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don't complain about NE metalfest cost of tix

[Apr 2,2006 7:40pm - succubus ""]
i know some people were bitching about the cost of the tix going up...well the people organzing it are pissed about having to raise the prices themselves

blame it on metal being "en vogue" .. a lot of bands raised their costs of playing the show..a lot DOUBLED their price...one band went so far as raise their price when they found out they were "headlining" one night...

some bands were asked to play...bands that started out playing the palladium..one LOCAL band wanted 18k to play (they are not on it)....anyhow, i won't name names but people got greedy...and that's why
[Apr 2,2006 7:42pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
The ticket prices are reasonable.The only complaint that I have is the 99 percent of the bands SUCK BALLS!!!
[Apr 2,2006 7:45pm - give me head...liners  ""]
I wont have to complain since I'm not buying tix and I never will. Fests are a joke.
[Apr 2,2006 7:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am only going on Saturday.
[Apr 2,2006 8:31pm - cdan nli  ""]

please name some names.
[Apr 2,2006 8:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
jeez, we'd play that fest for free and we could draw more people than some of the lame bands they're probably paying. hah.
[Apr 2,2006 8:36pm - KeithMutiny ""]
RustedAngel said:jeez, we'd play that fest for free and we could draw more people than some of the lame bands they're probably paying. hah.

i could see that.
[Apr 2,2006 8:40pm - Phillip ""]
succubus said:
some bands were asked to play...bands that started out playing the palladium..one LOCAL band wanted 18k to play (they are not on it)....anyhow, i won't name names but people got greedy...and that's why

18 fucking thousand dollars to play one show??
holy fucking shit!
what do they think they are, fucking pop stars?
[Apr 2,2006 8:45pm - dreadkill ""]
was it killswitch or shadows fall?
[Apr 2,2006 8:55pm - succubus ""]
cdan nli said:
please name some names.

someone just did =)

[Apr 2,2006 9:14pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, someone always gets it right in the end.. er.. well, at least 1/2 right in the end
[Apr 2,2006 9:17pm - sacreligion ""]
$18,000??!! someone forgot their roots
[Apr 2,2006 9:41pm - pam ""]
that is sickening.
[Apr 2,2006 9:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
$18,000!? I didn't know a year's subscription to the NAMBLA newsletter cost that much.
[Apr 2,2006 9:55pm - davefromthegrave ""]
see, if I was running the show, and some bands wanted so much money that i had to raise ticket prices, i'd just find bands that weren't so fucking greedy. that way it would at least still be a metalfest, instead of a moneyfest.

but I'm stupid enough to care about art, so what the fuck do i know?
[Apr 2,2006 10:00pm - succubus ""]
well as i said above, they said no to that band and they're not playing this year
[Apr 2,2006 10:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 2,2006 10:11pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Is there any way I can make it so my money just goes to GAMMA RAY?
[Apr 2,2006 10:42pm - davefromthegrave ""]
buy their shirts + crap
[Apr 2,2006 10:51pm - eddie ""]
davefromthegrave said:buy their shirts + crap

something like 20% of that still goes to people putting on the show
[Apr 3,2006 12:07am - brian_dc ""]
I'm only mad that I can't afford to go for the first time in 3 years
[Apr 3,2006 12:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How the fuck did I wind up in this thread? Someone shoot me.
[Apr 3,2006 1:05am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
:gun: :point:
[Apr 3,2006 3:22am - Moran NLI  ""]
I'm gonna complain, becasue I really don't want to pay $40 to see Overcast. Its very aggravating.
[Apr 3,2006 3:26am - Tully ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Is there any way I can make it so my money just goes to GAMMA RAY?

I second this.
[Apr 3,2006 9:12am - cav ""]
my guess was Unearth too
[Apr 3,2006 9:32am - RustedAngel ""]
cav said:my guess was Unearth too

It's not Unearth...

someone mentioned Killswitch / Shadows Fall and Carina said it was one of them. Makes more sense.

Shadows Fall probably.
[Apr 3,2006 9:33am - dreadkill ""]
dreadkill said:was it killswitch or shadows fall?

i was leaning more toward shadows fall too. i can't think of any other local band besides these two big enough to demand that kind of money.
[Apr 3,2006 9:38am - RustedAngel ""]
well, shadows fall did play the mainstage at ozzfest last year....ha
[Apr 3,2006 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
I'm glad that in that little chain, heaven forbid, someone put in what i said to figure it out.
[Apr 3,2006 9:48am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, someone always gets it right in the end.. er.. well, at least 1/2 right in the end

hmmmm Now I'm thinking it's Killswitch, or Overcast? WTF?

