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Greatest Riff ever

[Mar 28,2007 11:30am - passerby‘er  ""]
Let's hear it.
[Mar 28,2007 11:37am - passerby‘er  ""]
Battery Metallica
[Mar 28,2007 11:46am - BornSoVile ""]
[Mar 28,2007 11:53am - dreadkill ""]
rock lobster
[Mar 28,2007 11:57am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
"The Red" by Chevelle
[Mar 28,2007 12:01pm - passerby'er  ""]
Damn good song. Or closure by chevelle or vitamin r
[Mar 28,2007 12:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]
"when I cum around" Greeen Day
[Mar 28,2007 12:06pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
passerby said:Damn good song. Or closure by chevelle or vitamin r

better yet... "Downfall" by Trust Company
[Mar 28,2007 12:07pm - Sinistas ""]
Smoke On The Water
[Mar 28,2007 12:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
if i can be serious for a second...

the end riff of "one" by metallica
[Mar 28,2007 12:11pm - dreadkill ""]
i as serious about rock lobster
[Mar 28,2007 12:17pm - passerby‘er  ""]
Ain't my bitch or 2x4
Cool riffs
[Mar 28,2007 12:19pm - Nuclear Winter  ""]
Greatest riff ever is that riff in "Guyana" by ManOwaR. Duh.
[Mar 28,2007 12:19pm - dreadkill ""]
hahaha, i love passerbyer
[Mar 28,2007 12:19pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Mar 28,2007 12:21pm - passerby‘er  ""]
What about Ain't talkin bout love!!!
Just like I told you before
[Mar 28,2007 12:22pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
unchained as well

but that really IS a good riff
[Mar 28,2007 12:23pm - Sinistas ""]
Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive
[Mar 28,2007 12:23pm - dreadkill ""]
dr. rock by motorhead
[Mar 28,2007 12:24pm - dreadkill ""]
the spirit of radio by rush
[Mar 28,2007 12:27pm - Sinistas ""]
Whitesnake - Still Of The Night
[Mar 28,2007 12:27pm - passerby‘er  ""]
Limelight rush is good.
Iron man
All along the watchtower
4 hourseman
afro man because i got high
pearl jam last kiss
[Mar 28,2007 12:28pm - dreadkill ""]
LULZ @ santeria and afroman
[Mar 28,2007 12:28pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
cochese by audioslave
[Mar 28,2007 12:30pm - passerby‘er  ""]
what is LULZ?
Cochese is a great riff. Good call.
[Mar 28,2007 12:30pm - dreadkill ""]
theme song from saved by the bell. there are some hot licks in that bad larry.
[Mar 28,2007 12:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
90210 theme all day, actually
[Mar 28,2007 12:31pm - dreadkill ""]
fact: mr. belding rips it up on that song. what a shredder.
[Mar 28,2007 12:31pm - dreadkill ""]
my post was meant for the saved by the bell song. nat from the peach pit rips it up on the 90210 song.
[Mar 28,2007 12:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
wi-wild & crazy kids, as well
[Mar 28,2007 12:32pm - dreadkill ""]
while steve saunders does roids
[Mar 28,2007 12:32pm - dreadkill ""]
SacreligionNLI said:wi-wild & crazy kids, as well

omar gooding is the most rockin black guitarist since hendrix
[Mar 28,2007 12:33pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
he was better on nick arcade, though
[Mar 28,2007 12:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
whoops...i confused my darkies
[Mar 28,2007 12:36pm - dreadkill ""]
never mix your darks and your whites. that fucks the washing machine all up.
[Mar 28,2007 12:40pm - Ryan_M ""]
Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit. That song makes me just want to unleash all my angst and kill all the grown ups!
[Mar 28,2007 12:40pm - Yeti ""]
the greatest riff ever is from Space Ghost

"that is fascinating Thom Yorke. you are very very interesting and very very perceptive. so interesting and so perceptive that i think we will now fight with knives"

duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh dun.
duh dun dun.
[Mar 28,2007 12:43pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Bad Medicine by the Jove... That's the winner.
[Mar 28,2007 12:57pm - Sinistas ""]
the Jove...haha
[Mar 28,2007 12:59pm - DreamingInExile ""]
The Beavis and Butthead Theme Song
Rush - Red Barchetta
Atheist - Mother Man (some of the riffs in that are fantastic)
Steel Dragon - We All Die Young (LMAO, 2nd best fake band ever, only to Spinal Tap!)
and almost anything by Death or Control Denied (R.I.P. Chuck!)
[Mar 28,2007 1:01pm - Yeti ""]
DreamingInExile said:The Beavis and Butthead Theme Song

yes! or the "end of skit" riff.
[Mar 28,2007 1:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
DreamingInExile said:Steel Dragon - We All Die Young (LMAO, 2nd best fake band ever, only to Spinal Tap!)

