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WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, A STORM OF LIGHT (mems. o' Neurosis), MAST @ Club Hell 5/24

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Apr 29,2009 10:27pm - Murph ""]

Wolves in the Throne Room
A Storm of Light (ft. members of Neurosis)

5/24 @ Club Hell

$10 advance
$12 day of



[Apr 29,2009 10:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Good job boyos.
[Apr 29,2009 10:29pm - Eyehatehippies ""]
No Krallice on this bill?
[Apr 29,2009 10:29pm - Murph ""]
Nope, and I'm not sure why.
[Apr 29,2009 11:43pm - Murph ""]
[Apr 29,2009 11:50pm - Pires ""]
oh sweet. I have to do lights for a band using my good ol' Portuguese rig in front of someone who controls the art and sweetness that is in neurosis.
[Apr 29,2009 11:59pm - Murph ""]
Pires, we love what you do, especially because of the equipment and style you use.
[Apr 30,2009 12:50am - brian_dc ""]
looks like Krallice is booked in Baltimore for that date and then jumping back on the tour after that.
[Apr 30,2009 2:43am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Apr 30,2009 4:29am - NuclearWinter ""]
I'm going to mark this on my calendar under shows to definitely not go to.
[Apr 30,2009 7:04am - Murph ""]

NuclearWinter said:I'm going to mark this on my calendar under shows to definitely not go to.

[Apr 30,2009 8:16am - RustyPS ""]
WOAH! awesome dudes
[Apr 30,2009 8:48am - brian_dc ""]

NuclearWinter said:I'm going to mark this on my calendar under shows to definitely not go to.

Your calendar. Is it huge? Or do you have incredibly small handwriting? While I disagree with your opinion, I do admire your intense organization.
[Apr 30,2009 9:02am - darkwor ""]

Pires said:oh sweet. I have to do lights for a band using my good ol' Portuguese rig in front of someone who controls the art and sweetness that is in neurosis.
ouch. just ouch.
[Apr 30,2009 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
I think I'm in maryland that day.
[Apr 30,2009 9:45am - brian_dc ""]
yeah you are.....sad panda
[Apr 30,2009 9:46am - brian_dc ""]
oh...(nerd alert) in super secret rttp mode, deathfest doesn't show on the events page. Does on standard mode.
[Apr 30,2009 2:52pm - Murph ""]
[Apr 30,2009 10:46pm - Murph ""]

[May 4,2009 1:53pm - Murph MAST  ""]
[May 6,2009 11:26am - brian_dc ""]
excitment, dawg
[May 6,2009 12:05pm - xmikex ""]
Thumbs up to anything even remotely Neurosis. I think I'm having a BBQ that day and then going to see this tour in CT the next day.
[May 6,2009 12:08pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
It's kind of misleading, it should really read "ex-member of Red Sparrows". Josh Graham only handles visuals for Neurosis, and doesn't contribute musically. As far as I know, A Storm of Light has the drummer from Unsane, which is probably worth mentioning.
[May 6,2009 12:54pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm consistently adding the Red Sparrowes addendum. He does tour with Neurosis though. Hits play on the DVD and what not...haha.
[May 6,2009 12:56pm - Yeti ""]
damn, i want to see Mast, but i can only make it to the Monday show in CT.
[May 6,2009 1:13pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I wanna see MAST too. I'll be in the Maryland though.
[May 6,2009 1:48pm - Murph MAST  ""]

brian_dc said:I'm consistently adding the Red Sparrowes addendum. He does tour with Neurosis though. Hits play on the DVD and what not...haha.

He's like their Pires + Matt.

We need a Piratt. Or would it be Mires. Either way, they have to jump into each other at such a speed their bodies and abilities become one single unit.
[May 7,2009 12:23am - brian_dc ""]
[May 7,2009 8:53pm - Murph ""]
BONESTORM (ex dave and steve) added!
[May 7,2009 9:46pm - brian_dc ""]
[May 8,2009 4:37pm - tomx nli  ""]
of course im missing the pvd ate, but im seeing them in allston and wallingford. and those shows are with krallice. bonerz
[May 8,2009 6:00pm - RustyPS ""]

