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Screamo fags + rap & vocal pitches = a whole new level of suck

[Jun 5,2009 1:57am - arilliusbm ""]
I believe tonight has been the first time I've been suicidal in ages. After watching this torture with my own eyes, I feel like I want to fucking rip them out, shit in the eye sockets and puke out my feces. That's how fucking bad this was. I've formed a sudden hatred for anything that has to do with kids that listen to this and their age group. Let's just look at a few comments, for example:

NikiTay16 (1 hour ago)
awh. Lucky muchhh ?
i would killlll the See them live <3l

BrokeNCYDExFreaxxx (13 hours ago)

I love them
Im seeing the in July
I cant freakin wait
I pre ordered their new cd :] <3333

XRemixXProductionsX (2 weeks ago)

Brokencyde freaking rockz!
Best band out there![fuck the haters!]

dannyhata112 (2 weeks ago)

diz iz mi and my bfz sonG!!!!

That being said, I must conclude my night wishing I don't have nightmares over how fucking retarded this world is turning into.
[Jun 5,2009 2:01am - the_reverend ""]
It is so fucking awful like not good that I'm in awe. blue and I watched this on my phone at the sow tonight and we totally danced like this all night. I FUCKING LOVE IT.
[Jun 5,2009 2:07am - the_reverend ""]
I swear, if this band plays around here again... I AM SO FUCKING THERE.
[Jun 5,2009 2:12am - the_reverend ""]
WTF! they are on warp tour this year. fuck that. play melrose again.
[Jun 5,2009 8:10am - the_reverend ""]
30 minutes, I will be at work listening to this agaain.
[Jun 5,2009 8:17am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

the_reverend said:I swear, if this band plays around here again... I AM SO FUCKING THERE.

Haha yes.

And to anyone who doesn't realize this is obviously joke and not to be taken seriously = LOL

So good.
[Jun 5,2009 9:06am - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I don't know. This is good for lolz. Caring about how kids are these days is also hilarious. So I'll just laugh.
[Jun 5,2009 9:14am - the_reverend ""]
"I'm Not a Fan But the Kids Like IT"
[Jun 5,2009 9:15am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I don't think it's worst twisting panties into a bunch over, but irony is a dead scene.

Not many people are doing music and culture in any way that represents TRUE talent anymore, and if people keep doing stupid shit like this for attention and LULZ then it just takes time and energy away from those that could actually have ability.

Think about all the times that people with real talent got squashed and dejected cause some idiot with a gimmick stood in their way.
[Jun 5,2009 9:42am - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
I just find it amusing that these guys appear to be mocking both the glamorous MTV hip hop culture, and the fashioncore, hipster kids of today. I mean, they're dressed like hipsters, with a bunch of rented SUV's and chicks they probably paid to be in their video. That's exactly what Cash Money and all of those other MTV hip hop darlings used to do. Some dude is running around in a pig suit and that one fag is pouring out an old english 40, presumably for his dead homies. All in the suburbs, no less!

True musical talent tends to always go overlooked; just look at the Backstreet Boys. they were a phenomenon, and they didn't write their own music, and it was abolsute garbage. Metallica completely blew up when they degraded their sound and went with Bob Rock as a producer. There are so many bands I listen to, that I feel possess true artistic integrity, and none of those bands will ever get recognized the way the above mentioned have. That's just the sad, harsh reality of it.
[Jun 5,2009 9:48am - arilliusbm ""]
1.) these kids need a haircut. I mean I've had my share of long hair and whatnot, but anyone who cuts their hair like that deserves a swift kick in the jaw
2.) I still can't get over the comments of that video on youtube. what is the age group these people appeal to? 14 year old 8th grade girls?

As I was discussing with my coworker the other day, the 90s generation (no offense Martins, etc.) is absolute garbage.
Brought up and raised with technology, they're going to be the most fucking lazy-ass generation ever, and won't know how fend for themselves. I mean I love technology and stuff, but for the kids that had a cell phone in their pocket since age 6 and listen to this kind of garbage.. it just makes me lose hope in humanity.
[Jun 5,2009 9:52am - brian_dc ""]
The media is too hyperactive for a legitimate band to come to much prominence. Even to look within the MTV generation, a band like Nirvana would never get that much success in this environment.

