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April 8th-From A Second Story Window, Circle Takes Square

Roman's (Brockton, Ma) - [colin_of_arabia][death_before_dishonor][hammer_bros][palehorse][randomshots][circle_takes_the_square][from_a_second_story_window][mercury_switch][one_dead_three_wounded][randomshots][the_auburn_system][what_once_was]
[Apr 9,2005 2:22am - succubus ""]
he's on his way back..
after this show, rev went to another show in brockton

ps: nice hearing from you bluey blue =)
[Apr 9,2005 3:39am - the_reverend ""]
damn.. I'm home... finally.
[Apr 9,2005 3:58am - the_reverend ""]
damn, I'm starting to like my new camera.
[Apr 9,2005 4:31am - the_reverend ""]
wow... what an awesome show...

what once was: during the middle of their set, the bassplayer went into the crowd and then came back, kicking over one of the guitar players into his cab. it was mildly entertaining, but he was ok. a quick wire change and everything was all better.

one dead three wounded: the name? from my what I remember in school, the saying is that if you kill a soldier, you only take out one soldier. wound a soldier and you take out 3 cause it takes 2 men to care for one wounded. much better sounding than the last time I heard them. it's metalcore-ish music with some southern stoner riffs. neat stuff. their last song went out to the little kid who was moshing.

mercury switch: damn, a lot of people were dancing for them and singing along. this time they were as sick as the last time I saw them. and by sick, I mean sick sick, not sick. though sam's voice still cracked the same ammount of times
(ps: sorry mark for totally blowing that jump you set up for me)

the auburn system: this was their CD release show. they sounded as good as they did last time they played that spot except for the fact that this time the crowd almost all went apeshit for them.

circle takes the square: the crowd got really really close for them. As far as I could tell, they played the same set as they did in cambridge.

from a second story window: ok.. what the fuck was that? I honestly didn't expect much with the fill in singer and all... but it was freaking crazy. probably the top show I've seen them. the fill in singer's vocals weren't the best. like that mattered at all. he hardly had the mic. 1/2 the time it was in blue's face, one of the guys from waking judea's face, but mostly in moe's (raising kubrick) hand as he sang. Speaking of raising kubrick.. they were all over that place messing with the FASSW guys.
[Apr 9,2005 9:40am - __THeMoor__ ""]
that bass player in what once was didn't even looked like he cared that he kicked the guy over...i was expecting a little band fight to break out.

circle takes the square was so cool, it was wierd being that close and not moving, but i really liked it. at one point the guitarist/singer yelled in sarcasm, "alright boston, let me see you fuck this place up." and then a bunch of people started moshing, and the band had a good laugh.

from a second story window was just about the best thing thats ever happened. too short of a set, but i don't blame them, they were fucking all over the place. awesome awesome show. i hope they are upstairs at metalfest and not downstairs on teh huge stage.
[Apr 9,2005 9:41am - __THeMoor__ ""]
hey rev...


i got you, you fucker.
[Apr 9,2005 9:44am - __THeMoor__ ""]
[Apr 9,2005 10:43am - yllib ""]
our bass player almost always kicks someone when we play. it started when i drop kicked him during one of our sets awhile back. thanks for coming though, we appreciate it.
[Apr 9,2005 10:52am - __THeMoor__ ""]
all kicking aside, you guys sounded great. all the bands did.

awesome freaking show!
[Apr 9,2005 11:11am - The Bass Player  ""]
i'm not entirely sure why i did it...but oh well...but thanks for watching
[Apr 9,2005 11:21am - mOe_rk ""]
Will's not a fill-in singer, he's a permanent member of the band now...
And this was an AWESOME show
FASSW=one of my favorite bands ever...hands down best live show
[Apr 9,2005 11:25am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I thought that he couldn't make this leg of the tour so they got someone else... but maybe that's Vehemence.

it's awesome that he's in the band now. his voice was pretty damn good.

mOe_rk said:FASSW=one of my favorite bands ever...hands down best live show

you say that cause it was 90% moe-time.
[Apr 9,2005 11:40am - mOe_rk ""]
Look, man
i cant help it if them's my boys
[Apr 9,2005 12:20pm - wade ""]
missed this show. ridiculous.
[Apr 9,2005 12:23pm - wade ""]
the carpool idea would have worked rev. thanks-we should do that when it works out.
[Apr 9,2005 12:29pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, I got a D2H...
I was using it at this show.
[Apr 9,2005 1:08pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
it was also pretty chill meeting rev for the second time and blue for the first.

m0e, we didn't actually meet, but you did hit me in the face during FASSW. awesome! i'm sure i hit you at some point too during FASSW. it's like meeting. almost.
[Apr 9,2005 1:09pm - the guitarist who got kicked  ""]
Yeah, i got owned. We are really good friends and it somewhat was expected becasue someone usually gets hit by him. thanks for coming out.
[Apr 9,2005 1:31pm - moe_rk ""]
Crap, i did? I'm such an asshole when it comes to that band..haha
ya shoulda said something or hit me back or something

what were you wearing, maybe i remember ya
[Apr 9,2005 1:46pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
No need to apoligize, i don't mean hit me like, "that asshole hit me!" i mean hit like, "we're in a mosh pit, and you get hit in the face." not a problem not a problem not a problem.

i was the goofball in the yellow second city shirt. see the picture above

or this one:

[Apr 9,2005 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
hahaha, it looks like the fisherman caught a huge moe-fish.
[Apr 9,2005 2:24pm - __THeMoor__ ""]

there are a shitload of goofy pictures from this show.

like this one:


apparently something shocking and strangely exciting happened over there to the left. i look scared, but that chick looks a bit aroused....hmmmmm
[Apr 9,2005 2:25pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
__THeMoor__ said:No need to apoligize, i don't mean hit me like, "that asshole hit me!" i mean hit like, "we're in a mosh pit, and you get hit in the face." not a problem not a problem not a problem.

i was the goofball in the yellow second city shirt. see the picture above

or this one:


they're about to have the sloppiest wettest fish kiss known to man
[Apr 9,2005 10:11pm - mOe_rk ""]
I'm never gonna hear the end of this show am I...
[Apr 10,2005 10:13am - __THeMoor__ ""]
i just realized that fassw is gonna be at metalfest....

[Apr 10,2005 12:29pm - mOe_rk ""]
hell yeah they are...last year at Metalfest i kicked someone dead in the face during their set
[Apr 10,2005 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
and at hellfest, you hoped around like a bunnyrabbit.
[Apr 10,2005 7:54pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
how are you gonna top yourself this year moe?

my vote is for just taking a dump in the middle of the floor during their set, then flinging it at people who arent moshing.
[Apr 10,2005 10:55pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
this is a sweet fucking picture

[Apr 11,2005 8:16am - anonymous  ""]
your all gay u should have went to brockton instead
[Apr 11,2005 5:19pm - anonymous  ""]
Good show! I love being sick!
Looking foward to April 25th, we will probably actually sound good then :-)
-Mark (Mercury Switch)
[Apr 11,2005 11:56pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
You guys sounded fine. more than fine. super sexy fine if you ask me.

i didn't recognize any of the new stuff, but it's all good, it all sounded fine to me. can't wait for a new album.

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