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Heavy Metal Tonight - March 15th - The official thread - SUPERCHRIST, KEVORKIAN'S ANGELS, CSDO, HIRUDINEA

ICC Church (Allston, Ma) - [7_seconds][champion][randomshots][some_kind_of_hate][the_briggs][candy_striper_death_orgy][kevorkians_angels][superchrist]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Mar 15,2005 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving in 5 for the area.
you've been warned
[Mar 15,2005 5:43pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I'll try to make it.
[Mar 16,2005 1:56am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading
[Mar 16,2005 2:23am - BornSoVile ""]
that was one of the greatest O'Briens show I've ever seen.
[Mar 16,2005 4:15am - Ninkaszi187 ""]

[Mar 16,2005 8:55am - SuperFly ""]
HOLY HANGOVER BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[Mar 16,2005 9:11am - paganmegan ""]
[Mar 16,2005 9:17am - paganmegan ""]
I only got to see 1 and a half hirudinea songs, but what I saw was awesome

Candy striper death orgy I had never see before but I thought they ruled, nice and thrashy, put on a good show with lots of between song banter about masturbation

Kevorkians angels are always fun, a great set with their hyper fast awesome metal

Superchrist fucking rule. Their originals kill and they did two covers, iron fist and running free. They put on a great show and I love the guitar solos

Too much fun for a tuesday
[Mar 16,2005 10:37am - pessimist ""]
SuperFly said:HOLY HANGOVER BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

no fucking shit. i called out of work. no chance. we had to drive Josh back to Hopkinton. fucking sports depot.

Hirudinea: I missed the first 2 or 3 songs. The new one I heard was fucking awesome. This was the tightest I have ever seen them. I guess practicing really does help.

CSDO: Me and John got Spike's

Kevorkians: Next time bring you're own fucking mic! The new songs are so good, they need to hurry up and record. Drunk,sloppy and out of control.

SUPERCHRIST!! God damn! I don't remember enjoying myself so much at one show in a while, and these guys topped it off perfectly. Great sing a long band. Everyone fistbanging til dawn!!! Awesome band. Everyone needs to check these guys out. I got a shirt and the 2 cds Alex didn't put out for $20.

So i was really shitfaced, I got the new CNV cd which i will throw on when the hangover goes away. Thanks to Alex for putting on a fantastic show. You're beginning to look a bit like Ozzy my friend...

[Mar 16,2005 10:50am - SuperFly ""]
OZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS.
[Mar 16,2005 10:53am - SuperFly ""]
I think I need to go to an AA meeting. This is really not a joke.
[Mar 16,2005 11:00am - paganmegan ""]
There's nothing wrong with getting a little shitfaced once in awhile.
[Mar 16,2005 11:06am - SuperFly ""]
the problem is it happens all the time.
[Mar 16,2005 11:14am - paganmegan ""]
You are a living st. vitus song
[Mar 16,2005 11:25am - SuperFly ""]
"every time I wake up sick, I say never again, but then opportunity knocks, and I'm wasted my friend. I can't control my addiction, I try time and time again. I'm losing all my friends and lovers, alcohol knows it's gonna win, it's gonna win."
[Mar 16,2005 11:27am - paganmegan ""]
SuperFly said:"every time I wake up sick, I say never again, but then opportunity knocks, and I'm wasted my friend. I can't control my addiction, I try time and time again. I'm losing all my friends and lovers, alcohol knows it's gonna win, it's gonna win."

[Mar 16,2005 11:28am - KillerKadoogan ""]
'lil ben is pissed he missed this god damn show.
[Mar 16,2005 11:29am - paganmegan ""]
You should have gone in disguise with a fake ID
[Mar 16,2005 11:33am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i definitley could use a fake i.d.

anybody know anybody?
[Mar 16,2005 11:34am - SuperFly ""]
KillerKadoogan said:'lil ben is pissed he missed this god damn show.

It was a good time, although I'm not having a good time right now!!!!!!!!!!!:gun:
[Mar 16,2005 11:34am - KillerKadoogan ""]
i would imagine so
[Mar 16,2005 11:35am - SuperFly ""]
you can't possibly imagine how I feel right now.
[Mar 16,2005 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
hirudinea: sorry guys... I missed it... I guess you went on a bit early and the clock at the show I was at was a bit slow. so I missed me. though mike graciously made a cameo King Diamond style with every other band so it was all good.

candy stripper death orgy: it's funny. they started under ReganII and king George I, writing songs about holocaustic wars. now, 16 years a later, under another republican dictatorship, their songs about nuclear war are back in vogue... coincidence? I think not. anyhow, they played a new song that ruled.

kevorkians angels: they played some new songs and some of the classics. no time for ramones covers though. the crowd was all up in their faces too. Nick get's my #1 drunk for this show. what a heabanging mess! I sort of thought that brad wasn't really into the performance though... he didn't seem to "get into" it until the last song.

superchrist: all I can saw is that I'm not sure I need to see motorhead now. these guys were awesome. the live CD does them no justice at all. I thought from the CD that they were going to be a lot more pretentious then actually were... I would actually have to say they were pretty damn humble on stage. everyone in the crowd was banging their heads and or hands. the whole front of the stage was a drunking pushing mess of people with eric trying to protect the PA on the bathroom side. they played on even as the crowd kept spilling up on the stage and knocking mics over. I havent see a spectical like that since dismember at the palladium in 2000 when they had the stairs in the front of the stage.
my only complaint is that their whole set was a little short... but what can you do right?
[Mar 16,2005 12:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said: I havent see a spectical like that since dismember at the palladium in 2000 when they had the stairs in the front of the stage.

