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favorite type of beer

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[Sep 25,2006 6:29pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
Ok, lets get off the Jews, Muslims, politics and all other useless bullshit for a minute and discuss something that really matters, beer. If you drink Budweiser or Coors, then you just have no taste what so ever.
[Sep 25,2006 6:33pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
number 7 I made a retard typo as usual, it sounds like I'm calling the viewer a douce, but its inteded to call me a douche for not listing it.. at any rate, be sure to call me a douche and mention below. Whatever wins, I'll buy a keg of this weekend.
[Sep 25,2006 7:18pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
[Sep 25,2006 7:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
bastard, no stout!

i'm a guinness man!
[Sep 25,2006 7:21pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]





[Sep 25,2006 7:30pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
dyingmuse said:bastard, no stout!

i'm a guinness man!

Holy hell, I did forget Stout. Its not my favorite by any means, but guiness stout definitley does belong on this list. Thats why we got choice 7 here. Any more outstanding kinds of beer I left out? Don't be shy, call me a fag and list worthy beers.
[Sep 25,2006 7:31pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
My guess is that you voted for Barley Wine didnt you HTB
[Sep 25,2006 7:37pm - Hoser ""]
Smithwicks and Beamish all the way.
[Sep 25,2006 7:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
After going to King Richards fair this weekend, I'm left to say, MEAD.
[Sep 25,2006 7:48pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
MEAD? Could you elaborate for me?
[Sep 25,2006 7:48pm - Nash/nli  ""]
There are wayyy too many good beers to narrow it down to one. There are plenty of shitty ones though. The worst being milwaukee's best ice
[Sep 25,2006 7:49pm - americaninfidel526 ""]
Yea Milwaukee should be completely ashamed as a city. But I'm looking for types of beer, not brands.
[Sep 25,2006 7:50pm - MR. sphincter  ""]
i don't like beer, give me magaritas
[Sep 25,2006 7:52pm - Tyrone Jackson  ""]
Liquid Crack
[Sep 25,2006 7:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
americaninfidel526 said:MEAD? Could you elaborate for me?

[Sep 25,2006 7:58pm - diamond_dave ""]
[Sep 25,2006 8:07pm - anonymous  ""]
Miller Lite you snobby assed bassturds .
[Sep 25,2006 8:09pm - anonymous  ""]
Arent ya'll the sophisticated bunch... fuckin BLATZ !!!!
[Sep 25,2006 8:15pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
BornSoVile said:After going to King Richards fair this weekend, I'm left to say, MEAD.

I'm going there this saturday. Are beers expensive there ?
[Sep 25,2006 8:59pm - nick nli  ""]
Nash/nli said:There are wayyy too many good beers to narrow it down to one. There are plenty of shitty ones though. The worst being milwaukee's best ice

[Sep 25,2006 9:47pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
anonymous said:Miller Lite you snobby assed bassturds .

fashioned as a watered down version of the original golden beer invented by my peoples:

[Sep 25,2006 9:48pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
nick nli said:Nash/nli said:There are wayyy too many good beers to narrow it down to one. There are plenty of shitty ones though. The worst being milwaukee's best ice


they should make keystone light legal for 14 year olds. that shit mind as well be in the same class as odouls
[Sep 25,2006 10:00pm - mOe ""]
Ayinger Heffeweizen - best beer known to man

Pabst - old faithful

UFO Raspberry Heffewizen - also good
[Sep 25,2006 10:05pm - luke not logged in  ""]
IPA, no doubt. dogfishhead or smuttynose. harpoon IPA is actually real good too.
[Sep 25,2006 10:08pm - davefromthegrave ""]
hung_to_bleed said:[img]

anyone who hasn't had this needs to get it piped directly into their mouth right now.
[Sep 26,2006 12:02am - americaninfidel526 ""]
Yea bigfoot ale is a fucking intense beer. 9+% is strong. The only beer I know of that has it beat is Blithering Idiot.
[Sep 26,2006 2:55am - dwellingsickness ""]
Imperial Stout from Milly's in Manchvegas:bow:
[Sep 26,2006 2:34pm - ct b0rderpatrol  ""]
i got a growler of homebrewed blackberry stout in the fridge right now. im crackin it this weekend
[Sep 26,2006 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
i see so many beers that i had no idea existed. some sound really good, but others sound like garbage. i also dont think that fruit and beer should be combined. all this blueberry, blackberry, cherry and whatever other kinds dont fly straight with me. beer should taste like crap and only crap. it tastes good, but essentially it tastes like crap. a good crap. but not a fruity crap.
[Sep 26,2006 3:31pm - paganmegan ""]
[Sep 26,2006 3:32pm - paganmegan ""]
that frosty glass is drool inducing...
[Sep 26,2006 3:56pm - dyingmuse ""]
bump for guinness!
[Sep 26,2006 5:07pm - Dertoxia-nli  ""]
Red Stripe....yayyy!!!!
[Sep 26,2006 5:09pm - pam ""]
Killians Irish Awesome.
[Sep 26,2006 5:26pm - Allah That  ""]
prison toilet wine.
[Sep 26,2006 5:31pm - SinisterMinister ""]
pam said:Killians Irish Awesome.

That fake import bullshit is made by Coors.

Nevertheless, the BEST beer in the world is Chimay Grande Reserve.

[Sep 26,2006 5:41pm - pam ""]
SinisterMinister said:pam said:Killians Irish Awesome.

That fake import bullshit is made by Coors.

I'm OK with this.
[Sep 26,2006 5:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
Yeah, I'm not so impressed with Killians either. I got sick off that stuff 15 years ago and never liked it again.
[Sep 26,2006 6:04pm - SinisterMinister ""]
pam said:I'm OK with this.

As long as you haven't been misinformed and you still stand by your beer after the truth has been unveiled, than I shall deem it acceptable.
[Sep 26,2006 6:08pm - pam ""]
I knew it. I just think it's tastey. I appreciate your concern for me being possibly deceived by my beer, though.
[Sep 26,2006 6:13pm - Paris Clinton  ""]
it's the thot that counts.
[Sep 26,2006 6:15pm - pam ""]
sure...the thought, too.
[Sep 26,2006 6:36pm - Kevord ""]
The whole time I was in Scotland I was drinking McEwens 80. It was so tasty. I have to find a place that sells it around here.
[Sep 26,2006 6:42pm - sinistas ""]
[Sep 26,2006 6:48pm - pam ""]
I like Hogaarden, had that in Montreal, and again at this place in Providence.
[Sep 26,2006 6:49pm - Kevord ""]
Old Speckled Hen is really good too. The have it on tap at the Peddlers Daughter in Haverhill.
[Sep 26,2006 6:51pm - brian_dc ""]
La fin du Monde!
[Sep 26,2006 6:51pm - brian_dc ""]
but that isn't in the category of my favorite type. Tie between Bock and Stout...so I just voted Bock since it's here.
[Sep 26,2006 6:54pm - Kevord ""]
I don't have a favorite type cause there's Good and bad in every category of beer.
[Sep 26,2006 7:01pm - Farten_Dust ""]

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