The further underground honest music is pushed, the more honest and creative it becomes.

I feel like the existence of kitsch, especially something as unapologetic about it as this, has zero effect on legitimate art, music, etc.
[Jun 5,2009 10:02am - brian_dc ""]
I'm not saying I'd spend money on anything that goes to these guys.

Hell, I have no desire to even download anything. But I'll laugh at a video and not feel any rage.
[Jun 5,2009 10:04am - arilliusbm ""]
I laughed the whole way through but suddenly lost hope in a whole generation of kids.
Almost want to do a real-life Explorers movie and my own space ship and get the fuck off this rock.
[Jun 5,2009 10:10am - the_reverend ""]
aril, after reading your posts, you now have the right to use the words "dagnabit" and "consarnit". Please start all your posts with "in my day"
[Jun 5,2009 10:13am - arilliusbm ""]
dagnabit, back in my day we used to write REAL music and have REAL haircuts with REAL women in the background. 'course in those days we had to walk to band practice in rain and snow. you guys and your fancy little cars and trains. makes me sick.
I think I'm going to go hop into my buick and plow through 7 people in Plymouth.
[Jun 5,2009 10:16am - the_reverend ""]
I heard you had to drag your cab both ways in the snow up hill to band practice each day with no shoes.
[Jun 5,2009 12:03pm - the_reverend ""]
the funniest part is the "I got no time for lesbians"

1) he's obviously gay as the day is long
2) he just asked the girls to make out

mixed signals.
[Jun 5,2009 1:10pm - narkybark ""]
The comments make me far sicker than the video ever will. I weep for humanity.
[Jun 5,2009 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
are you going to hang up your boots now?
[Jun 6,2009 1:46am - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
yikes, I wonder what the crowd is like at their shows... a mixture of sexy grinding and crunking it up with windmills and donkey kicks?
[Jun 6,2009 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
I watched the simpsons and marge knew how to crunk... I need to learn that shit.
[Jun 6,2009 3:01am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jun 6,2009 5:46am - archaeon ""]
This is my shit. I've listened to these songs an embarrassing amount.

[Jun 6,2009 5:53am - Sacreligion ""]
The sad thing is that we call it a joke and they call it getting paid and (hopefully not)laid.
[Jun 6,2009 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
as anyone who has taked to me in the passed few days, this is all that I talk about.
[Jun 6,2009 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
if you want me babe, feel me in cuz I don't waste my time on lesbians.
[Jun 6,2009 12:04pm - narkybark ""]
I don't know how you two are doing it. I can't even listen to it as a joke. I can almost take Captain Autotune but it's Random Screaming Guy(tm) that makes me twitch involuntarily.
[Jun 6,2009 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I think he's screaming SEXY NOW!
[Jun 6,2009 12:37pm - the_reverend ""]
also L-EYE ARE whatever that is.
you make me watch it again...
[Jun 6,2009 12:37pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
This shit is hot, son.
[Jun 6,2009 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
i like how they got some one's parents random nice car to stand in front of.
[Jun 6,2009 12:40pm - the_reverend ""]
the worst part of the whole video is the girl at 2:08. She looks more awkward that I did that time I had a job as an underwear model in the windows of walmart. true it turned out my manager was just the pedo from down the street and didn't really work there, but it beat the hell out of a paper route.
[Jun 6,2009 4:15pm - HTR ""]
"pop-culture" sucks more shit every day.
[Jun 13,2009 3:59pm - madukes  ""]
[Jun 13,2009 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just gushing about this again
love it
[Jun 13,2009 4:55pm - Dankill  ""]


Stolen from another board. The last 40 seconds are Bova-gay
[Jun 13,2009 5:58pm - Sacreligion ""]
agreed on the bova-gay

that video is way better bennyhillified
[Jun 13,2009 5:59pm - Sacreligion ""]
and what's with the chimp stage moves?
[Jun 13,2009 7:11pm - Pires ""]
what band is that?
[Jun 26,2009 2:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm listening again.
[Jun 26,2009 2:09pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
they choke that girl and yell liar a bunch
[Jun 26,2009 2:12pm - narkybark ""]
[Aug 15,2009 2:01am - the_reverend ""]
I've got this hooked up to the stereo system I never use. so bassy.

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