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the nightmare continues appreciation thread

[Oct 15,2005 12:00pm - Patnomalous  ""]
That's the guy!!!
Holy Shit, does he/she not scream (In a really manly voice, trying to sound feminine) I'm Your wo-Man for the job of Producer.
[Oct 15,2005 2:03pm - RichHorror ""]
hahahaha, yes! I also found a picture of him rocking the keys.

[Oct 15,2005 3:35pm - Patnomalous  ""]
Wow, just Wow!
I can't believe my eyes. It's like Dude, You're a Dude. You can be gay but there's just no way you can pass as a woman. But as a producer , maybe.
[Oct 15,2005 3:36pm - RichHorror ""]
Pat, you know you wish you could EVER harness the power of rock as full as he-she-it is right there.
[Oct 16,2005 12:01am - greggdeadface ""]
i will say that thenightmarecontinues... has been turnin some heads around the west coast hahahaha who would have thought.some people are pissed that they might never see this band hahahahaha.and kill the client fukn loves us morgan the singer told me when the hogs played with them in dallas!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 16,2005 2:28pm - Patnomalous  ""]
Get the ball rolling and start patching things up. Who cares if you don't like each other and you live a couple thousand miles away, it's all about the music anyways.(East/West Nightmare Blast Test?) Shit, I'm still in a band, it's not always easy. It's all about the music!!!!!!!
[Oct 16,2005 2:36pm - shrapnel !  ""]
Patnomalous said:East/West Nightmare Blast Test? It's all about the music!!!!!!!

[Oct 16,2005 2:38pm - shrapnel !  ""]
Patnomalous said:East/West Nightmare Blast Test? It's all about the music!!!!!!!

[Oct 17,2005 2:04am - greggdeadface ""]
Patnomalous said:Get the ball rolling and start patching things up. Who cares if you don't like each other and you live a couple thousand miles away, it's all about the music anyways.(East/West Nightmare Blast Test?) Shit, I'm still in a band, it's not always easy. It's all about the music!!!!!!!
EAST/WEST NIGHTMARE TEST... HAHAHAHAHAHA AWSOME PAT:doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns:

[Oct 17,2005 11:39am - falsecathedrals ""]
...i like everybody
[Oct 17,2005 12:22pm - greggdeadface ""]
falsecathedrals said:...i like everybody
i konw brendan i know

[Oct 17,2005 5:53pm - Patnomalous  ""]
Brendan is good people.
But, I hear he kills hookers for wearing fur and then takes their money for Vegan snacks.
[Oct 17,2005 5:56pm - shrapnel !  ""]
hey Paul Neuman's orange cookies are good, i'd kill some hookers to get my hands on them.

that and some chocolate soymilk, daaaaaaaamn girlfriend let me tell you
[Oct 18,2005 2:23pm - greggdeadface ""]
[Oct 18,2005 2:24pm - brian_dc ""]
Patnomalous is ROWDY live...loved it
[Oct 18,2005 2:42pm - a little boy  ""]
Patnomalous showed me his pee pee..it was huge
[Oct 18,2005 5:43pm - Patnomalous  ""]
That's it kid. I'm taking back my candy and no more anal fisting for you. I won't even let you drink my piss (again).
[Oct 18,2005 5:54pm - a little boy  ""]
does that mean I don't get to lick your smelly dogs pussy anymore too?
[Oct 18,2005 5:56pm - KeithMutiny ""]
maybe this thread will last until the reuinion show.
[Oct 19,2005 12:50am - greggdeadface ""]
maybe keith??????
[Oct 19,2005 12:51am - greggdeadface ""]
if it can last like 5yrs or so i dont see myself movin back anytime soon just to get my gear and dogs then back to cali
[Oct 19,2005 12:55am - KeithMutiny ""]
well then, looks like we better get creative here.
[Oct 19,2005 2:20am - greggdeadface ""]
KeithMutiny said:well then, looks like we better get creative here.

looks like it bro
[Oct 24,2005 1:21pm - greggdeadface ""]
[Oct 24,2005 2:29pm - BobDead  ""]
2007 reunion gig....!!!!!
[Oct 24,2005 3:47pm - greggdeadface ""]
more like 2045
[Oct 24,2005 3:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i doubt ill be around to see that reunion in 2045, haha
[Oct 25,2005 2:26am - greggdeadface ""]
[Oct 27,2005 3:34am - shrapnel !  ""]
[Oct 27,2005 4:47am - dwellingsickness ""]
One of the many killer CD's I grabbed off of Serge's desk at the Shelter. The ones he did not give me anyways....One thing about bands who sent in promo stuff ,I usually ended up with it ,If I caught him before he threw it in the trash
[Oct 27,2005 2:00pm - greggdeadface ""]
sorry ya had to hear it bro i am sure ya threw it in the trash by now hahahahahaha
[Oct 27,2005 2:27pm - anonymous  ""]
shrapnel ! said:WWMD...!

what would murph do !
[Oct 27,2005 4:07pm - greggdeadface ""]
nurf would call ysll s bunch of fukn traliers and tell ya to go fuk ya muthas twidit with jesus's corpsefinger hahahahahaha i love that fuker
[Oct 27,2005 4:59pm - pisscup ""]
The first time that I saw these guys was at the Safari and I couldn't stop cracking jokes about the singer guy wearing a scarf. Then I realized that I was wearing a scarf as well. Man was I stoned. About a year later I bought a shirt.
[Oct 27,2005 5:27pm - Dankill  ""]
You guys will be missed.
Seein TNC for the first time at the Green Room was the only real plus side to my insane punk chick/gay new bedford party story.
[Oct 27,2005 5:30pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i forget the first time i saw TNC, shit
[Oct 28,2005 2:03pm - greggdeadface ""]
i forgot just about every show damn that weed ahahahahhahah wait i love weed i am sorry weed ya have never wrong me unlike some PEOPLE i know of hhhhhmmmmmmm in wonderin who it is????? oh well i will probally forget them also.
[Oct 28,2005 2:05pm - greggdeadface ""]
although for a band that is not around and probally never will be again.we are still getting fans and crazy respect about our last cd... the cali kids love it.i always new we would do so much better out here,but we will NEVER know,unless i can drag brendan out and we could try once more ahahahahahahahah,theres lots of tofu and hello kitty pjs waiting for ya
[Oct 28,2005 2:09pm - thedude  ""]
noone cared before.noone cares now.your nobody.
[Oct 28,2005 3:53pm - greggdeadface ""]
thedude said:noone cared before.noone cares now.your nobody.

first off not posting under your name is fukn a bitch ass way out .ya got somthin to say fuker be a man and put ya real name fag.hey it looks like you care fuker hahahahah wastin your time yellin at me.i love this shit dude seeing how it is so easy to piss people off on this board hahahahahaha fuk you and
oh yeah
[Oct 28,2005 3:58pm - greggdeadface ""]
[Oct 29,2005 12:10am - yummy  ""]
i'm somebody...yaaaayy!
[Oct 29,2005 12:12am - yummy  ""]
Gregg, it's amazing how you still have the ability to piss people off even when you're on the other end of the country.
[Oct 29,2005 12:16am - yummy  ""]
sorry i can't be dragged out to cali, not that i was an official tnc dude at the end.it was a lot of fun tho, not that i remember when it all started or ended. It is good to hear that you're having fun and with you're girl(not to be out of date).

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