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opeth is playing the gayest tour ever

[Mar 8,2005 6:29pm - Hooker ""]
Damn. Dolla signs.
[Mar 8,2005 6:32pm - retzam ""]
Also, I'd just like to say that i've warmed up to the idea of this tour a tiny bit. I know longer feel a great deal of genuine disgust towards it. I guess I kind of realized that there are people who are psyced about the whole show in general. I know one kid whose into Norma Jean, as well as Poison The Well, and even Throwdown, but he's digging the idea of seeing SYL and has never seen Opeth, who he thinks are amazing. Big GWAR fan too. There are people like this, and I think it's this small "i like all fucking music" percentage along with the large metal crowd that will discourage an otherwise larger than usual amount of idiocy, whether it be by "edge" kids, or hardcore fans, or anyone else.

I still think this tour is ludicrous by the way, I just am adapting to the idea I suppose.
[Mar 8,2005 6:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i think i've seen all the bands i would like to see on this tour enough already except clutch. but i'm not going to pay "less than $30." i can wait.

definitely an overall thumbs down
[Mar 8,2005 7:18pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
wtf is Gwar doing on this.

I would of been just mildly bohered if it was everyone w/out Gwar, but now it's just confusing
[Mar 8,2005 7:22pm - dreadkill ""]
it's the dumbest tour ever. makes me want to go to hot topic and fart all over the store for revenge
[Mar 8,2005 7:23pm - dreadkill ""]
dreadkill said:makes me want to go to hot topic

that store sucks. i would only go there to fart.
[Mar 8,2005 7:24pm - dreadkill ""]
joe christianni goes to hot topic to smell my farts
[Mar 8,2005 7:27pm - retzam ""]
It took me a while to fully understand the purpose behind those three posts dreadkill, but when understanding came it was cathardic and grandiose.
[Mar 8,2005 7:28pm - retzam ""]
and by cathardic i of course mean cathartic
[Mar 8,2005 7:29pm - dreadkill ""]
farting is often a cathartic experience
[Mar 8,2005 7:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i'd rather get dutch ovened than see from autumn to ashes again.
[Mar 8,2005 7:42pm - anonymous  ""]
um any dates yet?
[Mar 8,2005 9:42pm - xIAINx ""]
Some of the bands on there are ok. I don't see why Opeth is on that bill. The fact that Throwdown is on there is absolutely attrocious.
[Mar 19,2005 11:15am - anonymous  ""]
lamb of god is playing this tour to its gonna kick ass
[Mar 19,2005 11:26am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i think this is a fine tour, yeah there is some bands that some people think"suck" or "blow" or "insert insult here". It goes both ways though. Im sure there are people who think the metal bands suck. I personally LIke both types. I will be psyched to see the red chord and Opeth, as well as poison the well and who ever else. Bringing the 2 together seems normal to me. It isnt like metal and techno. Both types of music have electric guitars and people screaming, wow that is pretty fucking similiar.
[Mar 19,2005 11:37am - Niccolai ""]
As far as I'm concerned, opeth is the worst part of this tour... excep strapping young lad.
[Mar 19,2005 11:44am - swamplorddvm ""]
opeth and Strapping young lad are cool. WHY are they doing this???
[Mar 19,2005 1:37pm - blue ""]
d00d!!!!!!!! i kant beeleeve that someguy is st00pid enuf to put metal and hardcore bands on the same tour!!!!?!?!?!?!?!
[Mar 19,2005 4:48pm - DreamingInExile ""]
dreadkill said:i never miss opeth, so i guess i'll be at this fagfest.

yeah, me too...
[Mar 23,2005 7:36pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
i can't believe this.

this aggrivates me so much. AND I EVEN LIKE ALL THESE BANDS. wtf! i want to see opeth without ETID kids running around acting stupid, and i want to see Norma Jean and FATA without drunk metal heads flipping off the bands. god damnit.

whatever, i'll be there.
[Mar 23,2005 7:42pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
swamplorddvm said:opeth and Strapping young lad are cool. WHY are they doing this???

[Mar 23,2005 7:44pm - Hooker ""]
[Mar 23,2005 7:52pm - tbone_r ""]
the fact that its a mixed bag isn't preventing me from going. i want to see how much it is first.
[Mar 25,2005 7:22am - sinistas ""]
One of the 2 confirmed dates:

July 2 - Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom Parking Lot

In a fucking parking lot.


[Mar 25,2005 8:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
this tour would be cool if it was only High on Fire and Strapping Young Lad
[Apr 7,2005 8:59pm - succubus ""]
june 25th
[Apr 7,2005 9:13pm - Blue ""]
blue said:d00d!!!!!!!! i kant beeleeve that someguy is st00pid enuf to put metal and hardcore bands on the same tour!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

[Apr 7,2005 9:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh my god...becky would you look at her butt, it is so big. she's like one of those rapper guys girl friend.

oh my god
[Apr 8,2005 10:21am - timma ""]
wow. this tour is fucking pathetic.
[Apr 8,2005 11:49am - ~Carina  ""]
actually i thought ther ewere quite a few cool bands
[Apr 8,2005 11:56am - litacore ""]
Opeth are dead to me
[Apr 8,2005 11:58am - ~Carina  ""]
pourquoi larissa?
[Apr 8,2005 12:02pm - litacore ""]
le rocher bête de proggressive, je préfère la punition et l'agression crues de Venom
[Apr 8,2005 12:05pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Opeth is so gay that they have to be talked about in french.
[Apr 8,2005 12:07pm - litacore ""]
hahaha, je consens

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