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Boston Celtics 2010-2011 Season

[Oct 26,2010 8:13am - arilliusbm ""]
Kicks off tonight with the Celtics vs the newly formed Heat with Lebron, Dwade, and the "ru Paul of the NBA" (according to shaq) Bosh.
Should be a fun season, I like the Celtic team a lot. We even have a white guy that can play again. Best Euro Player the celtics have had since Dino Radja -, the legendary NBA Jam celtics guy who had a 9 ranking in 3pt shot and never took any in real life.
Anyway, season starts tonight. Epic battle of a sport .3% of metalheads care about.
[Oct 26,2010 8:39am - RustyPS ""]
pumped for this game tonight....should be a good'n
[Oct 26,2010 8:43am - Slag NLI  ""]
I'm excited for this season. Hopefully Shaq does SOMETHING ANYTHING JUST FUCKING DO SOMETHING SHAQ
[Oct 26,2010 9:49am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
hope i can catch a good portion of this game.
[Oct 26,2010 9:49am - metal_church101 ""]
Looking forward to tonight and the rest of the season as well.
[Oct 26,2010 10:09am - arilliusbm ""]

[Oct 26,2010 10:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cant wait to see those two workin together out there
[Oct 26,2010 10:20am - arilliusbm ""]

[Oct 26,2010 10:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only Delonte fucking Lebron's mom is real
[Oct 26,2010 10:38am - arilliusbm ""]

[Oct 26,2010 10:40am - arilliusbm ""]
Only black Aril is fake
[Oct 26,2010 10:50am - Yeti ""]
[Oct 26,2010 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
The other day wen shaq was the "statue" outside of harvard square, I was considering going over there just to do a massive fart on the bench next to him. Cool story bro.
[Oct 26,2010 2:07pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I'm really gonna hate being in class during this game.
[Oct 26,2010 2:16pm - LPCustom  ""]
I. Can't. Fucking. Wait. Any. Longer.
[Oct 26,2010 2:19pm - sethrich ""]

arilliusbm said:The other day wen shaq was the "statue" outside of harvard square, I was considering going over there just to do a massive fart on the bench next to him. Cool story bro.

He says he wants to cross-dress and ride the T now.

[Oct 26,2010 2:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"I'm thinking of buy a snowsuit, standing in the middle of a field and have people throw snowballs at me"
[Oct 26,2010 3:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
Shaquita ftw
[Oct 27,2010 1:27am - arilliusbm ""]

[Oct 27,2010 1:33am - LPCustom  ""]
If Rondo has that alley-oop to Shaq (the one right before or after that dunk) just once every game he's even more deadly. So many options for him and he almost always makes a good choice.
[Oct 27,2010 10:14am - MillenialKingdom ""]
What a great game. Celtics defense got a little lazy in the second half but once Pierce came back they managed to shut down their runs. Ray Allen was on all cylinders. I'm pumped for this season.
[Oct 27,2010 10:16am - sethrich ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:only Delonte fucking Lebron's mom is real

[Oct 27,2010 10:22am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
last nights game ruled on so many levels. so psyched for this season.
[Oct 27,2010 12:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
They have 2 SOLID lines to work with. Best bench in the league!!
[Oct 27,2010 1:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we definitely have more depth and than the 2007-2008 team.
[Oct 27,2010 2:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can't stand all the comments on espn.com and SI, etc. all the heat fans saying how the celtics could only win by 8 when the heat had an off day.
Fuck that shit, hasn't anyone learned their lesson about the celtics by now? They know how to win games and play together. They can stay in any ball game, regardless of who they're playing. The national sports media continues to write them off. Fucking Kevin Mchale favors the heat to win it all too.
[Oct 27,2010 2:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like the media's stance on the celtics (and most boston sports for that matter). i think it fuels us to play with more intensity so as to continually prove them wrong.
[Oct 27,2010 2:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
After watching the playoffs last year and bits and pieces of last night's game, I think I'm actually interested in basketball for the first time in 15 years.
[Oct 27,2010 2:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
you're right. I think they like having a chip on their shoulder
[Oct 27,2010 9:02pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Losing to the Lakers in 7 was gut wrenching and I think they'll be taking that with them all season long.
[Oct 27,2010 9:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
losing to the cavs tonight
[Oct 27,2010 10:29pm - LPCustom  ""]
OK, I missed the game tonight besides some of the 4th quarter cause I was at work. But this goes right back to what I was saying all of last year - there wasn't a fucking problem with Lebron James supporting cast! Realistically, the way the Cavs roster is now they are a decent team and obviously not a contender - but with a superstar and alleged "best player in the world" on their team they absolutely had what it should've taken to win a Championship.

