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Worst Band Names...

[Mar 24,2003 12:25pm - Toby Chan  ""]
1. The Breathing Process.
2. Structure of Lies.
3. For Her I Can Be A Hero.
4. Back of Tha Neck.
5. Green Street Annihilation.
6. Darken The Sky.

[Mar 24,2003 1:40pm - babysbreath ""]
not much i can add.. i think you got it.... oh, i almost forgot.

Upon Crimson Wings : 1998 called, they want thier metal/harcore name back
[Mar 24,2003 2:33pm - theCZA ""]
dear toby chan:

hah so you dont like our name...gee thats original...what band are YOU in?

sincerly, the CZA - B.O.T.N.
[Mar 24,2003 2:46pm - xmikex ""]
upon crimson wings = upon chicken wings. that's their name. fuck what u heard.

[Mar 24,2003 3:41pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
1. Umbrella ( good guys good music, just dont like the name)
2.fuck..im dead
5.deadwater drowning
6. plague of emaciation ( dunt na na na na na na nuh lol J/K)
7. Shading the end ( shhhhhh )
[Mar 24,2003 4:42pm - joe umbrella  ""]
i was waiting for umbrella to be on here......haha
[Mar 24,2003 4:48pm - Dork Knob  ""]
only 2,
iRaNacH and outkast
[Mar 24,2003 4:51pm - Hybrid ""]
green street annihilation are changing their name in april.
[Mar 24,2003 5:13pm - nick ""]
time of die, but we still fucking rule
[Mar 24,2003 5:31pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
"not much i can add.. i think you got it.... oh, i almost forgot.

Upon Crimson Wings : 1998 called, they want thier metal/harcore name back "

haha, how is our name from 1998? we took it in 2000...close enough to 98 i guess.

and yes, we are upon chicken wings, now that it's out in the open we are going to start playing KFCcore and wear chicken buckets on our heads like that buckethead character...or not.
[Mar 24,2003 5:41pm - xmikex ""]
haha how to tell you're a fag: you're still talking about plague of emaciation.

ps. :satancross:Vomit Cavities:satancross: hahaha
[Mar 24,2003 6:17pm - v1olenc3 ""]
how my bands name didn't get on this list is beyond me, Invocation of Nehek, or invoGAYtion of EatDick.

i like our name, but i'm aware of the fact that some people don't like it, others can't pronounce Nehek, what ever, not my fucking fault a couple duche bags slept during english class.
[Mar 24,2003 6:31pm - the_reverend ""]
what day in english class did they go over polish last names?
[Mar 24,2003 6:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
Amorphis (Animorphs)
Borknagar (Pork N Cigars)
Brodequin (?)
December (January)
Darken The Sky (Who can darken the sky? We can't even reach it.)
Emanual 7 (Ground Zero is better)
Envelope (Postal Service)
Evergrey (Evergay)
Internecine (?)
Leukorrhea (Bald Kids)
Lullacry (waaa)
The Breathing Process (I can't breathe, help me)
Winds (Hurricane)

bored, thats all for now.


[Mar 24,2003 7:14pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
the smile adventure


[Mar 24,2003 7:23pm - Toby Chan  ""]
Actually, I'm in KISS, and you cant beat our name.

But seriously, I've been in plenty of bands. No need to name drop, since one was already listed (its a lame name, whatever). But I think I'd rather be in no band than in "Back of Tha Neck". I checked you guys out. Your all white fat dudes, right? Why is your name something some cracked out dude from Jersey would say?
[Mar 24,2003 7:42pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
[Mar 24,2003 8:00pm - haha  ""]
hahaa i wouldnt fuck with back of tha neck....i heard they like to fight people and shit
[Mar 24,2003 8:28pm - Toby Chan  ""]
They like to fight people and shit? Uh oh, I couldn't tell. Fuck, I shoulda watcha mya moutha.
[Mar 25,2003 12:04am - Penis  ""]
Toby Chan, Thats a shitty name
[Mar 25,2003 12:21am - Toby Chan  ""]
And I'm sure "penis" is your real name.
[Mar 25,2003 1:27am - ratt_mowe ""]
wow... i am completely flabbergasted at the fact that Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost has yet to appear on this post! i figured it would have been one of the first mentioned hahahah

[Mar 25,2003 2:11am - xfuckoffx ""]
toby chan, have you even heard any of the bands that you make fun of, i mean, who gives a fuck about a bands name, it should be about how they sound, not what there name is, you should find some one to do this to you :shocker: hahhahahahhahahhahha
[Mar 25,2003 3:31am - Toby Chan  ""]
I just thought it would be funny to make fun of bad band names. Big deal.

And I do that exact thing to my girlfriend. And I lick her ass and she loves it.
[Mar 25,2003 6:39am - RustedAngel ""]
oh yeah and add Terminally, Your Aborted Ghost to my list.



[Mar 25,2003 8:04am - Toby Chan  ""]
Here's a few more.

Held Hostage.
My Silent Letter
Demise of a Thousand
Deep In The Woods
[Mar 25,2003 10:25am - babysbreath ""]
woah, demise of a thousand, who pulled that out of nowhere??
[Mar 25,2003 10:33am - Toby Chan  ""]
Oh shit, I can't believe I forgot "Two Dead Sluts, One Good Fuck". Jesus christ!
[Mar 25,2003 12:59pm - ted one good fuck  ""]
my vote goes to twodeadsluts onegoodfuck. what a terrible fucking name. are those guys serious???
[Mar 25,2003 5:37pm - Toby Chan  ""]
There has been a few times where I have felt that TDSOGF would almost be tolerable if it wasnt for the name. I'm not a big drum machine fan in general, but they make some cool songs. I just think the name is total Anal Cunt style. Something witty would suit them better.
[Mar 25,2003 8:08pm - mikej  ""]
i knew it was a matter of time before heldhostage was listed, i dont think we like the name either but as shakespeare says, "whats in a name.." then some other stuff
[Mar 25,2003 8:24pm - easyed_69 ""]
Has anyone mentioned The Number 12 Looks Like You?

