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Christian metal/hardcore

[Mar 31,2008 8:50pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
irony is over played these days BUT that last move was awesome...you know about you defending the christian(s)
[Mar 31,2008 9:00pm - zyklon ""]

SlyATNFAC said:I will never understand Christian metal... ever...

Christian or Satanic= fanatic, stupid, ignorant fucks

[Mar 31,2008 9:05pm - ancient master  ""]
E-V-I-L E and Ice-T are on a jack move
Layin down the dope groove, smokin those who disapprove
Wreckin the deck, you'll regret if you cross punk
Rollin like a Mack truck, waxin those who talk junk
Violent your end, I got your face in my crosshairs
Wanna see your dome bust sucker cause I don't care
Nuttin bout you, your crew, because you talk shit
I'm the Lethal Weapon boy, ridin the apocalypse
If you're in my way, then lay beneath the ground soon
Violence is my business fool, the microphone of doom
Mission that's to cure all punks as I bust caps
Peelin your back, my ammunition hollow-point raps
You try to run, that makes it even more fun
I just cold lamp and vamp you with the shotgun
Cops try to flex.. but guns they'll never find..
My Lethal Weapon's my mind!

[Chorus: Rakim, "Microphone Fiend"]

"A lethal weapon..
A lethal weapon..
A lethal weapon..
An assassinator, if the people ain't steppin"

You hit the deck, as rap busts from my lips
You think I'm finished - I load another clip
Look in my face, I crack an evil grin
Lyrics bring death from the microphone Mac-10
Sucker MC's, you ain't down with the Syndicate
Try to kick game, but end up talkin weak shit, yo
You're weak, you're wack, you need to quit you lil punk bitch
Go and freak your mother, go dig a damn ditch
Get out my face, I'm tired of the press too
You write about me, I write about you
You think I'm violent, but listen and you will find..
My Lethal Weapon's my mind!

Up against the wall - it's Valentine's Day
The Massacre's about due for a replay
I'm about to explode - like a hand grenade
Evil E do damage on the crossfade
{*Evil E scratches*} Cuts like a battleaxe
You try to bite, get iced, my raps are boobytraps
Claim of mine, designed by the Ice himself
You beg for mercy as you read the hand you're dealt
Cause there's no let up, you walked into a set up
It's suckin you down and now you can't get up
Why because you froze the moment we met up
And I never run punk, I go head up
I ain't no fool and new jack poppin fake rap
I rap from the heart and soul, where only facts are kept
Many rappers sell-out pop and other MC's slept
I ain't in no playin mood, so nigga watch your step
Cause if you cross the boss, you go to bed quick
Know my situation boy, don't diss the Syndicate
cause when we chose to move, you're gone
and no remains they'll find..
My Lethal Weapon's my mind!

More bodies than John Gotti, the Lethal Weapon is slaying
Just open any book, that's ammo to the brain
What really matters, is how well is your weapon trained
Some would say genius, while others would say insane
The Weapon power has been witnessed upon my page
From Martin Luther's "dream", to Hitler's psycho rage
What's more powerful - the brain or a twelve gauge?
The words I speak have scared many people to this stage
But promote violence, I really have to disagree
It's entertainment, like "Terminator" on TV
But some'll never see, you're stupid ignorant and blind
The Lethal Weapon's the mind!

The mind..

The mind..
I got my jammy with me at all times, youknowhatI'msayin?
They can't take this one thing away from me
that's got more power, than any gun in the world, youknowhatI'msayin?
I'm talkin bout brain power homeboy
They can't mess with me cause I'm too smart for them out there
youknowhatI'msayin? Fully strapped, always packed
Go to the library and get some more ammo, youknowhatI'msayin?
[Mar 31,2008 9:06pm - dreadkill ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
Take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbow....

[Mar 31,2008 9:07pm - dreadkill ""]
i meant to post "hahahahahahha" when i quoted that because i thought it was funny
[Mar 31,2008 9:15pm - dreadkill ""]

zyklon said:
SlyATNFAC said:I will never understand Christian metal... ever...

Christian or Satanic= fanatic, stupid, ignorant fucks

like i said in another thread, i don't care if the band is singing about how much they hate me personally, if i like the way it sounds, that's what matters most. i despise christianity, but i've liked stuff by christian bands over the years. as long as it isn't over the top preachy, i don't really have a problem.
[Mar 31,2008 9:19pm - ancient master  ""]

dreadkill said:
zyklon said:
SlyATNFAC said:I will never understand Christian metal... ever...

