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Finntroll Rollcall

Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH) - [finntroll][darkbuster][madball][randomshots][sam_black_church][unearth]
[Sep 23,2007 2:54am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Finntroll weren't that bad for a bunch of dudes wearing skirts. Of course all I could hear was Keys and Drums.
[Sep 23,2007 2:58am - GoatCatalyst ""]
how was the big gay beerhall vibe?
[Sep 23,2007 2:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Finntroll weren't that bad for a bunch of dudes wearing skirts. Of course all I could hear was Keys and Drums.

figures you'd be the first to bitch about the sound.
[Sep 23,2007 3:06am - ctborderpatrol  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:hahahaha all those people got kicked out for the stupidest reasons.

"That guys doing a jig!"

the huge ogre proceeds to close line six people/

did you see me give one of the bouncers the finger? it ended it me getting thrown out.
[Sep 23,2007 3:14am - Dwellingsickness ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:Dwellingsickness said:Finntroll weren't that bad for a bunch of dudes wearing skirts. Of course all I could hear was Keys and Drums.

figures you'd be the first to bitch about the sound.

Someone had too :NEWHORNS:
[Sep 23,2007 8:27am - christopher  ""]
SO I made it. The drive home was hard. Almost fell asleep 10 times. They weren't really as energetic as I would of hoped. The bouncers were ridiculous. I heard the maced at the 7-11 after.
[Sep 23,2007 8:28am - christopher  ""]
i mean, some guys at 7-11 told us they maced some one at the show....no one at 7-11 was maced
[Sep 23,2007 8:29am - porphyria  ""]
This show/band looked incredibly boring.
[Sep 23,2007 8:40am - the_reverend ""]
probably the biggest crowd I've seen at mark's. bigger than the previous big show that I saw there. I find it odd that tom maced someone seeing as he's huge.
[Sep 23,2007 11:05am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
some hot metal chicks too
[Sep 23,2007 11:14am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

my question is...where was that guy?

besides standing next to me in the concert.

but seriously Trollhorn doesn't tour with the band? Instead they had some giant kid playing the keyboards.
[Sep 23,2007 11:48am - marks is gay  ""]
Marks is the worst venue ever. Not only do they fuck over every local band that plays there, but the vibe totally sucks because its so uptight. I saw someone get thrown out just for taking their shirt off. People seriously need to start boycotting this place. Its a fucking shame when the band leaves to prepare for an encore and the crowd starts chanting "This place sucks!" instead of "Finntroll!"

I got more injured from the asshole bouncers storming the crowd than I did by the 5 or 6 people dancing around. The staff and the atmosphere at that place completely ruined the show for me and probably for a lot of other people as well. Fuck marks showplace.
[Sep 23,2007 12:20pm - neverpurified ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:[img]

my question is...where was that guy?

besides standing next to me in the concert.

but seriously Trollhorn doesn't tour with the band? Instead they had some giant kid playing the keyboards.

could have fooled me, the keyboards sounded just fine so i didnt really mind. although my guitar player did say he looked like "that ugly girl that nobody danced with at prom"

Trollhorn was probably busy with moonsorrow stuff, as he's in them fulltime as well
[Sep 23,2007 1:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:my question is...where was that guy?

besides standing next to me in the concert.

Haha, seriously. I looked over during the Accursed, saw a big fat dude with a ponytail and wrist gauntlet thingies, and I'm like - "Hey, it's Henri" I get closer, and it's not him, but some weird Trollhorn doppleganger. The lack of shitty mustache and septum ring is what tipped me off. What a random person to agressively try to look like.

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:but seriously Trollhorn doesn't tour with the band? Instead they had some giant kid playing the keyboards.

neverpurified said:could have fooled me, the keyboards sounded just fine so i didnt really mind. although my guitar player did say he looked like "that ugly girl that nobody danced with at prom"

Trollhorn was probably busy with moonsorrow stuff, as he's in them fulltime as well

I'm pretty sure that was actually the live keyboardist for Moonsorrow (or at least he was at one point) - he looks extremely familiar, and I'm thinking I saw him in a live video.

