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Now Find a show to go to!

Mar 5 (Thu) - Full Blown Chaos, See You Next Tuesday, This or the Apocalypse, A Plea for Purging, Then Came the Plague, Hive Smasher, Tracing the Corpse, and Lakeside Avenue - Melrose VFW (428 Main st, Melrose MA) +

3/5 Full Blown Chaos, See You Next Tuesday, Hive Smasher, and more in Melrose!

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Feb 23,2009 8:33am - aaron_michael ""]
[Feb 23,2009 8:36am - W3 @ work  ""]
I've never heard of more then half those bands.
[Feb 23,2009 8:48am - aaron_michael ""]
me either, but hopefully playing with Full Blown Chaos and See You Next Tuesday lands us a record deal with Rockafella and we can tour the world in a gold plated mess of a bus with groupies that range from 200 to 600 pounds.

no parents.
[Feb 23,2009 9:03am - W3 @ work  ""]
Hi I didn't understand a word you just said could you repeat yourself with sayings that end in "aw yeah" thank you
[Feb 23,2009 9:17am - the_reverend ""]
I won't be in new england then.
[Feb 23,2009 9:19am - W3 @ work  ""]

the_reverend said:I won't be in new england then.

shows cancelled
[Feb 23,2009 9:20am - RustyPS ""]
congrats on that one guys!

btw, remind me this weekend to buy a Psyopus ticket for Melrose off you...I know I'll forget
[Feb 23,2009 9:32am - aaron_michael ""]
aw yeah
[Feb 23,2009 11:26am - xanonymousx ""]

aaron_michael said:
no parents.

[Mar 2,2009 9:35am - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 4,2009 12:18pm - brodown ""]
We've got tickets for this, so get a hold of Aaron or I if you're planning on coming! Should be fun!
[Mar 4,2009 12:29pm - aaron_michael ""]
mad tickets yo! buy em!
[Mar 4,2009 12:34pm - DrewBlood ""]
how am i supposed to make it to melrose by 5:00pm? who else is going to mosh over teenagers and bum everyone out?
[Mar 4,2009 12:35pm - reimroc ""]

aaron_michael said:me either, but hopefully playing with Full Blown Chaos and See You Next Tuesday lands us a record deal with Rockafella and we can tour the world in a gold plated mess of a bus with groupies that range from 200 to 600 pounds.

no parents.

[Mar 4,2009 12:38pm - xmikex ""]
I'd really like to go and step on some dicks for Hivesmasher and FBC. I seriously only have access to about $3 from now until Friday afternoon.

Seriously, how often do I make up excuses like that. I'll be there if I can be.
[Mar 4,2009 1:10pm - reimroc ""]
i'm attempting to figure out what some of these bands sound like
[Mar 4,2009 1:16pm - reimroc ""]

just in case any of you want to hear. especially if you never heard of some of these bands before like me.
[Mar 4,2009 1:17pm - RustyPS ""]

RustyPS said:congrats on that one guys!

btw, remind me this weekend to buy a Psyopus ticket for Melrose off you...I know I'll forget

looks like we both forgot....lol
[Mar 4,2009 1:18pm - xanonymousx ""]
this is a cool place right next to mexico lindo, saw joe brown play the keys in his new band a week or so ago.
[Mar 4,2009 1:19pm - aaron_michael ""]
mexican food?? the show just got better!
[Mar 4,2009 1:22pm - RustyPS ""]

xanonymousx said:this is a cool place right next to mexico lindo, saw joe brown play the keys in his new band a week or so ago.
That just made me more excited to play the Fuck Your Tickets Fest in a few weeks!!!!
[Mar 4,2009 1:23pm - reimroc ""]
aaron where the hell do i get a ticket?
[Mar 4,2009 1:48pm - aaron_michael ""]
from anyone in the band! Im gonna be there late, but search them out. They'll be hanging around outside selling tickets
[Mar 4,2009 2:03pm - reimroc ""]
[Mar 4,2009 3:47pm - xanonymousx ""]

aaron_michael said:from anyone in the band! Im gonna be there late, but search them out. They'll be hanging around outside selling tickets

i did that, its more like a sketchy drug deal....
i was called skip a bunch.
[Mar 5,2009 1:20am - CassieLynn ""]
I'm seeing FBC and SYNT with a couple local bands on the 5th of April in DE
[Mar 5,2009 8:54am - aaron_michael ""]

