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Movie: Silent Hill

[Jan 29,2006 1:37pm - spaldino  ""]

its looking really fucking cool so far... but you cant help but notice the obvious changes in the story and the fact that they added key elements from SH2 like the pyramid head and the manequins. those were incarnations of James' sexual frustation (manequins... especially the scene where he sees them and it looks like two of them are banging) and his desire to be punished (the pyramid heads). i dont even think Harry is in this movie. the main character is being played by a female (not Cybil... shes in the movie though) and in the trailer you can hear the female lead talk to her (what i can assume) husband and she calls him "christopher". but regardless... it looks fucked up and i want to see it.
[Jan 29,2006 2:11pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
they've taken so much from all the games that no one really knows how anything fits together yet. There is a lot of new ideas and twists though which should in the end make it it's own entity in the series.
[Jan 29,2006 3:03pm - Moran NLI  ""]
Those aren't the manequins, they're the nurses from the first game.
[Jan 29,2006 3:35pm - wade ""]
looks awesome.
[Jan 29,2006 4:27pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
spaldino said:http://www.welcometosilenthill.com

That sure is a shitty movie poster.
[Jan 29,2006 9:21pm - pam nli  ""]
I can't wait to see this. I'm a big nerd for Silent Hill games.
[Jan 29,2006 11:57pm - Abbath ""]
oh ya i saw this preview during underworld, it looks like it could actually be a good horror movie and give the genre justice
[Jan 30,2006 7:44pm - spaldino  ""]
Moran NLI said:Those aren't the manequins, they're the nurses from the first game.

look closer... you can tell its an SH2 guy because of how smooth it is. i know the nurses... they are grouped together... its just one manequin they show in the trailer twictching a lot.
[Mar 7,2006 11:18pm - spaldino  ""]

holy shit... !!!
[Mar 8,2006 11:10am - SPALDINO  ""]
what the fuck guys? this shit is fucking brutal and you are gonna sit there and be gay about it?
[Mar 8,2006 12:30pm - Moran NLI  ""]
I watched it. That shit is gonna be ridiculous. I can't fucking wait.
[Mar 8,2006 4:23pm - SPALDINO  ""]
Pyramid Head is going to ruin everything. even Stevie Wonder.
[Mar 8,2006 11:11pm - spaldino  ""]
faggots.... im not letting this go back down to page 3
[Mar 9,2006 5:07pm - spaldino  ""]
i hate you
[Mar 9,2006 5:45pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 9,2006 10:59pm - spaldino  ""]
i hate you
[Mar 10,2006 12:11pm - spaldino  ""]
cut the shit
[Mar 10,2006 12:25pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 10,2006 5:02pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 10,2006 5:54pm - jesus ""]
this is getting re-goddamn-diculous
[Mar 10,2006 9:40pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 11,2006 1:18pm - spaldino  ""]
iiiii've been working on the raaaaiiiroad... allll the live long dayyyyy
[Mar 11,2006 2:38pm - spaldino  ""]
im a little tea pot...
[Mar 11,2006 5:13pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 11,2006 5:59pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
did you read the article in the new Fangoria about it? Gave me a stiffy.
[Mar 11,2006 6:35pm - spaldino  ""]
no? i dont read magazines... i get instant information straight from the internet!
[Mar 11,2006 9:20pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
ok. cool. this article with the director is not on the internet. unless someone witha fango subscription typed it all out. to each his own.
[Mar 12,2006 2:57am - spaldino  ""]
its a little more than a month away... i am still going nuts waiting.
[Mar 12,2006 2:01pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 12,2006 10:37pm - MetalcoreSUCKS ""]
Saw the trailer today,this looks good and real fucked up
[Mar 12,2006 11:01pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like they did the video game right in this movie.
[Mar 13,2006 2:55am - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 13,2006 4:50am - davefromthegrave ""]
after all this excitement you have, I really hope the movie comes out good.
[Mar 13,2006 2:49pm - spaldino  ""]
i do too... from what ive read, this guy has done his homework has even played the games and has had Konami and the Silent Hill development team watching the production and approving and disapproving things. it sounds like its a story thats BASED on the first one but there are elements from every game in it and not only that... the director even created a new enemy creature thing and Konami like it so much that they are gonna use it in the future. it just sounds like they actually are gonna do a game justice with the movie this time.
[Mar 16,2006 5:31pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 16,2006 6:40pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 16,2006 10:50pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 16,2006 11:27pm - spaldino  ""]
[Mar 17,2006 4:57am - anonymous  ""]
spaldino said:i do too... from what ive read, this guy has done his homework has even played the games and has had Konami and the Silent Hill development team watching the production and approving and disapproving things. it sounds like its a story thats BASED on the first one but there are elements from every game in it and not only that... the director even created a new enemy creature thing and Konami like it so much that they are gonna use it in the future. it just sounds like they actually are gonna do a game justice with the movie this time.

