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sunday july 8th at K.C.'s tapLeech Eater, Stone the Disciple, Reign of Pestillence, Nadir, Hive Smasher, and 1 more

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jun 1,2007 9:49am - sibz nli  ""]
Reign of Pestillence, Nadir, Hive Smasher, Leech Eater, Stone the Disciple and 1 T.B.A

cost T.B.D.
time T.B.D.
at K.C.'s tap
pawtucket R.I.
once i get more info i will say something
come out, rock out, get drunk and have a great drunken good time

[Jun 3,2007 10:59am - f_n_a ""]
ramp to masada would like to play if there is any room on this still. check it out myspace.com/ramptomasada
[Jun 3,2007 1:58pm - sxealex ""]
i wanna play with nadir i think they r good
[Jun 3,2007 1:58pm - sxealex ""]
me likey
[Jun 4,2007 11:11am - aaron_michael ""]
damn right
[Jun 12,2007 8:36pm - toiletbowleffect  ""]
any new info?
[Jun 21,2007 12:52pm - etc etc etc...  ""]
[Jun 21,2007 9:52pm - t2daeek ""]
been in contact with the Basilisk (formerly drukakke and the facials). maybe they'll play. no word back yet.
[Jun 22,2007 7:40am - brad weymouth  ""]
i may go to this just for nadir....
[Jun 24,2007 7:55am - nli mario_grind  ""]
hivesmasher fucking kill's, too
[Jun 24,2007 11:49am - Fuck logging in  ""]
Nadir and hive smasher are the only bands worth seeing on this bill.
any info on the cost?
if its cheap this might be worth going to.
[Jun 27,2007 8:18pm - Fuck logging in  ""]
nice to see the promoters of this show are on top of things
[Jun 28,2007 9:19am - aaron_michael ""]
5 bucks.
full info can be found at http://www.myspace.com/hivesmasher
leave your rare colored Cro-Mag vinyl at home.
[Jun 28,2007 11:42pm - ZenErik ""]
Why can't I take my rare colored Cro-Mag vinyl? :'(
[Jun 29,2007 1:03pm - s.t.d.  ""]
nadir has dropped off and we got move the rabbit so the line p as of now is
July, 8 2007
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Cost : $5
Doors @ 7:30 PM

Leech Eater, Hive Smasher, Stone the Disciple, Move the Rabbit, Reign of Pestilence. 21+
[Jun 29,2007 3:45pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
wow, what a shitty show.
[Jun 29,2007 4:02pm - Ya d00d.  ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:wow, what a shitty show.

Wow, what a shitty opinion. It's not like anyone would want you there anyway.:nuke:
[Jun 29,2007 6:06pm - rhys ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:wow, what a shitty show.

what a cock bag. who are you anyways?
[Jun 30,2007 3:16pm - ZenErik ""]
I think he's simply "the anonymous cock bag".
[Jul 2,2007 9:02am - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 2,2007 2:27pm - aaron_michael ""]
Venue: KC's Tap (Pawtucket, RI)
530 Broadway, Pawtucket, RI 02860

When: <b>Sunday, July 8th </b>

Show Starts: 7:30
Cost: $5

Reign of Pestilence (7:30-8:00)
Stone the Disciple (8:15-8:45)
Move the Rabbit (9:00-9:30)
Hive Smasher (9:45-10:15)
Leech Eater (10:30-11:00)
[Jul 2,2007 4:30pm - t2daeek ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:wow, what a shitty show.

he's welcome to his opinion. the world needs fags too.
[Jul 2,2007 5:25pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
t2daeek said:fuck he's welcome to his opinion. the world needs fags too.

not my fault someone booked a show with a bunch of lame bands...its understanable to have one or two, but when all but one of the bands aren't worth a bucket of piss and shit...listen, I'm just saying what every one else is thinking.
[Jul 2,2007 10:44pm - ZenErik ""]
Psychic! If only I had those wonderful powers of yours.
[Jul 3,2007 12:14pm - rhys ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:t2daeek said:fuck he's welcome to his opinion. the world needs fags too.

not my fault someone booked a show with a bunch of lame bands...its understanable to have one or two, but when all but one of the bands aren't worth a bucket of piss and shit...listen, I'm just saying what every one else is thinking.

so does that mean your coming?
[Jul 3,2007 12:43pm - aaron_michael ""]
why not go for the one band you enjoy and then take off? the show is only 5 dollars
[Jul 3,2007 3:55pm - t2daeek ""]
maybe he lives too far away. if he's too busy to log in then he probably doesn't have time to drive, jerk off, or anything fun like that, let alone go see our crappy band.
[Jul 3,2007 4:01pm - fuck loggin'  ""]
Well, if it's only $5, I guess I can make that back pretty quick by sucking cock for money
[Jul 3,2007 4:05pm - aaron_michael ""]
that works. I mean, you're near providence and all. you'll probably find some willing pole near Club hell.
see you there bro!
[Jul 4,2007 7:38am - t2daeek ""]
fuck loggin‘ said:Well, if it's only $5, I guess I can make that back pretty quick by sucking cock for money