CassieLynn said:I'm seeing FBC and SYNT with a couple local bands on the 5th of April in DE

oh word?
[Mar 5,2009 9:18am - G nli  ""]
ohai we're in.........melrose.
[Mar 5,2009 11:00am - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 5,2009 11:51am - i_am_not_me ""]
Full Blown Chaos? More like Full Blown Gayass. OH!
[Mar 5,2009 11:52am - reimroc ""]
[Mar 5,2009 11:19pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 6,2009 12:03am - KeynoteCompany ""]
How was the show?
[Mar 6,2009 6:29am - aaron_michael ""]
surprisingly empty. we went in with huge expectations but was met with only about 20 kids minus all the band members. mostly hardcore bands played, so our reaction pretty cold aside from our breakdowns. constant PA problems left me running up and screaming in people's faces most of the set.

hopefully our show with Psyopus goes over a little better.
[Mar 6,2009 8:50am - reimroc ""]
shit thats cause i wasn't there. had to work. i already marked the day off for that Psyopus show. you guys need to get booked in NY with HYEO too.
[Mar 6,2009 8:56am - RustyPS ""]
actually, we pulled out of NY cause something came up for me....sucks
[Mar 6,2009 8:58am - reimroc ""]

[Mar 6,2009 8:59am - reimroc ""]
well plenty of other dates to see you
[Mar 6,2009 10:10am - reimroc ""]
so really only 20 people showed up for FBC?
[Mar 6,2009 1:32pm - 241 nli  ""]
Yea you would think FBC would draw in more than that
[Mar 6,2009 3:01pm - brodown ""]
Rusty--what NY show is this? Might we be able to straight up steal your spot? Haha.
[Mar 6,2009 3:05pm - RustyPS ""]
that was referring to what we were trying to set up the first weekend of April...we didn't have a definite show booked
[Mar 6,2009 3:07pm - KeynoteCompany ""]

aaron_michael said:surprisingly empty. we went in with huge expectations but was met with only about 20 kids minus all the band members. mostly hardcore bands played, so our reaction pretty cold aside from our breakdowns. constant PA problems left me running up and screaming in people's faces most of the set.

hopefully our show with Psyopus goes over a little better.

Yeah I was talking to the promoter earlier yesterday and he said could be better so I didn't know how to grasp that.
Full Blown Chaos didn't get much of a reaction when they played Brockton that's why I was wondering.
[Mar 6,2009 3:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

aaron_michael said:Psyopus

huh, date info what?

[Mar 6,2009 3:17pm - reimroc ""]

05-04-2009 18:00 at Melrose VFW (GET AT US FOR TICKETS) with PSYOPUS, ROSE FUNERAL & MORE!!!
428 Main St, Melrose, Massachusetts
Cost: $10
All Ages!!! with PSYOPUS, Rose Funeral, Woe Of Tyrants, Molotov Solution, and more TBA!!!
[Mar 6,2009 3:19pm - RichHorror ""]
haha HiveSmasher plays with the worst bands ever. Whaddup widdat
[Mar 6,2009 3:24pm - aaron_michael ""]

KeynoteCompany said:
aaron_michael said:surprisingly empty. we went in with huge expectations but was met with only about 20 kids minus all the band members. mostly hardcore bands played, so our reaction pretty cold aside from our breakdowns. constant PA problems left me running up and screaming in people's faces most of the set.

hopefully our show with Psyopus goes over a little better.

Yeah I was talking to the promoter earlier yesterday and he said could be better so I didn't know how to grasp that.
Full Blown Chaos didn't get much of a reaction when they played Brockton that's why I was wondering.

that's even more of a shock. the last I heard of FBC they sold out the upstairs paladium and SYNT has previously sold out the ICC.
must have been an off night for show-goers.

as for the Psyopus shows
May 4th- Melrose VFW, Psyopus, Rose Funeral, Hive Smasher
May 5th- Rocko's Bar, same line up

anyone want to buy a ticket to either of those?

[Mar 6,2009 3:24pm - aaron_michael ""]

RichHorror said:haha HiveSmasher plays with the worst bands ever. Whaddup widdat

check out the bands we're playing with on saturday ;)
honestly, we're just happy to play(most of the time)
[Mar 6,2009 3:27pm - reimroc ""]
the shows on 4/7 and 4/11 will be ridonkulous to say the least
[Mar 6,2009 3:28pm - RustyPS ""]
you guys forgot to remind to buy a ticket last weekend...lol

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