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This storm will be a bunch of bullshit

[Feb 1,2011 11:22pm - xmikex ""]
The news stations are backing off the astronomical claims they've been making all week for 15-20 inches. The accuweather.com boston page literally says "10.2 inches" "4-8 inches" and "rain sleet mix" all on the same page for the same time and area. I'm calling it right now, the awesome work-killing snow storm we were all promised will just be an icy death trap of a commute that will be good for nothing except a Youtube ready video of me falling down the steps of the Quincy Center t station face first.

[Feb 1,2011 11:26pm - xmikex ""]
now I'm pissed that whoever uploaded this video cut it off in the middle of the punchline.
[Feb 1,2011 11:38pm - the_reverend ""]
Needs moar snow.
[Feb 2,2011 12:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've been off all week hibernating. sucks to be everyone else dealing with this shite.
[Feb 2,2011 12:37am - arilliusbm ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i've been off all week masturbating. sucks to be everyone else dealing with this shite.

tell the truth.
[Feb 2,2011 12:38am - sacreligion ""]
Im with Aaron. The 7 foot snowbanks on my road aren't tall enough. I want adult-size sledding jumps.
[Feb 2,2011 12:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yes masturbation is a key part of the hibernation process. that, plus OnDemand television and pizza/chinese food delivery.
[Feb 2,2011 12:47am - bitch_please ""]
[Feb 2,2011 1:13am - sacreligion ""]
I am currently fashioning snow shoes in case of an emergency packy run tomorrow.
[Feb 2,2011 2:24am - BSV  ""]
spent a few hours in the bobcat, smoking pot, jamming burzum, blut aus nord, destroyer 666 and metalucifer. i'm ready for more snow, that's for sure.
[Feb 2,2011 5:50am - SkinSandwich ""]
It snowed a bit yesterday on the cape then turned to rain. i just looked outside. Still rainin. It is gay.
[Feb 2,2011 6:27am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:
FuckIsMySignature said:i've been off all week masturbating. sucks to be everyone else dealing with this shite.

tell the truth.

[Feb 2,2011 6:51am - amorok666 ""]
Hmmm I just looked outside and was not impressed. I might actually shovel a spot for my lady.
[Feb 2,2011 7:08am - xmikex ""]
hate when I'm right. off to work.
[Feb 2,2011 7:16am - the_reverend ""]
Looks pretty awesome out there to me.
[Feb 2,2011 7:46am - AndrewBastard ""]
boss just texted and........I HAVE THE DAY OFF.

too bad i prob wont be able to fall back asleep
[Feb 2,2011 7:48am - the_reverend ""]
Rub one out
[Feb 2,2011 7:49am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Sucks... I still got to tredge a mile in this cocaine
[Feb 2,2011 7:51am - Alexecutioner ""]
i already did, i wish i stayed home
[Feb 2,2011 8:07am - the_reverend ""]
I'm sitting at home. Looking at the snow out the window. no way I'm not going to play in it today.
[Feb 2,2011 8:20am - Dankill  ""]

What can get through all this snow and ice? Actually built in China but the seat warmer's kinda nice!
[Feb 2,2011 8:42am - AndrewBastard ""]
its actually now officially a rain day... i could easily get into work but fuck it. Boss says "no"
[Feb 2,2011 9:40am - C.dEAd  ""]
At work now. No one on the road, no one at work. Shit's weak.
[Feb 2,2011 9:58am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
we just got 20 inches in 20 hours. Shit's DEEP. I can't wait to go shovel out my Lumina.
[Feb 2,2011 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
I'm sorry, it's hard to type with my raging snow hardon.
10 AM 21° 7° 23° 0
Low 19° 81% 100% 90% 100% 0mi
16mph Weather Hvy Snow
11 AM 23° 9° 24° 0
Low 19° 77% 100% 90% 100% 0mi
17mph Weather Hvy Snow
12 PM 24° 10° 25° 0
Low 19° 73% 100% 90% 100% 0mi
18mph Weather Snow
1 PM 24° 10° 25° 0
Low 18° 70% 100% 90% 100% 0mi
18mph Weather Snow
2 PM 25° 11° 25° 0
Low 17° 66% 100% 90% 97% 0mi
19mph Weather Snow
3 PM 25° 11° 25° 0
Low 17° 66% 90% 80% 94% 1mi
20mph Weather Snow/Wind
4 PM 25° 11° 25° 0
Low 16° 63% 90% 81% 92% 1mi
20mph Weather Snow/Wind
5 PM 24° 9° 24° 0
Low 15° 62% 90% 83% 92% 0mi
20mph Weather Snow/Wind
6 PM 23° 9° 23° 0
Low 15° 66% 80% 75% 91% 1mi
17mph Weather Snow
7 PM 22° 8° 22° 0
Low 14° 66% 70% 66% 91% 1mi
16mph Weather Snow
8 PM 21° 7° 21° 0
Low 13° 66% 60% 56% 91% 1mi
15mph Weather Snow
9 PM 20° 7° 20° 0
Low 13° 69% 30% 28% 91% 10mi
16KM N
13mph Weather Snow Showers
10 PM 19° 6° 19° 0
Low 12° 69% 30% 28% 91% 10mi
16KM N
12mph Weather Snow Showers
11 PM 18° 5° 18° 0
Low 11° 69% 30% 28% 92% 10mi
12mph Weather Snow Showers