What the fuck is that supposed to mean.

At least no one can beat the name of my shitty band....Guns For The Homeless....

That's a quality name right there.
[Mar 25,2003 9:22pm - the_reverend ""]
there are a lot of bad names here http://www.band-name.com
here's a list of stupid band names: http://www.ubzub.com/StupidList.html
[Mar 25,2003 9:57pm - babysbreath ""]
bestial moonslaughter = only cool bandname out there, faggots
[Mar 25,2003 11:39pm - tobytouchesdick  ""]
its cool that instead of being in bands you just make fun of them...that's pretty constructive....oh by the way the last post i read by the Rev said that he likes the breathing process........but i guess he cant anymore because some dick touchers want some "metal" names
so untill next time,
you can just keep on grabbing wanson and stuff.
[Mar 26,2003 12:08am - Toby Chan  ""]
I've been in many bands. Get over it. I don't have to play bad music like them to be able to judge them.

Their name sucks. Big deal.

And touching dick is awesome.
[Mar 26,2003 12:37am - hahaha  ""]
ill bet youve never heard them you crazy asshole
[Mar 26,2003 9:17am - Toby Chan  ""]
Actually, I have. See my other post written directly about the band. Then reply back.

And unless your mom was a cracked out hippy, I really doubt your name is "hahaha". Don't hide behind a screen, pussy. I'm weaker than shit. Get a clue.
[Mar 26,2003 9:54am - skip ""]
i think IRANACH and THE HALO SUFFOCATION MACHINE were pretty terrible names
[Mar 26,2003 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
if your band name sucks,
just click on that and generate a new band name... like....
Mental Ubiquitous Wargod
Heavy Psychopathic
Feral Endoplasmic Wounds
Ride the Necromonic Annihilation of Infernal Legions
Shattered Vaginal Rabbi of the Empire
Iconoclastic Multi-Phallic Bible of the Dead
Feasting on the Cadaveric
Gods of Inhumanity
Splendid NightMare on the Bloody Altar of the Slaughtered

I guess some digital-hardcore artist used this page to generate the titles for his new cd. I got to e-mail that guy back.
[Mar 26,2003 1:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i have some bands names to add to this list:

aNy BaND wHo SpellS thEiR NaMe LIke This

ore who speel it rong

any band with the world AUTUMN in their name

any band with 4 words or more in the name (exluding the, if, etc)

In Dire Need

Sublime (plus they were one of the worst bands ever)

The Mighty mighty Bosstones

The Deftones

The Skeletones (you get the idea)

Ruff Riders (even if it was rough riders it would still suck)

Niggers with Attitudes (because I got slapped for saying it in dorchester once)

Light is the Language

agoraphobic nosebleed


bands with numbers in their names

old man gloom

old man's child

borknagar (what the fuck is a borknagar?)


internal suffering

saves the day

reach the sky

fear factory

nine inch nails

marilyn manson

bands who use words that they make them look smarter, but in reality are fucking annoying

bands who use the return to the pit band name generator

jimmy eat world

ok im going to stop now
[Mar 26,2003 2:33pm - babysbreath ""]
internal suffering kills
[Mar 26,2003 2:41pm - RyanXpodreira  ""]
bands that try to derive meaningful band names from serial killers "The gacey prospect"

The outlook on mankind is grimm.....as lives progress the mind set of some people digress. One such example is a man named John Wayne Gacey. He would coax minors to his car, and then would chloroform them. Gacey then proceeded to rape and molest these minors. Perhaps the most twisted part of this whole cherade was that when they awoken from there chloroformed state he would be dressed up in a clown costume and offer the victims peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A prospect is a future outlook on something so using John Wayne Gacey as an example we've created our own prospect. The day of a perfect world is no longer plausible, and the fact drifts into the furthest reaches of your mind that your child may grow up to be the next Manson, Geins, or Bundy this is the logic behind The Gacey Prospect.
[Mar 26,2003 3:39pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Iranach Killed YOU all, and yes internal suffering kills, same with eternal suffering.
[Mar 26,2003 4:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 26,2003 6:01pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i dont mean the bands suck, just the names i mentioned

internal suffering is definately good, but because of eternal suffering their name becomes a bad band name

to me anyway
[Mar 26,2003 8:46pm - newandyke ""]
one word...newandyke...biotchhhhh....march 29th, 200 High Street, Middletown, CT...TODAY IS THE DAY, Beyond the Sixth Seal(members of red chord), Umrella(those beatiful hoes), dying in sin, newandyke, and the failsafe device...its a free show 7:15pm sharp
[Mar 26,2003 10:15pm - joostin ""]
um RyanXpodreira, even on returntothepit you make no sense
[Mar 27,2003 1:34am - ZCodyZ  ""]
im not trying to honk toms horn but i think halo suffocation machine is a pretty good name
[Mar 27,2003 9:05am - wut  ""]
Guns for the Homless sounds like a shitty ripoff of Arm the Homeless which was from the Guitarist of Rage Against the Machine.

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