1/2 right = killswitch
100% right = killswitch ENGAGE
[Apr 3,2006 9:56am - SteveOTB ""]
I'm not complaining about the prices at all. I counted 91 bands for the whole weekend at the price of $109.50. If you do the math that's $1.20 a band which is pretty good in my opinion.
[Apr 3,2006 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
tom, you really didn't read what I typed. I don't use underlining except on important things.
[Apr 3,2006 10:14am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:tom, you really didn't read what I typed. I don't use underlining except on important things.

you underlined END, help me out here.
[Apr 3,2006 10:14am - DreamingInExile ""]

my guess would have been Shadows Fall, and then I re-read Aarons post and validated my thoughts...
[Apr 3,2006 10:31am - Yeti ""]
dude i would play that show for free. greedy fucking pricks
[Apr 3,2006 10:34am - SteveOTB ""]
Yeti said:dude i would play that show for free. greedy fucking pricks

[Apr 3,2006 10:34am - DreamingInExile ""]
I agree, I'd play that show for free too...

I'm sure a lot of the unsigned bands in the area would play that show for free
[Apr 3,2006 10:42am - SteveOTB ""]
DreamingInExile said:I agree, I'd play that show for free too...

I'm sure a lot of the unsigned bands in the area would play that show for free

Dude even if I was signed I'd still do it for free to show where your roots are and not demand $18,000 for 30-45 minute set. My band all came to the conclusion that if we did get really big and some kid asked us to play a hall show we'd surprise them and do it. The feeling of someone saying "man I remember seeing them at this hall show" is a pretty good feeling; makes them feel like the band isn't all about money and fame.
[Apr 3,2006 10:46am - SteveOTB ""]
By the way if a band played a 45 minute set for $18,000.00 that's $400.00 a minute.
[Apr 3,2006 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
that's not a can do attitude there. sell out and then you will get signed and get all the money.
[Apr 3,2006 10:54am - dreadkill ""]
DreamingInExile said:I agree, I'd play that show for free too...

I'm sure a lot of the unsigned bands in the area would play that show for free

my band would
[Apr 3,2006 10:59am - Josh_Martin ""]
The whole point of the fest is for Massconcerts to make a profit. They squeeze every dollar they can out of it. Why shouldn't the bands get a piece of that? If they can get John Peters to pay them $18K, good for them. That's a drop in the bucket of what this fest will pull in.

[Apr 3,2006 11:09am - succubus ""]
did any of the bands on here submit their band? If yes, let me know. If you don't want to post your reply, PM it to me
[Apr 3,2006 11:10am - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:did any of the bands on here submit their band? If yes, let me know. If you don't want to post your reply, PM it to me

Tim sent our EP the 1st day they posted the RR address which was like March 1st or something. They said submissions closed on march 30th. No word.
[Apr 3,2006 11:12am - thedeparted ""]
how many kids are estimated to attend?
[Apr 3,2006 11:18am - DreamingInExile ""]
we would have submitted, but the latest CD from us wasn't back from the press yet, so we didn't even try
[Apr 3,2006 11:21am - Anthony nli  ""]
succubus said:did any of the bands on here submit their band? If yes, let me know. If you don't want to post your reply, PM it to me

Cryptic Warning did
[Apr 3,2006 11:23am - cav ""]
[Apr 3,2006 12:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't know why you guys waste the postage money and one of your albums, you must know you won't get on the thing.
[Apr 3,2006 12:38pm - thedeparted ""]
our cd isnt done, our tracks now sound like a shit so we didnt bother. didnt think we would get on anyway, but worth a shot.
[Apr 3,2006 12:44pm - dreadkill ""]
i haven't wanted to play this fest in a couple years. it used to be one of the highlights of the year for me, then they pretty much stopped getting good european bands and added way more american cookie cutter core.
[Apr 3,2006 12:45pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I believe we sent a CD to try and get on, against all odds. (ExAgenda, not Hatchet). Wasn't really too much of a waste, we just sent a CDr.
[Apr 3,2006 12:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Mass Concerts will make more money from paying bands to fill it up, then offering spots to local bands they don't have to pay because they just make their money back and then some on merch sales, which they cut into.

I forget which tour it was, but I was asked how much of a cut I was going to take from merch sales haha, I wasn't quite sure what they meant at first.
[Apr 3,2006 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
SteveOTB said:DreamingInExile said:I agree, I'd play that show for free too...

