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Sep 7 (Fri) - Katatonia, Scar Symmetry, Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Dreaded Silence. $20, 6PM, 18+. email dreadedsilence@gmail.com for ticket info. - Mark's Show Place (Bedford, NH)[view flyer]

9/7 - Katatonia, Scar Symmetry, Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Dreaded Silence @ Mark's Showplace

Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH) - [dreaded_silence][eternal_embrace][frozen][insomnium][katatonia][randomshots][scar_symmetry][swallow_the_sun][tripmynd]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Sep 6,2007 9:44am - sinistas ""]
We'll have 'em for you, Dan.
[Sep 6,2007 9:52am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I really really wanted to go but I will be poor.
[Sep 6,2007 2:07pm - inject-now ""]
the marks showplace myspace has some other bands mentioned as well...

katatonia going on at 1am?
[Sep 6,2007 2:22pm - sinistas ""]
*They* have other bands mentioned, but *I* don't.

[Sep 6,2007 3:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
Ok, so I will need 4 tickets so far, But I know Mike and Mark are going too. So when do you want to meet up, at the show or?

I guess give me your # or call me 978 476 9161
[Sep 6,2007 4:18pm - sinistas ""]
I'll buzz you later.
[Sep 6,2007 5:43pm - poop ""]
anyone know the set-times?
[Sep 6,2007 9:02pm - sinistas ""]
We're on at 7:45, that's all I'm sure of.
[Sep 7,2007 6:46am - sinistas ""]
This is tonight. Come rock out with us!
[Sep 7,2007 7:00am - the_reverend ""]
I'm so there
[Sep 7,2007 7:22am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
sinistas, this is poop nli, my comp wont let me log out of matts
i think i need 2-4 tickets, ill know for sure by lunch time but at least 2 def
[Sep 7,2007 7:32am - the_reverend ""]
im going to see if I can get a list of all the bands/times.
[Sep 7,2007 12:03pm - dreadkill ""]
[Sep 7,2007 12:49pm - inject-now ""]
the_reverend said:im going to see if I can get a list of all the bands/times.


i don't want to be in that shithole anymore than i have to.
[Sep 7,2007 2:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
Still need 6 or 7 tickets

[Sep 7,2007 2:58pm - dreadkill ""]
dan, we have tickets for you. scott just told me he's going to call you soon.
[Sep 7,2007 3:26pm - inject-now ""]
any word on set times aaron?
[Sep 7,2007 3:41pm - Nash nli  ""]
I will be there, can't make it untill around 9 though. Good luck to Dreaded Silence, you guys will slay!
[Sep 7,2007 3:58pm - Phrozenspite ""]
hey guys I need 3-4 tickets from anyone playing call me 603-568-2181
[Sep 7,2007 4:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 7,2007 5:19pm - poop nli  ""]
dreaded silence, we're buying 4 tickets off ya
[Sep 7,2007 6:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
I may have missed your call cause my phone was off, Someobne call me again!

Need 7 tickets I believe
[Sep 7,2007 7:42pm - the_reverend ""]
dan, I showed that to ken, but it might be too late for them since they are going on now and you should be driving 90 towards this place.

eternal embrace: they were decent. It sounded better on the ralph's stage. If i had been a few minutes later, i would have missed them.

frozen: the first 2 songs sounded more like NBC era soilwork than frozen. (back when soilwork wasn't a nu metal band) I'm not sure if it was colin's stepped up drumming or what, but sounded totally like radical. Speaking of that dooder, he was sporting a new set of dreds.
[Sep 7,2007 7:55pm - inject-now ""]
aaron, any word on when katatonia goes on?
[Sep 7,2007 8:48pm - the_reverend ""]
11:35 to 1:05
sorry, I forgot to post the times.
[Sep 7,2007 8:50pm - inject-now ""]
sweet! leaving at 10
[Sep 7,2007 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]
ha! I think they are 5 minutes ahead of schedule, but that won't last long.

Wow, there are a shit-ton of bands coming to marks. I'm sort of in awe.

Dreaded Silence: the rumors about this band mostly revolve around the fact that they all love the same bands and all share clothing. Except for little anthony who hasn't worn a shirt since graduation. I spent the whole time they were on stage trying to get shots of ken moving away from the mix to breath. Most of their songs were available on their demo that they were giving out. Opening for katatonia for the second time and you think ken would have gotten used to it by now. Be had the look of a little schoolgirl mixed with someone who's afraid to poop. I heard a bit more opeth in their set. Scott's stage motions remind me of the guy from candiria... watching him move makes me feel like i'm watching a gay dude hit on me.

tripmynd: any band that replaces an "I" with a "y" is automativally nu-metal. It does the exact opposite of replacing a "c" with a "k", a "s" with a "z", or a "t" with an upsidedown cross. This band is the answer to the question "I like both tool and fear factory, what if they had a love child?" they even did a sepultura cover. They definitely had the largest crowd thus far of the night. I have a feeling that their friends and fans will not be staying past one doom band.
[Sep 7,2007 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
swallow the sun: they were pretty awesome. A complete surprise. The singer had a really raspy voice. Hard to place their sound. Black/doom,but if I didn't know better, I would have guessed they were from the south and not across the seas.

insomnium: they had the keyboardist from swallow the sun. Pretty friggin cool. I could have easily left at this point and been a happy camper. Melodic metal with some katatonia elements mixed in.
[Sep 8,2007 2:24am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading.
[Sep 8,2007 8:05am - Eternal Embrace  ""]
Someone described Swallow the Sun pretty well last night, a more solid version of Slumber. I think they had a little Rapture in their sound as well.
[Sep 8,2007 11:41am - sinistas ""]
Had a great time last night. And yes Aaron, I was totally hitting on you.
[Sep 8,2007 1:04pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Oh, I was the one that yelled out "Go back to 1997!" at Tripmynd.

