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PICK 13 Your Favorite Local BANDS for the PALLADIUM SEP 10th

[Jul 21,2004 12:23pm - SUBJUGATE ""]

you guys could have fun with this hehehe
[Jul 21,2004 12:25pm - succubus ""]
wait..will the votes actually count for something Jim?

if so..it's a great idea
[Jul 21,2004 12:30pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i doubt it but i bet it'll annoy the fuck out of them seeing 13+ bands he's never heard of before come out of no where haha but look at it this way if some of these names are consistent who know they may be able to get in there and we all know how hard that club is to crack into

i just put up my list
[Jul 21,2004 12:30pm - succubus ""]
strength in numbers...if we all vote then maybe some of the bands on here can get to play the palladium
[Jul 21,2004 12:32pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
there you go

heres my list

1. teratism
2 phantom limb
3 ascendancy
4 5 min hate
5 raising kubrick
6 kevorkians angels
7 leukorrea
8 abhored
9 porphyria
10 life at zero
11 anoxia
12 kurix
13 bane of existence

sorry if i missed anyone
[Jul 21,2004 12:34pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ha nice, our lists are very similiar Jim, maybe the guy will consider a metal band or two.
Though I know he won't, the second he posted about a show before asking for line up ideas (first come, first serve) he ignored my email (which I sent when he posted the message cuz I was online then) until he filled the show, then emailed me back 6 days later saying it was full.
[Jul 21,2004 12:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
thanks jim for voting for us... i will have to register to vote.
[Jul 21,2004 12:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I put RK and Porphyria on my lists...and ascendancy.

I also put TOS but I think we are playing CT that day, so I don't really know if we can do it yet.

wouldn't you have done the same thing if you were in my position? yes, yes you would have.

and joe that picture scared me.
[Jul 21,2004 12:37pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
this is why we all need to go there and vote it's an open fourm for everyone to see if he dosen't choose at least one band that constantly in on a lot of the list than he's a dick
[Jul 21,2004 12:37pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Don't knock my woman!
[Jul 21,2004 12:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm also "the guy" that posted Converge. Call me a loser if yee will.
[Jul 21,2004 12:38pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I put RK and Porphyria on my lists...and ascendancy.

I also put TOS but I think we are playing CT that day, so I don't really know if we can do it yet.

wouldn't you have done the same thing if you were in my position? yes, yes you would have.

and joe that picture scared me.

you need to add 3more you chose 10 not 13
[Jul 21,2004 12:39pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i want everyone to take a few min go register and make a list it'll only take a few min
[Jul 21,2004 12:40pm - the_reverend ""]
1) mastermind
2) mastermind
3) mastermind
4) mastermind
5) mastermind
6) mastermind
7) mastermind
8) mastermind
9) mastermind
10) mastermind
11) mastermind
12) mastermind
13) mastermind
[Jul 21,2004 12:42pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
it's mastaminz
[Jul 21,2004 12:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't register on the bsr board... it won't let me so I have to log in at carina.
[Jul 21,2004 12:48pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
y won't it let you
[Jul 21,2004 12:53pm - succubus ""]
if you vote using my log in...it's ok..but don't waste the vote...

esp since i registered a while ago

i think it will look odd if a bunch of people just register today and we all vote for the same bands...don't you think they will think it to be weird?

if you register today..wait a bit...

i dunno my 2 cents...
[Jul 21,2004 12:56pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i was gonna say it probly wouldn't hurt to e mail your list to him also

[Jul 21,2004 1:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
i just e-mailed my list too, hehe.
[Jul 21,2004 1:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
1. Irepress
2. Kayo Dot
3. Shroud of Bereavement
4. Goratory
5. Pillory
6. Ascendancy
7. The Heuristic
8. Teratism
9. Hirudinea
10. Life at Zero
11. Porphyria
12. Dysentery
13. A Cold Reality (they are put last because Im pretty sure they arent gonna play any shows anytime soon, otherwise they would be a lot higher)
[Jul 21,2004 1:06pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
ditto tom

spaldino you goyya put it on baystaterock.com man it ait gonna be seen here
[Jul 21,2004 1:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
it sucks that ACR has such shitty luck... because Justin writes some of the best riffs I have ever heard.
[Jul 21,2004 1:20pm - assuck ""]
i voted and i probably forgot some bands but i listed the first bands that came to my head. we are storming that fuckin board
[Jul 21,2004 1:29pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i hate all the people and bands that post on that board.
[Jul 21,2004 1:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
i don't have 13 favorite local bands at the moment :\

it was hard to find 10!