I saw Miami won tonight and everyone was throwing out the "team chemistry" card last night - but that game was literally like watching the Cavaliers last year - 1 on 5 basketball and it seems that this year he has even less options to pass to/trust when or if Bosh/Wade goes down or out of the game. If all 3 are firing on all cylinders, good for them - but they better pray to God they all stay healthy because when Mike Miller comes back he is not going to make them that much better.

Not convinced just yet that they're gonna be giving us that much trouble closer to the playoffs, but we'll see as times goes on.

I LOVE NBA Basketball season!
[Nov 3,2010 12:19pm - arilliusbm ""]

KG trash talked and called Villanueva (Pistions player who has Alopecia) a cancer patient on the court.
Villanueva tweets this morning about it and now it's a national headline.
Did KG cross the line or is Villanueva a pussy bench player?
[Nov 3,2010 12:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
Villanueva does not have cancer, he just can't grow hair.
[Nov 3,2010 12:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i fucking hate tweeting and refuse to dignify this story with my attention.
[Nov 3,2010 1:23pm - LPCustom  ""]
KG obviously crossed a line - although I'm sure in trash talk on the court much worse has been said - and I'm sure it's something KG regrets saying. Villanueva seems like a punk and was probably saying equally as stupid shit, the difference being he got his ass busted and than decided to Tweet about it later. Curious to see what Garnett will say about this though.
[Nov 3,2010 1:28pm - arilliusbm ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i fucking hate tweeting and refuse to dignify this story with my attention.

Remember, everytime one does a status update, it's essentially the same as tweeting.
[Nov 3,2010 2:04pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arilliusbm said:Did KG cross the line or is Villanueva a pussy bench player?

[Nov 3,2010 2:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've heard them say worse things than cancer patient. It's just a matter of political correctness.
[Nov 3,2010 8:04pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Awful things are said in trash talk on the basketball court but no one talks about it. It's supposed to be left on the court.
[Nov 3,2010 8:07pm - arilliusbm ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Awful things are said in trash talk on the basketball court but no one talks about it. It's supposed to be left on the court.

[Nov 4,2010 1:47am - LPCustom  ""]
Went to the game tonight and saw Pierce get 20,000. Pretty fucking awesome.
[Dec 19,2010 8:19pm - aril  ""]

[Dec 29,2010 8:11pm - aril  ""]
Garnett just tweaked his knee. Looks bad.
You could hear some Detroit pistons fan yell "that's what you get for calling him a cancer victim!!!"
[Dec 29,2010 8:43pm - LPCustom  ""]
I don't want to jump the gun here, but I'm probably gonna kill myself. PLEASE just let it be sprained!
[Dec 29,2010 8:49pm - dreadkill ""]
i turned the game on and saw them helping garnett to the locker room. not good.
[Dec 29,2010 11:08pm - LPCustom  ""]
They're saying it's a muscle injury and to "not panic". God I hope so!!
[Feb 24,2011 4:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Celtics Traded Perkins for Green from OKC.

[Feb 24,2011 4:48pm - Fuckceltics  ""]
Fuck the celtics! Who gives a fuck!
[Feb 24,2011 4:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Fuckceltics said:Fuck the celtics! Who gives a fuck!

probably all the people who posted in this thread already smart guy.
[Feb 24,2011 4:58pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Once again, Ainge makes a shitty move.
[Feb 24,2011 5:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 24,2011 5:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 24,2011 5:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Didnt we lose the Finals last year because we didnt have Perkins in the line up at the end? This really makes no sense to me.
[Feb 24,2011 5:32pm - EARNIE BACH  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Didnt we lose the Finals last year because we didnt have Perkins in the line up at the end? This really makes no sense to me.
[Feb 24,2011 5:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Green is good.. They only have 8 people for tonights game though haha. No big men
[Feb 24,2011 6:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
at least we dont have to deal with mello tonight.
[Feb 24,2011 6:39pm - GUYnli  ""]
[Feb 24,2011 8:43pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

GUYnli said:Boooooo
[Feb 24,2011 9:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
This has to be a tactical move of some kind. My roommate's prediction (prob from sports radio of somekind) is that we end up with Marcus Camby, Troy Murphy, and Sheed will come out of retirement.
[Feb 24,2011 10:56pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Apparently this whole trade has been about stockpiling draft picks. They got some from the Clippers too.
[Feb 24,2011 11:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ainge specifically said he's looking to fill a few more slots with more veterans.
[Feb 25,2011 12:06am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 25,2011 12:12am - LPCustom  ""]
"SHEEEED" was my Facebook status aril, haha - great minds. I'm so confused by this day. I've heard Sheed, I've heard No Sheed - I've heard ridiculous names being thrown around for buyouts. As it stands I'm not happy with much of went on today, but will wait and see what Danny Ainge might have up his sleeve with this one. It's also easy to criticize from the outside looking in too.