[Feb 2,2011 10:00am - the_reverend ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:we just got 20 inches in 20 hours. Shit's DEEP. I can't wait to go shovel out my Lumina.
this is america. just go turn it on and wait 6hrs.
[Feb 2,2011 10:01am - xmikex ""]
The only forecast I trust right now, is that the sun no longer rises

[Feb 2,2011 10:03am - the_reverend ""]

XmikeX said:In a related story.....it's just a fucking rock!

oh and plymouth rock is doing just fine....whats up now new hampshire? haha.

plenty of snow in nh.
[Feb 2,2011 10:10am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:
IllinoisEnemaBradness said:we just got 20 inches in 20 hours. Shit's DEEP. I can't wait to go shovel out my Lumina.
this is america. just go turn it on and wait 6hrs.

yeah, but like you said, this is America. So I have 1/2 a mile worth of gas and have 5$ to get more gas.
[Feb 2,2011 10:11am - xmikex ""]
what an in-your-face dude.
[Feb 2,2011 10:13am - the_reverend ""]
excuse me Brad, but triple A. that stands for the [mother fucking] American Automobile Association. GET INTO IT. THIS IS AMERICA.
[Feb 2,2011 10:22am - SkinSandwich ""]
My bro just called, he lives in Townsend. They got smoked there w/ 2 feet of snow. he was on his way to work and his drivers side windshield wiper stopped working. He had to turn around and go home, haha.
[Feb 2,2011 10:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i do believe it is raining ice pellets now
[Feb 2,2011 10:53am - aaron_michael ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i do believe it is raining ice pellets now

Shit's weak.

As I went out to clear off my car around the block, I could clearly hear a woman sobing. I went outside and I guess she decided to not shovel her car out, but just beastmode it out of the small snow embankment she had been stuck in.
This would have been a great idea and saved her plenty of time if:
A. She had actually looked to see if there was anyone in the road.
B. If there wasn't a fucking gargantuan yellow plow coming her way.

Needless to say, she vroomed out of her spot and and right into the path of "don't fuck wit' me I ben ploying since 5am" driver.
[Feb 2,2011 10:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 2,2011 11:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
Snowing like a bastard up here. Drove wife into work this morning -- 89 was barely plowed up my way. We're supposed to get a foot or more by tonight.

Plowing & snowblowing aside, what I'm really not looking forward to is roof-raking this weekend. That chore sucks sucks sucks.
[Feb 2,2011 11:07am - the_reverend ""]
only pussies roof rake.
[Feb 2,2011 11:09am - largefreakatzero ""]
Whatever, non-pussies can enjoy severe roof damage and leaks. Why don't you vacate your 40 degree house and go hang out with Doomkid in his snow fort, it's probably warmer there.
[Feb 2,2011 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
At noon, I'm going to suit up in my gear and go for an hour walk.
[Feb 2,2011 11:18am - xmikex ""]
I'm already at work, and commute on the T so I don't even give a fuck about this snow anymore. My boss is out sick, and all my jobs are getting canceled left and right. If paying me to fuck around on the internet all day is more valuable to my work then paying me to stay home so be it.
[Feb 2,2011 11:23am - SkinSandwich ""]

xmikex said:I'm already at work, and commute on the T so I don't even give a fuck about this snow anymore. My boss is out sick, and all my jobs are getting canceled left and right. If paying me to fuck around on the internet all day is more valuable to my work then paying me to stay home so be it.

Does your boss have the GAIDS?
[Feb 2,2011 12:16pm - xmikex ""]
only funny because she's a lesbian.
[Feb 2,2011 12:18pm - SkinSandwich ""]

xmikex said:only funny because she's a lesbian.

Well, there ya go.....
[Feb 2,2011 12:40pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Engaging beast mode is always key.
[Feb 2,2011 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
make fishy jokes all the time.
[Feb 2,2011 3:37pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Feb 2,2011 5:16pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

xmikex said:what an in-your-face dude.

ha. wasn't meaning to sound like a prick. Just a fact that I be po, ya know?
[Feb 2,2011 5:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought that was @ me, but whatever. I went for a walk during lunch and fell into a snowbank up to my armpits. ruled.
[Feb 2,2011 5:45pm - hauptpflucker ""]

Alx_Casket said:[img]
My snowspeeder got caught in a snow bank, and my cat was run over by an At At when he snuck outside. What a miserable day :(
[Feb 2,2011 6:21pm - nekronaut ""]
Hailing again in Boston.

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