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Tell your bad roommate stories

[Aug 12,2008 9:41am - ORGYMFATWORK  ""]
haha, me=retard....i meant how would they get a lawyer?
on what grounds rather....god damn i suck
[Aug 12,2008 9:45am - pam ""]
"Willful destruction of property" according to her. I laughed, informed her the my landlord WAS A LAWYER and that she was ridiculous.

Bitch came a day later to get her shit. She made sure to throw the bouquet from my wedding and some stuff I knit her in the trash on her way out. CUNT.

(She was my good friend for 10 years, I was only charging her 200/month to help her out because she was broke and had nowhere else to go...obviously I'm a terrible friend.)
[Aug 12,2008 9:57am - ORGYMFATWORK  ""]
i'm tellin ya dude, being roommates with friends, kills friendships.

i'm in the same boat, of the two shitty roommates i was talking about, the guy is a member of a family that has been close with my family since the summer of 1998, now shit is akward between me and his siblings because of how much him and his hole dicked me and my girlfriend around
[Aug 12,2008 10:00am - ORGYMFATWORK  ""]
the more i think about the angrier i get, the only reason i was lucky enough to get the money these two pricks owed me, is because the landlady gave the deposit directly back to me, and their half (just barely) covered it
[Aug 12,2008 10:05am - pam ""]
I hear ya, that festering slophole was still friends with my friends so I had to deal with awkwardness.

That's why I'm NEVER doing it again. My roommate after her was a friend too and while we're still good friends, I know she wanted to kill me as much as I wanted to kill her. Fortunately we got evicted for uh...celebrating too much, and now I live blissfully roommate free.

I will put my face on a bansaw before I live with someone I didn't marry or give birth to again.
[Aug 12,2008 10:12am - ORGYMFATWORK  ""]
haha, i hear that
livin with my girl (without other roomates) has been pretty excellent.
i just cross my fingers in hopes that is stays that way
[Aug 12,2008 10:35am - Yeti ""]

ORGYMFATWORK said:how these unemployed fucks got money for take-out, weed and beer and then expected us to believe they "just didn't have the money" when rent was due i'll never understand

oh man, this is making me so mad thinking about it, i have spent so much time thinking the same thing.
[Aug 12,2008 11:05am - Conservationist ""]

pam said:I will put my face on a bansaw before I live with someone I didn't marry or give birth to again.

While I mostly agree...

I had good luck with roommates, but I'm a fascist.

No rent = two weeks grace and then they're gone, by force.

Most of them knew that I kept a .45 in the car, and were unwilling to force the issue.

The one that did not found her belongings outside the door of the apartment the next day. I am tolerant to a fault when goodwill is exhibited; when it is not, I am avenging Kali and I tolerate no excuses.
[Aug 12,2008 4:59pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i lived with my old bestfriend and my kid's dad when i firet started dating him. dave (the gay bff) used to get in fights with matt (tk's dad) and shove random objects of his up his ass.. like his toothbrush and tweezers and whatnot... then he would go to work for the day laughing about it all and people would call me and tell me so that matt wouldnt get anus fluids in his mouth.. they got in such a heated fight once that dave thre out all of our tables.. coffee table kitchen table end tables tv stand.. bc he thought matt bought it.. but i did. he used to bring home random men and make out in my living room and dye peoples hair in my kitchen while we were trying to cook and stuff... ugh. we kicked him out 3 months before the lease was up.
[Aug 12,2008 5:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow.... this thread is just pissing me off.... one of my old roomates stole my cat and moved to Cali with him... i miss my cat. His name was Grifter and he would sleep on my back/side depending on how i slept, and lick my eyes when i needed to get up for work. He was awesome.
[Aug 12,2008 5:19pm - Conservationist ""]
They took your cat?

Grounds for murder!
[Aug 12,2008 9:09pm - guy  ""]

pam said:My fat bitch ex-roommate once bitched at me for buying regular tampons because she had to use THREE AT THE SAME TIME for them to work.

