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The Happening

[Jun 14,2008 2:42am - Grizloch ""]
[Jun 14,2008 4:43am - ArilliusBM ""]
not surprised.
[Jun 14,2008 8:01am - powerkok ""]
But its his first R rated movie!!! hahahaha

He hasnt done anything remotely good since 6th sense, and even that was barely acceptable.
[Jun 14,2008 8:50am - brad weymouth  ""]
shamalamadingdong sucks
[Jun 14,2008 8:56am - zenerik ""]
I actually liked Lady in the Water and The Village. But I don't know how much I want to see this one.
[Jun 14,2008 9:15am - mOe @ home  ""]
i'm curious as to what is actually Happening (no pun) in the movie, so a spoiler would be great
[Jun 14,2008 9:53am - kevord ""]
The trees and plants are giving off a chemical that makes everyone kill themselves. I thought the movie was really good. Lots of great suicide scenes.
[Jun 14,2008 10:13am - markfuckingrichards ""]
I'm going to try seeing this today. I hope it doesn't suck, but I always have low expectations going into new horror movies.
[Jun 14,2008 10:13am - sever nli  ""]
this movie sucked.
[Jun 14,2008 10:15am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I just want to see it because I heard it was so bad it was good.

Last great movie M. Night made was Unbreakable, very underrated movie.
[Jun 14,2008 11:32am - thegreatspaldino ""]
unbreakable was a boring poofest. he already made a movie about someone having a weakness to water. he ripped himself off.
[Jun 14,2008 11:53am - ArilliusBM ""]
Signs and the Sixth Sense are good but I'm not too happy about his other movies.
Signs had some really stupid parts too.
As an alien fanatic, it left me disappointed.
[Jun 14,2008 11:59am - kevord ""]
I don't get why people dont like this movie. Some of it's a bit slow. But it has some really great scenes and a such a somber tone.
[Jun 14,2008 12:33pm - DomesticTerror ""]
"worse than Jeepers Creepers" is how my friend put it. and JC is his barometer for suck movies...
[Jun 14,2008 1:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Vhat a tweest!
[Jun 14,2008 1:19pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i almost had to see this today, but i saw this, and i convinced the person im going with to see the hulk instead
[Jun 14,2008 2:37pm - DomesticTerror ""]
going to see the hulk today too. i don't have huge expectations, i just really wanna see the hulk smash a bunch of shit.
[Jun 14,2008 2:42pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Jun 14,2008 4:42pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I liked it, the pollen idea was refreshing, I had a similar idea about a horror story but only the pollen would just kill people period, or turn them into murderous crazies.

only part i hated was the whole love thing.

oh and the part when the two kids get killed is unintentionally hilarious, when the gun was pointing at the black kid everyone laughed in the theaters.

p.s. I heard the hulk sucked mega balls and had a trailer for another movie as it's ending.
[Jun 14,2008 6:25pm - dreadkill ""]
this guy's movies always suck. signs was one of the dumbest, gayest, worst pieces of shit ever captured on film. aliens who die from water? really? i'm supposed to believe aliens were intelligent enough to get to our planet but not intelligent enough to research what it's fucking made of?
[Jun 14,2008 6:38pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

dreadkill said:this guy's movies always suck. signs was one of the dumbest, gayest, worst pieces of shit ever captured on film. aliens who die from water? really? i'm supposed to believe aliens were intelligent enough to get to our planet but not intelligent enough to research what it's fucking made of?

man you're dumb.
they did know that water affected them aversely why do you think the dude said "i'm going to where there's water, it seems they don't like those place, there's no circles in areas with lakes or ponds
[Jun 14,2008 6:45pm - dreadkill ""]
at least i'm not a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual pretend viking hippy.
[Jun 14,2008 6:51pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

dreadkill said:at least i'm not a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual pretend viking hippy.

Resorting to name calling from lack of a good counter argument, I salute you!

P.S. Fighting on the internets is radical!
[Jun 14,2008 9:00pm - dreadkill ""]
you started the insults, so if you want to make fun of internet fights, you can make fun of yourself for instigating this one. you are the one who called me dumb. you assume i'm dumb based on my posts that you've read on this board. all i did was label you what i assume you to be based on your posts. do i really need to argue that it's stupid for aliens who die from contact with water to go to a planet made of water?

maybe you're just defending the movie because you hate jews as much as mel gibson, eh karl marx? what am i saying? you're no karl marx. you're not even richard marx. it's no wonder CNV wanted to kick your ass. you act like you're better and smarter than everyone on this site.
[Jun 14,2008 9:21pm - Yeti ""]
bahahahaha +10000 for the Richard Marx.
[Jun 14,2008 11:49pm - smut  ""]
wow this thread is more interesting than that fucking stupid movie! mass suicide and im still bored??? 10 on dreadkill!
[Jun 15,2008 12:06am - Dave_Maggot ""]
the hulk was fucking awesome. anything and everything a comic book dork like me could want. the ending was a scene from the trailer of this movie. it only seemed like it was from another movie cuz it had tony stark aka iron man in it. telling general ross that he was getting a team together.
[Jun 15,2008 9:49am - NIGGER ""]

dreadkill said:really? i'm supposed to believe aliens were intelligent enough to get to our planet but not intelligent enough to research what it's fucking made of?