I do wish Perk the absolute best of luck, and if he stays healthy he is pretty much exactly what the Thunder need in their lineup to try and contend. Remember how close they took the Lakers in the playoffs last year? (Another genius undiscovered move by Danny?!)
[Feb 25,2011 12:20am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Someone on a comments page threw out the theory that Ainge is looking to get Dwight Howard.
[Feb 25,2011 12:24am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Someone on a comments page threw out the theory that Ainge is looking to get Dwight Howard.

that would be awesome. its not too far fetched either cause between Miami and their Big 3 and the Knicks adding Mello and Billups... Orlando is gettin pushed out.
[Feb 25,2011 12:47am - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck Howard
[Feb 25,2011 1:23pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
After giving these moves a little time to simmer, I still don't know how I feel about them...I have a bunch of pros and cons about these moves, so its hard to decide

- This immediately weakens your bench. You lose Nate, Erden, Harangody, and Daniels (who may not have come back this season anyways, but still), with Shaq, Jermaine, and West still on the shelf. That's a pretty big hit to your bench.
- This has upset your locker room. If you heard KG and Pierce being interviewed after the Denver game last night, they both sounded so depressed. I feel a lot of people put way too much stock in how players feel most of the time, but here, I think its a warranted concern.
- You lose the physical defensive presence in the middle to go up against Howard in the East, and Gasol and Bynum if you face the Lakers in the Finals.
- While Perk had his own health concerns, he has been more stable injury-wise since he's come back than Shaq and Jermaine.

- On paper, you've improved your starting 5 because Green is a better player than Perkins overall. This makes your starting 5:
PG - Rondo
SG - Allen
SF - Pierce
PF - Green
C - KG
- These moves gives you a BIG boost for the future. Let's face it, KG, Allen, and Pierce won't be here for much longer, and Green gives you a very good (with potential to be great) player to have after those guys are gone to pair with Rondo. Also, that Clippers pick will probably be a lottery pick, so you SHOULD be getting a very good player for that.
- This gives them roster flexibility to sign a player or two that has been bought out by there current team, ala PJ Brown or Sam Cassell. The name I keep hearing is Troy Murphy, who would be a good fit on this team.
- There are rumblings that this is to open up the money/roster space to sign Dwight Howard after next season, which Tom already bought up. Rondo, Green, and Howard as a new nucleus would be rather formidable if you ask me.

...and I don't know if this is a pro or con, but I heard someone on WEEI say earlier that trading Perk may have been a result of the fact that he turned down a 4-year offer this past offseason, and they knew signing both him and Big Baby would be a challenge, so they chose Baby over Perk.

Going through all that, its tough to make a decision about whether I like what they did or not. I will say that, if everyone is healthy, I would still put their top 11 against any other's in the league and feel confident they could pull out a 7-game series (KG, Pierce, Allen, Rondo, Green, Kristic, Baby, West, Shaq, Jermaine, Wafer). Still, I will hold out judgment on what happened yesterday until after this season is over for the Cs, whenever that happens to be.
[Feb 25,2011 3:10pm - sethrich ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Someone on a comments page threw out the theory that Ainge is looking to get Dwight Howard.

Which team out there ISN'T gonna be looking to get Dwight?
[Feb 25,2011 3:13pm - sethrich ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:This has to be a tactical move of some kind. My roommate's prediction (prob from sports radio of somekind) is that we end up with Marcus Camby, Troy Murphy, and Sheed will come out of retirement.

I think Sheed rejoining the team is the most likely of those three options. I've heard that he has been spotted in the Boston area lately, so perhaps something is up...

Sheed is not who they need though. He's gonna sit on the three point line and brick threes all day. What the fuck's the point of that?
[Feb 25,2011 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya apparently Sheed still practices at the garden or wherever the celtics practice after they finish up.
[Feb 25,2011 3:57pm - dreadkill ""]
the perk trade weakens them defensively and causes a hole in the middle, but green makes the bench better and they can fill the center spot with a buyout guy.
[Feb 25,2011 3:58pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm not sure the 2012 clippers first rounder is going to be a lottery pick. i know they're the clippers and all, but blake griffin is incredible and if they put some semblance of talent around him, they could be a playoff team next year, especially with another regular season under griffin's belt.
[Feb 25,2011 3:59pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

dreadkill said:i'm not sure the 2012 clippers first rounder is going to be a lottery pick. i know they're the clippers and all, but blake griffin is incredible and if they put some semblance of talent around him, they could be a playoff team next year, especially with another regular season under griffin's belt.