Like it was my fault her vagina was a gaping cavernous vortex of whoredom.

you just made me feel dirty... on a sidenote i had a roomie die on me. OD'd on oc's and smokin coke. didnt know him that well also didnt know his habit was that bad. kinda of a shame
[Aug 12,2008 9:14pm - guy  ""]
if anyone remembers a guy in medford getting shot by an old lady while breaking in her house. that was him
[Aug 12,2008 11:01pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Funny. Even though I think the video is likely fake, I find it funny that the cat was in the fridge. The other day a good friend of mine told me that he knew this kid once who use to put his cat in the freezer when it was being a bastard. The first time he saw him do it he thought it was a joke...until the guy actually left the cat in the freezer for 1/2 hour. Fucked up.
[Aug 13,2008 2:02am - Samantha ""]
I used to have an ex for a roommate. It was horrible. I thought that it would be okay because we both agreed that we could get along as friends and have no hard feelings. It turned out he was feeding me a bunch of B.S. because, in reality, he wanted to somehow finagle his way into being in a relationship with me again.

The guy had a total breakdown, often flipped out for no reason, threatened suicide, and created a ridiculous amount of drama. It was like living in a psych ward. It was so bad that I actually slept with a knife under my pillow for a while. He rarely cleaned, either. He would leave leftover take out food all over the place and never bothered to open the bills that were under his name until they got shut off. Since his parents were helping him out, he lied to them a few times and said that I didn't pay my rent just so he could get more money from them. He also lied about how much was owed on some of the bills that were under his name just to get more money from me.

I could probably write a book about all of the crap I had to deal with from that guy. 3 years after I moved out, he wrote a blog about how I apparently owe him "thousands of dollars" in unpaid rent/bills and how I apparently ruined his life.
[Aug 13,2008 2:15am - Samantha ""]
LOL! I just remembered that I still have pictures of the slob's old bedroom. I love how there are dirty clothes on the floor with booze spilled all over them and a dirty sock hanging from a bookcase, like the dirt gave it some magical static cling power. Unfortunately, the images don't fully capture the lingering pickle juice mixed with butt crack stench that permeated throughout the room.

[Aug 13,2008 9:39am - ORGYMFATWORK  ""]

Conservationist said:They took your cat?

Grounds for murder!

haha, i don't care much about animals, but i do agree that theft/destrcution of personal property is grounds for violent murder
[Aug 13,2008 9:44am - ORGYMFATWORK  ""]

guy said:
pam said:My fat bitch ex-roommate once bitched at me for buying regular tampons because she had to use THREE AT THE SAME TIME for them to work.

Like it was my fault her vagina was a gaping cavernous vortex of whoredom.

you just made me feel dirty

that is pretty disgusting....
the cunt we lived with used to steal my girl's tampons too, and she would always whine that they "leaked"

so one day i got sick of her bitching and told her that if she bought her own, she wouldn't have this problem, and if her snatch wasn't so big, the regulars would plug her up fine, and her boyfriend would be alot happier.....maybe even more inspired to work, clean and be a little less of a miserable douche
[Aug 13,2008 11:32am - pam ""]

Hungtableed said:Funny. Even though I think the video is likely fake, I find it funny that the cat was in the fridge. The other day a good friend of mine told me that he knew this kid once who use to put his cat in the freezer when it was being a bastard. The first time he saw him do it he thought it was a joke...until the guy actually left the cat in the freezer for 1/2 hour. Fucked up.

I hope you kicked his ass
[Aug 13,2008 11:45am - ouchdrummer ""]

Conservationist said:They took your cat?

Grounds for murder!

I agree. actually i raised a cat from the kitten age while living at home, then that cat got prego and had kittens, as soon as one of them was old enough to leave i took it with me and my then current girlfriend... (the same one that i mentioned earlier that stole shit from everyone we lived with including me) and after i left her place i moved in with the two lesbians. One hot, one not. And no, they were not a couple. Anyways, i went on a vacation, when i came home my bitch roomate (the not-so-hot lesbian) stole my cat and moved to Cali with him. Her reasoning in the note she left was that our two cats made each other so happy that she couldnt seperate them. (her cat was always depressed before it met my cat, who do to my abundant love and play time with him, was an incredably happy cat.) So she stole my cat to keep hers company in cali instead of TALKING with me about it, because honestly i would've agreed with her, but i would've wanted to discuss keeping the two cats myself, that bitch. If she wasnt 2thousand miles away i would still consider going to get my cat. I know it sounds lame, but i still miss that cat.
[Aug 13,2008 11:48am - pam ""]

Samantha said:LOL! I just remembered that I still have pictures of the slob's old bedroom. I love how there are dirty clothes on the floor with booze spilled all over them and a dirty sock hanging from a bookcase, like the dirt gave it some magical static cling power. Unfortunately, the images don't fully capture the lingering pickle juice mixed with butt crack stench that permeated throughout the room.


It probably wasn't dirt that stuck the sock there...

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