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Terrible Albums You Got Talked Into Buying - And the stupid things people said to make you do it

[Sep 15,2006 1:40pm - xmikex ""]
Terrible purchases from back in the day when you didn't have Myspace songs to sample. If you wanted to hear a band sometimes you just had to buy the cd and hope for the best.

-Lungbrush "Old School New School"
This band was described to me as "Suffocation Mixed with Buried Alive but BETTER". I was like 15, and it still stands as one of the worst purchases I've ever made. I couldn't even sell it on ebay for $1.

-Honkeyball "One Time"
"The sickest hardcore band in Massachusetts" What the fuck. Another unsellable waste of space sitting in my parents attic. Totally unlistenable.

-Skinlab....whatever that shitty album was called
"Sounds like Sepultura and Slayer playing at the same time" I should have seen that one coming.

-Six Feet Under - Anything I ever bought
"Dude it sounds just like old cannibal corpse"

-Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
"Dude it sounds just like old cannibal corpse"

-Earth Crisis - Slither
There's no excuse for me ever owning this album. I bought it, listened to one track, and never touched it again until I put it in an envelope and shipped it.
[Sep 15,2006 1:55pm - Aegathis ""]
I have a skinlab cd, I like it
[Sep 15,2006 2:40pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
xmikex said:-Six Feet Under - Anything I ever bought
"Dude it sounds just like old cannibal corpse"

-Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
"Dude it sounds just like old cannibal corpse"


[Sep 15,2006 2:49pm - dreadkill ""]
i never liked skinlab. they always sounded like bad machinehead, and machinehead sounded like bad machinehead.
[Sep 15,2006 2:51pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
xmikex said:
-Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
"Dude it sounds just like old cannibal corpse"

I am in agreeance with this one exception. It might not sound like old Cannibal Corpse, but it's pretty fucking awesome anyway.
[Sep 15,2006 2:54pm - dreadkill ""]
i like gallery of suicide better than any other album with corpsegrinder on it. i haven't heard the last 2 albums.
[Sep 15,2006 3:03pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I do not like Gallery of Suicide more than Bloodthirst or Gore Obsessed, I actually think Bloodthirst is the best CC record hands down. Gallery is better than Vile though and anything with Chris Barnes. Oh noes, controversial opinions!
[Sep 15,2006 3:15pm - blue ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I do not like Gallery of Suicide more than Bloodthirst or Gore Obsessed, I actually think Bloodthirst is the best CC record hands down.

i highly agree. bloodthirst definetly stands tall above the rest of the catalogue.
[Sep 15,2006 3:17pm - Ryan_M ""]
I can't remember buying any albums based on what others told me personally, but some of the crappy albums I've bought were based on magazine ads, or the stickers on the front of the CD saying how brutal it is or whatever - of course an ad isn't going to try and sell its product with "worst album they've done yet - check it out!"
I've since learned to be wary of ads....

One album that comes to mind for me is Marduk's "Panzer Division Marduk" album - I read in Metal Maniacs magazine that it was so evil and only a drum machine could blast this fast, and it was so brutal, etc... and when I bought it, I thought it sucked; I found it very boring and, being familiar with Mortician, realized a drum machine could go faster than Marduk's drummer.
[Sep 15,2006 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
Gallery of Suicide is fucking awesome. Bloodthirst is definitely the best Fischer album, its so fucking tightly woven. oh come on, Skinlab has genius lyrics "you've got to know your enemies, before you make them your friends".....

i have similar cds that i have been duped into buying, but this is the one i remember the most

The Red Chord - Fused Together in Revolving Doors
"some of the heaviest breakdowns ever recorded on magnetic tape"

that is one of the worst things my poor ears have ever been tricked into listening too.