that's what i'm saying dude. it's pretty much a no lose situation.
[Jul 4,2007 11:53am - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
fuck loggin‘ said:Well, if it's only $5, I guess I can make that back pretty quick by sucking cock for money

ha nice try...
[Jul 4,2007 1:45pm - fuck loggin' in  ""]
you faggits better not fuck with me. im fuckin' jacked yo. i bench 280 after i has my roids bithc
[Jul 4,2007 2:27pm - Burly_Jenkins ""]
dis shoz un be tha shit imun brig ma cuzin
[Jul 4,2007 3:13pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:you faggits better not fuck with me. im fuckin' jacked yo. i bench 280 after i has my roids bithc

again, a nice (but weak) attempt to mock me.
anyways you assholes should be thanking me for bumbing this worthless show's thread.
[Jul 4,2007 6:35pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
i's anomynous an da world is on my side, i just tha only wun manly enuff to tay so wul hidin ma tru idenity
[Jul 4,2007 7:32pm - Rhys ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:fuck loggin‘ in said:you faggits better not fuck with me. im fuckin' jacked yo. i bench 280 after i has my roids bithc

again, a nice (but weak) attempt to mock me.
anyways you assholes should be thanking me for bumbing this worthless show's thread.

thank you, we know you have so many more important things to do with your time. m|m
[Jul 4,2007 10:19pm - Stone_The_Disciple ""]
[Jul 5,2007 8:48am - aaron_michael ""]
hooray sunday.
what do you think the turn out is going to be like?
[Jul 5,2007 3:53pm - sammy d  ""]
is dat bitch cross eyed yo?
[Jul 5,2007 6:51pm - fuck loggin‘ in  ""]
aaron_michael said:hooray sunday.
what do you think the turn out is going to be like?

probably the number of people in each band.
[Jul 5,2007 8:58pm - the truth  ""]
unknown bands = shit :whipper:
[Jul 6,2007 3:13pm - rhys ""]
fuck loggin‘ in said:aaron_michael said:hooray sunday.
what do you think the turn out is going to be like?

probably the number of people in each band.

dude, what the fuck is your problem? you've been talking shit about this show from the very start. are you seriously mad because we didn't appreciate being called shit by a faceless prick? why don't you book an amazing show and show us how it's done? you know, we don't want to get in the way of the over abundance of great shows going on everywhere in new england.
[Jul 6,2007 3:40pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
rhys said:
dude, what the fuck is your problem? you've been talking shit about this show from the very start. are you seriously mad because we didn't appreciate being called shit by a faceless prick? why don't you book an amazing show and show us how it's done? you know, we don't want to get in the way of the over abundance of great shows going on everywhere in new england.

welcome to RTTP.
[Jul 6,2007 4:33pm - rhys ""]
Fuck Logging In said:

welcome to RTTP.

I know, it's ruthless. Still, this is our sixth show. It's not like we've been doing this for years and years and getting nowhere. You don't even know what we sound like. You probably only listened to our lo-fi as shit myspace recordings, if that. If you actually gave us a chance you'd probably like it.
[Jul 7,2007 4:49am - Kevin from Leech Eater  ""]
The flyer doesn’t have a date…and they spelled “Pestilence” wrong.

Anyway, I’m not sure why there’s so much odium on this thread. Hive Smasher is exceptional…but Reign of Pestilence, Stone the Disciple, and Move the Rabbit don’t exactly suck either - in fact, each one is on par with Hive Smasher.

Leech Eater, however, is complete garbage – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKteflF99As

Furthermore, the prissy cunt attitude I’m reading here only enhances my distaste for “the metal scene.” It’s this supercilious, elitist, “I couldn’t be bothered with YOUR band,” shit that emblematizes everything grindcore is supposed to excoriate.

Kill yourself.

p.s. Tyler and Aaron – Look forward to meeting you on Sunday.
[Jul 7,2007 12:00pm - ZenErik ""]
Looking forward to seeing all these bands except Move the Rabbit. What a band of homos.
[Jul 7,2007 1:08pm - stabface  ""]
this whole discussion about the show has sucked. In no way is it a representation of what is going to be on sunday.... hopefully. I would like to thank all the close minded fuck tards that stated there narrow minded opinions. I wish you all well. i leave you to get back to what you were doing, listening to he is legend on repeat while jerking off to FLEX magazine you fucking cocksuckers.
[Jul 7,2007 4:18pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
stabface said:this whole discussion about the show has sucked. In no way is it a representation of what is going to be on sunday.... hopefully. I would like to thank all the close minded fuck tards that stated there narrow minded opinions. I wish you all well. i leave you to get back to what you were doing, listening to he is legend on repeat while jerking off to FLEX magazine you fucking cocksuckers.

I think you meant "their" and not "there".
[Jul 7,2007 5:33pm - Kevin from Leech Eater  ""]
ZenErik...I know you think your band is gay, and I respect that. However, let me assure you...there's no fucking way Move the Rabbit is even in the same league of queerdom as Leech Eater.

[Jul 7,2007 5:44pm - Kevin from Leech Eater  ""]
Since we are on the subject of grammar:

Put commas and periods within closing quotation marks, except when a parenthetical reference follows the quotation.

History is stained with blood spilled in the name of "civilization."

I think you meant "their" and not "there."

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