Christian or Satanic= fanatic, stupid, ignorant fucks

like i said in another thread, i don't care if the band is singing about how much they hate me personally, if i like the way it sounds, that's what matters most. i despise christianity, but i've liked stuff by christian bands over the years. as long as it isn't over the top preachy, i don't really have a problem.

read: CREED
[Mar 31,2008 9:22pm - dreadkill ""]
creed was the worst. that drunkard singer of theirs thought he was jesus.
[Mar 31,2008 10:07pm - Murph nli  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:
ArrowHeadNLI said:
That said, fuck christ. He came once, and failed miserable. He'll come again and kill us all. Exactly where is the part where I'm supposed to love this guy?

How do you figure he failed? Because he died? That was the point, my friend.

Acually, the new "Number One" most popular religion on Earth would disagree wth you.

...and him dying was not the point. Messianic Judaism was pretty much dead set against their savior doing anything but slaughtering their oppressors and creating a new socio/political/religious state.

Seriously man, I know you're a "Christian" but you're basing all this shit off of a handful of documents that were handpicked for their topical "cohesion." It is impossible, IMPOSSIBLE to escape history. The New Testament is much more in tune with the Mystery religions of Europe and the Middle East predating and contemporary to "Jesus." Hence "New" in New Testament, a lingual attempt at furthering itself from Judaism, with which (other than the mere mention of rtual observances) it has little in common. Paul, the guy whose psychobabble spawned your Church, as well as all other offshoots of Pauline Christianity (which is everything but a few nomadic Johanite sects) didn't even know "Jesus."

*By the way, I hope our bands play a show in the near future, I do like your stuff.
[Mar 31,2008 10:16pm - SW  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
SW said:
If you're a real christian, you shouldn't celebrate Easter and Christmas because they are really pagan holidays. I keep my mouth shut with you, but you brother have a log in your eye and you better think twice before you try to remove anymore twigs from others.

Horribly incorrect. The dates and rituals are pagan. The HOLIDAYS are Christian. And as smart as you may feel, most Christians are already quite aware that christmas trees and bunny rabbits have little to do with Christ.

"real" Christians celebrate Christ. Things like his birth, life, death and resurrection. It just took incorporating all of us other heathen's pagan rituals to convert over all the leftovers that didn't know shit about Christ. It's a lot easier to convert a mass of people to a new religion if they know they can still dress up like a bunny and stick eggs up their asses.

That said, fuck christ. He came once, and failed miserable. He'll come again and kill us all. Exactly where is the part where I'm supposed to love this guy?

haha you have no idea who you are talking to. I am well aware that the majority of people who call themselves "christians" fully believe they are celebrating Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection. I know the mass media marketing technique of calling these holidays christian to sell mass quantities of food and junk. Unfortunately just because these people believe that these are christian holidays does not mean you can put a phallic symbol(tree) in your living room and think God will be happy about it.
It's funny you said you were studying theology and meeting cardinals, you should know that the Catholic Church did the same thing. Emperor Constantine was killing christians and it wasn't working because people saw that christians believed so strongly that they were willing to die for their beliefs and so even more sprang up. So to control the christians while still pleasing the pagans, Constantine(who was STILL a pagan at the time) professed to be a christian, created the Catholic Church and became the first pope. They gave all the pagan statues and symbols christian names(Semiramis and Tammuz became Mary and Jesus and so on) The Catholic Church was never christian. These holidays are not christian. If you are Catholic or celebrate these holidays you are not a true christian. I know this post is long but screw it, one more thing ArrowHead.
LaVey satanist huh? Anton Lavey's satanism is the hollywood version at best. It is a joke and was only created to draw people in who rejected religion into the real deal "pagan devil worship". If the only reason you use the word Satan is for a symbol of opposition to christian churches, why not call your self something else? Why use the word Satanist if you don't believe in Satan? It doesn't make sense. You can tell me all you want about it just means "the adversary" and blah blah, seriously just call yourself something else if you want NOTHING to do with christianity. Sorry this was long but you need to see I'm not just some jackass spouting off some random stuff I watched on youtube or something. I'll go point for point with you any day of the week.
[Mar 31,2008 10:19pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
SLAY THE WICKEEEEeEEeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeD!!!!! *metal hand*
[Mar 31,2008 10:24pm - zyklon ""]

dreadkill said:
zyklon said:
SlyATNFAC said:I will never understand Christian metal... ever...

Christian or Satanic= fanatic, stupid, ignorant fucks

like i said in another thread, i don't care if the band is singing about how much they hate me personally, if i like the way it sounds, that's what matters most. i despise christianity, but i've liked stuff by christian bands over the years. as long as it isn't over the top preachy, i don't really have a problem.

