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Who here still plays CounterStrike?

[Sep 23,2009 10:50am - aril  ""]
I'm extremely rusty and usually play TFC, but we're trying to organize a match or something.

who is down?
[Sep 23,2009 10:57am - reimroc ""]
well i'm at work right now but i would be down tonight.
[Sep 23,2009 11:00am - CRICKETS!  ""]

[Sep 23,2009 11:02am - aril  ""]
Crickets is right. What am I thinking. none of you guys are 1337
[Sep 23,2009 11:06am - ark  ""]
why not CS Source? i wanna use my hardware!
[Sep 23,2009 11:09am - aril  ""]
i've got a geforce2 mx 400, i can barely run CS:S. that's my problem, I guess. I can still run it, though.. just with minimum graphics.
[Sep 23,2009 11:10am - Hoser ""]
I'm down...I still play.
[Sep 23,2009 11:11am - aril  ""]
de_dust? militia?
[Sep 23,2009 11:14am - ark  ""]
nothing wrong with old CS, this weekend i'll install it

militia was always a fav of mine. the facility map from goldeneye was awesome.
[Sep 23,2009 11:18am - ark  ""]
but TFC i played more, and i'm really into TF2, best team-based shooter out there. i fire it up every few weeks, lately when i actually do game i've been using my 360 more.
[Sep 23,2009 11:24am - reimroc ""]

ark said:why not CS Source? i wanna use my hardware!

Game is easy but I'll play it with you. Create an account or log in so I can send you my steamfriends info
[Sep 23,2009 11:27am - arktouros ""]
my steam name is aegir

everybody spam me with steamy friend requests.
[Sep 23,2009 11:29am - deadlikemurf ""]
i'll play source, tf2, cod world at war, insurgency, dod source with any of u guys anytime... as soon as i get my rig back from the shop.. which should be today...
[Sep 23,2009 1:03pm - quintessence ""]
I might be down to get into this. I haven't played for years but I used to rape you know.
[Sep 23,2009 1:30pm - timma ""]
I spend hours upon hours upon hours of my life playing Counter Strike when it first came around. That, TFC, and Firearms. I fucking loved Firearms.
[Sep 23,2009 1:33pm - aril  ""]
Firearms was the shit.
[Sep 23,2009 3:03pm - arktouros ""]
internet archive of the counter strike site in 1999 - maps:


bahahaa..airplane! and left-handed guns only.

post your steam names guys, we'll get a game together one of these days.
[Sep 23,2009 3:06pm - aril  ""]
hahaha, I forgot about that.. It was all left-handed! I used to hate that.
[Sep 23,2009 3:39pm - reimroc ""]
you can still find random servers who play the good vip maps and cs_747
[Sep 23,2009 3:43pm - aril  ""]
CS_747 was the best. i almost forgot about that one
[Sep 23,2009 3:47pm - sxealex ""]
ME i run a counter strike server and play everynight sxealex.com is the ip
[Sep 23,2009 3:47pm - sxealex ""]
its css btw
[Sep 23,2009 3:49pm - sxealex ""]
if you need a no-steam copy i am hosting the files it runs nicely through wine aswell
[Sep 23,2009 3:52pm - sxealex ""]
also working on a dod and insurgency server and still have the et server... in addition i have a battle.net server with wc3(for dota mostly) and sc functioning atm. For chatting i use mumble with "mumble.sxealex.com" as the ip.
[Sep 23,2009 4:05pm - aril  ""]
sweet. want to work on a tfc server?
[Sep 23,2009 4:07pm - sxealex ""]
i think id do tf2
[Sep 23,2009 4:07pm - sxealex ""]
but to be honest i havent played either
[Sep 23,2009 4:08pm - sxealex ""]
(dont have steam)
[Sep 23,2009 6:14pm - sxealex ""]
bump for playing in a few
[Sep 23,2009 6:21pm - aril  ""]
bah. i'm still at work. i'll probably be here until late tonight. sometime this weekend perhaps?
[Sep 23,2009 6:24pm - sxealex ""]
ill be off and on till 1 or 2
[Sep 23,2009 6:24pm - sxealex ""]
no need to make plans i plan most nights
[Sep 23,2009 6:26pm - sxealex ""]
[Sep 24,2009 12:57am - sxealex ""]
[Sep 24,2009 1:43am - ark nli  ""]
looks like we have a server, i'll be on this weekend
[Sep 26,2009 7:58pm - sxealex ""]
its the weekend
[Sep 26,2009 8:02pm - aril  ""]
0/32 on your server?
[Sep 26,2009 8:06pm - sxealex ""]
yes at the moment
[Sep 26,2009 8:07pm - sxealex ""]
we organize and login get in there other will come ill get a few peeps on in a min
[Sep 26,2009 8:09pm - sxealex ""]
loggin in
[Sep 26,2009 8:10pm - sxealex ""]
[Sep 26,2009 8:58pm - sxealex ""]
yay or nay?
[Sep 28,2009 10:06pm - sxealex ""]
play it or ur a pussy
[Sep 29,2009 11:05am - sigh  ""]
WON > Steam

Oh man Firearms. Completely forgot about that mod.

