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Awesome show 5/26 Gemstones Lowell - The Summoned, Hivesmasher, Boarcorpse, Pathogenic, and Your Pain is Endearing

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[May 3,2011 4:56pm - urpenisendearing  ""]
i like penis
[May 3,2011 5:04pm - aaron_michael ""]
[May 11,2011 8:27am - JimboBOARCORPSE NLI  ""]
hey man, first off, I appreciate you making a new thread with the band names, i realize that it might have seemed like i was picking on you for not doing that, but i was just giving constructive advice..... godzilla was a different story. (or at least it was Godzilla NLI, so that could be anyone.) BUT ANYWAYS Can you please email me at ouchdrummer @ gmail dot com, i really need to ask you some questions about the show, asap. Thanks duder!
[May 11,2011 11:48am - aaron_michael ""]
ITT: Jim is a saint.
[May 11,2011 11:50am - aaron_michael ""]
[May 11,2011 12:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol i've tried to play gemstones several times and the show always gets cancelled due to double booking. hopefully that does not happen to you chaps.
[May 11,2011 12:33pm - aaron_michael ""]
eh, I think our main concern would be our lack of Tapout shirts and breakdowns.
I haven't heard Your Pain is Endearing yet, but the rest of the line-up was pretty damn solid and we didn't want to pass up a show with Boarcorpse.
[May 11,2011 12:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Your Pain is good.. they will fit on the bill.
[May 11,2011 1:08pm - Alexecutioner ""]

urpenisendearing said:i like penis

lol, something tells me Jason didn't start this thread.
[May 11,2011 1:12pm - aaron_michael ""]
Hey man, it's 2011. Don't be prejudice! I heard there are even women stepping out of the kitchens!
[May 18,2011 12:43pm - aaron_michael ""]
studded belt and clunky boots bump
[May 18,2011 1:22pm - narkybark ""]
cocaine-fueled lowell backalley blowjobs bump
[May 18,2011 1:27pm - Alexecutioner ""]

narkybark said:cocaine-fueled lowell backalley blowjobs bump

now you've got my attention!
[May 18,2011 1:28pm - timma ""]
Hooray for 5 piece Boarcoar <3
[May 18,2011 1:49pm - narkybark ""]
now moarboar
[May 18,2011 1:51pm - aaron_michael ""]
I don't give a fuck if we play to just the bands. I get to see Boarcorpse. Nucka.
[May 19,2011 11:20am - brodown ""]
Yay I get to see Boarcorpse in a week!
[May 19,2011 11:35am - ouchdrummer ""]
you guys are too nice. *blush* In all honesty though, we haven't played out in a hot minute and i'm fucking PUMPED to finally get to throw down again... especially if we're blessed and are actually able to be a 5 piece for this show. (which would be the first time with Jimmy) Seeing Hivesmasher is a true love-hate thing for me... i love their music... and i hate the fact that i wasn't good enough to play with them when they needed me. So now when i watch them play i just keep thinking about how much fun it would be to play with them... but OBVIOUSLY i like the drums the way they are, i just think they'd be a "blast" (hehe) to play.
[May 19,2011 12:04pm - narkybark ""]
jim is a battered housewife.
[May 23,2011 2:19pm - aaron_michael ""]
Thursday bump
[May 23,2011 2:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]
We will have 5 members at this!! BOO YA BITCHES! Jimmy in the hissy on the guitar!
[May 24,2011 12:34am - narkybark ""]
[May 24,2011 1:28am - ouchdrummer ""]

narkybark said:FIVE DOLLAH FOOT LONG
[May 24,2011 11:33am - ouchdrummer ""]
So any idea how long a set we'll have? We'd LIKE 35 minutes, but we'll be happy with whatever.
[May 24,2011 11:51am - immortal13 ""]
I hate that I'm in class thursday nights until 10, solely because I'm missing this.
[May 24,2011 11:59am - aaron_michael ""]
the guy booking the show hasn't gotten back to me about the details :/
[May 24,2011 12:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:lol i've tried to play gemstones several times and the show always gets cancelled due to double booking. hopefully that does not happen to you chaps.

aaron_michael said:the guy booking the show hasn't gotten back to me about the details :/

[May 24,2011 12:07pm - ouchdrummer ""]
uh oh.
[May 24,2011 12:07pm - ouchdrummer ""]
don't scare me, i'm really excited about this.
[May 24,2011 12:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
on the Gemstones site, it's listed as a show with:
"Then your pain is endearing" and "Heal these wounds."

I dunno if that makes me feel better or not, i didn't hear anything about that second band before now.
[May 24,2011 12:09pm - immortal13 ""]
He'll get back to you last minute. Always does it like that when the show actually happens.
[May 24,2011 12:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
last minute eh? that sounds incredibly irritating.
[May 24,2011 12:32pm - aaron_michael ""]
yeah, the Gemstones website has the show with the proper flyer up. I was kind of expecting to see something completely different, but I mean, if it's up there on the official site....
[May 25,2011 10:34am - aaron_michael ""]
tomorrow bump~
[May 25,2011 11:42pm - ouchdrummer ""]
can't wait.
[May 26,2011 9:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
[May 26,2011 10:17am - Aaron_michael ""]
Almost time to fuck
[May 26,2011 10:31am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I will be in attendance at this show. You all better treat me sexily.
[May 26,2011 11:41am - narkybark ""]
[May 26,2011 12:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
set times?
[May 26,2011 1:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:set times?

