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Get your Exhumed Tickets before it's too late!

[May 20,2004 10:25am - litacore ""]
this is me . . . no actually moe's doing better

I'll go anyway . . . somehow.
[May 20,2004 10:33am - shatteredliz ""]
Good decision. You will have a good time!
[May 20,2004 10:33am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I think I'm just gonna go to the Rumble instead.
[May 20,2004 10:34am - shatteredliz ""]
Hmmm, you know what? Me too. That's a much better show.
[May 20,2004 10:45am - litacore ""]
shatteredliz said:Good decision. You will have a good time!

thanks for the encouragement. Alas, my sense of fun has a severe case of necrosis.
[May 20,2004 11:34am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Hey Joe would you sell Watchmaker merch while we are playing?
[May 20,2004 1:43pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm going to try to go. And thrash!!!
[May 20,2004 2:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 20,2004 2:55pm - pessimist ""]
mark, i'll sell watchmaker merch while you play, me being john from abhorred
[May 20,2004 3:37pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, or he can put it with the prophetless stuff. We can watch your stuff too if you want John. Whatever, all is good.
[May 20,2004 3:39pm - bludgawd ""]
Hey Liz, I guess the Rev isn't coming so I only have one person to put on our list, he will be with us though... can't fuckin wait to get there. Leaving work in about 20 minutes to go home, change and load the Yukon up. See ya TONIGHT!
[May 20,2004 3:47pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah! Fuck Yeah! Brian and I will br there at 5 to make sure we're there when the touring bands get there. I'll see you when you get there! (I can't believe the Rev isn't coming!)
[May 20,2004 4:01pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
We'll be there around seven.
[May 20,2004 4:08pm - succubus ""]
hey Mark,
I am really sorry, I'm still quite sick, this was the most painful thing i have even been through and i've been in the hospital before.
anyhow, as for the rev not coming, he can do what he pleases, but he wanted to stay with me still i'm still quite sick, but i'm telling him to go since people can't believe that he won't go to a show
[May 20,2004 5:02pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
don't be sorry just get better,and we'll see you at the next one. As for Aaron get your motherfucking ass down there bitch. Just kidding
[May 20,2004 5:55pm - Wraithious ""]
I will be going as well, I just got out of work and am getting ready to go.
I'll be the one with a mowhawk and a black shirt with a big glow in the dark jackolantern face on the front.

Hey Joe, do you have any extra tickets if they do sell out?

I can't fucking wait, see you's all there, I'll check this one more time before I leave just in case tickets arn't available or something, it would suck if I drove all the way up there for nothing :(
[May 21,2004 2:47am - BornSoVile ""]
awesome show! the crowd was in it from start to finish, lots of heart, lots of girls.

Leukorrhea - havn't seen them since last summer at Jarrods. I was taken by surprise because this set sounded as was wicked tight compared to the last show. They weren't as brutal as I remember but I think that's a good thing. Reminded me of early Gorgasm for some reason.

Watchmaker - fuck. first time seeing these crazy fuckers. audio terror in it's purest raw form. amazing performance by Brian. I was sure to pick up their cd. I'd like to see these guys play out some more or better yet at Helvete.

Uphill Battle - they were kinda cool. I stood on the left side of the stage and mostly heard just that guitar players cab, so everything seemed kinda washed out, my bad. they had some cool riffs but nothing really struck me. I'd give them another shot though.

Exhumed - fucking killer set. It was good to see they played some favorite off of Gore Metal like Deadest of the Dead. typical showmanship from these crazy fuckers. they never slack and always play balls to the wall. I shot the shit with the guitar player briefly and he said MASS is one of the best places that they play. he even said it was the first place people were shouting lyrics and shit a few years back. the drummer who was also in Uphill Battle is pretty damn good but unfortunately isn't full time. uummm, what can I say this was another great set from Exhumed!

Boston Metal stood tall tonight. As always there were plenty of new faces as well as the same old fuckers. Prophetless Productions is vital source for giving Death and Black Metal a decent shot. What would we being doing this week if they didn't exist??? Support these people, cause they support you!
[May 21,2004 3:40am - Aegathis ""]
what no pics of the show?! I saw a guy taking pictures there, it wasnt the rev. but i figured it was an rttp guy.
[May 21,2004 4:46am - the_reverend ""]
I'm the only person that shoots for this site.
[May 21,2004 5:33am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It was a great show!

[May 21,2004 8:49am - bludgawd ""]
Man that was a pretty good show. Was our first time playing the Middle East so we were surprised to see quite a bit of people show up. Thanks to the people that got their early and saw us. It was a weird set for us cause our fill in bassist had only had one real practice with us but it went damn well in my mind. Anyway thanks again guys for showing up!
[May 21,2004 10:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had a great time, didn't really like uphill battle but the other bands were awesome.

