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Radio music (rock) from the early 90s to today

[Dec 12,2008 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
Just something I'm thinking about here at work, as I listen to Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden (gotta keep it work-friendly).

The music that was on the radio from the 90s was so much better than that screamo shit I hear on it today. I don't really listen to the radio at all anymore, but the bands back then were so much better. Alice in Chains, Live, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, etc. The fucking shit on the radio today doesn't even hold a candle to this stuff.

/the end
[Dec 12,2008 10:51am - Josh_Martin ""]

arilliusbm said:Alice in Chains, Live, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, etc.
/the end

There's at least 5 stations that play nothing but that shit.
[Dec 12,2008 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, I know. They're still on the radio. I'm talking about the current status of radio-friendly rock music. All the new stuff just seems like a bunch of pissy emo-kids who think they play hard rock or metal.
[Dec 12,2008 10:56am - ouchdrummer ""]
I can't do the radio. It hurts my soul. I try and listen to NPR when i can, but all the bad news depresses me, so i try to listen to classical, and the two stations in boston play the same 30 pieces done by 100 different orchestras, and lastly i try sports talk radio, and they yell over each other and all the callers till i run over a pedestrian in rage. I bring my IPOD in the work van with me now.
[Dec 12,2008 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]
I don't mind ZLX.
[Dec 12,2008 10:58am - oscarct ""]
I awlays hated that band live
[Dec 12,2008 11:11am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
early 90s rock reminds me of playing with legos in my bedroom when i was kid.
[Dec 12,2008 11:13am - dreadkill ""]
i almost never listen to the radio. if i do, it's usually weei or zlx.
[Dec 12,2008 11:25am - AndrewBastard  ""]
I listen to talk radio at work, back and fourth between 90.9 and 96.9..

I KNOW....total opposite agendas but both are interesting/entertaining.

I cant do 'music' radio either. It's so bad and I'm even sick of all the classic rock stations...I can only listen to the same Led Zeppelin / ACDC songs so many times before I start to hate them.

During certains portions of work, I can wear my iPod and thats when I listen to whatever I want.
[Dec 12,2008 11:29am - arilliusbm ""]
you're right.. ZLX and HJY play the same 3 Zepp songs over and over.
When I worked in construction, they'd always have HJY on and we literally heard the same 10 songs throughout the day.
[Dec 12,2008 11:33am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
They have WBOS on all day at work, and it is torture. They play the same 30 songs over and over and over again. I think I've heard every single hit RHCP ever had about 3 times a day.
[Dec 12,2008 11:53am - goatcatalyst ""]
Yes, Oscar. FUCK Live. Worst band. I would pay substantial amounts of money to hear the collective death rattle of their children.
[Dec 12,2008 11:54am - dreadkill ""]
yeah, the problem with all rock stations, classic or not, is they have a heavy rotation of 5 zeppelin songs. it gets annoying fast.
[Dec 12,2008 12:01pm - c.DeAD  ""]
I get it the worst, hands down. Mix 98.5

Try listening to this garbage every day. Same ten songs in rotation so I hear ALOT of Katy Perry. I think she desperately needs to die.
[Dec 12,2008 12:03pm - dreadkill ""]
the worst music is the soft rock crap you hear in waiting rooms. songs like "walking in memphis" and other shit like that.
[Dec 12,2008 12:06pm - pam ""]
I never listen to the radio. It's pretty awesome.
[Dec 12,2008 12:08pm - dreadkill ""]
i love not knowing what the current popular songs and bands/singers are. sometimes i hear about something if it gets so popular that it's hard to avoid, like that i kissed a girl crap or lil wayne, but usually it's pretty easy ignore it.
[Dec 12,2008 12:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
I like talking smack about modern rap/hip hop to fellow employees here.
[Dec 12,2008 12:53pm - dreadkill ""]
i stopped talking shit about bad music to people who like bad music because i don't care what other people listen to. it got to the point where i was focusing more of my attention on music i hate than music i like.
[Dec 12,2008 12:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just argue with them about old-school hip hop from the 80s blows away the shit today.
[Dec 12,2008 2:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha, that song "Scoff" from Nirvana's Bleach album just came on and there's double bass. I forgot about that.
[Dec 12,2008 2:22pm - pam ""]

dreadkill said:i love not knowing what the current popular songs and bands/singers are. sometimes i hear about something if it gets so popular that it's hard to avoid, like that i kissed a girl crap or lil wayne, but usually it's pretty easy ignore it.

I saw the kissed a girl one on another message board and didn't click the video cause I thought it was the other kissed a girl video from the 90s.
[Dec 12,2008 2:24pm - dreadkill ""]

pam said:
dreadkill said:i love not knowing what the current popular songs and bands/singers are. sometimes i hear about something if it gets so popular that it's hard to avoid, like that i kissed a girl crap or lil wayne, but usually it's pretty easy ignore it.

