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the new Morbid Angel track is officially the worst track of 2011

[Jun 4,2011 1:28am - nekronautloggedin  ""]

[Jun 4,2011 4:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

MikeOv said:Cantspeak rules and 4 is a great album.

this. obv.

also, thank fuck for the internet: a couple ten years ago, we all would've BOUGHT this shit sight unseen. now there's actually accountability.
[Jun 4,2011 5:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"The new Morbid Angel album will cause 3rd World War. After June 7th, the extreme metal scene is never gonna be the same again... And I already can't wait the moment I'll be sitting on my sofa listening to 'Illus Divinum Insanus' while the world burns! Ha!" - Nergal, Behemoth.

[Jun 4,2011 5:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jun 4,2011 11:51am - i_am_not_me ""]

[Jun 4,2011 12:27pm - pappasgrind ""]
FOR REAL!? id be embarrassed to put something like this out. no wonder pete the feet had surgery he didnt want any part of this!
[Jun 4,2011 1:05pm - narkybark ""]
Wow, this is just bad.
[Jun 4,2011 1:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i made it 1:20 into the song before giving up entirely.
[Jun 4,2011 1:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jun 4,2011 1:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll take everyones word for it. prepping rotten fruit now in case i have to sit through this garbage live in the future.
[Jun 4,2011 2:02pm - AMOROK666 ""]
That Hitler video is the only good thing to come from this shitty record so far.
[Jun 4,2011 4:46pm - Splatter ""]

AMOROK666 said:That Hitler video is the only good thing to come from this shitty record so far.

yeah def.

btw why the fuck is it 7-fuckin-minutes long?!

i agree with hitler RIP morbid angel
[Jun 4,2011 4:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Splatter said:i agree with hitler


[Jun 4,2011 7:07pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

i_am_not_me said:

[Jun 4,2011 7:11pm - doomsayer ""]
[Jun 4,2011 7:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jun 5,2011 12:39pm - RustyPS ""]

nekronautloggedin said:[img]

Notshaver is the winner of life

and I couldn't make it through 2 minutes of that song
[Jun 19,2011 10:54pm - BSV  ""]
finally caved and listened to this track.....terrible isn't the word. I just feel betrayed.
[Jun 20,2011 8:01am - t2daeek ""]
this song starts bad, continues to be bad, and then just as i can't get any worse, a gregorian chant inspired vamp that was surely inspired by the notion "how do we end this piece of shit?" too long of a song considering what is actually there.
[Jun 20,2011 8:57am - oscarct ""]
[Jul 1,2011 1:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
In a recent interview with AOL's Noisecreep, Vincent stated about "Illud Divinum Insanus", "It's awesome, absolutely awesome . . . We made a masterpiece. I am going to call it that. There is not one bad track on this record. Of course I am going to say that, but I don't normally say such things. It is very unique and very diverse. We didn't go through the normal channels with production, so it's that's much more special because of the decisions we made."


[Jul 1,2011 1:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
like a cat trying to cover up a turd on a tile floor.
[Jul 1,2011 1:52pm - arktouros ""]
amazing. dave's lost his mind. manson and rob zombie did it better in the 90's.
[Jul 1,2011 1:56pm - ShadowSD ""]

[Jul 1,2011 1:58pm - arktouros ""]
Gayvid Vincent said:It is very unique and very diverse.

one million facepalms. :bartnormal::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun::gun:
[Jul 1,2011 1:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
carefull with your quotations john!
[Jul 1,2011 2:01pm - arktouros ""]
[Jul 1,2011 2:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 1,2011 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
Borbid Angel
[Jul 1,2011 3:37pm - Seth  ""]
This album is not even a piece of shit but just should not of been recorded. How could Trey be happy??? with this shit and Tim, well he gets paid either way and Destructhor should be embarrassed to play this crap, but then again he gets paid to....They all get paid to play crap. Some of the metal tracks are ok but the whole album is not worth a crap. DAVE leave the band you are not metal anymore!
[Dec 6,2012 3:22pm - chrisREX ""]
After more than a year of disbaelief I'm finally sitting down and listening to this collection of Coal Chamber reject tracks. "We've come to spread our insane!" This is hilarious.
[Dec 6,2012 4:24pm - chrisREX ""]
[Dec 6,2012 4:27pm - KEVORD ""]
The horse is beyond dead. We get it.
[Dec 6,2012 4:29pm - chrisREX ""]

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