Maybe Trollhorn got wind of ctborderpatrol's fat people internment camp plan and got scared so now he's moving in with his auntie and uncle in Bel Aire.

Super cool meeting Yeti, Pam, and Fuckismysignature IRL (if only briefly for the latter two); also good to know that Mark's truly doth sucketh mightily. And am I just going deaf, or was it super quiet last night? I swear Finntroll was even quieter than the other bands. Shame, for once I really wanted my ears blown out. All the same, even Mark's eipc suckitude couldn't ruin Finntroll for me; I can die, now. (My neck is so fucking sore.)

[Sep 23,2007 2:38pm - Yeah, Mark's DOES suck  ""]
marks is gay said:Marks is the worst venue ever. Not only do they fuck over every local band that plays there, but the vibe totally sucks because its so uptight. I saw someone get thrown out just for taking their shirt off. People seriously need to start boycotting this place. Its a fucking shame when the band leaves to prepare for an encore and the crowd starts chanting "This place sucks!" instead of "Finntroll!"

I got more injured from the asshole bouncers storming the crowd than I did by the 5 or 6 people dancing around. The staff and the atmosphere at that place completely ruined the show for me and probably for a lot of other people as well. Fuck marks showplace.

Agree totally. Main reason I didn't go to the show last night.
[Sep 23,2007 3:01pm - pam ""]
This show ruled, the bouncers fucking suck, I hope they all get killed. Awesome to meet DwellingSickness and DestroyYouALot.

Fuck Ken Gillis for being a pussy and blowing this show off.

My neck hurts.
[Sep 23,2007 8:05pm - Ryan_M ""]
marks is gay said:I saw someone get thrown out just for taking their shirt off.

That's kinda funny, considering there's women dancing naked just next door.
[Sep 23,2007 9:20pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Ryan_M said:marks is gay said:I saw someone get thrown out just for taking their shirt off.

That's kinda funny, considering there's women dancing naked just next door.

I didn't get why people bitched about this, if it's the rule of the place you follow it no matter how much it sucks.

sure I would have loved to mosh, but I understand that it's a liability, until they start handing out death wavers I guess it's a good idea for such a small place to worry about being sued.

I mean if you said "no smoking in my house"

and some dude you didn't know started smoking in your kids room wouldn't you get pissed?
[Sep 23,2007 10:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont neeeeeed no instructions to know how to ROCK!
[Sep 23,2007 11:01pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
pam said:

My neck hurts.

[Sep 23,2007 11:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pam said:This show ruled, the bouncers fucking suck, I hope they all get killed. Awesome to meet DwellingSickness and DestroyYouALot.

It's "DestroyYouAlot," not "DestroyYouALot"; my username operates on the fictional premise that "alot" is a word.


y_ddraig_goch said:sure I would have loved to mosh, but I understand that it's a liability, until they start handing out death wavers I guess it's a good idea for such a small place to worry about being sued.

[Sep 24,2007 12:07am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:pam said:This show ruled, the bouncers fucking suck, I hope they all get killed. Awesome to meet DwellingSickness and DestroyYouALot.

It's "DestroyYouAlot," not "DestroyYouALot"; my username operates on the fictional premise that "alot" is a word.


y_ddraig_goch said:sure I would have loved to mosh, but I understand that it's a liability, until they start handing out death wavers I guess it's a good idea for such a small place to worry about being sued.


new season's started tonight, baby eating cannibal.

"He's eaten over 200 babies...and toddlers."
[Sep 24,2007 1:38am - dreadkill ""]
pam said:This show ruled, the bouncers fucking suck, I hope they all get killed. Awesome to meet DwellingSickness and DestroyYouALot.

Fuck Ken Gillis for being a pussy and blowing this show off.