[Mar 16,2005 12:49pm - anonymous  ""]
candy STRIPER aaron
well at least you got it right in the photos section
[Mar 16,2005 12:51pm - the_reverend ""]
no I didnt...
[Mar 16,2005 12:54pm - anonymous  ""]
fix it!
i saw beastial\'s post and thought it was a link to the pics...but i guess text does not have links to photos
[Mar 16,2005 1:54pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Superchrist was great. Good ol' drunken rock n' roll...
[Mar 16,2005 4:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Thanks to everyone that came and the bands of course... And to Aaron, awesome pics!
[Mar 16,2005 4:35pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
the_reverend said:I havent see a spectical like that since dismember at the palladium in 2000 when they had the stairs in the front of the stage.

Haha probably cause it was mostly the same people! Fortunately there was no necessity for a "SHADOWS FALL SUCKS!" chant last night...
[Mar 16,2005 4:39pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I don't know why the sound guy made them stop at 12:30, that was lame...

The set as I remember it, order's a bit hazy:

Hurry Up And Bleed
Fuck You Twice
To Hell And Black
Bursting Out
Old Fast And Hard
Running Free
Make You Famous
Iron Fist
Strangers In The Night (awesome vocals on verse #3, eh?)
Stand Up And Shit
[Mar 16,2005 4:43pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
KillerKadoogan said:'lil ben is pissed he missed this god damn show.

Goddammit man, I told you we'd try the merch thing, that mighta worked!
[Mar 16,2005 4:49pm - Bradness ""]
the_reverend said:

I sort of thought that brad wasn't really into the performance though... he didn't seem to "get into" it until the last song.

sorry to let you down rev. i had a hard time following our set due to Nick's flagrant abuse of bass powers.:NEWHORNS:

[Mar 16,2005 4:51pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
BestialOnslaught said:KillerKadoogan said:'lil ben is pissed he missed this god damn show.

Goddammit man, I told you we'd try the merch thing, that mighta worked!

yeah but if it didnt i would have been stuck outside with no patio to smoke in
[Mar 16,2005 5:04pm - BornSoVile ""]
Hirudinea - FUCKING AWESOME! New material sounds great. I was really looking forward to seeing them. Play Church Fire next time, please? Great set though, nonetheless.

CSDO - Fucking slayed. Watch out for Nick Kevorkian!!

Kevorkians - Excellent as usual. Nemesis to Neglect was awesome, one of my favorite songs by them.

Superchrist - Phenomnal. I don't care if I missed Motorhead last Friday, these dudes rocked. I need all their albums. The best time I've ever had at O'briens during a set. Great to hear everyone chant. Lots of heart.

MMP conquered.

Was I the only one that fell in love with the door girl??

Got my car this morning. No problems, no tow, no ticket. They put a red piece of paper on my windshield saying they have my plate number and if I park there again I will be towed. Whatever.
[Mar 16,2005 7:04pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
what a night. such a good time. alex onslaught needs to book more shows. even the staff at obriens was surprisingly more nice than usual. they didn't even card us. great crowd too.

hirudinea-i thought we played good. thanks a million to eric from CSDO for letting me use his guitar. if he didn't, i would have been doing vocals for the rest of the set. josh, next time yell the song you want to hear haha.

Candy Striper Death Orgy-fucking awesome. i don't care what the rest of the homos that post here think. they most likely kill your band haha. classic sounding thrash in the vein of Nuclear Assault.

Kevorkians Angels-great as usual. no ramones covers, oh well. i like KA better anyway. awesome out of control set. back up vocals galore.

SUPERCHRIST-all the way from chicago for one gig on a tuesday night. amazing. the staff was having a real hard time trying to control the crowd. i almost got pulled out three times but fistbanged myself away haha! you can't go wrong with classic motorhead, iron maiden, and venom covers. you are just asking for a riot. superchrist made me want to kill. awesome set and i hope they come back soon.
[Mar 17,2005 12:43pm - chris black  ""]
Hey fux, thanks for all the good feedback here and for giving us such a killer response at the gig. We had a great time with you all and we WILL be back before long. Bestial Alex went above and beyond on this one, and we also must say thanks to Kevorkian's Angels for abuse of their equipment.

The Superchrist setlist was:

Hurry Up and Bleed
Fuck You Twice
Old Fast and Hard
Black is Beautiful
Make You Famous
To Hell and Black
Bursting Out
Running Free
Strangers in the Night
Iron Fist
Stand Up and Shit

We also were going to play Aim Low and Thunderpants but due to time constraints they didn't make it. We will play them next time.

Thanks again
[Mar 17,2005 12:52pm - paganmegan ""]
I can't fucking wait until superchrist play another show in the area!!!!
[Mar 17,2005 4:51pm - pessimist ""]
dammit i was waiting for aim low
[Mar 17,2005 8:14pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I forgot "Black And Beautiful"... This set goes to 11!
[Mar 18,2005 1:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Twas a fun fucking show. It made me rather happy.

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