Murph said:BONESTORM (ex dave and steve) added!
Sly is in that band right?
[May 8,2009 6:54pm - Pires ""]
yeah sly and craig from atnfac.
[May 8,2009 6:55pm - RustyPS ""]
[May 8,2009 7:26pm - Pires ""]
so you should go in the name of freedom rusty. In the name of freedom *shakes fist*
[May 8,2009 7:41pm - RustyPS ""]
I'm contemplating it....the 2-hour round trip is kind of daunting, but I have Memorial Day off so maybe
[May 8,2009 8:13pm - Pires ""]
America. Fuck yeah.
[May 12,2009 9:02am - brian_dc ""]
we could always give you a spot of rest in our oblivion den back in Warren afterwards.
[May 12,2009 9:09am - RustyPS ""]
who me?
[May 12,2009 9:14am - brian_dc ""]

[May 12,2009 9:16am - RustyPS ""]
lol...I'd rather drive back unless I got shitfaced...thanks though
[May 12,2009 9:22am - cav ""]
[May 12,2009 9:24am - RustyPS ""]

cav said:RAPE!
well....that's why I'd rather sleep at home...the only one that could rape me is me
[May 15,2009 9:14am - brian_dc ""]
well, outside of that disappointment. This is still a great show.
[May 15,2009 9:16am - RustyPS ""]
I still might come
[May 15,2009 9:17am - brian_dc ""]
I broke the flier link to make it better!


Storm of bonesssss
[May 15,2009 10:44am - Pires ""]
Mast's light show in jeopardy. Details at 6.
[May 15,2009 10:49am - brian_dc ""]
[May 15,2009 10:50am - brian_dc ""]
I'm leaving my father's surprise birthday party early for this.
[May 18,2009 1:08am - Murph ""]
going to be so sweet, and I leave for a three-week European sojourn the next day.

[May 18,2009 11:17pm - brian_dc ""]
who's coming?
[May 19,2009 9:44am - brian_dc ""]

[May 19,2009 9:45am - brian_dc ""]

[May 21,2009 9:29am - brian_dc ""]
oh hai
[May 21,2009 11:22am - brian_dc ""]
so buying tickets ahead of time actually costs $1.25 more because of a surgcharge

[May 22,2009 8:35am - brian_dc ""]
it's just me in here now
[May 22,2009 12:50pm - brian_dc ""]

[May 22,2009 12:50pm - brian_dc ""]
get down with Dave n Steve and their new compatriots

Bonestorm is class A butt rock.
[May 22,2009 12:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I met mike d last night. good guy.
[May 22,2009 12:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
almost went to the great scott show but it was sold out
[May 22,2009 1:00pm - brian_dc ""]
well that video fails....I feel like hoser
[May 22,2009 1:00pm - Yeti ""]
Tom if you're around on Monday we should go to the CT one with Ipsissimus. i'm trying to get my brother to go.
[May 22,2009 1:03pm - brian_dc ""]

the_reverend said:I met mike d last night. good guy.

indeedily, doodily
[May 22,2009 1:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:Tom if you're around on Monday we should go to the CT one with Ipsissimus. i'm trying to get my brother to go.

i might be able to make that... what time do you think you'd be leaving? i got meet up with the rents at some point during the day
[May 22,2009 1:13pm - brian_dc ""]
and if that doesn't work out. Come to Providence!
[May 22,2009 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
i think the show starts at 7, so probably 6ish. i still have to talk to my brother. i'll contact you over the weekend.
[May 22,2009 1:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
right on
[May 24,2009 10:12am - Murph ""]
2nite, getcha dick wet.
[May 24,2009 3:07pm - Murph ""]
for those who have yet to see Bonestorm, get the eff on it.
[May 25,2009 10:38am - brian_dc ""]
Bonestorm rocked my butt off
A Storm of Light has gotten so much heavier since the Neurosis show in Jan 08. Really friendly people, too.
Wolves in the Throne Room put on a really good show. Though all those candles on stage in RI post-Station club fire kind of made me laugh. the sound guy almost knocked a couple over while trying to fix monitors.

someone refused to take a free demo from us saying, "definitely not." And someone else came up to all of us and told us that our music is beautiful. Good times.
[May 25,2009 10:41am - RustyPS ""]

brian_dc said:someone refused to take a free demo from us saying, "definitely not."
wtf, who does that?

glad to hear the show went well though
[May 25,2009 10:49am - brian_dc ""]
haha...I thought it was funny. I don't have anything say about it because it Jake's girlfriend handing them out. It's cool, saves us the trouble of burning one more CD.
[May 25,2009 2:32pm - cav nli  ""]
i ended up taking my parents out for their 25th anniversary. sorry duudes. broiled seafood platter > mast ;)
[May 25,2009 2:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Seafood > metal
[May 25,2009 6:43pm - the_reverend ""]
mast is a metal band now?
[May 25,2009 9:18pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, that logic is flawed

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