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New England Deathfest day one the recap thread

Club Hell (Providence, RI) - [bloodsoaked][defleshuary][distorted_impalement][dysentery][pessimist][psytoxia][putrid_pile][randomshots][tentacles][abnormality][circle_of_dead_children][inhuman_dissiliency][leukorrhea][malignancy][maruta][parasitic_extirpation][pyrexia][skinless]
[Aug 11,2008 7:32pm - demondave ""]
I wanted to see Abnormality really bad - but all sorts of stuff happened which caused me to show up late for the Saturday show. (I managed to get their early for Sunday though..)
[Aug 11,2008 7:36pm - demondave ""]
oh - and what I find funny is that the whole time I was hanging out in the back alley talking to John and her - I didn't know she was the vocalist for Abnormality.

John, you gave me their demo when I got an Amputator demo off you a while back. You told me it was good, and I really got into it, so I wanted to see them in the Fest.
[Aug 11,2008 7:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Mallika rules.

[Aug 11,2008 7:50pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
My apologies to Acheron for not being able to get back to him in time about my extra ticket. This is the first time I've been online since Friday.
[Aug 11,2008 7:52pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Oh, and the chick from Abnormality is absolutely freakin' hot.
[Aug 11,2008 9:42pm - NEDF Fan  ""]
Hail Bloodsoaked! That was a Death Metal performance of the day. Such energy and respect for his fans. He was so cool to sign the CD I bought'
[Aug 12,2008 1:40am - Foghorn ""]
Oh I got into that Skinless action. The funny thing about that night is that I stopped drinking at 8. I started to fade before Skinless, but they were exactly what I needed. They were just like crack!
[Aug 12,2008 8:11am - MattBreen  ""]
Yea she is cute as hell. I got drunk as shit at this show and lost my phone on the way home.
[Aug 12,2008 12:18pm - chrisabomb ""]
[Aug 12,2008 12:22pm - archaeon ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:My apologies to Acheron for not being able to get back to him in time about my extra ticket. This is the first time I've been online since Friday.

no worries dude, i figured.
[Aug 12,2008 12:23pm - archaeon ""]

NEDF%20Fan said:Hail Bloodsoaked! That was a Death Metal performance of the day. Such energy and respect for his fans. He was so cool to sign the CD I bought'

hello guy from bloodsoaked
[Aug 12,2008 5:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Ha! Dunno about that though.
[Aug 14,2008 8:28am - grizloch ""]
all of the bands were great from what I saw, definitely the best show Ive been to in a long time, A bajillion thanks to Blue for letting us be a part of what damn well better be a long standing fest in the best scene in the states

Kudos to everyone who had anything to do with this show and everyone who I ran into throughout the weekend

pretty bummed I missed what sounds and looks like the best Skinless set that I would have seen in 2 years, fuckin ernie... whatev

and Bloodsoaked guy throwing the Psytoxia merch all over the floor presumably because he was pissed at Ernie wasn't really cool, Im not in any way trying to take away from the amazing experience we had, but that dude is pretty fuckin lame... I mean, Ernie was in rare form, but still, what exactly do you hope to accomplish by tossing a bands merch on the ground? ...makes for a good story I guess...

seriously I'll suck all your dicks
[Aug 14,2008 8:33am - the_reverend ""]
the guy from bloodsoaked has a username and used to post here.
[Aug 14,2008 10:56am - grizloch ""]
good, I am seriously interested in why he thought it was cool to flip everything off of our table when no one in the band was there
[Aug 14,2008 11:50am - archaeon ""]

the_reverend said:the guy from bloodsoaked has a username and used to post here.

hence why i believe he posted anon to talk about how awesome he was.

I ate lunch during his set so he might have been that rawktastic.
[Aug 14,2008 12:07pm - archaeon ""]

[Aug 14,2008 7:18pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
This is Peter from Bloodsoaked, I am still in Boston and some people emailed me about this thread. I can honestly say I did not touch anyones merch. I had a table I shared with Shawn from Putrid Pile and I was in and out all day. Some time after I played people and I thnk even members of the bands merch table were wrestling and smashed the table and it was on its side for hours. I never touched the table and I had no reason to toouch it. I was cool with everyone all day.

If someone said I touch your merch and/or table it is a complete lie!!! I am on my sisters computer now but I will check this thread and reply more if I need to when I get back to NC tomorrow.

Any questions or comments please ask.

Peter - Bloodsoaked
[Aug 14,2008 7:36pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 14,2008 9:45pm - MASlayer  ""]

Bloodsoaked said:This is Peter from Bloodsoaked, I am still in Boston and some people emailed me about this thread. I can honestly say I did not touch anyones merch. I had a table I shared with Shawn from Putrid Pile and I was in and out all day. Some time after I played people and I thnk even members of the bands merch table were wrestling and smashed the table and it was on its side for hours. I never touched the table and I had no reason to toouch it. I was cool with everyone all day.

If someone said I touch your merch and/or table it is a complete lie!!! I am on my sisters computer now but I will check this thread and reply more if I need to when I get back to NC tomorrow.

Any questions or comments please ask.

Peter - Bloodsoaked

I know my word on this will mean nothing to no one BUT I've known Pete for YEARS...he's one of the most respectful and coolest people around who LIVES & BREATHES underground death metal. He has no enemies and isn't the type to go making any and he certainly has no reason to lie about it. If he did do this he would certainly own up to it AND give his reason as to why...but I gotta believe he wouldn't do that to another band period. He wants to network and make friends not enemies...makes no sense why he (or anyone else for that matter) would do that to another band...
[Aug 14,2008 11:08pm - dertoxia ""]
hahah honestly i'm not surprised if people were wresting by our table and knocked it down and it stayed that way.

Pete i remember asking you to just watch our table to make sure no one ran off with shit and you were more than cool about it. I have no problems.

Honestly when i heard our table got knocked down and heard Ernie was involved my reaction was sort of "oh well...that'll happen i guess."

I wasnt there so i don't really know what happened but having our merch on the floor was the very least of our worries for the weekend haha.

[Aug 15,2008 9:18am - grizloch ""]
I'll grant that I wasnt there, and therefore I didnt witness it, but I spoke with two separate people who claim to have seen "the guy from bloodsoaked" stand next to the table and flip the merch on the floor, now Im not saying that that makes any sense, hence my interest in what the reasoning behind that could possibly have been, but I am saying that I wasn't away from the table for "hours" at any point Saturday and I never once saw the table on its side

if you say you didn't do it, then whatever, Im not going to get all huffy and let anything take away from an amazing weekend because of an insignificant event that was no doubt brought on in one way or another by someone else who was too drunk to know where he was or what he was doing (that'd be ernie), but from the story that was given to me, thats pretty lame
[Aug 15,2008 2:17pm - blue ""]
glad this thread was a shorter read.
[Aug 15,2008 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
it's not never ending.
[Aug 15,2008 2:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I was downstairs at the psytoxia table at one point (forget which day) and did see people drunken wrestling. The table tipped and most of the merch fell off. (not a whole lot). I grabbed a beer before it went over. I thought most of it got picked back up. Didn't seem like a big deal. I don't know if this is the same thing you guys are talking about. I forget who the wrestlers were but it wasn't intentional by any means.
[Oct 21,2008 11:28pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Figured someone would want to see this... (unearthed it tonight)

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