I'm sure a lot of the unsigned bands in the area would play that show for free

Dude even if I was signed I'd still do it for free to show where your roots are and not demand $18,000 for 30-45 minute set. My band all came to the conclusion that if we did get really big and some kid asked us to play a hall show we'd surprise them and do it. The feeling of someone saying "man I remember seeing them at this hall show" is a pretty good feeling; makes them feel like the band isn't all about money and fame.

i would absolutely do the same thing.
[Apr 3,2006 12:48pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I did find it shocking that a band like Killswitch or Shadows Fall, whose popularity relied HEAVILY on their Palladium appearances in the old days, would charge the Palladium so much. I wonder if it was simply some contractual thing with a booking agent and whether they had a choice.
[Apr 3,2006 12:51pm - succubus ""]
they had a choice...
Apr 3,2006 10:48am - the_reverend]
that's not a can do attitude there. sell out and then you will get signed and get all the money.
[Apr 3,2006 12:52pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well in that case, I am in fact appalled. But no more than I already was by those bands (just don't like their music).
[Apr 3,2006 12:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You guys probably haven't thought about some of these huge bands in business terms. View the band as a business, the band members are employees, on top of other staff (agent, band manager, road manager, lawyer, tech people etc) who all need to get paid. Bands like Unearth can't play shows they want to, they play shows they are booked to play by their agent. The band might not care about playing a hall show or a fest for less money, but all the people who make their living off the band do care because thats their bread and butter. They have legal contracts with all these people that they are obligated to follow, so showing their roots has nothing to do with this at all and you are all fools if you think thats the case.
[Apr 3,2006 12:55pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:You guys probably haven't thought about some of these huge bands in business terms. View the band as a business, the band members are employees, on top of other staff (agent, band manager, road manager, lawyer, tech people etc) who all need to get paid. Bands like Unearth can't play shows they want to, they play shows they are booked to play by their agent. The band might not care about playing a hall show or a fest for less money, but all the people who make their living off the band do care because thats their bread and butter. They have legal contracts with all these people that they are obligated to follow, so showing their roots has nothing to do with this at all and you are all fools if you think thats the case.

That's kind of what I meant, but I guess the Rev/Carina said otherwise?!?
[Apr 3,2006 12:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I can't believe I was put in a position where I had to stick up for big business metal bands. I hate you all.
[Apr 3,2006 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I've tried suggesting a couple bands to scott to have on the bill each year except for this one.. and I never get listened to.

there are a few bands who have posted here that would go over well. I wish I had the ability to pick the opening bands each day. but I don't seem to have any pull on the locals that get added.

if you want to get on metalfest here's how, get a show at cabbot st. impress scott lee, get people to dance, and get people in through the door. then talk to him. get him to take notice of your band. play cabbot st a few more times and BANG. you'll get on metalfest. it usually helps to have a friend who's "in" with scott to get shows at cabbot st too. like say if you are best fiends with ken susi (like 1/2 of you say you are).

the fact of the matter (love it or leave it) is that scott gets 450984529 demos and submissions and calls and emails. on top of all that, he's got all the local bands that are around him hounding to play. So if you haven't played cabbot st and are local, 99.999% assured to not get on metalfest.
[Apr 3,2006 12:59pm - succubus ""]
i'm def not a fool and know what i know but i'm nto going to say any more. you're oversimpliflying thigns joe...
[Apr 3,2006 1:01pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:

the fact of the matter (love it or leave it) is that scott gets 450984529 demos and submissions and calls and emails. on top of all that, he's got all the local bands that are around him hounding to play. So if you haven't played cabbot st and are local, 99.999% assured to not get on metalfest.

This is true. I've spoken to the guy a few times back when I used to do interviews and get press passes there, and he definitely is hounded, especially in this area, which has more metal/grind/hardcore bands per square mile than most other areas of the USA.
[Apr 3,2006 1:01pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Bane of Existence played one year and it didn't do anything for them. I'd say playing Bostons Dead was more crucial to their band career then the Palladium ever was
[Apr 3,2006 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]
BOE opened on un.. the second day? 2001 I think. there should be pictures up here
[Apr 3,2006 1:02pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'd just like to get on a gig out in Worcester period, metal fest or not. Wanna span out a little.
[Apr 3,2006 1:03pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: jim was "in" with the palladium until they started banning video cameras.
[Apr 3,2006 1:05pm - Yeti ""]
my only argument is that previously the tickets were half the price with bands twice as good. but i can understand needing to raise the price in terms of business. it just sucks.
[Apr 3,2006 1:05pm - SteveOTB ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I can't believe I was put in a position where I had to stick up for big business metal bands. I hate you all.

