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Kreator and Vader

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [kreator][pro-pain][randomshots][the_autumn_offering][vader]
[Apr 5,2005 2:25pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Apr 5,2005 2:27pm - swamplorddvm ""]
It's time to raise the flag of hate!

no wait. Yeah, it's time to fight back. Yeah, it's time to ATTACK!!!
[Apr 5,2005 2:27pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:I'm going to this, does anyone (in the area) want to ride with me or carpool or something? I can probably get you in free. kthnx.

Could you get me in for free if I met you there?
[Apr 5,2005 2:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Is it safe to say that Bullet belts are a no no, at the palladium?
[Apr 5,2005 3:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
no bullet belts, chains, studded bracelets, fun, drinking, free thought, outward speaking, you get the drift...
[Apr 5,2005 3:12pm - Christraper ""]
its true
[Apr 5,2005 4:47pm - BogusRendition  ""]
leaving in a minute. Vader and kreator would be more rad if nile was playing after kreator and goatwhore and amon amarth were playing before vader.
later hot potater
[Apr 5,2005 5:13pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I am thinking about it, but I, too, hate the Palladium.
[Apr 5,2005 5:14pm - KeithMutiny ""]
BogusRendition said:leaving in a minute. Vader and kreator would be more rad if nile was playing after kreator and goatwhore and amon amarth were playing before vader.
later hot potater

wasnt that show last summer?, i know i went to one VERY similar to that.
[Apr 5,2005 6:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving shortly.
[Apr 5,2005 6:14pm - Blue ""]
definetly working tonight. poo.
[Apr 6,2005 1:00am - malettey ""]

i just got back from this show. that's all i can hear right now.
[Apr 6,2005 1:07am - RustedAngel ""]
vader ruled...I got a free all over print shirt that I will probably never wear, but it's cool shit.
[Apr 6,2005 1:50am - the_reverend ""]
damn... what a good show..
[Apr 6,2005 2:14am - the_reverend ""]
there were seriously a ton of RTTP folks there.
it ruled.
[Apr 6,2005 2:16am - BornSoVile ""]
[Apr 6,2005 2:20am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Was it upstairs?

Was it packed?
[Apr 6,2005 2:22am - BornSoVile ""]
it was upstairs wasn't wicked packed but comfortably full. lots of girls i've never seen before and yes, i got shot down, i don't know how or why it happened but it happened. thank gawd irish times is open for awhile.
[Apr 6,2005 9:31am - litacore ""]
owwwwwww, that was some serious headbanging

fun though. I suggest some of the boys in the audience pop a couple of beano before attending such a show.


I was glad the place was 'NO SMOKING' I was afraid an open flame would instantly ignite the whole city block.
[Apr 6,2005 9:33am - pisscup ""]
litacore said:I suggest some of the boys in the audience pop a couple of beano before attending such a show.

Why do the boys always get blamed for pooping????

[Apr 6,2005 9:36am - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:vader ruled...I got a free all over print shirt that I will probably never wear, but it's cool shit.

and the shirt is way to fucking big for me. It's still awesome as hell! hahaha.
[Apr 6,2005 9:37am - litacore ""]
It stank like somebody's butt !

but hey, that's rock 'n' roll :ralphie:
[Apr 6,2005 9:58am - paganmegan ""]
My neck hurts
[Apr 6,2005 10:41am - RustedAngel ""]
pro-pain - pretty boring, wasn't in the mood for them.

vader - ruled, I felt bad for kreator having to play after them. I wish they had played all the songs they had on the setlist.

kreator - 2nd time catching them live, I dig listening to the cd's, but I wasn't really into it live, especially as all the die hard fans were who were not watching them instead mouthing the lyrics to all their friends standing next to them. haha. Everyone smelled like ass too. I'm with you litacore!
[Apr 6,2005 10:55am - litacore ""]
yeah my fondest Kreator experience was TT the Bear's 1987 with Voivod. I wish I still had the tape of that show:

AUDIENCE MEMBER HECKLE right before they start their first song of the set, Ripping Corpse:

[Apr 6,2005 10:57am - paganmegan ""]
Why couldn't they have played fuckin ripping corpse last night?
[Apr 6,2005 10:58am - paganmegan ""]
The older thrashier shit is where its at when it comes to kreator
[Apr 6,2005 11:16am - litacore ""]
when they played Pleasure to Kill I thought you were going to give the people near you bloody noses with your headbanging! :o)
[Apr 6,2005 11:28am - paganmegan ""]
That would have been hilarious if that had happened
[Apr 6,2005 11:34am - paganmegan ""]
I'm mad they didn't play riot of violence or awakening the gods
[Apr 6,2005 12:29pm - Lynne too lazy to log in  ""]
im sore....i think i fucked up my ear.... and while my cheek is swollen... no black eye... woohoo... it was a fun night
[Apr 6,2005 12:32pm - litacore ""]
yeah I was near the speaker for a while then I realized

"okey-doke, you're almost 34, time to take a few steps back"

[Apr 6,2005 12:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 6,2005 1:02pm - litacore ""]
I'm not wearing any
[Apr 6,2005 1:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
paganmegan said:My neck hurts

Yeah, no shit. I'ts gonna suck to brush my hair today.

Vader ofcourse killed:satancross:. But the set felt kinda short and I think they put on a better show last time they played downstairs. And Kreator was Kreator.:NEWHORNS:

I saw alot of RTTP people there. I met two dudes from Dissector and Megan, litan core, that chick "rev" ,davefromthegrave and rusty.
[Apr 6,2005 1:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Apr 6,2005 2:08pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
litacore said:It stank like somebody's butt !

but hey, that's rock 'n' roll :ralphie:

I'm with you on that shit, i walked past the women's room and it stank like rotten beaver, but i just figured that was because of the goth chicks. the dudes didn't exactly smell springtime fresh either. my buddy who I brought along, I made him stand outside my car until his sweat dried up cause I didn't want it on my passenger seat.
[Apr 6,2005 2:13pm - litacore ""]
I'm bringing Glade (or Ozium!) bombs with me for Hate Eternal!
[Apr 6,2005 2:24pm - paganmegan ""]
Yeah that was one of the smelliest crowds I have ever smelt at a show
It smelled like stinky feet combined with raw butt
[Apr 6,2005 2:33pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:Yeah that was one of the smelliest crowds I have ever smelt at a show
It smelled like stinky feet combined with raw butt

and Mike's house 8^(
[Apr 6,2005 2:38pm - paganmegan ""]
Isn't that the" shit on top of a shit" smell?
[Apr 6,2005 2:45pm - litacore ""]
doodoo with caca-poop
[Apr 6,2005 2:47pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
litacore said:doodoo with caca-poop

don't forget the faint aroma of sweaty balls and unwashed snatch
[Apr 6,2005 3:09pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmeeeee body oooooooooooooooooooooooooodor
[Apr 6,2005 4:51pm - the_reverend ""]
paganmegan said:Yeah that was one of the smelliest crowds I have ever smelt at a show
It smelled like stinky feet combined with raw butt

you've never been to a pg99 show OR a show in allston.
[Apr 6,2005 10:37pm - xMattx ""]
wheres the review of autumn offering or the rest of the show for that matter

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