[May 21,2004 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
how was uphill battle's drummer?
that guy;s a fucking machine
[May 21,2004 10:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I thought he was one of the worst parts about them, he played fast but just no real skill to it.
[May 21,2004 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
wow, with exhumed, he played insanly good
[May 21,2004 1:47pm - casteratedchrsit  ""]
anyone know where to check out pics of the show?
[May 21,2004 1:54pm - cdan ""]
the uphill battle drummer was fucking awesome. super precise, tight as hell. his blasts are flawless.
[May 21,2004 1:59pm - casteratedchrsit  ""]
i'd have to agree, although i'm not a huge fan of uphill battle, that kid can play. as far as i'm concerned, he makes that band. that solo was f'n awesome too.
[May 21,2004 2:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't think there was much going on with the drummer, I signed up him for lessons with Mike Adams.
[May 21,2004 3:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I got to take afew pics. yay. Damn flash delay. Its fucked up my shots. Good show. My left ear is ringing. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........
[May 21,2004 4:27pm - bludgawd ""]
swamplorddvm said:I got to take afew pics. yay. Damn flash delay. Its fucked up my shots. Good show. My left ear is ringing. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........

Hey man, you plan on scanning any of those pics?
[May 21,2004 7:29pm - Wraithious ""]
Damn, it was a great show, Lukoreah is a flawless band to see live. and they were brutal as hell. The bands all got to play for a long time which was cool. the show let out about 1:20am.
Watchmaker also was very impressive, especially the vocalist. He can scream like a motherfucking banshee. My favorite song They played was Salt fertile earth, Fucking awsome.
And Exumed played over an hour, and did two oncore songs, incredible band.

I missed most of uphill battle's show because I was trying to move my truck closer I found out it had been towed.

anyone else get towed and/or stranded there? I remeber one guy passed out in a taxi cab, we were joking to as weather the meter was running or not. Some hooker propositioned me outside the club, then some street man gave me a sweater because it was fucking cold and he kept insisting on it. but just as the sun was rising on the streets of cambridge, it got windy, rainy, and cold. I finally got my truck back (with my jacket in it) and didn't get home because of the traffic until 6:13 this evening. longest. night. ever. but good times....

I think I'm going to miss the show at O'Brian's in Aliston tonight unfortunatly tho, I'm now pretty broke. But I will catch you guys (BOE) at one of your next shows! I picked up the new BOE CD there too, it fucking rules. I love seeing their shows and terrorizing bickfords and stuff. they are an awsome band.
[May 21,2004 8:50pm - shatteredliz ""]
I had a great time, and the best part is the bands, the club, and their label are all happy, too. You know what that means...MORE METAL IN BOSTON!!! Thanks to everyone who came out to support! You guys rock!
[May 22,2004 12:26am - swamplorddvm ""]
Sorry bludgawd, it was friend Bradons camera. I was just shooting for him while he was out looking for someone.
[May 22,2004 12:33am - Aegathis ""]
maybe that friend could scan them. That would be cool, that was my first live show, id like to see pics of me on stage.
[May 22,2004 12:36am - thesmileadventure  ""]
yeah the show was fucking excellent. there needs to be more shit like this in boston. real fucking metal...none of this "metalcore" shit.

like it was said before, everyone was into it from start to finish. watchmaker is always worth seeing. one of my favorite bands. exhumed destroyed. Leukorrhea is fucking awesome live. uphill battle..eh...alright...but i wasnt really into it.
[May 22,2004 3:20am - swamplorddvm ""]
thesmileadventure said:yeah the show was fucking excellent. there needs to be more shit like this in boston. real fucking metal...none of this "metalcore" shit.

Agreed. \m/
[May 22,2004 12:54pm - pessimist ""]
if you hadn't noticed, there are a lot of "real fucking metal" local bands, you just need to go to more shows. Prophetless and NotCommon put on great metal shows pretty much every week...
[May 22,2004 3:45pm - assuck ""]
you tell em, john
[May 24,2004 2:21pm - casteratedchrist  ""]
ey swamp, did ya post any of those pics yet? can't find any anywhere? it would be cool to see some from the show.
[May 24,2004 2:24pm - bludgawd ""]
casteratedchrist said:ey swamp, did ya post any of those pics yet? can't find any anywhere? it would be cool to see some from the show.

yeah what he said
[May 24,2004 2:47pm - casteratedchrist  ""]
blibba blabba
[May 25,2004 2:44pm - bludgawd ""]
hmm... so noone here happened to take any pics of this show?
[May 25,2004 2:53pm - baneofexistence ""]
i have video
[May 25,2004 3:21pm - bludgawd ""]
that's right, wasn't Allen supposed to get you his address for a copy? Can I just give you mine and I'll dub it for him and myself? Thanks Jim!
[May 25,2004 3:28pm - baneofexistence ""]
yea he gave me his e mail about a show or somthing i e mailed him but haven't heard back altho it was a hotmail account and yahho dosen't do well with hotmail for some reason

[May 25,2004 3:33pm - bludgawd ""]
he prolly didn't reply cause he hasn't gotten to a computer... he doesn't have one at home so he checks his mail when he's around one. If it's cool bro my address is:

Nate DeMontigny
515 Main St Rte. 28
West Dennis, MA 02670

Like I said I can get it to him so if that's cool than thanks a shitload!

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