I saw the kissed a girl one on another message board and didn't click the video cause I thought it was the other kissed a girl video from the 90s.

i thought that at first too
[Dec 12,2008 2:47pm - pam ""]

dreadkill said:
pam said:
dreadkill said:i love not knowing what the current popular songs and bands/singers are. sometimes i hear about something if it gets so popular that it's hard to avoid, like that i kissed a girl crap or lil wayne, but usually it's pretty easy ignore it.

I saw the kissed a girl one on another message board and didn't click the video cause I thought it was the other kissed a girl video from the 90s.

i thought that at first too

Dude, I just checked my other message board and someone had just posted this in the music video thread. wtf.

[Dec 12,2008 2:53pm - oscarct ""]

goatcatalyst said:Yes, Oscar. FUCK Live. Worst band. I would pay substantial amounts of money to hear the collective death rattle of their children.

Make it Happen Mr. Adams..ill make it worth your while..
[Dec 12,2008 2:59pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Don't know if Boston radio is carrying the Lou Dobbs radio show, but he's pretty good.
[Dec 9,2011 11:02am - arilliusbm ""]
Bump because the 90s were better.

Also, LOL @ dreadkill being the Most Interesting Man Alive before those commercials:

dreadkill said:i almost never listen to the radio. if i do, it's usually weei or zlx.
[Dec 9,2011 11:03am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
The 90s were better musically almost across the board

I back this thread hard
[Dec 9,2011 11:09am - arilliusbm ""]

goatcatalyst said:Yes, Oscar. FUCK Live. Worst band. I would pay substantial amounts of money to hear the collective death rattle of their children.

Not backed at all. Overplayed it was, but Throwing Copper is a fucking sick album. Dont care what anyone says.
[Dec 9,2011 11:12am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I also enjoy "Throwing Copper."
[Dec 9,2011 11:13am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Totally agree on Throwing Copper, great record
[Dec 9,2011 11:14am - blue ""]
I hear more 90s music on the radio today than I ever did in the 90s.
[Dec 9,2011 11:26am - Mark_R ""]
I honestly never liked most of the grunge and/or post-grunge bands. Never liked Soundgarden or Pearl Jam, barely liked Alice in Chains, although I did like Nirvana. Mudhoney was never on the radio at least in my area. My dislike of the radio giants (PJ, SG) meant that I never went back to check out Green River or Mother Love Bone. Hearing Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction got my attention fast though.

I liked Primus, 311, Offspring, Weezer, 90s Bad Religion, all from the radio too.
[Dec 9,2011 11:27am - arktourO‘s  ""]
corporate radio has never been a bastion of creativity. i can thank 90's radio for making all those decent grunge bands unlistenable to me today. throwing copper was alright, again, i stopped being able to hear that stuff years ago. i would enjoy led zep a lot more if the radio didn't overplay them to death. i'm still catching up on all the underground releases i missed because of 90's radio. THANKS A LOT, OPIE & ANTHONY
[Dec 9,2011 11:29am - arilliusbm ""]
311 was so overrated IMO.
[Dec 9,2011 11:30am - eyeroller  ""]
[Dec 9,2011 11:32am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Radio always has and always will beat you over the head with the same 15 songs played over and over and over and over again. I tend to like this styuff more after completely giving up on music radio while I was still in high school. If you're still listening to music radio, I suggest you find an alternative method of listening to music. Then, give all the stuff your sick of a chance again a few years from now. I bet you'll find a new appreciation for at least some of it.
[Dec 9,2011 11:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:311 was so overrated IMO.

they are now for sure. but they used to be really fun live and their first couple albums are really good. i hardly expect many on here to agree with that though haha.
[Dec 9,2011 12:00pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
I was a big fan of 311's s/t album back in the day, but I grew out of it.
[Dec 9,2011 12:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its good party music for the right group of friends. beyond that... agreed.
[Dec 9,2011 12:13pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I once had a 311-inspired band play my garage for a party, in retrospect they were awful
[Dec 9,2011 12:17pm - xmikex ""]
ITT: People actually needing retrospective to realize 311 sucked.
[Dec 9,2011 12:18pm - xmikex ""]
Disclaimer: I've seen Coal Chamber live a handful of times.
[Dec 9,2011 12:18pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

xmikex said:ITT: People actually needing retrospective to realize 311 sucked because when they liked 311 they were dumb 13 year olds.

[Dec 9,2011 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
Faux farmboy crappy rapping over faux reggae riffage with a distorted guitar? No thx.
[Dec 9,2011 12:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
mad beats yo. i'm gonna listen to some 311 now just out of spite.
[Dec 9,2011 12:23pm - ark  ""]
No fauxes!!!
[Dec 9,2011 12:24pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Guy Faux Day?
[Dec 9,2011 12:25pm - CurlyRed ""]
I saw Rush live when I was in high school I find it terribly embarrassing now.
[Dec 9,2011 12:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
I waited all these years for this band to come original but the only thing I learned from them is that amber is the color of my energy.

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