Remember when Darius Miles and Quentin Richardson were making the highlights every night? Does that sound familiar?
[Feb 25,2011 4:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i forsee blake going to the lakers and clippers will remain shitty for the rest of eternity.
[Feb 25,2011 4:00pm - dreadkill ""]
that was the best because they would do that weird antenna thing with their hands. i think blake griffin is the real deal though. he'll be a much better player than either miles or richardson.
[Feb 25,2011 4:01pm - dreadkill ""]
but if anyone can fuck up a team, it's clippers management, so it could end up being a lottery pick. i just tend to doubt it.
[Feb 25,2011 4:02pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

dreadkill said:that was the best because they would do that weird antenna thing with their hands. i think blake griffin is the real deal though. he'll be a much better player than either miles or richardson.
While I agree, I have NO confidence in the Clippers front office putting talent around him to make them competitive.
[Feb 25,2011 4:04pm - dreadkill ""]
justifiably so. i could see sterling spending big money on griffin to put asses in the seats and increase his profits, while spending cheap on the rest of the team. sounds like a slimy move he'd pull.
[Feb 25,2011 4:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
they (Clippers) should just combine with the Kings and move to Vegas.
[Feb 25,2011 4:10pm - dreadkill ""]
the sin city clipkings
[Mar 1,2011 2:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
celts got troy murphy. a white guy that can play
[Mar 1,2011 2:50pm - LPCustom  ""]
A white guy that can play offense and rebound... Haha - I am pumped though for real. He'll likely buy into our defense with KG in his ear. Guy has pretty consistently been a double-double type guy, probably not in the minutes we'll give him, but SOLID pickup.
[Mar 1,2011 2:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
he had the best defensive rebound rate in the NBA two years ago...
[Mar 1,2011 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is a good move but i'd rather have Al Jefferson back.
[Mar 1,2011 3:11pm - RustyPS ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:this is a good move but i'd rather have Al Jefferson back.
Jefferson is a stud
[Mar 3,2011 12:10am - LPCustom  ""]


Haha - not taking shit from Alvin Gentry.
[Mar 3,2011 1:26am - LPCustom  ""]
KG is really going out in style in the latter part of his career. Dude wants to win - straight up.
[Mar 3,2011 9:07am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
the new guys looked good last night from what I saw
[Mar 3,2011 10:00am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 3,2011 12:09pm - boxxy ""]
I know that i'm only a girl, but i've been saying FOREVER that we should get rid of Perk. (which is funny, cause shaunassey/Felger won't stop saying that NO ONE wanted to trade Perk before it was done.) He made more bad basketball decisions than the celtics in the 90's. He'd get the ball RIGHT under the hoop, and instead of just jumping up and dunking it (which he CERTAINLY can) he would TRY and dribble. Try being the operative word here, because usually the ball would bounce off of his own feet, or get stolen before he had a chance to shoot it.

Yes, he's a defensive presence in the middle, but if you remember when he started, he was NOT a good help-defender... he has only developed those skillz after playing with one of the best "Complimentary defenders" in the NBA, Garnett. That's exactly what's going to happen with anyone else we put in the 5 spot now, Kevin's going to show them how it's done, and then they're going to become as good a defender as Perk, but with some actual shooting/dribbling skills.... and maybe more than a 50IQ.
[Mar 3,2011 3:41pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Cs signed Sasha Pavlovic, who was bought out by the Cavs
[Mar 4,2011 12:13am - LPCustom  ""]
I think he was just a free agent. He played for the Cavs in the past, but if I remember correctly he has only played on 10 day contracts all of this year. He hasn't looked too bad on any of them either, solid pickup for a 3rd option - probably won't have to see many minutes in the Playoffs if everyone stays healthy.
[Mar 4,2011 12:36am - Coole Storiborough  ""]
bring back Scal as the new mascot
[Mar 15,2011 2:40am - W3 nli  ""]
lol dood why can't they play D like they did against the Timberwolves everynight. fucking 50 points. lol get fucked
[Mar 18,2011 9:46pm - LucidCurse ""]
celtics fuckin' suck. Fuck this primitive sport
[Mar 18,2011 10:22pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Down by 29?? Are you kidding?

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