[Sep 15,2006 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
i was kidding about Skinlab too.
[Sep 15,2006 3:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xmikex said:Terrible purchases

-Honkeyball "One Time"
"The sickest hardcore band in Massachusetts" What the fuck. Another unsellable waste of space sitting in my parents attic. Totally unlistenable.

you're crazy i love that record and the next one they put out even more.
[Sep 15,2006 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
Ryan_M said:I can't remember buying any albums based on what others told me personally, but some of the crappy albums I've bought were based on magazine ads, or the stickers on the front of the CD saying how brutal it is or whatever - of course an ad isn't going to try and sell its product with "worst album they've done yet - check it out!"
I've since learned to be wary of ads....

One album that comes to mind for me is Marduk's "Panzer Division Marduk" album - I read in Metal Maniacs magazine that it was so evil and only a drum machine could blast this fast, and it was so brutal, etc... and when I bought it, I thought it sucked; I found it very boring and, being familiar with Mortician, realized a drum machine could go faster than Marduk's drummer.

agreed. that album is a wall of incomprehensible noise.
[Sep 15,2006 3:22pm - xmikex ""]
I think magazines lead people to make some really horrendous purchases especially when it comes to metal. There's no way I would have EVER bought Dimmu Borgir "Enthrone Darkness Triumphant" by my own volition had it not been for Terrorizer naming it one of the top 10 essential black metal albums. That album used to jock the absolute dumbest bands. I finally stopped reading it when I realized how dangerously close I was to buying a Stuck Mojo album.
[Sep 15,2006 3:26pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Ouch!! Stuck Mojo rules live.
[Sep 15,2006 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
i dont care what anyone says, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant is sheer brilliance. a favorite listen of mine. yes yes, commence the throwing of stones.
[Sep 15,2006 3:28pm - xmikex ""]
Panzer Division Marduk got incredible reviews in magazines when it first came out. By that point I knew enough to figure that meant it was bad.

I stand by Fused Together In Revolving Doors. I'm hardly the red chord fan I used to be, but I think that was a great album. It was what all the metalcore of that time had been leading up to, and it was produced incredibly.

just thinking about honkeyball puts my dick to sleep.
[Sep 15,2006 3:28pm - xmikex ""]
Yeti said:yes yes, commence the throwing of stones.

there isn't one big enough to cover up that album
[Sep 15,2006 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
Stuck Mojo hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[Sep 15,2006 3:30pm - Ryan_M ""]
I remember the Lungbrush album, my friend Doug bought it when we were just starting to get into heavier/extreme music - fucking terrible now that I look back on it!
[Sep 15,2006 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
i more or less dont listen to what anyone says about anything, i just sample things. i did however listen to 2 reviews by CNV, Craft - Fuck the Universe and the new Gorgoroth, and both were awesome purchases.
[Sep 15,2006 3:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
enthroned darkness triumphant is amazing

one of the worst albums i was duped into buying was bleeding through - "dust to ashes"

i liked some of the stuff on "this is love, this is murderous" and heard from a couple people that their older stuff was way more br00tal...and that was not the case at all, it was just terrible
[Sep 15,2006 3:35pm - Yeti ""]
haha oh yeah, Bill from The Departed when he was in Sac talked me into buying "This is Love, This is Murderous" long before i knew who they were. if you listen to the first track, you can hear potential, but then it just goes right out the window.
[Sep 15,2006 4:30pm - Kevord ""]
Nile- Black seeds of vengence. In 2000 I think every magazine picked it as album of the year. I think Nile is the most boring Death Metal band on the planet. I literally fell asleep at the Palladium once because of them.
[Sep 15,2006 4:44pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xmikex said:
just thinking about honkeyball puts my dick to sleep.

if thats true you might wanna look into whether or not you had one to begin with
[Sep 15,2006 5:01pm - Joshtruction ""]
I am still hurting over earth crisis - sliver. Man, I tried to listen to it like 10 times hoping it would grow on me. I'll still ALWAYS love old earth crisis though!

a friend was telling me how good boy sets fire sucker punch training was. I went out and grabbed it to see. Boy was that terrible! It was so bad I didn't even try to sell it, I just threw it away.