I mostly like a lot of East Coast stuff that's going around like TNC, RK, Fruit Salad, Exosus, The Fall Line, The Bell County Silence, etc.

and i Like some west coast and middle america stuff, too, but for the most part I've been listening to Darkest Hour; Coheed & Cambria; Devil In The Kitchen; Damone; Reverend Glasseye; and Converge - Petitioning The Empty Sky,Jane Doe, When Forever Comes Crashing; lately. And that's it :\
[Jul 21,2004 3:29pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
he's saing your all fake and that your all cheating cause no one voted for
Rubikon, dogfight, Somatic, Hell from within

to quote him

"This is BS. I leave for one min and someone has to ruin it for everyone. I am not dumb and can tell what posts are fake. Have some respect we are trying to work with every band not just one. Funny how i didn't see bands like Rubikon, dogfight, Somatic, Hell from within only 1 plank 63, 2 schekta's etc...... (can't name everyone) but I can assure you that cheaters will not play "
[Jul 21,2004 3:31pm - Iren_the_Viking ""]
playing the palladium is a boyhood dream of mine!i would do anything for that. this kinda reminds me of a softcore porn i saw, this stripper needed custody of her child and turned to prostitution, i hope it doesnt come to that, i dont want to cry myself to sleep...it was a good flick though.
[Jul 21,2004 3:33pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
funny you say that cause during the analcunt vs hatebreed melee my drummer and i get moved to the stage and i said to him " bettersavor this moment it's the only time we'll be standing here"
[Jul 21,2004 3:37pm - anonymous  ""]
nu metal fest
[Jul 21,2004 3:44pm - succubus ""]
SUBJUGATE said:he's saing your all fake and that your all cheating cause no one voted for
Rubikon, dogfight, Somatic, Hell from within

to quote him

"This is BS. I leave for one min and someone has to ruin it for everyone. I am not dumb and can tell what posts are fake. Have some respect we are trying to work with every band not just one. Funny how i didn't see bands like Rubikon, dogfight, Somatic, Hell from within only 1 plank 63, 2 schekta's etc...... (can't name everyone) but I can assure you that cheaters will not play "

that's probably because everyone just signed up today...

[Jul 21,2004 3:45pm - dreadkill ""]
i like josh hates you's response in the aaf board to the person who said the departed and clip are the 2 best local bands ever.

everyone who posts in that is picking the nu-metal bands except the rttp people. i need to get some votes in there for dreaded silence.
[Jul 21,2004 3:48pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
do any of these votes even matter?
[Jul 21,2004 3:58pm - RustedAngel ""]

we need to drown out these other people voting for only 'the departed' and some other nu-band.

it's awesome that people here are going there and putting down the kick ass metal bands in the area.
[Jul 21,2004 4:09pm - succubus ""]
i just read through the entire thread...i love how some people assumed they were fake because some similar bands were named..

and i want to know about the concerts 4 charity...how much money goes to charities? i dunno about all that...he/she is rather accusing

i noticed other things about some of the people posting...but i jsut told aaron and i do not want to bash people i don't know

but other people here their own clicks

shutting up now :x
[Jul 21,2004 4:13pm - BornSoVile ""]
this is awesome!!!! Jim, you fucking rule guy. everyone on there is fucking metal and they think they're being spammed. i laughed my ass off reading some nu metal kids posts! what a great display of solidarity *knocks on wood*
[Jul 21,2004 5:15pm - blue ""]
heres my list:

hell within
trauma concept
plank 63

thats it. i cant think of any other good local bands right now.
[Jul 21,2004 5:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
lol @ blue.
[Jul 21,2004 6:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
I was just about to check out 'the departed' but it figures they have no music posted...they're website is gay enough....

so i decided to check out 'trauma concept'... fuckin sound like slipknot wannabee's with bad song writing skills. funny how they are even on a show with suffocation... it's actually kind of sad.
[Jul 21,2004 7:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
anybody, message this douchebag and give him shit:

Ryknow174: hey
chainsawboner: hi
chainsawboner: ?
Ryknow174: why the hostility on baystate?
chainsawboner: about what?
Ryknow174: trauma and the departed and clip
chainsawboner: i checked out TC
chainsawboner: they sucked
chainsawboner: departed doesn't even have any audio clips to backup their big mouths
Ryknow174: guy, im at your site right now.....
chainsawboner: "we're going to crush, we will tear the place down if you put us on the show"
Ryknow174: where are you playing, knights of columbus halls?
chainsawboner: what the fuck are you talking about?
Ryknow174: you arent gonna get anywhere spitting that shit man, thats all im saying
Ryknow174: your pictures
chainsawboner: you're not part of my scene
chainsawboner: i'm not worried about you
Ryknow174: your in like a school
Ryknow174: caffeteria
chainsawboner: we just started playing shows
Ryknow174: ohhhh, so this is a good way to get your name out there eh
chainsawboner: we just played coos county chaos fest, there was about 300 people there
Ryknow174: talk a lot of shit to bands
chainsawboner: yeah shitty bands
Ryknow174: ohhh sounds like a good time, well listen, you need to learn a thing or 2 about local scenes lil guy
chainsawboner: nu - metal bands do not get respect from underground metal bands
Ryknow174: and that is not to talk shit even if you dont like the bands
Ryknow174: ohh ok, youre a follower i see
chainsawboner: if you live in new england, and you don't even know what, www.returntothepit.com is, you are an idiot
Ryknow174: well hey good luck at the high school lock ins you play and birth dat bashes!!
Ryknow174: thats gonna get you far
chainsawboner: i'm no 'lil' guy, i could pick you up with two fingers and bite you in half
Ryknow174: thats really mature
Ryknow174: but seriously
chainsawboner: yeah, okay buddy... have fun playing gay nu-metal drop tuning 3 chords
Ryknow174: youre doing well
chainsawboner: i'd rather play a basement show than suck dick to play some faggy club
Ryknow174: hey, maybe some day when you guys break up, you can come buy me a beer at a show and applogize like a big boy
Ryknow174: riight
chainsawboner: we know who are friends are
chainsawboner: eat a cock
Ryknow174: because those basement shows get you signed
Ryknow174: ha
chainsawboner: haha you pussy
chainsawboner: i could seriously destroy you
chainsawboner: what are you talking about
Ryknow174: hey there, turn that frown upseide down angry guy
Ryknow174: :'(
chainsawboner: waaaa
Ryknow174: you guys are satan!!!
chainsawboner: ypu
Ryknow174: 666 chainsaw me up
chainsawboner: yeah, I decided against putting grass and leaves up on our website
Ryknow174: cool, i decided to
chainsawboner: fag
Ryknow174: because it looks better than ectocooler
Ryknow174: hey remember that time when you played at my highschool
Ryknow174: that was real cool
Ryknow174: my lil cousins bday is coming up
Ryknow174: you guys free?
chainsawboner: we'll play anywhere
chainsawboner: doesn't matter to us
chainsawboner: we're not about that
chainsawboner: we're about writing brutal technical music
Ryknow174: thats good
chainsawboner: you're about writing simple music to please your little mtv teeny bopper friends
Ryknow174: and making enemys along the way
Ryknow174: and then failing and living with mom and pops til you rot
chainsawboner: exactly
Ryknow174: good good
chainsawboner: i'm glad your my enemy
Ryknow174: im not :'(
Ryknow174: wanna hug?
chainsawboner: i hope we play a show together sometime
Ryknow174: im sure we wont, we might not be able to play highschools and librarys
chainsawboner: yeah, being cocky will not get you anywhere
chainsawboner: you'll see
chainsawboner: bye faggot
Ryknow174 signed off at 6:53:24 PM.
[Jul 21,2004 7:34pm - BornSoVile ""]
this means war!!!
[Jul 21,2004 7:59pm - intricateprocess ""]
what band is that kid in?
thats it,on to the baystaterock message board to snap....ill be back
[Jul 21,2004 8:25pm - powerkok ""]
thats some funny shit
[Jul 22,2004 4:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
this thread rules.
[Jul 22,2004 11:29pm - assuck ""]
i wholeheartedly agree
[Jul 23,2004 3:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
haha check out what one of these 'DEPARTED' douchebags lame attempts at making fun of porphyria...

"hey if anyone wants to see chainsaw poppa and the bonner lickers, you can head down to your nearest Knights Of Columbus Hall on a tuesday afternoon, playing for the vets, they already do charity work apprently, so i mean give the slot to someone that isnt occupied....they will also be appreaing at your local high school and middle schools for the lock-ins and at any 12 year olds Bday bash!!!! way to go guys, excellent, oh yeha and i suggest your band plays that show, i mean you have a drum machine, take sup less stage, and less setup time, they are ready for the palladium....when you guys can drive come on down to providence, we can play shows, or if mom and pop will drive you down maybe we can go fishing or read a good hardy boys novel you sweet tender baby boys."
[Jul 23,2004 4:17pm - Jay TUS  ""]
I think I had that Ryknow kid on my IM list at one point, I think he said his uncle was Sully Erna... or something...
[Jul 23,2004 4:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahah yeah, he fails miserrably at making fun of anything. it's amusing.
[Jul 23,2004 4:25pm - Jay TUS  ""]
He was about 5'6, a little pudgy (not that I can call anyone pudgy) and had a mohawk and his septum pierced, but for some reason I don't think you would be surprised by that. I don't have the kid on my list anymore but if that's the same person, he was in a different band when he was IMing me and was just as arrogant and cocky then....
[Jul 23,2004 5:29pm - dreadkill ""]
that aim conversation makes me angry. that kid is ridiculous. i hate the new trend of nu-metal kids trying to become real metal or hardcore (or metalcore for that matter) just because their current trend is dying out. so gay. i'm not really into brutal death metal as much as i used to be, but i'll take any return to the pit band over any shit ass bay state rock band any day.

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