it makes my stomach tuuuuuurn! aaaaaaand tears my flesh from boooooone!

i think they might've had some better riffs
[Mar 28,2007 1:11pm - Sinistas ""]
My actual favorite is Emperor - The Tongue Of Fire (the one under the clean vocals).
[Mar 28,2007 1:12pm - dreadkill ""]
[Mar 28,2007 1:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Money For Nothin and the Chicks for Free
[Mar 28,2007 1:12pm - DreamingInExile ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i think they might've had some better riffs

yeah, but for some reason I like that song... I don't know why though... that and I couldn't remember any of the ther song titles...

[Mar 28,2007 1:12pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
also...the wonders are a great fictional band

i don't know if "that thing you do!" is riff-worthy though
[Mar 28,2007 1:13pm - dreadkill ""]
sinistas would agree with you on the wonders. he loves that movie
[Mar 28,2007 1:14pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Sinistas said:My actual favorite is Emperor - The Tongue Of Fire (the one under the clean vocals).

I didn't like that album at all... just my personal opinion though, everyones entitled to their own opinion (even if it's wrong HAHAHA)
[Mar 28,2007 1:14pm - Sinistas ""]
"We're not the Wonders right now, we're Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters" *blows on sax*
[Mar 28,2007 1:14pm - DreamingInExile ""]
dreadkill said:sinistas would agree with you on the wonders. he loves that movie

HAHA, the One Hit Wonders!
[Mar 28,2007 1:15pm - dreadkill ""]
i knew that was coming
[Mar 28,2007 1:20pm - Sinistas ""]
Yeah yeah.
[Mar 28,2007 1:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Sinistas said:"We're not the Wonders right now, we're Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters" *blows on sax*

i was totally gonna start a joke band named that but then found out there's like 10 of them already
[Mar 28,2007 1:23pm - SteveOTB nli  ""]
Thunderhorse by Deathklok
[Mar 28,2007 1:23pm - Yeti ""]
DreamingInExile said:Sinistas said:My actual favorite is Emperor - The Tongue Of Fire (the one under the clean vocals).

I didn't like that album at all... just my personal opinion though, everyones entitled to their own opinion (even if it's wrong HAHAHA)

really? that album has some fantastic work on it. i felt it was a natural progression for Emperor.
[Mar 28,2007 1:41pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Yeti said:DreamingInExile said:Sinistas said:My actual favorite is Emperor - The Tongue Of Fire (the one under the clean vocals).

I didn't like that album at all... just my personal opinion though, everyones entitled to their own opinion (even if it's wrong HAHAHA)

really? that album has some fantastic work on it. i felt it was a natural progression for Emperor.

I dunno, natural progression or not, that album did nothing for me. but like I said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and just because Nightside Eclipse is my favorite (followed by a tie between Anthems and IX Equilbium) dosen't mean that you're not entitled to like Prometheus. One of my big things against it was I felt it to be WAAAAY overproduced for a band that wrote the book on raw chaffing black metal production... :bartmoon:
[Mar 28,2007 1:42pm - dreadkill ""]
i love prometheus. so good.
[Mar 28,2007 1:43pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i love just about everything they do...produced well or not
[Mar 28,2007 1:44pm - dreadkill ""]
same here. i love emperor. one of the greatest bands of all time, regardless of genre.
[Mar 28,2007 1:45pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
it's because ihsahn is a retard...edly talented dude
[Mar 28,2007 3:17pm - passerby‘er  ""]
How about walk this way? Has it been mentioned?
[Mar 28,2007 3:19pm - Niccolai ""]
Carry on my wayward son - Kansas.

Pick pretty much any riff from that song.
[Mar 28,2007 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
DreamingInExile said:I dunno, natural progression or not, that album did nothing for me. but like I said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and just because Nightside Eclipse is my favorite (followed by a tie between Anthems and IX Equilbium) dosen't mean that you're not entitled to like Prometheus. One of my big things against it was I felt it to be WAAAAY overproduced for a band that wrote the book on raw chaffing black metal production... :bartmoon:

i can understand that. there is a certain element in albums like "Anthems" where sometimes the kick drum doesnt synch up simply because its so fucking fast. but yes, i prefer the Nightside, Anthems and Equilibrium feel. oh and your opinion is wrong because mine is right.:spineyes:
[Mar 28,2007 3:24pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Niccolai said:Carry on my wayward son - Kansas.

Pick pretty much any riff from that song.

[Mar 28,2007 3:26pm - passerby‘er  ""]
How about
How you remind me
[Mar 28,2007 3:33pm - DreamingInExile ""]
how about...

