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FREE show Friday 6/10: the_Network, Hivesmasher, KYOTY, more tba @ Limelight Lounge in Haverhill

The Limelight Lounge (Haverhill, MA) - [crippling_fear][finisher][hivesmasher][kyoty][the_network]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jun 10,2011 11:09pm - the_reverend ""]
Kyoty sounded so good
Tnen hivesmasher come on and rocked it.

Finisher is setting up right now and what comes up the stairs but a whole pack of haverhill girls looking for love in all the wrong plces.
[Jun 10,2011 11:48pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 11,2011 2:22am - Aaron_michael ""]
I love line ups like tonight!
[Jun 11,2011 2:36am - the_reverend ""]
so what the fuck happened... the usual response from the_network. Just like tonight. Right before they started, Kevin says "I've been working out and going to the gym. I'm going to jump on that table" and I say "you mean you are going to knock over your stuff in the first song and then spend the rest of the time not playing" Take a look at the pictures and you decide what happened. Someone make an animated gif.
[Jun 11,2011 3:48am - the_reverend ""]
uploading videos. the sound during the network sucks cause I didn't have the external mic.
[Jun 11,2011 8:30am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 11,2011 8:31am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 11,2011 8:32am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 11,2011 8:32am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 11,2011 10:33am - aaron_michael ""]
sooooo many cops
[Jun 11,2011 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
I hope they stopped the girl that drove out and almost hit me while walking and then when I drove down the strip, she was driving the other way with her lights off and almost hit my car.
[Jun 11,2011 11:53am - RustyPS is on the move  ""]

aaron_michael said:sooooo many cops
[Jun 11,2011 12:19pm - boblovesmusic ""]
KYOTY keeps on getting more and more amazing! I get goosebumps whenever I listen to them!

I've decided that they should play every Bobfest I do!
[Jun 11,2011 1:38pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jun 11,2011 10:49pm - NippleViolater ""]
That show ruled!
[Jun 11,2011 10:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I recorded the wrong KYOTY song. the shortest one.
[Jun 11,2011 11:23pm - xanonymousx ""]
why did the cops show?
[Jun 11,2011 11:23pm - xanonymousx ""]
Everyone go to the July 1st show there it will be awesome
[Jun 11,2011 11:31pm - nick from kyoty  ""]
thanks for the video anyways man. thats like 1/3rd of the actual song. we are recording the whole thing for our full length soon, we have a recording date set with machines with magnets this late August.

Thanks to everyone that showed. This was a super cool and weird night. Loved it. Much thanks from everyone in KYOTY and the KYOTY family!
[Jun 11,2011 11:38pm - the_reverend ""]
*brushes teeth*
[Jun 13,2011 11:42am - brodown ""]
That was so much fucking fun.
[Jun 13,2011 6:27pm - dohil  ""]
hahah, WTF!

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