[Jun 15,2008 10:25am - DomesticTerror ""]

Dave_Maggot said:the hulk was fucking awesome. anything and everything a comic book dork like me could want. the ending was a scene from the trailer of this movie. it only seemed like it was from another movie cuz it had tony stark aka iron man in it. telling general ross that he was getting a team together.

could've had a bit more action, but otherwise backed. i liked this almost as much as Iron Man.
best scene- The Leader!!!!
[Jun 15,2008 11:31am - powerkok ""]

dreadkill said: do i really need to argue that it's stupid for aliens who die from contact with water to go to a planet made of water?

hahahahaha. Dreadkill takes this innuhnetzz victory via TKO.
[Jun 15,2008 9:37pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
neh-grow please.

ya mamma so fat when god said let there be light she moved!

[Jun 16,2008 12:23am - ellesarusrex ""]
i dont know if anything can possibly be worse than the water lady movie.. that shit made my face hurt from watching it.
[Jun 16,2008 12:26am - martins ""]
I liked The Village.
[Jun 16,2008 3:20am - thegreatspaldino ""]
the village sucks, signs sucks, unbreakable sucks, i see dead people sucks, lady in the water sucks... this guy is a hack. all of his movies are the definition of "blue balls". they are all actually pretty decent until the TWIST, then its just plain dumb.

who the fuck didnt know that "swing for fences" was gonna be the way to prevail over the evil alien? i mean, honestly.
[Jun 16,2008 3:32am - Joshtruction ""]
I don't know whats happening here. I can tell you whats NOT happening, and thats me seeing this movie.
[Jun 16,2008 10:37am - c.DeaD  ""]
I saw this movie. Aside from the suicide scenes,this movie blew real hard. I mean, good concept, but what the fuck, wind? How can you even escape the wind? "Oh noes, look out its getting windy!" I like the idea of everyone killing themselves and those select scenes looked really somber and sick due to all the technology they have now, but it can't save this piece of shit. The last quarter of the movie was a gay love scene as well. Avoid.
[Jun 16,2008 10:44am - aaron_michael ""]

thegreatspaldino said:the village sucks, signs sucks, unbreakable sucks, i see dead people sucks, lady in the water sucks... this guy is a hack.
[Jun 16,2008 10:47am - Yeti ""]
i really liked The Sixth Sense, but after knowing that he is going to make some twist ending for his movies, it lost its appeal. the movies sucking didn't help either. i hated Signs, The Village was retarded, and i never bothered seeing anything after it.
[Jun 16,2008 10:59am - cav nli  ""]
i loved the village but wasnt a fan of his other movies. plants making people kill themselves sounds cool though, if that wasnt a joke. haha.
[Jun 16,2008 11:05am - aaron_michael ""]
oh yeah, did the big brown ego put himself in this movie too?
[Jun 16,2008 12:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Jun 16,2008 12:25pm - c.DeaD  ""]

aaron_michael said:oh yeah, did the big brown ego put himself in this movie too?

Fraid not. The image of him killing himself would have made anyone who watched it furious because it is just a movie.
[Jun 16,2008 1:11pm - aril  ""]
I think the whole water thing did ruin Signs. Like I said, I love aliens and their lore, and it was okay up until the water part. WTF?
Alien 1: "Hey guys! Look at this planet! It's 3/4 made up of the stuff that kills us! Let's INVADE!"

Alien PresidentB ush: "LETZ INVADE!1"
[Jun 16,2008 3:55pm - Joshtruction ""]
This movie should be one of "Those we don't speak of"
[Jun 16,2008 6:49pm - dreadkill ""]
i guess i'm not so dumb after all.
[Jun 16,2008 7:38pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

dreadkill said:i guess i'm not so dumb after all.

since when did the opinion of the masses justify anything as intelligent?

[Jun 16,2008 7:38pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

we're the most cynical and finicky of all humans
[Jun 16,2008 7:48pm - powerkok ""]
pretty much
[Jun 16,2008 10:30pm - RustyPS ""]
I hate M. Night, but I actually liked this movie.
[Jun 17,2008 5:15am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I heard that if you go to the doctors and you say DOCTOR I THINK MY SON IS RETARDED they give your kid the retard test and no matter what you score on it the final question is they make you watch this movie and if you say you enjoyed it you are legally retarded.

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