Joe don't you think I know that? I was talking more from a "giving back to the fans" standpoint than a business one. Of course I'm going to need to get paid for shows to pay for a road crew, technicans, food, gas, and everything else. I'm not stupid.
[Apr 3,2006 1:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
We've worked with Ken, we will be working with him for our full length and we're still not on metalfest. lol.

We've played the palladium 3 times so far and I don't think Scott was at any of the shows, we've e-mailed him a bunch about Cabot St. shows also with no reply. It's kind of weird having been to all the fests at the palladium and numerous other shows there so it's kind of a slap in the face.
[Apr 3,2006 1:07pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yeah, that's surprising that Porphyria hasn't been on it, you guys have done a lot to build up your rep.
[Apr 3,2006 1:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Yeah, that's surprising that Porphyria hasn't been on it, you guys have done a lot to build up your rep.

yeah, no doubt that he's busy, I completely understand. Even if he doesn't like us. There's no way he likes ALL the bands on the metalfest roster.
[Apr 3,2006 1:18pm - cav ""]
especially hypersolid....that one really bugs me. they DO NOT belong on the bill
[Apr 3,2006 1:20pm - succubus ""]
oh and aaron, scott told me to tell you to get people to go to this year's fest =)
[Apr 3,2006 1:21pm - dreadkill ""]
like scott needs any help getting people there. that fest would sell out with no advertising.
[Apr 3,2006 1:24pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:oh and aaron, scott told me to tell you to get people to go to this year's fest =)

tell him aaron won't do anything unless he books some RTTP bands :spineyes:
[Apr 3,2006 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]

and the palladium shows, though I attended, didn't cound since they were kenny shows.
[Apr 3,2006 1:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:tom: GO TO A CABBOT ST SHOW AND TALK TO HIM.

and the palladium shows, though I attended, didn't cound since they were kenny shows.

But if YOU were there, they counted!
[Apr 3,2006 1:26pm - succubus ""]
FRIDAY APRIL 28, SATURDAY APRIL 29 & SUNDAY APRIL 30; ESP Guitars and Krank Amps PRESENTS THE 8th ANNUAL NEW ENGLAND METAL & HARDCORE at The Palladium in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Friday tickets are $35.00; Saturday and Sunday individual day tickets are $40.00. Three-day passes are $109.50. Tickets are available NOW at all Strawberries Record Stores, online at tickets.com, or by calling tickets.com at (800) 477-6849. There is re-entry at this all day event - up until 6:00pm each day.

Proclaimed in past years as one of the best American festivals focusing on heavy music, the three-day show will host numerous metal, hardcore, and metalcore bands along with a jam-packed vendor area where fans can purchase hard-to-find CDs, t-shirts, and other music merchandise. ESP Guitars will be giving away guitars and basses, including a one-of-a-kind guitar signed by every performer at the show, while Krank Amplification will give away one of their acclaimed half-stack amp models. These two great companies will also be bringing you up close and personal with some of the bands they endorse - so as we get closer to fest we will have schedule of artist signings and other surprises. "If you decide to go to only one fest this year, this should be it,” says Revolver Magazine and MetalJudgment.com calls it “...hands down, the best metal fest in the world.”

Friday include: A Life Once Lost, A Perfect Murder, Alarum, Arsis, Between The Buried And Me, Black Dahlia Murder, Cephalic Carnage, Dead To Fall, Demiricous, Ed Gein, Folly, From A Second Story Window, Haste The Day, If Hope Dies, Lacuna Coil, Ligeia, Necrophagist, Neuraxis, Nodes Of Ranvier, Ringworm, Scarlet, Still Remains, Suicide Silence, The Absence, The Acacia Strain, Thine Eyes Bleed, Through The Eyes Of The Dead, and Today I Wait.

Saturday's bands include 100 Demons, Arch Enemy, At All Cost, Caliban, Chimaira, Colin Of Arabia, Cryptopsy, Damnation AD, Death Threat, Embrace The End, Exodus, First Blood, Full Blown Chaos, God Forbid, Hate Eternal, Immolation, Into the Moat, Ion Dissonance, Overcast, Ramallah, Remembering Never, Righteous Jams, Scars Of Tomorrow, Shoot To Kill, Since The Flood, Skinless, Spitfire, Subzero, Suffocation, Sworn Enemy, Terror, The Jonbenet and Turmoil.