I've noticed that. Everything I've seen so far I can pretty much place in the game. This movie is gonna be fucking sick.
[Mar 23,2006 10:30am - spaldino  ""]
alright fuckwads... its out in like... 3 weeks. this movie is going to own ass.
[Apr 22,2006 5:46am - spaldino  ""]
THIS MOVIE RULED. you kind of had to play the games to fully grasp what is going on but either way... a lot of bad ass shit goes on and you have to see this. beautiful art and cinematography.
[Apr 22,2006 9:56am - anonymous  ""]
i loved it but i have played the game. my friends hated it and they haven't seen the game.
[Apr 22,2006 10:04am - dug nli  ""]
that's what I hear . . . if you played the games then the movie experience is better (ie., makes more sense). It's a shame that Gans alienated 70% of the movie going audience by being too much of a fanboy. I'm seeing it today. I hope it's better than I'm hearing.
[Apr 22,2006 1:38pm - Abbath ""]
this is the greatest game movie ever, which isn't saying alot (i mean mario brothers?!) but this was an AWESOME movie, i really hope they make a sequel, followed the first one well
[Apr 22,2006 1:39pm - Christraper ""]
I saw it last night. I never played the games but Ive watched other people play them while waiting to do something more interesting. The movie itself wast terrible. I definitely wasnt angry that I sat through two hours of it but I dont think it'll be any new addition to my dvd collection. Things I cant see tend to freak me out more than big zombie guys with swords but thats just me. If you like blood, guts and decent computer graphics then go see this.
[Apr 22,2006 3:46pm - dug nli  ""]
I'm on the fence with this movie. I just got back from seeing it. The cinematography and set design were top notch, but the dialogue and acting was sub par to say the least. There were a bunch of decent actors in this but they didn't deliver the goods. I will admit that it didn't feel like a video game movie at all, which is a good thing. I was afraid you had to be a die hard fanboy to appreciate or follow any of it. However, it felt like a standard horror story trying to be too smart or incorporate too much for its own good. Avery is a good writer but he fell real short here. Gans is a good director but most of the movie felt forced. Too much telling and exposition and not enough showing. It was not scary in the least or at all gory in my opinion even though Pyramid Head was fucking brilliant. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either. A solid 6.5/10.
[Apr 22,2006 3:52pm - succubus ""]
aaron and i are going tomorrow i think...thanks for posting dug...i only would watch aaron play 1 of them..i think 3...
[Apr 22,2006 4:02pm - spaldino  ""]
the movie is really good. its almost exactly like playing the game. im sure they had to explain some things because they had to make the movie accessible to the general public. the bad acting/cheesy dialogue is perfect because it fits the games so well. pyramid head (the big zombie guy with the sword) was in SH2 and was fucking scary as hell in the game and was just totally bad ass in the movie. this wasnt a retelling of anything... i think it showed you the underground cult that is talked about so much in the games but isnt explained or anything.
[Apr 22,2006 4:09pm - dug nli  ""]
sorry. I don't enjoy movies with cheesy acting or dialogue unless they are supposed to be B-rated movies. which I'm sure Gans will agree wasn't intended for B status. just because the game developer couldn't write a decent script or hire good voice over actors doesn't mean that the movie should follow suit.
[Apr 22,2006 5:07pm - xmikex cantlogin  ""]
I have never played the game, and I hate horror movies.

Nevertheless, I loved this movie. The cheese did leak through on a number of parts, and a lot of the dialogue was forced. Also a number of times I felt as though I was watching a rendered scene in a video game as opposed to a movie.

HOWEVER, this movie was visually, and conceptually brilliant. The visuals were absolutely surreal. I ususally cringe at over used digital effects, and weak attempts at surrealism. Silent Hill is what decades of digital effects in film has been leading up to. Plain and simple.

I also did not see any cheap horror film tricks. So many contemporary horror films just rely on an hour and a half's worth of long quiet pauses broken up by loud noises (and you're an asshole if you're actually scared by that because if you're older than 8 you should know it's coming). There was no overwhelming, commercial sound track trying to take over the movie either. And aside from the almost hilariously cheesy archetypal "sexy cop" character, it really wasn't just a poor excuse to show t & a.

Honestly, I think this movie has made almost every horror film in the past 2 decades look foolish. I think it totally subverted the whole genre and I hope someone follows this lead.

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