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July 16th Lividity/Hirudinea

Middle East (Cambridge, Ma) - [goreality][hirudinea][human_bone_bicycle_sciences_industries][lividity][randomshots][sexcrement]
[show listing]  ________________________________________
[May 25,2006 10:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
In case anyone forgot


middle east
8pm 18+
[May 25,2006 10:14am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Brutality unmasked.
[May 25,2006 11:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The stage is high enough so nobody will have to worry about being headbutted by Mike Beckwith when they are grinding.
[May 25,2006 1:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Sex And Violence!
[May 25,2006 3:20pm - inject-now ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The stage is high enough so nobody will have to worry about being headbutted by Mike Beckwith when they are grinding.


sick show.

[May 25,2006 5:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
Get wit it!
Can't fucking wait to see LIVIDITY!
[May 25,2006 7:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I just got in more of the new CD, fucking great disc.
[May 25,2006 8:06pm - anonymous  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The stage is high enough so nobody will have to worry about being headbutted by Mike Beckwith when they are grinding.

[May 25,2006 8:10pm - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
that was me by the way. the one who got headbutted
[Jun 29,2006 1:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]

In case all you useless faggot death metal pricks forgot.
[Jun 29,2006 1:54pm - infant_skin_suitcase ""]
That shit is my 21st birthday so all you mutha fuckers better come out and celebrate with me!!!
[Jun 29,2006 1:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Mike Beckwith is going to murder your whole family as a birthday present because he is one wack nigger, motherfucker.
[Jun 29,2006 2:37pm - ninkaszi  ""]
joe you da man yo!

this is going to be a lot of fun.
[Jun 29,2006 3:45pm - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
I heard the beckwith brothers will be gangbanging sluts at this show
[Jun 29,2006 3:50pm - ninkaszi  ""]
when do we not?
[Jun 29,2006 4:06pm - watchmaker666 nli  ""]
haha you guys rule
[Jun 29,2006 4:20pm - xmikex ""]
Lividity? no shit?
[Jul 1,2006 6:59pm - RichHorror ""]
Mick Beckwith is Bill Brasky.
[Jul 3,2006 3:01pm - ninkaszi  ""]
[Jul 5,2006 2:09pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 5,2006 3:44pm - cdan nli  ""]
haha, holy shit, this is sick. even despite Lividity on the bill.
[Jul 5,2006 5:44pm - intricateprocess ""]
sick shit
[Jul 5,2006 6:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The new LIVIDITY CD is one of the best discs of the year, blows away all of their other stuff.
[Jul 5,2006 7:18pm - fishcakes ""]
I agree.
[Jul 5,2006 7:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:The stage is high enough so nobody will have to worry about being headbutted by Mike Beckwith when they are grinding.

but will it be safe from flying parkbenches
[Jul 5,2006 8:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
I wonder how many people that come for us will get kicked out, should be interesting.
[Jul 11,2006 2:46pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 11,2006 2:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
BornSoVile said:I wonder how many people that come for us will get kicked out, should be interesting.

ill probably be one of them, im hoping for enough people to stagedive Ha
[Jul 11,2006 7:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
give it to me baby.
[Jul 11,2006 10:45pm - vesgore ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:The new LIVIDITY CD is one of the best discs of the year, blows away all of their other stuff.

i enjoy it very much, i am fuckin siked...hopefully my car can make it

[Jul 11,2006 11:36pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I'll be there...... Feeding Adam shots!
[Jul 12,2006 8:34am - animalrampage ""]
BornSoVile said:I wonder how many people that come for us will get kicked out, should be interesting.

So many, if everything goes right
[Jul 12,2006 3:07pm - anonymous  ""]
sunday sunday sunday
[Jul 12,2006 3:17pm - Joe back from the Dead  ""]
I am finally out of the hospital and recovered pretty well, and ready to make another flyering round today in Boston/Cambridge. Call me up if you are around, whores.
[Jul 13,2006 2:26am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Did you have a vasectomy?
[Jul 13,2006 1:11pm - anonymous  ""]
brooootal sunday
[Jul 13,2006 2:33pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I'm there
[Jul 14,2006 1:33pm - ninkaszi  ""]
fukking sunday
[Jul 15,2006 8:01pm - inject-now ""]
[Jul 16,2006 2:03am - fishcakes ""]
this will rule!
[Jul 16,2006 5:43am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will have free posters for all that want them.
[Jul 16,2006 11:41am - Nobody_Cares ""]
This is the kind of show that makes me want to get out and make the trek from NH. I might even go by myself.
[Jul 16,2006 11:52am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
FUCK ME IN THE GOAT ASS! If I had a sitter for my kids I would make it to this. I have not seen Lividity since 2000 in Milwaukee. I should have worn a rubber then I would be at the show tonight.
[Jul 16,2006 1:15pm - Kinslayer  ""]
if you want drugs for this show, put in your orders now!
[Jul 16,2006 1:19pm - pam ""]
I wish I could go to this. I am flat broke.
[Jul 16,2006 3:33pm - fishcakes ""]
if want to go pam I will put you on our guest list..
[Jul 16,2006 4:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Jul 16,2006 6:37pm - inject-now ""]
[Jul 16,2006 6:40pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i'm heading out right now! wooo!!!
[Jul 16,2006 6:48pm - the_reverend ""]
when does the first band actually go on?
[Jul 17,2006 2:13am - inject-now ""]
thanks to everyone that went. great show.
[Jul 17,2006 2:15am - RichHorror ""]
Killer times. Get the pictures up, Sambo.
[Jul 17,2006 2:20am - the_reverend ""]
sexy pictures to insue
[Jul 17,2006 2:21am - blue ""]
[Jul 17,2006 2:21am - fishcakes ""]
dude, I am fucked up....what a great fucking show! thanx joe.
[Jul 17,2006 2:29am - RichHorror ""]