On Sunday we have 3, A Love End Suicide, Bloodlined Calligraphy, Born Victim, Bronx Basket Company, Burn In Silence, Cannae, Cellador, Daughters, Doom Raider, DragonForce, Gamma Ray, Goat Horn, Hypersolid, I Killed The Prom Queen, Inked In Blood, Light This City, Mercury Switch, On Broken Wings, Phoenix Mourning, Protest The Hero, Sanctity, The Miles Between, Torn Asunder, Trouble, Twelve Tribes, Withered, xdeathstarx, xlookingforwardx and Yakuza. PLEASE NOTE: Talent is subject to change.

The 8th Annual New England Metal and Hardcore Festival is sponsored by ESP Guitars and Krank Amps, teaming up to present the festival this year; Prosthetic Records, which is sponsoring the 2nd Stage upstairs, Revolver Magazine, Facedown Records, FUSE TV, The Syndicate, DefyUnlearn.com, Returntothepit.com and many others. Vendors this year include Century Media / Nuclear Blast, Deepsend Records, ESP Guitars / Krank Amps, Eulogy Recordings / Hand Of Hope Records, Facedown Records, Fuse TV / Uranium, Lifeforce Records, Metal Blade Records, Oak Knoll Productions, Prosthetic Records, Red Rocket Records, Relapse Records, Revolver Magazine, Stillborn Records / Hatewear Inc, Trustkill Records, Victory Records and others.

[Apr 3,2006 1:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:succubus said:oh and aaron, scott told me to tell you to get people to go to this year's fest =)

tell him aaron won't do anything unless he books some RTTP bands :spineyes:

[Apr 3,2006 1:28pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Wolf is no longer listed...
[Apr 3,2006 1:31pm - pam ""]
WHAT? That is fucking terrible.
[Apr 3,2006 1:33pm - dreadkill ""]
why is wolf no longer listed? they are one of 3-5 good bands on the fest. boo.
[Apr 3,2006 1:34pm - the_reverend ""]
wolf is probably an over site.
[Apr 3,2006 1:36pm - pam ""]
how can you overlook Wolf?
[Apr 3,2006 1:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
as an added twist im just three ducks in a man costume
[Apr 3,2006 1:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
pam said:how can you overlook Wolf?

When you're up to your elbows in miles of metalcore bands, you tend to overlook the things that are important.

Also, I wasn't aware that Bronx Casket Company changed their name to Bronx Basket Company. Weaving metal is completely grim! :P
[Apr 3,2006 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
in the end, all the days for this will sell out.
the show will be aweome fun.
and there will be a few more 1000 terrible pictures up on a little web site known as www.returntothepit.com
[Apr 3,2006 1:44pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It'll continue to sell out until the new metal blitz dies down.
[Apr 3,2006 2:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said: Also, I wasn't aware that Bronx Casket Company changed their name to Bronx Basket Company.


:shocked: :spineyes:

[Apr 3,2006 2:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:DrinkHardThrashHard said: Also, I wasn't aware that Bronx Casket Company changed their name to Bronx Basket Company.


:shocked: :spineyes:

I know. I know. Sorry.

[Apr 3,2006 3:19pm - pam ""]
I'm looking forward to this. Then again I'm not paying to go, so. Shit I gotta look for a hotel.
[Apr 3,2006 3:31pm - retzam ""]
Sunday, fucking DragonForce, fucking first show in America, fucking nothing more to say.
[Apr 3,2006 6:11pm - BlackoutRick ""]
cav said:especially hypersolid....that one really bugs me. they DO NOT belong on the bill

Why is that?
[Apr 4,2006 9:30am - succubus ""]
ok i talked to a few people and next time you want to submit CD's to the palladium/scott/whatever affiliated...let me know beforehand...just email me...
[Apr 4,2006 9:58am - the_reverend ""]
hypersolid are friends with scott and play sort of powerish-metalish-nevermoreish stuff.
I always forget that they are pretty good
[Apr 4,2006 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 4,2006 3:06pm - mikexmike @ work  ""]
This is all my fault.

I asked for $14,000 and a lifetime pass to every shitty Throwdown show at the Palladium until the end of time, to do my spoken word set downstairs. This year's topic is Women: Suck It Up Fatty.

I also demanded another $30,000 be spent to bribe The Acacia Strain into never playing music again. In addition I'm also negotiating a 13 cent charge for every time I've been caused to go out of my way to make fun of the acacia strain... which will tack another $42,000 onto the bill. Have fun.

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