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Dover area show

Dover Brick House (Dover, NH) - [gallows][mortis_deveia][shroud_of_bereavement]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Oct 26,2006 6:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
11/01/2006 08:00 PM - The Dover Brickhouse Dover, NH 03820
Death and Doom night
The Accursed w/ Shroud of Bereavement and Coffin Birth

Hope some of you can make it out to this show, as it is our first time at the club.
[Oct 26,2006 6:43pm - sinistas ""]
why does it have to be a wednesday. we should be on this lol
[Oct 26,2006 6:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
indeed you should! it was great playing together the other night! We will get more shows lineup!

Wed's do suck, But I liked the venue quite a bit, so that's why I persued a Wed show. I just wish I had more time to promote as this is the first real attempt. Just had so much going on with the Katatonia (and I know you understand what I am saying)

There will be plenty of time to play! \m/
[Oct 26,2006 8:57pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I wish that place was accessible, there are so many good shows there
[Oct 26,2006 9:20pm - sinistas ""]
well, hope it goes well dudes!
[Oct 27,2006 4:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
Thanks bro!

[Oct 27,2006 4:22pm - dreadkill ""]
i wish this show wasn't on a wednesday, otherwise i'd probably go
[Oct 27,2006 4:25pm - dyingmuse ""]
Yeah, weeknights are very rough, for thoe of us that work in the daytime.
[Oct 28,2006 10:04am - dyingmuse ""]
B um p!
[Oct 29,2006 6:51pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Oct 29,2006 8:08pm - Aegathis ""]
we will be playing this as a 3 piece unfortunatly, anyone else playing this show able to lend us an extra cab/ 20 ft. speaker cable?
[Oct 29,2006 9:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
yup, no prob, I have all that stuff.

what happened by the way?
[Oct 29,2006 10:14pm - mcmahon ""]
Mortis Deveia is playing this too?
[Oct 29,2006 10:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
are you?

[Oct 29,2006 10:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Ant, who can't make it?
[Oct 29,2006 10:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I thought it was only 3 bands on Wed night...
[Oct 29,2006 10:20pm - mcmahon ""]
dyingmuse said:are you?

No, we are playing the following night with Revocation and Frozen at Mojitos.

I'm gonna post around to help out. Last weeks turnout for Heretic Hybrid was aweful.

[Oct 30,2006 10:11am - dyingmuse ""]
[Oct 30,2006 10:37am - Aegathis ""]
DreamingInExile said:Ant, who can't make it?

Mike, he says hes got something school related that night he forgot about.
[Oct 30,2006 11:33am - mcmahon ""]
I heard the final lineup is: Shroud of Bereavement, Gallows, Mortis Deveia.
[Oct 30,2006 1:54pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
mcmahon said:I heard the final lineup is: Shroud of Bereavement, Gallows, Mortis Deveia.

[Oct 30,2006 2:38pm - dyingmuse ""]

[Oct 30,2006 2:55pm - mcmahon ""]
i'm not following
[Oct 30,2006 6:01pm - dyingmuse ""]
well, seeing as I booked this entire Wed Nov 1st show for The Accursed, Coffin Birth and shroud Of bereavement, I don't think I follow. Unless you are talking about the following night, but that would be kinda irrelivant seeing as we are talking about the 1st show right?

correct me if I am wrong here dude.
[Oct 30,2006 6:51pm - Aegathis ""]
yea for a sec i thought we got dropped off or something
[Oct 30,2006 6:54pm - mcmahon ""]
yah, im talking about the 1st.

you should talk to rex asap, cause thats where i got the list from.
[Oct 31,2006 12:39pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Oct 31,2006 3:11pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
hmmm whats the deal here.......
[Oct 31,2006 4:15pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, I'm all confused about the line up now, Dan booked this a long while ago and the bill was us, Coffin Birth and The Accursed. I don't know what anyone's talking about with all the other bands being on this bill...
[Oct 31,2006 5:24pm - mcmahon ""]
you should really check with rex to see what the deal is. fine with me if you all come up, more bands for the buck. I dont want you to drive up here to find out you can't play or cram 5 bands into a 3 band night (doable, but confusing/stuffy).
[Oct 31,2006 5:46pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Dan gimme a call when ya find this out, ill put my number in your pm section
[Oct 31,2006 7:41pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Ant, Dan's not online again until Thurs, as he's moving into his new place. have kyle call him
[Oct 31,2006 9:02pm - EatMyFuck ""]
i may show up to this.
[Oct 31,2006 10:40pm - Aegathis ""]
DreamingInExile said:Ant, Dan's not online again until Thurs, as he's moving into his new place. have kyle call him

cant get a hold of him either
[Nov 1,2006 9:23am - awol ""]
website says Shroud of Bereavement, Mortis Deveia, Gallows:
[Nov 1,2006 9:26am - pam ""]
Someone call about this, The Accursed all work and have school the next morning so if they got bumped due to whatever mayhem went on, someone let em know!

Either way I can't make this one. Got all 4 classes in the a.m. Thursday.
[Nov 1,2006 11:34am - mcmahon ""]
i'll be there festering around the bar at some point
[Nov 1,2006 12:08pm - pam ""]
I'm trying to call but the line is busy.
[Nov 1,2006 12:10pm - RichHorror ""]
I'd like to go to this. If someone will drive me. And if I can get in free. And if The Accursed is actually playing.
[Nov 1,2006 12:10pm - mcmahon ""]
Try Rex's myspace.
[Nov 1,2006 12:11pm - pam ""]
You're on the way aren't you? They're stopping on the way to pick up their CDs.
[Nov 1,2006 12:16pm - mcmahon ""]
Rich, come up. i'll buy you a cold pabst.
[Nov 1,2006 12:53pm - DreamingInExile ""]
they were no help on the phone. I'm pissed that Coffin Birth and The Accursed got bumped from this show...

Pam, if you could let someone in the Accursed know that the Brickhouse (not Shroud) fucked them over and dropped them off the bill that would be great.

I don't get why after Dan booked this show they decided to change the lineup. I don't even want to go now, and I'm playing tonight

[Nov 1,2006 12:55pm - RichHorror ""]
Fuckin' weird.
[Nov 1,2006 12:55pm - DreamingInExile ""]
fucking bullshit if you ask me...
[Nov 1,2006 12:59pm - mcmahon ""]
Rex is decent to work with. Are you sure dan confirmed the entire night with rex? or is it possible since gallows is more of a local, he may have wanted at least one local on the bill. Mortis Deveia is a decent band to play with too.... though if dan did confirm the entire night, then thats rex's fault. I'm sure he'll make things right.
[Nov 1,2006 2:22pm - pam ""]
That's bullshit. Thanks DIE for letting us know! The Livingroom used to do this a lot, hopefully it was just an oversight.
[Nov 1,2006 3:11pm - Aegathis ""]
What the fuckkkkk! Yea its nice to find this out on my way out the door to this
[Nov 1,2006 3:23pm - revymous  ""]
knowing all the people and bands involved. I'm 99.999% positive that it was an oversight on someone's part. I was going to say "f it" to going since I have a lot of things to do at home and I'm low on sleep, but then I saw MD and Gallows on the bill and re-thought that thought which I had previously thought.
after checking MD's ms
I notice that they are infact expecting to play tonight.
[Nov 1,2006 3:26pm - DIE - nli  ""]
no prob Pam. I'm pretty pissed off at this still... I'd like some straight answers about WTF happened

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