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RINDGE OPEN AIR FESTIVAL feat. Contagion, 3 Headed Monster, Porphyria, Powerglove, Ravage, and Mortencia

[Feb 26,2006 6:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
DUDE FUCK KENNY SERIOUSLY I AM GONNA GO START 100 ANTI KENNY THREADS HOLY SHIT= sajdalkjdlkjsalkdslkasjdklajdviolenceaasd;kljasdlkajadsklviolenceaskljdklasdkjlsd
[Feb 26,2006 6:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:DUDE FUCK KENNY SERIOUSLY I AM GONNA GO START 100 ANTI KENNY THREADS HOLY SHIT= sajdalkjdlkjsalkdslkasjdklajdviolenceaasd;kljasdlkajadsklviolenceaskljdklasdkjlsd

don't come crying to me when you wanna fix things that are wrong with the scene.
[Feb 26,2006 10:42pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I'm debating if I should go...it's pretty damn far to drive. That, and I don't have the $30 I owe Bassil and he'll hound me for it for the duration of the show if I don't pay him.
[Feb 26,2006 11:15pm - Cecchini ""]
[Feb 27,2006 12:16pm - Kessaris ""]
this is not a Kenny show, this is a Chris Kessaris show. only melodic rock music bands can play
[Feb 27,2006 7:46pm - kessaris ""]
dreams will be broken this night
[Feb 28,2006 11:08am - kessaris ""]
can anyone bring a PA?
[Feb 28,2006 11:45am - Cecchini @ UML  ""]
while I'm thinking about it, fuck sonata arctica.
[Feb 28,2006 3:36pm - kessaris ""]
actually we just need PA speakers, if anyone has anything we could use for that, bring it up, I think only 4 bands need the PA, if need be we could probably shuffle the order of the bands to make it all work
[Feb 28,2006 10:10pm - contagion ""]
kessaris said:actually we just need PA speakers, if anyone has anything we could use for that, bring it up, I think only 4 bands need the PA, if need be we could probably shuffle the order of the bands to make it all work

why wouldnt any of the bands need the pa?
[Mar 1,2006 12:00am - kessaris ""]
well, 3HM will just yell stuff, we kinda did that last time anyways, hahaha
[Mar 2,2006 10:28am - Al Ravage  ""]
if you aren't at the accursed show...you'd butta be at this show....free metal fest yo....free metal fest...ding dong yo..ding dong
[Mar 3,2006 3:14pm - Cecchini ""]
Yea go to this shit
[Mar 3,2006 3:20pm - sinistas ""]
of course, if you're not at this show, you should be at the accursed show

[Mar 3,2006 3:49pm - mOe nli  ""]
Who's comin-ah!?
[Mar 3,2006 3:50pm - dreadkill ""]
i enjoy these bands, but i'll be playing at the new bedford show and fighting off tranny hookers with sexy mustaches.
[Mar 3,2006 5:12pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
make free shows with awesome lineups closer to here. bastards.
[Mar 3,2006 7:47pm - mOe in AMherst  ""]
i'm putting on another show in April @ FPC
more details to come

but come to this show tomorrow goddammit the party will kill
[Mar 3,2006 7:50pm - Blue ""]
[Mar 3,2006 8:42pm - Al Ravage  ""]
the bands from the Accursed show should come up afterwards and play a set...make it a double metal fest
[Mar 3,2006 8:43pm - dreadkill ""]
that would rule, but everyone will be too drunk to drive up there.
[Mar 3,2006 11:18pm - Cecchini ""]
3HM is the brown stain on the underwear of this show
[Mar 4,2006 11:13am - Cecchini ""]
For those of you who are going to this...

Keep going straight onto the campus until you see a giant BUBBLE... yes.. thats right... a giant BUBBLE.... You want the building directly across from that.

You'll know what i mean by bubble when you get there.... trust me.
[Mar 4,2006 11:14am - Cecchini ""]
oh yea and you all better get there early to see Mortencia.
[Mar 4,2006 1:05pm - chief running crowbar  ""]
The Chief and the BOHD will be in attendance. Gettin wicked fuckin pissah at Roy's Gun Shop Guy... bump for kicking in people's air conditioners.
[Mar 4,2006 1:51pm - kessaris ""]
everyone gets their grey wings tonight!!!
[Mar 4,2006 2:28pm - chief running crowbar  ""]
or gets smashed in the face with a telephone. LONG LIVE THE BUBBATWINS
[Mar 4,2006 3:33pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Oh, quick question. Is gas cheaper in NH than MA? I just want to know if I should fill up before I go or when I get there. I'll need the gas to get back, but I can make it to there on what I have.
[Mar 4,2006 4:00pm - porphyria603 ""]
Does anyone mind if i use their bass cab?I can't seem to fit mine in the tiny ass car i'm borrowing to get there.
[Mar 5,2006 10:41am - i_am_not_me ""]
I know it was in poor taste to bolt after the song dedicated to me, but I was working under a strict curfew (Had to be home by 1, hour and a half drive) and had to stop to get gas too. 'twas a fucking awesome show, though.

And apparently I have a fanclub for my Power Ranger vocals.
[Mar 5,2006 11:01am - Cecchini ""]
hahha i completely undedicate that song to you haha
[Mar 5,2006 11:05am - i_am_not_me ""]
Lame. :stupidflanders:
[Mar 5,2006 11:20am - kessaris ""]
I think I have tendonitis in my left hand...I suck
[Mar 5,2006 11:50am - kessaris ""]
everyone kicked ass last night. Half of 3HM is now on the injured reserve list at this point. Probably dropping off all the shows we have for a while since I...can't play guitar. But yea, everyone else kicked butt last night.

This is probably going to be the last show at FPC however since there was a huuuuuuuuge hole in the wall
[Mar 5,2006 10:14pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Yeah, that hole was some serious shit. Hopefully Meghann manages to hunt down that moshing hippie bitch that pushed the guy into the wall that caused the hole and beat the shit out of her like she promised.
[Mar 6,2006 11:54am - Kessaris ""]
I found out who did it and how it happened...so I ain't paying for the damage!!! WOOHOO!
[Mar 6,2006 11:58am - RustedAngel ""]
this was a pretty fun show, I wasn't feeling too well and on top of that Shawn's car broke down on the way so we played without a bass player. Powerglove was pretty amazing. Cadaveryne were great as well, Goatzart has some mean chops.
[Mar 6,2006 12:08pm - Kessaris ""]
word, I could tell you weren't in the greatest of moods...so I didn't fuck with you. Next time however, wet willies for all
[Mar 6,2006 12:22pm - Cecchini in class  ""]
I dunno where my head was during my set so I apologize for my poopy lead playing. I decided to not play any of the leads I have written and just blanked out or something hahaha. I've had a rough past 2 shows hahaha.
[Mar 7,2006 11:21pm - contagion ""]
tom- what did you do with those pics you took?

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