is still playing.
[Dec 22,2004 10:26am - Aegathis  ""]
Is Billy playing in any bands now?
[Dec 22,2004 3:15pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Lost in touch with him myself
[Dec 22,2004 3:25pm - Aegathis  ""]
Oops I meant to ask is andy still playing in any bands now, I know where billy is.
[Dec 22,2004 3:58pm - Robdeadskin ""]
then tell billy to get in touch withme...
[Dec 22,2004 4:02pm - Aegathis ""]
I occasionally see him on aim but he doesnt ever say much ,nor does he stay on long. Thats the only way i have to get in touch with him , at Greven Aztaroth.
[Dec 23,2004 8:38am - anonymous  ""]
yup andy is in a band now, but he's looking for another metal band, so if you know anyone who's interested....
[Dec 23,2004 10:26am - Aegathis  ""]
Id like to have him in my band but hes kinda far from the cape.
[Dec 23,2004 10:44am - anonymous  ""]
true true,
he says to give him a ring if you're ever in the area...
[Dec 23,2004 10:46am - Aegathis ""]
hmm ok, think i still have his number around here some where.

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