Action Quake 2 FTW!
[Sep 29,2009 11:10am - aril  ""]
WON>Steam any day.
so far i'm disappointed. no one else has joined - big time fragged sxealex last night.
[Sep 29,2009 12:33pm - arktouros ""]
i can play thursday night, i'll try to bring more players. so the server has no steam meaning you can use a hacked CS:S install? badass.
[Sep 29,2009 12:37pm - reimroc ""]
i'll join up on alex's server every night until i find someone to frag
[Sep 29,2009 1:18pm - sxealex ""]
if someone doesnt have CS:S and needs it let me know i have a copy that works on my server
[Sep 29,2009 1:25pm - aril  ""]
sxealex has skill with the deagle.
[Sep 29,2009 1:27pm - aril  ""]
wait, do people still call it that? i know they had to change the names a few years back..

I'ts been a while since I was a CS reg. I was playing on de_dust2 the other night with 53 other people and it was absolutely ridiculous
[Sep 29,2009 1:29pm - sxealex ""]
i dont like it when its that crowded even on my server with low ping if there are like 32 peeps on its a fuck fest... not a fan
[Sep 29,2009 1:37pm - arktouros ""]
nah nothing beats a good 4v4
[Sep 29,2009 2:32pm - trioxin_245 ""]

aril said:I'm extremely rusty and usually play TFC, but we're trying to organize a match or something.

who is down?

give me an IP for a good, non - bot TFC server and im down
also, only DOD is real
[Sep 29,2009 2:34pm - sxealex ""]
i cant get a dod server going for some reason ive tried for hours
[Sep 29,2009 2:35pm - aril  ""]
for TFC I sometimes play at Drippy's 2fort. but it's only 2fort.

It's usually full every night.
[Sep 29,2009 2:38pm - trioxin_245 ""]

sxealex said:i cant get a dod server going for some reason ive tried for hours

the best recent server i can find is Bad Ass Wankers, my name is LastDaysofHumanity. IP
also, im talking about DOD, not DOD source.
[Sep 30,2009 10:26am - sxealex ""]
oh... i have dod source no steam
[Sep 30,2009 10:28am - arktouros ""]
both old and new DOD kick ass.
[Sep 30,2009 10:40am - aril  ""]
thursday night still?

I haven't seen Hoser post much. perhaps he's scared of getting pwned?
[Sep 30,2009 10:52am - arktouros ""]
say you love MA, that will get him to post.
[Sep 30,2009 12:37pm - trioxin_245 ""]

aril said:thursday night still?

I haven't seen Hoser post much. perhaps he's scared of getting pwned?

are we doing CS? if so, dont do source, i have it but my computer lags the fuck out, plus, the hitboxes and maps are better in original CS.
[Sep 30,2009 12:38pm - trioxin_245 ""]
also, does anyone else play the third party mod natural selection? its a really great game, although some people are just TOO good at it.
[Sep 30,2009 12:43pm - aril  ""]
I agree, CS maps are way better than CS:S. Alex's server is CS:S. I'm still down for TFC.

Yea, I used to play NS all the time. it was pretty touch though, I couldn't get used to it.

I miss Sven Coop.
[Sep 30,2009 12:52pm - trioxin_245 ""]

aril said:I agree, CS maps are way better than CS:S. Alex's server is CS:S. I'm still down for TFC.

Yea, I used to play NS all the time. it was pretty touch though, I couldn't get used to it.

I miss Sven Coop.

sven coop was fun at first but everyone stopped pplaying it eventually so there was never anyone on the servers and i hate bots. yea NS is very tough, but once you get good at it its incredibly in depth and fun.
im down for TFC too, havnt played that in a few years, but i have nothing but fond memories. no team fortress 2 though, ive heard it sucks ass
[Oct 1,2009 10:40pm - ark nli  ""]
yeaa joining sxealex.com now
[Oct 1,2009 10:41pm - aril  ""]
I won't be home till 1130. Fuck!
[Oct 1,2009 10:46pm - ark nli  ""]
uhh nevermind, i remembered why i haven't been playing...my video card and mobo don't like each other and crash during certain games, CS:S and Half-Life2 are a couple of em. connected for 2 seconds and exploded.
[Oct 1,2009 11:01pm - aril  ""]
Happens to me sometimes but works sometimes
[Oct 14,2009 12:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ark/Jon/John(not sure the spelling) - bumping this for you. I recently ran into issues where CS was crashing when I loaded it. But eventually it started working sometimes. I haven't had a problem with it in about a week. I'm not sure if it'd do the same for you, but I'm still down for fragging all of these people, especially Hoser
[Oct 14,2009 12:55pm - arktouros ""]
I actually logged into a server the other night (CS:Source) and was playing without problems for a good 30 minutes, so who knows, the problem could be related. Gotta play soon, I'll post when I can (busy getting ready for show/other boring shit) and I use the apostle's spelling of John, James.

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