Still no idea. Although i think we're 3rd, and i THINK that our set starts at 9:45pm. That's all i got though, so take from that what you will. Are you coming Tom?
[May 26,2011 1:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
gonna try to make it. dont get outta work til 8 though.
[May 26,2011 1:06pm - Aaron_michael ""]
Just hustle your bustle!
[May 26,2011 1:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[May 26,2011 1:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]
you'd still make it... but i understand that it's a long way for you to come.

If you DO make it out, it would be most appreciated by all 5 Boarcorpsians. This being Jimmy's first show with us, (first of many hopefully) it will mean a lot to him (and to us) if our friends are there.
[May 26,2011 1:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Here's a hypothetical question for ya. Say a band you were going to watch play (in this instance we'll use... oh i dunno... how about BOARCORPSE) was going to cover "Slit Your Guts" from CRYPTOPSY. They say that they all know the song really well with the exception of the guitar player not knowing the "solos" (wankery) yet. Would you:

A want them to perfect the solos before playing the song at a gig?

B Want them to play it anyways, because in a song like that the solos don't matter NEARLY as much as all of the riffs being right.
[May 26,2011 1:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]
hypothetically speaking, of course.
[May 26,2011 1:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
its rock n roll man.. dont overthink it. just go with your gut.
[May 26,2011 1:22pm - Yeti ""]
wankery never done no one no good.
[May 26,2011 1:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I wanna play it anyways, Jimmy is worried that he'll fuck it up... i think we're gonna force him to play it anyways though. <3

i mean, hypothetically speaking.
[May 26,2011 2:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
can't wait to fucking hit things.
[May 26,2011 2:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats the parking situation with this place? never been there.
[May 26,2011 2:41pm - ouchdrummer ""]
anyone? anyone? Bueller? Mueller?
[May 26,2011 2:44pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I'd go if it weren't in Lowell.
[May 26,2011 3:03pm - Pires ""]

ouchdrummer said:Here's a hypothetical question for ya. Say a band you were going to watch play (in this instance we'll use... oh i dunno... how about BOARCORPSE) was going to cover "Slit Your Guts" from CRYPTOPSY. They say that they all know the song really well with the exception of the guitar player not knowing the "solos" (wankery) yet. Would you:

A want them to perfect the solos before playing the song at a gig?

B Want them to play it anyways, because in a song like that the solos don't matter NEARLY as much as all of the riffs being right.

A. I hate listening to bands butcher songs I enjoy. But thats just me, and I cant make it out tonight, so carry on with your little party.
[May 26,2011 3:06pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
From what I understand, they have it down better than Cryptopsy with the exception of the solos being note for note with the CD.
[May 26,2011 3:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
play like the shitty recording or ist not krieg
[May 26,2011 3:09pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Jim should pre-program a click track in guitar pro with varying tempos in the middle of grooves so he can play like flo. Then he'll bust out an uncreative drum solo in the middle that shows off his ability to play single stroke roles and put people to sleep. <3 Flo.
[May 26,2011 3:22pm - Aaron_michael ""]
Double park in front of the venue, then there's a lot across the street which should be free after 7
[May 26,2011 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Jim should pre-program a click track in guitar pro with varying tempos in the middle of grooves so he can play like flo. Then he'll bust out an uncreative drum solo in the middle that shows off his ability to play single stroke roles and put people to sleep. <3 Flo.

yes that
[May 26,2011 3:43pm - timma ""]

ouchdrummer said:I wanna play it anyways, Jimmy is worried that he'll fuck it up... i think we're gonna force him to play it anyways though. <3

i mean, hypothetically speaking.

Like I said dude, Jimmy saying he can't nail a solo is him noodling the fuck out like a madman with 95% accuracy.

WE will all be too excited to notice any minute missteps anyway.
[May 26,2011 3:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]
you guys! *blush*
[May 26,2011 3:46pm - timma ""]
Now shut up, and get your ass in the kitchen and make a Lean Cuisine you sexy beast.
[May 26,2011 3:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this show neeeds moar bowls and less lowell
[May 26,2011 3:49pm - timma ""]
Don't be so insensitive, FIMSy. Cambodians have feelings too.
[May 26,2011 3:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'll cambodia you!
[May 26,2011 6:02pm - Aaron_michael ""]
Couple more hours!
[May 26,2011 8:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
leaving now
[May 26,2011 8:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'd much rather be going to this show than working right now, but oh well. Knock 'em dead, champs.
[May 27,2011 3:20am - ouchdrummer ""]
fun show was fun, jimmy rocked all sorts of ass at it. I predict many more to come.
[May 27,2011 9:27am - timma ""]
Uhhh yeah. The new 5 piece Boarcorpse is like +50 bacon points.

So fucking heavy and delicious.
[May 27,2011 9:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good times. sorry to the parking lot guy for completely flipping out on you due to pent up Anti-Lowell rage.
[May 27,2011 9:53am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck Club Fuel.
[May 27,2011 10:00am - Alexecutioner ""]
really wish i could have made it out to this one last night. sometimes i wish i had a car
[May 27,2011 10:22am - narkybark ""]
Interestin' place... all the bands sounded on top of their game. Not even Lowell could bring that down.
[May 27,2011 11:07am - aaron_michael ""]
Boarcorpse as a 5 piece is amaaaaaaazing
[May 27,2011 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only triple finger tap is real
[May 27,2011 11:11am - timma ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:only triple finger tap is real

[May 27,2011 11:16am - Alexecutioner ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:only triple finger tap is real

yea, that shit is crazy. was watching them do it at practice a couple weeks ago.

errbody be fingerin'

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