P.S. I am another fan of Enthroned darkness triumphant. I listen to a lot of classical music so that album was great to me.
[Sep 15,2006 5:09pm - dreadkill ""]
this thread reminds me of the time i saw skinlab and earth crisis at the same show and they were both terrible.
[Sep 15,2006 5:42pm - nick nli  ""]
killwhitneydead, what a piece of shit that band is.
i listened to what i could stand once over then threw it out my car window.
[Sep 15,2006 5:45pm - Aegathis ""]
Yeti said: oh come on, Skinlab has genius lyrics "you've got to know your enemies, before you make them your friends".....

Speaking of genious lyrics....... BELPHEGOR, I do not like this band I was duped into buying the Lucifer incestus album by the artwork, which i thought just looked amazing at the time.the music isnt anything special at all,sounds like they wanna be Dark funeral, but the lyrics are sooooo god damn awefull, its hard to imagine these guys are adults and have been into metal for soo long . "Fuck the blood of Christ" sounds like hardcore teenage angst to me. Among many other rediculous ideas that probably still woulda been lame 10 years ago. The vocals also suck on this cd
[Sep 15,2006 5:46pm - nickyhelliot ""]
I bought the silent circus from between the buried and me a few years ago because it was described as "The most disturbing, intriguing, beautiful, riveting, punishing, indescribable album of 2003".

I felt like microwaving it when I heard "My tear drops have soft stained this pillow"
[Sep 15,2006 5:55pm - Dr. White Trash  ""]
Kevord said:Nile- Black seeds of vengence. In 2000 I think every magazine picked it as album of the year. I think Nile is the most boring Death Metal band on the planet. I literally fell asleep at the Palladium once because of them.

EXACTLY! there's nothing memorable on that cd. just filler. :pukeface:
[Sep 15,2006 5:59pm - Aegathis ""]
Dr. White Trash said:Kevord said:Nile- Black seeds of vengence. In 2000 I think every magazine picked it as album of the year. I think Nile is the most boring Death Metal band on the planet. I literally fell asleep at the Palladium once because of them.

EXACTLY! there's nothing memorable on that cd. just filler. :pukeface:

They made their point about egyptian death metal, now they should make their way out.
[Sep 15,2006 5:59pm - retzam ""]
Hahahahahahahaha I like the idea of making this thread, although right now I don't have any time to read any of it, but I have one completely glaring response. One time a coworker of mine fucking talked me into buying City Of Evil by Avenged Sevenfold. I had probably heard about a minute and a half of bat country, so I didn't have enough to go off of to deny him what he was saying, but he told me the drums and guitars were awesome and definitely worth getting the album. Well, that was a mistake.
[Sep 15,2006 6:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
FSOL-Dead Cities
The fucking worst album I've ever heard. A friend of mine tried to convince me like "Oh yeah, you like Kraftwerk, these guys are even better than Kraftwerk" So I bought it, WRONG
[Sep 15,2006 6:03pm - xmikex ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:xmikex said:Terrible purchases

-Honkeyball "One Time"
"The sickest hardcore band in Massachusetts" What the fuck. Another unsellable waste of space sitting in my parents attic. Totally unlistenable.

you're crazy i love that record and the next one they put out even more.

*insert stupid bruce lee sounds*
[Sep 15,2006 6:04pm - allahthat ""]
Earth crisis on ebay=$.01.shipping=about $2.99 min. wtf?
[Sep 15,2006 6:04pm - CNV  ""]
I gotta say Honkey ball fucking blew

other shit that sucked- Stompbox
Sam Wack Church
Ten Yard Fight
and Tree (man, do they fucking suck!!!)
[Sep 15,2006 6:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
nickyhelliot said:I bought the silent circus from between the buried and me a few years ago because it was described as "The most disturbing, intriguing, beautiful, riveting, punishing, indescribable album of 2003".

