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Club Lido (Revere, MA) - [ceremony][colin_of_arabia][crime_in_stereo][die_young][life_long_tragedy][new_lows][randomshots][sabertooth_zombie][hirudinea][kevorkians_angels][noosebomb][randomshots]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Jun 7,2008 2:49am - RichHorror ""]
hahaha, if any distro is getting set up at this, it's my distro.

Everyone bring some extra cash and buy the new Kevorkians Angels CD off of Brad.
[Jun 7,2008 9:56am - brad weymouth  ""]

RichHorror said:hahaha, if any distro is getting set up at this, it's my distro.

Everyone bring some extra cash and buy the new Kevorkians Angels CD off of Brad.

we just picked them up yesterday, they'll be under 10 bucks, not sure what price we decided on.
[Jun 7,2008 12:17pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuuuuuuck. I need this CD so bad but I've never been more broke.
[Jun 7,2008 12:40pm - W3 nli  ""]
this cd is def worth going broke for
[Jun 7,2008 4:08pm - weymouth doug  ""]
cd's for 5 bucks
[Jun 7,2008 4:13pm - Mess ""]

weymouth%20doug said:cd's for 5 bucks

you guy's back yet?
[Jun 7,2008 6:28pm - the_reverend ""]
im assuming that ik st to shoot this?
[Jun 8,2008 12:04am - the_reverend ""]
this show is getting done.
[Jun 8,2008 1:36am - RichHorror ""]
Hope everything went ok. I fucked my ankle up big time after last night's show... like to where I thought I broke it again. Fucking pissed I missed KA's swan song.
[Jun 8,2008 3:00am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 8,2008 9:44am - brad weymouth  ""]
great pics, i like the i fucking quit thing. Thanks to all for coming out, it was a killer final show. Kind of sucks, playing Blitzkrieg Bop for the last time with my bro's was surreal. Good to see Joe NC, fuckin kid had on his size 15 mustard yellow shoes and ketchup red shorts....
[Jun 8,2008 10:56am - GodlessRob ""]
Great show last night! I had a great time, all the bands were great, Noosebomb was FUCKING LOUD! Got to meet MSD in person, saw some cock and jowel touching, Larry Lifeless sprayed beer on everyone in Noosebomb... good times!
Got yelled at by a drunk cunt in a minvan while outside smoking.

Drunk cunt: "Do you know that you are all ugly?"
GodlessRob: "Go fuck yourself, you stupid cunt!"
Blue: "uh yea, we know we're ugly"
[Jun 8,2008 11:17am - Kadooganumbnuts  ""]
So yeah, I'm a gigantic asshole for missing this. I had one of my anti-social fits and decided not to go. My regards to everyone in Kevorkian's, who will remain by far one of the greatest bands, period, to have ever existed. I do believe that wholeheartedly.
[Jun 8,2008 11:35am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Wish I went just to see Joe NC.

R.I.P. - K.A.
[Jun 8,2008 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
Joe NC is a dick for the sole reason that he obviously stole his clothing from a retarded kid.
[Jun 8,2008 12:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You mean he obviously stole from Larry Lifeless?
[Jun 8,2008 1:13pm - brad weymouth  ""]

the_reverend said:Joe NC is a dick for the sole reason that he obviously stole his clothing from a retarded kid.

nice pics dude, good seeing you again.
[Jun 8,2008 1:18pm - Mess ""]
good fucking times starting with the weymouth bbq all the way to the end. what a way to go out. Brad i took some pics also, i'll send them your way.
[Jun 8,2008 2:02pm - RobinG ""]
[Jun 8,2008 2:11pm - blue ""]
there were at least 20 people at this show i havent seen in 2+ years.
[Jun 8,2008 9:40pm - brad weymouth  ""]

blue said:there were at least 20 people at this show i havent seen in 2+ years.

troo dat.
live tunes from the show are up on our Myspace, here
[Jun 8,2008 9:59pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
brad%20weymouth said:
W3%20nli said:WEYMOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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W3%20nli said:WEYMOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W3%20nli said:WEYMOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

W3%20nli said:WEYMOUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCKIN WEYMOUTH !!!!! :duffbeer:
[Jun 8,2008 10:08pm - brad weymouth  ""]
mad stoned, killer bud HAS BEEN FAHKIN smoked dude:spineyes:
[Jun 8,2008 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
Noosebomb and hirudinea's sets were pretty standard for them, but i was pretty tired from the lack of sleep, the previous show, and walking all morning around town. Larry interrupted both sets with shenanigans.

Kevorkians angels was a weird set. No spilt beer, no long hair, no falling down drunk, and no sloppy playing. It was like the sloppy ramones rockers we knew for years got replaced by a house band of musicians trained from birth to cover kevorkians angels songs. Every one of these dudes has upgraded their playing. Even the epic drumming of gillis got an ugrade. Somehow. I kept wanting to yell out and ask nick what his porn name (they issue one to everyone with a stache and doo like the ones he's sporting), but i couldnt cause they basically never stopped the rock. The only songs where the original KA seeped out were the last 2 songs. They played my inner demons and the ramones cover. The rest of the set was like they were recording their best of CD.
[Jun 9,2008 6:16am - brad weymouth  ""]

the_reverend said:

Kevorkians angels was a weird set. No spilt beer, no falling down drunk, and no sloppy playing. .

yeah, cuz mark was sober!:shocked:

wow.that's quite a review. it's amazing what Gillis did for years with his shitbox mismatched kits, he's a friggin animal. have you listened to the album yet?
[Jun 9,2008 9:20am - inject-now ""]
the new KA cd rules brad. far better than the first cd. great show, and i am sad to see KA go. good way to go out though.
[Jun 9,2008 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
I have the CD in my bag still. I'll probably toss it in shortly.
[Jun 9,2008 12:10pm - brad weymouth  ""]

inject-now said:the new KA cd rules brad. far better than the first cd. great show, and i am sad to see KA go. good way to go out though.

thanks man, and thank you for coming out and tearing shit up yo diggity. Man was i fighting the urge to ask you for some of your "allergies".
[Jun 9,2008 12:28pm - Mess ""]
[Jun 9,2008 8:43pm - brad weymouth  ""]
up the irons!
[Jun 10,2008 10:35pm - Josh Martin NLI  ""]
Killer show all around. RIP
[Jun 14,2008 1:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Finally getting a chance to listen to the KA CD now.

[Jun 14,2008 4:19pm - brad weymouth  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Finally getting a chance to listen to the KA CD now.


thanks, we think so too:NEWHORNS:
[Dec 17,2010 12:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I'm sending a copy of this show on CD to Nick and Mark. ANyone have John Gillis's address?
[Dec 17,2010 1:05pm - BSV  ""]
KA and Noosebomb are 2 bands I really really miss.
[Dec 17,2010 8:15pm - W3 nli  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:I'm sending a copy of this show on CD to Nick and Mark. ANyone have John Gillis's address?

if you dont come across his address, AxCx practices right next to Hanna Ford's space. Plus Jon is doing You're Fired in Seth's space.
[Dec 17,2010 8:44pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
get his address when you see him, I have the KA last show and the last CWAF recording for him
[Dec 17,2010 10:22pm - w3 mobilized  ""]
Will do
[Dec 18,2010 7:38am - the_reverend ""]
I totally forgot this was at the midway
[Dec 18,2010 10:37am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
We wanted Obriens for obvious reasons, but it was kind of last minute so Rich did his best and got the Midway. That was a cool venue, is it still around?

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