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Finntroll Rollcall

Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH) - [finntroll][darkbuster][madball][randomshots][sam_black_church][unearth]
[Sep 17,2007 12:42pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Thread one million and one, but anyways...who's going? and is Lord Bacon any good?
[Sep 17,2007 12:43pm - the_reverend ""]
me and lord bacon is pretty good.
[Sep 17,2007 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
i really hope i can make this, i don't think i have a way though. fucking summamabitch, why can't this be at the Palladium??? FUCK YOU MARK'S!!
[Sep 17,2007 12:47pm - CNV  ""]
when is this? Tonight?
[Sep 17,2007 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 17,2007 2:52pm - Phrozenspite ""]
I may possibly be there... Not really sure if i have the funds this week
[Sep 17,2007 3:06pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Phrozenspite said:I may possibly be there... Not really sure if i have the funds this week

It's finntroll...just use that as an excuse to every person you ask to borrow a few bucks from.
[Sep 17,2007 3:12pm - Phrozenspite ""]
lol good idea
[Sep 17,2007 4:31pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
We got like 10 tickets left if anyone wants any.
[Sep 17,2007 4:57pm - Ryan_M ""]
I might go, depending on how much money I have and what time I'm working the next day.
[Sep 17,2007 6:54pm - sxealex ""]
[Sep 17,2007 8:21pm - Arist ""]
I'll be there with some friends
[Sep 17,2007 9:51pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
sxealex said:FINTROLLCALL

[Sep 18,2007 12:29pm - sxealex ""]
[Sep 18,2007 6:08pm - pam ""]
[Sep 18,2007 8:16pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
theaccursedvokillist said:We got like 10 tickets left if anyone wants any.

were gonna need some tickets, probably 4 or 5 if its cool to get em from ya at the show
[Sep 18,2007 8:21pm - PAY TO PLAY IS GAY  ""]
the only thing gayer than paying to see this show at marks. is paying to play this show.
[Sep 19,2007 12:19pm - EAT_A_BAG_OF_DEAD_DICKS ""]
Does anyone still have tickets to sell for this?
[Sep 19,2007 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
finntroll is doing a 2hr set. amazing.
[Sep 19,2007 4:36pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
I still have some tickets, My Dying Bride check your PM
[Sep 19,2007 4:36pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
PAY TO PLAY IS GAY said:the only thing gayer than paying to see this show at marks. is paying to play this show.

We haven't paid a dime pal.
[Sep 19,2007 4:40pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the_reverend said:finntroll is doing a 2hr set. amazing.

That means every amazing song is getting played.

I think imma have to bust out the new album
[Sep 20,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
FUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!! i am so fucking pissed that i have to miss this. this is the one time where i wish i had a fucking car.
[Sep 20,2007 11:51am - porphyria  ""]
[Sep 20,2007 11:55am - Ryan_M ""]
Wow, who's the cutie?
[Sep 20,2007 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
tom's new model
[Sep 21,2007 7:01am - theaccursedvokillist ""]
[Sep 21,2007 5:22pm - LORDBACON ""]
bump. we still got some tickets to sell for you slackers

[Sep 21,2007 7:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LORDBACON said:bump. we still got some tickets to sell for you slackers

Any way to meet you in the parking lot, or is Mark's gonna freak out if you're selling them "on-site"?
[Sep 22,2007 7:10am - RavenousDestruction ""]
I'm going.
[Sep 22,2007 9:52am - christopher  ""]
wait wait wait, is this thing sold out?
[Sep 22,2007 9:59am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I'm bringing a carload of people.
[Sep 22,2007 10:05am - christopher  ""]
fuck i want to go, fucking wedding fucking fuck fuck fuck, see if i can leave the reception early
[Sep 22,2007 10:15am - raiderfromthegrave  ""]
I ve been to a few marks shows, there seems to always tickets at the door, thats where i will be buying them!
[Sep 22,2007 11:13am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
only a few more hours.
[Sep 22,2007 12:41pm - christopher  ""]
FUCK the reception starts at 6. THIS SUCKS BALLLLLLLLS
[Sep 22,2007 12:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be at mark's in about 20 minutes. but then i'm leaving to shoot SBC and coming back to shoot finntroll.

christopher: last I heard, finntroll was on from 11pm to 1am
[Sep 22,2007 1:53pm - the_reverend ""]
finntroll is playing from 11:30 to 1am.
[Sep 22,2007 2:08pm - christopher  ""]
hmmmmmmmmmm well, I am atleast going to try and get there
[Sep 22,2007 2:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
anyone know set times for the Acccursed and Frozen?
[Sep 22,2007 2:27pm - christopher  ""]
so If I get there around 10:30...I should be able to get inside right?
[Sep 22,2007 4:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I started to write down all the set times, but then stopped. I believe that it's accursed, frozen, finntroll.
[Sep 22,2007 7:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good deal... i'll be up there soon
[Sep 22,2007 7:03pm - dftg  ""]
this club fucking blows
[Sep 22,2007 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw the time 10:30 next to frozen's name. I'm guessing they are playing 10:30-11, but it could be 10-10:30
[Sep 22,2007 11:51pm - the_reverend ""]
mikeDOM and I just got here at the same time just a finntroll was setting up. they are on their 3rd folktastic song
[Sep 23,2007 12:10am - GoatCatalyst ""]
watch your fucking rims and your systems, rev and dave.

colin from frozen will steal them shits right quick.

and try to get pics of colin's boy ronaldo tearing up the pit while frozen plays.
[Sep 23,2007 2:23am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
hahahaha all those people got kicked out for the stupidest reasons.

"That guys doing a jig!"

the huge ogre proceeds to close line six people/
[Sep 23,2007 2:42am - the_reverend ""]
mah systsems
[Sep 23,2007 2:48am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i almost drank enough at this show

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