And I actually DID leave after Insomnium and was a happy camper. My back was killing me and I didn't feel like dealing with Scar Symmetry again.
[Sep 8,2007 1:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i_am_lazy said:Oh, I was the one that yelled out "Go back to 1997!" at Tripmynd.

hahaha those guys were so terrible. the line up for this show should have been... Dreaded Silence, Swallow the Sun, Insomnium, and then Katatonia. the end.

[Sep 8,2007 2:35pm - Phrozenspite ""]
If you read this or if anyone knows who the girl on the left was could ya kindly pass on her contact info I forgot to ask because she left right before Scar Symmetry
[Sep 8,2007 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
it was amazing that the front row didn't change for the entire night. how the hell those people stood there from 6pm until 1am I will never know. I'm guessing padded shoes.
[Sep 8,2007 4:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Did anyone else get a sunburn on their face from those nuclear powered stage lights?
[Sep 8,2007 5:00pm - pam ""]
i_am_lazy said:Oh, I was the one that yelled out "Go back to 1997!" at Tripmynd.

That was so amazing.

This show was awesome. My back and feet killed and the smoke/heat/shitty beer/UV spotlight was fucking unbearable, but it was worth it. Katatonia was amazing. I liked Swallow The Sun and Insomnium a lot too. Could have done without Scar Symmetry. Jonas should have stuck with Carnal Forge and Centinex. I'm pissed there was so much traffic causing me to miss Frozen and only catch the last DS song.

Thanks for pot smoking after, Tom!
[Sep 8,2007 5:02pm - Aegathis ""]
the_reverend said:Except for little anthony who hasn't worn a shirt since graduation.

that kid's never worn a shirt live for more than 5 minutes, i swear hes trying to impress even his own hot mom sometimes >:]>:]>:]
[Sep 8,2007 5:47pm - Phrozenspite ""]
the_reverend said:it was amazing that the front row didn't change for the entire night. how the hell those people stood there from 6pm until 1am I will never know. I'm guessing padded shoes.

by about halfway thru Katatonia I felt like I was going to die
[Sep 8,2007 6:04pm - dreadkill ""]
i had an amazing time at this show. thanks to everyone who checked us out/got tickets from us/bought a cd/grabbed a sampler and sticker/said hi/enjoyed our set/etc. it was much appreciated. eternal embrace and frozen sounded great, missed tripmynd for the most part while loading out. swallow the sun, insomnium, and katatonia were great and scar symmetry was decent too. got a chance to talk to mattias and freddy from katatonia after the show and they were awesome dudes.
[Sep 8,2007 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]
scar symmetry: I tried to give their CDs a chance, but it's not for me. Same with the live set. They played the music really well, but not my bag. A lot of people seemed to dig them, but I was way too much like never soilwork and nu-metal. Sorry dudes. If that guy was in centinex and carnal forge and quit those to do this, I would appreciate someone punching him in the beans. That would be like leaving in flames (circa whoracle) and joining in flame (circa come clarity)

katatonia: Ì would put myself around a 6 in the 1 to 10 scale of katatonia fans. I approach them like I do pink floyd or actually more like opeth damnation. I wait 15-20 minutes for the one part were the singer screams. I vaguely remember their last show here, but for some reason, I remember it being better. This time, I didn't recognize a single song. Last time, I knew 2. Maybe they played bother of the songs I knew once I left? No wait, I knew the song ealier in the set that had the word "fuck" in the chorus. maybe next year, I will be a 7th level katatonia fan. don't bet on it.
[Sep 8,2007 8:19pm - sinistas ""]
The stage lights are fucking ridiculous there. My arm kept sliding off the guitar, I was sweating so bad.
[Sep 8,2007 8:28pm - the_reverend ""]
you mean more that usual? wow.. that is sweaty.
[Sep 8,2007 8:50pm - sinistas ""]
It's hard being a fat guy.
[Sep 8,2007 8:56pm - the_reverend ""]
tell me about it.
[Sep 8,2007 10:25pm - sinistas ""]
Somehow I get the feeling that you wouldn't understand. haha
[Sep 9,2007 3:05am - Arist ""]
The show was fucking awesome! Swallow the sun and Insomnium made my night
[Sep 10,2007 10:19pm - Arist ""]
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Drummer for Swallow The sun on this tour was Kai Hahto of WINTERSUN....... fucking shit if I realized it I would've tried to meet him
[Sep 10,2007 11:03pm - dreadkill ""]
yar, pasi pasinen couldn't tour because of work issues.

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