My neck hurts.

fuck you as well for blowing off every show you've blown off in the past
[Sep 24,2007 3:24am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I got to meet and hang out with Pam, That was worth admission alone,She told me she was the awesomest thing to happen to NH this year hah, I might have to agree.I also met dftg , It was cool meeting him too. Man, The accursed has gotten 10X better since I seen them at Chantilly's in Manchvegas, And I thought they were kick ass then. I wish I would have had the $$ to grab a CD , Maybe next time. I had to borrow the cash to go as it was.
[Sep 24,2007 7:52am - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:This show ruled, the bouncers fucking suck, I hope they all get killed. Awesome to meet DwellingSickness and DestroyYouALot.

Fuck Ken Gillis for being a pussy and blowing this show off.

My neck hurts.

fuck you as well for blowing off every show you've blown off in the past

I'm not sure what you and Kevin are always bitching about, but I've never blown off an important show, especially one DS was playing. If I miss a show it's because it's on a weeknight and I have a child that it's sort of illegal to leave home alone. You blew off Finntroll, which you even had the ticket for. Thus, unless someone died or you broke both your legs, makes you lose.
[Sep 24,2007 7:54am - pam ""]
Dwellingsickness said:I got to meet and hang out with Pam, That was worth admission alone,She told me she was the awesomest thing to happen to NH this year hah, I might have to agree.I also met dftg , It was cool meeting him too. Man, The accursed has gotten 10X better since I seen them at Chantilly's in Manchvegas, And I thought they were kick ass then. I wish I would have had the $$ to grab a CD , Maybe next time. I had to borrow the cash to go as it was.

You sir, were easily one of the highlights of my evening. Sorry I almost dumped you out of your chair.

I suspect I shook dftg's hand because it feels bruised from his bear paw again.
[Sep 24,2007 8:00am - pam ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:Ryan_M said:marks is gay said:I saw someone get thrown out just for taking their shirt off.

That's kinda funny, considering there's women dancing naked just next door.

I didn't get why people bitched about this, if it's the rule of the place you follow it no matter how much it sucks.

sure I would have loved to mosh, but I understand that it's a liability, until they start handing out death wavers I guess it's a good idea for such a small place to worry about being sued.

Well, this is pretty easy to get around. Instead of the "THERE IS NO MOSHING THIS IS YOUR FIRST AND LAST WARNING" tough guy speech they give every single person coming in the door, the could say "Moshing is done at your own risk" and post signs that reiterate this. That's how all other normal small clubs get around it.

That said I think moshing is gay and it doesn't bother me that you can't. HOWEVER it bothers me that if you headbang too much and accidentally bump into someone, they bounce you. It bothers me that if you stagger from the booze they had no problem selling you, they bounce you. The first time I was there, I playfully stepped in my brother-in-law's way messing around and he picked me up and placed me to the side...and had a bouncer in his face for it.

THAT is the problem. Rules are fine, but those people are fucking dicks.

[Sep 24,2007 10:39am - Yeti ""]
great show, i thought the sound was awesome, and the keyboardist looked exactly like Thurman Merman from Bad Santa. i wish they had more room or ability to freak out, and that Mark's wasn't the worst venue on earth, but i can't complain, Finntroll ruled. Vreth's voice doesn't fit him, he is pretty small but his voice is gigantic. i really dig Frozen, it didn't seem like too many people were into them but i've enjoyed them every time i've seen them. also a huge thanks to DestroyYouAlot for driving to Worcester to cart my ass there.
[Sep 24,2007 1:26pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:Ryan_M said:marks is gay said:I saw someone get thrown out just for taking their shirt off.

That's kinda funny, considering there's women dancing naked just next door.

I didn't get why people bitched about this, if it's the rule of the place you follow it no matter how much it sucks.

sure I would have loved to mosh, but I understand that it's a liability, until they start handing out death wavers I guess it's a good idea for such a small place to worry about being sued.

I mean if you said "no smoking in my house"

and some dude you didn't know started smoking in your kids room wouldn't you get pissed?

yeah, but you wouldn't invite a bunch of smokers into your house then, would you?

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