I felt like microwaving it when I heard "My tear drops have soft stained this pillow"

haha, i realized i hated it when i heard the lyrics "...the lovely love of the love of my life." seriously...what? i can't even begin to make fun of how terrible that is, whether they were serious or joking around.

back when i used to buy a shitload of stuff from deepsend records, i listened to graham landers one too many times. he told me to buy a narcissus cd, since every other album he ever told me to buy was awesome. and this one was far from it. it's emo/screamo/indie garbage with some heavy parts.

also, then 2nd it dies today cd, the caitiff choir i bought because forever scorned was good. what the fuck happened to them? it sounded just as bad, if not worse, than the aforementioned narcissus cd.

i also fell victim to earth crisis-slither. they're my favorite hardcore band, but there's a part of me that hates them for writing and recording such a terrible album. i think they even realized how bad it was when they decided to call it quits.

i'm sure there are a hundred more cd's i couldd talk about, but none come to mind right now.

[Sep 15,2006 6:11pm - allahthat ""]
I think i saw stompbox once?
[Sep 15,2006 6:11pm - Kevord ""]
Sam Black Church did not suck. They were one of the greatest live bands in Massachusetts history.
[Sep 15,2006 6:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
CNV said:I gotta say Honkey ball fucking blew

other shit that sucked- Stompbox
Sam Wack Church
and Tree (man, do they fucking suck!!!)

sorry but again i loved all the Honkeyball records and everything up till That Which Does Not Kill Us by SBC records

Stompbox had their moments too.

ill also add that plant a tree or die has a special place in my heart ha
[Sep 15,2006 6:31pm - CNV  ""]
now that this thread has me thinking

40 days rain fucking suck ass
pie bald is shite
converge laps a african bam badda
In My Eyes, one of the worst ever
[Sep 15,2006 6:44pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Torture Killer - Swarm............ Worst piece of fucking shit EVER

"If you like Barnes -era Corpse, You will love this".. hahah yeah right
[Sep 15,2006 6:52pm - Kevord ""]
dwellingsickness said:Torture Killer - Swarm............ Worst piece of fucking shit EVER

"If you like Barnes -era Corpse, You will love this".. hahah yeah right

I got suckered into buying Torturekiller too. I still think the cover art is awesome. I bet Vomit the soul loves this album.
[Sep 15,2006 6:58pm - allahthat ""]
Lou Reed. "Metal machine music". One reviewer described it as what it would sound like to be inside a blade of grass while it was growing.
[Sep 15,2006 10:24pm - anonymous  ""]
easily the most disappointing album I've ever bought was a Jungle Rot record...can't remember the name.
[Sep 16,2006 12:36am - nickyhelliot ""]
That's because anything from jungle rot is terrible.

I just bought "Karma.bloody.karma" by cattle decapitation and "Method of Execution" by Devine Empire, and they both are kicking ass.
[Sep 16,2006 10:33am - Ryan_M ""]
nick nli said:killwhitneydead, what a piece of shit that band is.

Yeah I hear you on that one. They have more dumb ass movie/TV quote samples than actual music, which isn't that great anyway.
[Sep 16,2006 11:03am - eddie ""]
vulgar display of power
[Sep 16,2006 6:16pm - Dankill  ""]
Lungbrush fucking sucked. I also fell for that con.
Skinlab were nice guys to drink with, but looking back, eh.
SFU bore me to death.
Slither kicked in the balls years of year albums by Earth Crisis. I thought Breed The Killers was not bad, but would stand as their weakest album. How wrong was I?
Tree, Sam Black Church, Honkeyball, almost all the Wonderdrug bands bored me and I never really got what the hell was the big deal.
Forty Days Rain was the balls though.
As for local bands, I think I still have buried in my piles of CDs Eastcide, 7th Rail Crew, Brawlpark, Drained.
Anyone remember a band called Five Year Sentence?

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