[Mar 28,2007 3:35pm - passerby‘er  ""]
But Chad Kroeger says "been to the bottom of every bottle"
If that's not metal I'd say you need to rethink your views.
[Mar 28,2007 4:06pm - passerby‘er  ""]
YEM by phish
[Mar 28,2007 5:29pm - demondave ""]

Dehumanized Fade Into Obscurity
[Mar 28,2007 6:13pm - JDDomination ""]
The riff towards the end of "I'll Cast a Shadow" by Pantera
The breakdown guitar lick in "Crystal Mountain" by Death
The explosion after the lyric "denied...denied...deniiiiiiied!!!!!" in "Bind Torture Kill" by Suffocation
[Mar 28,2007 7:21pm - iren_the_viking ""]
SacreligionNLI said:also...the wonders are a great fictional band

i don't know if "that thing you do!" is riff-worthy though

the guy who wrote that song for the movie actually graduated from my high school.
[Mar 28,2007 7:37pm - Kevord ""]
Ac/Dc - You Shook Me all Night long
Rolling stones- Honkey Tonk Women
Guns N' Roses - welcome to the Jungle
Van Halen - Hot For Teacher
Slayer - Raining Blood
Led Zeppelin - When the Levee Breaks
Black Sabbath- Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

It's hard to pick just one but those are some of my favorites.
[Mar 28,2007 7:54pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Black Sabbath - Symptoms of the Universe
Slayer - Angel of Death
Immortal - Where Dark and Light Don't Differ (main intro riff)
Sodom - Sodomy & Lust
Death - Evil Dead
[Mar 28,2007 8:00pm - ichabod ""]
Hallow's Eve-Monument
ANY Sabbath Riff(s)
Any of a bunch on "Age of Quarrell" (Cro-Mags)
Slayer-Hell Awaits
Anything off "Blues for a Red Sun" (Kyuss)
And of course all of those that I've personally penned...
[Mar 28,2007 8:15pm - retzam ""]
Satryicon - Mother North (main riff)
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (you know the one I mean)
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak (verse 3 power chord riff, love it)
Led Zeppelin - No Quarter (chorus riff)
The Beatles - Happiness Is A Warm Gun (during the "Mother Superior jumped the gun" section)
Morbid Angel - Angel Of Disease (the middle riff)
[Mar 28,2007 8:51pm - tylerl ""]
arch enemy "ravenous" has always been one of my favorites
[Mar 28,2007 9:19pm - NIGGER ""]
You listen to Arch Enemy? We gots a gay brotha in hyeah.

[Mar 29,2007 10:39am - Yeti ""]
retzam said:Satryicon - Mother North (main riff)

there is no way to single out a riff in that song. the whole song is just one awesome riff.
[Mar 29,2007 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
i love the "breakdown" riff in Death Mask by Exhumed, like a minute or so in.
[Mar 29,2007 1:40pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
anything by The Wiggles gets my vote for greatest riff!
[Mar 29,2007 2:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"The power of the riff compells me!"
[Mar 29,2007 3:49pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
africa bambaataa - Planet rock
[Mar 29,2007 3:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
My_Dying_Bride said:africa bambaataa - Planet rock

that shit is way crazy.

[Mar 29,2007 5:49pm - INFECT ""]
Thou Shalt Suffer - Into the Woods of Belial , that slow riff towards the end where the keyboards start in - end of fucking story
[Mar 29,2007 6:19pm - retzam ""]
Yeti said:retzam said:Satryicon - Mother North (main riff)

there is no way to single out a riff in that song. the whole song is just one awesome riff.

I consider the main riff in Mother North to be the one in three measures of 6 and a measure of 5 that knocks down walls and recurs at the end of the song and knocks down more walls and is probably the most recognizable black metal riff ever.
[Mar 29,2007 6:23pm - retzam ""]
Oh, and by "middle riff" in Angel Of Disease, I mean the one that comes after the second time the "down a third up a second, down a third up a second" riff happens. You know, the one that goes "duh duh duh, duhduhduh, duh"
[Mar 29,2007 7:44pm - rotivore ""]
dead angels lie-dissection "the whole song"
nights blood- dissection "the heart dies......riff"
mass appeal madness- napalm death
hell awaits- slayer "the whole album"
actually......this thread is stupid................
[Mar 29,2007 9:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Bad to the Bone - George Thoroughgood and the Destroyers
[Apr 3,2007 8:19pm - anonymous  ""]
Anything opeth plays > any band ever made
[Apr 3,2007 8:35pm - yummy ""]
Money for nuthin
[Apr 3,2007 9:14pm - nickyhelliot ""]
Vader - Silent empire

Arsis - Looking to Nothing

Glass Casket - Fearfully and Wonderfully made

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