Why am I screaming at Mike's cock?
[Jul 17,2006 2:31am - the_reverend ""]
blue said:Ensue.

both spellings are correct.


\In*sue"\, v. i. See Ensue, v. i.
[Jul 17,2006 3:30am - SinisterMinister ""]
Sexy-good time had by all.
[Jul 17,2006 3:40am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
4 great bands out of 5, awesome show.
[Jul 17,2006 4:23am - RichHorror ""]
This was my first time seeing Sexcrement, I dug them hard. They should do shows with IWEIPH.
[Jul 17,2006 5:02am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:4 great bands out of 5, awesome show.

Ha ha YES
[Jul 17,2006 9:23am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

Why am I screaming at Mike's cock?

We all know why...

[Jul 17,2006 10:09am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Rich is the new Paul Bearer. And I'm not talking about the wrestling one.
[Jul 17,2006 10:09am - fishcakes ""]
that just aint right!
[Jul 17,2006 11:31am - Aegathis ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

Why am I screaming at Mike's cock?

This should be your new myspace pic.

good thing you cant see my face in this pic.
[Jul 17,2006 2:01pm - cav ""]
its good to see robbies smiling face behind those drums again!!!
[Jul 17,2006 8:05pm - fishcakes ""]
any band that plays carivore is ok in my book.
[Jul 17,2006 8:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jul 17,2006 8:53pm - whoremastery nli  ""]
awesome show
[Jul 17,2006 8:58pm - fishcakes ""]
drunken times woohoo!
[Jul 17,2006 9:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
this show fucking ruled, minus the countless technical difficulties and reek of feta cheese we experienced.

dwyer, that new saprogenic is the shit. kudos to you for having it available for my consumption.
[Jul 17,2006 9:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Yeah, I rule.
[Jul 17,2006 9:36pm - RichHorror ""]
I brought to the mosh to this in very small doses.
[Jul 17,2006 9:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
the best part was Rich being "the bigger man" and taking out the trash.
[Jul 17,2006 9:46pm - RichHorror ""]
Literally. I was totally Duke 'The Dumpster' Droesy.
[Jul 17,2006 11:41pm - fishcakes ""]
I love licking balls I just thought you should all know the truth about me.I am into small children and pogo sticks and am all about the chuck taylors and wearing fishnets when at home..I am not ready to do so in public yet..but with some help and understanding from all of you I believe I can overcome this hurdle

seriously this is not fishcakes but he should remember to log off when he is at work...that is something that the scroat would do...he knows what I'm talking about
[Jul 18,2006 1:03am - fishcakes ""]
haha, fuck you mark you fucken fuck!!!!
[Jul 18,2006 1:05am - magh8 ""]
lesson learned
[Jul 18,2006 1:08am - fishcakes ""]
what eva what eva I do whatever I want!
[Jul 19,2006 12:40pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Taking out the trash? Fill a nigga in.
[Jul 19,2006 12:42pm - RichHorror ""]
haha... some dude tried to start a pit holding a rubbermaid trashcan. I snagged it away from him and slapped him upside the head for being a tool.
[Jul 19,2006 12:45pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
excellent maneuver!
[Jul 19,2006 2:51pm - fishcakes ""]
I missed that, haha:whipper:
[Jul 27,2006 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
Sexcrement: adam's first show as an official 21 year old. They got tossed on sort of early, but there were enough people there to enjoy them.

goreality: I was sort of having too much fun with my old camera to pay too much attention to them. I know that they were playing with one guitar player missing. I think his name is mark.

human bone bicycle sciences industries: my first time seeing them with the 2 new members. Interesting. They sound pretty much there is a touch of black metal in a few songs.

hirudinea: ok, is it just me or did jay and mike switch vocal parts? I could have been on 5lbs of crack, but I swear mike did jay's "hardcore" yell and jay did mike parts, but much lower and gurgly.

lividity: I thougt they were going to be a lot more perverse than they actually were. Makes sense that it's not the same singer from fetish for the sick. the new singer is from 2005 I think. Sick, the music was sick and the singer made for for himself for being black. Goodtimes.

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