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i fucking hate resin

[Dec 25,2004 10:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
I burn tonight in honor of materealism.
[Dec 26,2004 12:30am - Jellyfish ""]
i burn for the sake of escaping reality.
[Dec 26,2004 12:31am - Blue ""]
i think ill go burn right now...
[Dec 26,2004 1:07am - retzam ""]
Just smoked the incredibly small amount i have left. Surprisingly stoned though, cause it was a lot of crystal. Good thing i'm picking up an eighth tomorrow.
[Dec 26,2004 2:14am - Jellyfish ""]
i smoked shit my man grabbed from his brothers place in vermont today. The shit was fucking BLUE!!!
[Dec 26,2004 2:17am - RustedAngel ""]
you buncha hippies
[Jan 12,2008 1:02am - BSV  ""]
Okay so the Resin Gods have summoned me tonight. Thankfully I have a bowl that THE pessimist gave me. this shit sucks. whose got some pot for sale????
[Jan 12,2008 1:10am - ExploitaitonOfMistakes  ""]
Ah shit dude I've been there. Suck. I just picked up a few delicious nugs of Strawberry Cough haha... this shit tastes soo good
[Jan 12,2008 1:11am - BSV  ""]
Dude, If I cough and it taste like Strawberries, that shit better be good. How much?
[Jan 12,2008 1:12am - ExploitaitonOfMistakes  ""]
I got a couple grams for 20. Sure you could do better if you bought more at a time.

It's amazing shit. Very fuckin visual, when I was peaking I felt like I was on mushrooms
[Jan 12,2008 1:13am - ExploitaitonOfMistakes  ""]
It didn't really make me cough. It has a hint of the strawberry flavor that's in strawberry cough syrup.
[Jan 13,2008 3:02pm - NIGGER ""]
Josh_hates_you said:asking him to stop smoking pot would be like asking you to stop being black.


[Jan 14,2008 10:55pm - t2daeek ""]
meanjean... said:pot=bad jokes
pot=buying beer shirts
pot= the worst movie of all time half baked
pot=buying trippy posters at spencer gifts in the mall
pot=starting to use the words dude,man,right on, and numerous others
pot=buying a dog and naming it something stupid like marley or nugz.

you must hang out with the worst stoners ever.
[Jan 14,2008 11:15pm - Lamp ""]
My friend who I smoke with definitely hangs out with the worst stoners ever. I'd be more into it if I could find people to smoke with consistently who aren't retarded.
[Jan 14,2008 11:35pm - BSV  ""]
was bake cruising with tony deconformity tonight and inhaled a big clump of resin stuck in my one hitter. fuck that shit.
[Jan 15,2008 12:56am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I had some Mountain Madness from CA... OMG!
[Jan 15,2008 1:46am - Mike_Giallo ""]
Last month I smoked Pot of Gold, it won the Chronic Cup in Amsterdam.
[Jan 15,2008 7:08am - sever ""]
hah...where the fuck do you get that?
[Jan 15,2008 8:21am - corpus_colostomy ""]
yeah, im sorry but those pics of said plant in 'Peru' are not ganja-mon.


Any one heard of a Lupin? Just because it has conical, purple buds, and sun leaves with 5-7 fascicles don't mean shit...

[Jan 15,2008 11:21am - nickpelle  ""]
cup or two of rubbing alcohol + half a cup of salt + zip lock bag (shake away then rinse) goodbye resin and your house smelling awful from boiling your shit.
[Jan 15,2008 12:57pm - Yeti ""]
ExploitaitonOfMistakes said:I just picked up a few delicious nugs of Strawberry Cough haha... this shit tastes soo good

i absolutely love that shit. this dude i know always has strands with weird names, i can't keep up with them, but the one that stuck out was Strawberry Cough.
[Jan 15,2008 10:01pm - BlackoutRick ""]
They sell bowl cleaner at Headlines and the like. It's red liquid stuff with crystals. Works pretty good but if you have fuckin gumballs inside then you best boil it. And yeah use a shitty pot.
[Jan 15,2008 10:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]
OH yeah, Everytime I smoke resin it gives a headache and like a 20 minute high. Worthless.
[Jan 15,2008 11:57pm - sever ""]
BlackoutRick said:OH yeah, Everytime I smoke resin it gives a headache and like a 20 minute high. Worthless.

I've heard that resin is like 99% carbon and 1% thc. yeah, you may get more thc per unit of resin than regular bud, but you might as well be inhaling melted plastic.
[Jan 16,2008 7:05am - corpus_colostomy ""]
>>but you might as well be inhaling melted plastic.>>

..how could carbon be compared with a petroleum based product?

[Jan 16,2008 7:08am - sever ""]
inhaling plastic is about as healthy as inhaling resin.
[Jan 16,2008 8:19am - corpus_colostomy ""]
apparently you slept through chemistry 101.

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