Mortification is a good example of that
[Mar 31,2008 10:33pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

SW said:If the only reason you use the word Satan is for a symbol of opposition to christian churches, why not call your self something else?

Because as much as you don't want to hear it, the word means exactly that: opponent.

Satan=opponent, not Lucifer.

As for your other statements, you've re-worded and misinterpreted everything I already said. What's your point?

As already stated, when the romans decided to force Christianity on the nations they were rapidly absorbing, they eased the transition by keeping significant dates and religion. It wasn't about re-naming anything. It was simply a matter of transition. The celebration of the birth of Christ didn't replace the winter solstice celebration, it was merely moved to share the same date. Druidic tree lighting ceremony? Not problem, that just happens to be the way we celebrate christmas around here!

For you to have stated that celebrating Easter or Christmas is un-christian is ignorant. You don't need a tree to celebrate x-mas. You don't need eggs and bunnies to celebrate Easter. You overstate your stance far too much, just in hopes of showing off some historic tidbit that you most likely DID get off the interweb or youtube.

Me, I learned everything I know about faith from Levar Burton.

And for the record, I was referencing my upbringing. I in no way would brag about meeting that childtouching douchfaggot O'Connor, no matter how long ago it was.
[Mar 31,2008 10:39pm - brian_dc ""]
Hey, look! It's a bunch of words on the internet about religion. I think I'm gonna...um...do something else.
[Mar 31,2008 11:01pm - SW  ""]
Ironically, all I have to say is watch this video on youtube of an ex-satanist. You will most likely think it is absolute garbage, but hey maybe you will open your mind to it. Other than that, I don't need to show you a bibliography of my research and I only explained so much because I thought you might see I'm not pulling stuff out of my ass. Instead you called me ignorant, classic. No worry because I don't have discussions with people like you who never consider the opposing point, no matter how valid. Only what boosts your ego and makes you look smart.

[Mar 31,2008 11:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
SW said:If the only reason you use the word Satan is for a symbol of opposition to christian churches, why not call your self something else?

Because as much as you don't want to hear it, the word means exactly that: opponent.

Satan=opponent, not Lucifer.

As for your other statements, you've re-worded and misinterpreted everything I already said. What's your point?

As already stated, when the romans decided to force Christianity on the nations they were rapidly absorbing, they eased the transition by keeping significant dates and religion. It wasn't about re-naming anything. It was simply a matter of transition. The celebration of the birth of Christ didn't replace the winter solstice celebration, it was merely moved to share the same date. Druidic tree lighting ceremony? Not problem, that just happens to be the way we celebrate christmas around here!

For you to have stated that celebrating Easter or Christmas is un-christian is ignorant. You don't need a tree to celebrate x-mas. You don't need eggs and bunnies to celebrate Easter. You overstate your stance far too much, just in hopes of showing off some historic tidbit that you most likely DID get off the interweb or youtube.

Me, I learned everything I know about faith from Levar Burton.

And for the record, I was referencing my upbringing. I in no way would brag about meeting that childtouching douchfaggot O'Connor, no matter how long ago it was.

[/win for use of "douchefaggot" in reference to a Catholic cleric]
[Mar 31,2008 11:15pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

SW said:I don't have discussions with people like you who never consider the opposing point

Then what are you doing?

And sadly, our points aren't really opposite at all. Yours is just less refined.

Are you really getting all sandy that I'm better than you?

These threads are always a great time. Discussing theology with metalheads is much like trying to teach date rape techniques to a retarded kid. You can still get the job done, but you lose a lot of the fine details in the process.
[Mar 31,2008 11:21pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Apr 1,2008 12:11am - This_Is_Heresy ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
Are you really getting all sandy that I'm better than you?

These threads are always a great time. Discussing theology with metalheads is much like trying to teach date rape techniques to a retarded kid. You can still get the job done, but you lose a lot of the fine details in the process.

The was the single best and most accurate way of putting that feasibly possible. Excellent. :yoda:
[Apr 1,2008 12:13am - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Apr 1,2008 12:25am - Samantha ""]
LOL @ this banner on their myspace page:

[Apr 1,2008 12:30am - sxealex ""]
i can see that happening... thats the sad/funny part
religion is a scam
[Apr 1,2008 1:01am - timtirpation  ""]
These threads are always a great time. Discussing theology with metalheads is much like trying to teach date rape techniques to a retarded kid. You can still get the job done, but you lose a lot of the fine details in the process.>>


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