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gun found in gym, scary

[Oct 12,2005 10:58am - madmac ""]
just thought this was scary :gun: but my friend and i were working out at the gym and in the locker room we see this handgun on the floor in a holster. my friend picks it up pulls the thing out and the thing looked scary/serious. i'm tellin him not to point it at me and he thought the thing was fake. well to make a long story short he aimed it at a locker and fired it and the thing went off and he dropped it on the ground. i was in total shock and almost wet my pants. he just stood there saying, "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" all these people came running in. So to make a long story short kids, if you find a gun please treat it as a loaded gun and to not fool around with it unless you know what you are doing. some guy took the thing and unloaded it and "made it safe"

By the way i was told the handgun was called an HK USP compact 9mm, apparently its a pricey gun. Whoever owns it is gonna be in trouble.
[Oct 12,2005 11:00am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Where the hell is the video of your friend shooting something and it being funny?
[Oct 12,2005 11:03am - madmac ""]
there is nothing funny about this at all. nothing. i'm still shaken up by it. My friend is also in trouble but I won't get into that.
[Oct 12,2005 11:05am - largefreakatzero ""]
Your friend is a fucking moron.
[Oct 12,2005 11:07am - largefreakatzero ""]
By the way, how old are you and your buddy, 12?
[Oct 12,2005 11:07am - madmac ""]
I know he is. Trust me. I just wanted to post this if for the strange reason someone else might find a gun lying around to NOT touch it. The person that owned the handgun (i don't know the full story) I think is a cop. No idea why or how he left it on the ground. So he is to blame also.
[Oct 12,2005 11:09am - madmac ""]
He is 22 and I am 25, I told him to not point it at me and to just leave it on the ground where he found it. I don't know what possessed him to "play" with it. I really do not know. I kept yelling at him to put it down.

I admit, i'm an idiot. I learned though
[Oct 12,2005 12:06pm - diamond_dave ""]
guns are not scary if you know how to handle them.
[Oct 12,2005 12:08pm - brian_dc ""]
:tmnt4: :ralphie::gun:
[Oct 12,2005 12:13pm - Mess  ""]
your friend's a real fucker. you should pull out a knife next time you see him and come as close as you can to gauging out his eyeball then punch him in the face.
[Oct 12,2005 12:13pm - babyshaker ""]
Mess said:your friend's a real fucker. you should pull out a knife next time you see him and come as close as you can to gauging out his eyeball then punch him in the face.

id punch him in the throat but thats just me
[Oct 12,2005 12:14pm - Mess  ""]
[Oct 12,2005 12:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
largefreakatzero said:By the way, how old are you and your buddy, 12?

That'a what I was thinking. Not that I'm a tough guy, cause I'm a pussy. But I've fooled around around with a gun when I was like 8. Although having a gun pointed at me would be scary.:spineyes::gun:
[Oct 12,2005 12:22pm - madmac ""]
I guess this case is called a ND. Charges are being filed. Negligent Discharge. Stupid friend. I bet he learned his lesson.
[Oct 12,2005 12:24pm - babyshaker ""]
didnt he watch all those commercials on t.v and numerous sitcom plots....if you think a guns unloaded and you point it at someone your gonna wind up blowing off there head geez
[Oct 12,2005 12:40pm - Yeti  ""]
hahaha no shit. if i found a gun lying around i would just assume it was real and loaded. you should find a gun and shoot your friend in the leg and say you thought it was fake and unloaded
[Oct 12,2005 12:42pm - wade nli  ""]
seems pretty obvious to take a gun seriously.

I'm assuming HK means Heckler & Koch? if so, it's probably a nice pistol.
[Oct 12,2005 12:43pm - wade nli  ""]
and the weight of a real handgun should have clued him in.
[Oct 12,2005 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
haha, you work out at a gym.
[Oct 12,2005 2:12pm - madmac ""]
wade nli said:seems pretty obvious to take a gun seriously.

I'm assuming HK means Heckler & Koch? if so, it's probably a nice pistol.

From what I was told it is a HK USP Compact 9mm - it was a nice looking pistol and just lookin at the thing you knew it was real and meant business. I guess it was a Marshals duty weapon. Still don't know how it ended up on the floor like that. I guess he just dropped it when he left the gym.
[Oct 12,2005 3:05pm - anonymous  ""]
hard to belive someone tha
[Oct 12,2005 3:06pm - anonymous  ""]
hard to believe someone's that dumb and not under 13 years old.
[Oct 12,2005 3:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Hmmm, who's more stupid, the guy who left the gun on the floor or the nitwit who picked it up and fired it. I think this whole story sounds a little fishy myself.
[Oct 12,2005 3:22pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
I would have thrown it in my gymn bag.......... and by the way who the fuck cares?
[Oct 12,2005 3:29pm - paganmegan ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:I would have thrown it in my gymn bag.......... and by the way who the fuck cares?

[Oct 12,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 12,2005 3:36pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I wish I could just find a loaded gun on the ground somewhere.
[Oct 12,2005 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]
but instead, you watch around college campuses looking for loaded girls on the ground.
[Oct 12,2005 3:49pm - wade nli  ""]
[Oct 12,2005 3:49pm - wade nli  ""]
^ sweet.
[Oct 12,2005 3:53pm - davefromthegrave ""]
the_reverend said:but instead, you watch around college campuses looking for loaded girls on the ground.

[Oct 12,2005 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I know at any point the king of england might come in and push me around, telling me what to do...
but I don't like guns
[Oct 12,2005 3:58pm - davefromthegrave ""]
the_reverend said:I know at any point the king of england might come in and push me around, telling me what to do...
but I don't like guns

have you ever handled one?
[Oct 12,2005 4:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
I prefer a Bow & Arrow, but that's just me.
[Oct 12,2005 4:03pm - wade nli  ""]
i've only shot a handful of times. most fun was at steve austin's range. uzi, .308 rifle, 45, 9mm, etc. fun shit.
[Oct 12,2005 4:10pm - anonymous  ""]
Never in my life. Although I guess I'd *try* it. I don't know.
[Oct 12,2005 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, my dad was a hunter.
last gun I shot was accidental too. my dad left the caps in a black powder gun on a chair, I was looking out a window through the scope... I cocked down the hammer and blamo! straight through the window/sash/humming bird feeder that was 50+' away.
[Oct 12,2005 4:19pm - Hooker nli  ""]
Powerkok must have been in a hurry.
[Oct 12,2005 4:20pm - succubus ""]
i enjoy it and despite what you'd think i have great aim
[Oct 12,2005 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I believe it.
I mean, you hardly ever drop even a drip of my cum. you aim it all for your mouth.
[Oct 12,2005 4:34pm - Hooker nli  ""]

[Oct 12,2005 4:51pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:I know at any point the king of england might come in and push me around, telling me what to do...
but I don't like guns

I hate guns too. I used to like occasional target practice and shit, but then I realized that I simply don't like being around something that can end my life with the movement of a finger. Not cool. I have no real stance on gun control really though. I could see how pretty much any argument on the matter has so many pros and cons. They're not for me though, that's for sure.
[Oct 12,2005 4:55pm - Dissector ""]
This is funny because you guys are fucking retarded.
[Oct 12,2005 5:17pm - DomesticTerror ""]
davefromthegrave said:the_reverend said:I know at any point the king of england might come in and push me around, telling me what to do...
but I don't like guns

have you ever handled one?

I don't like guns either.
i've never handled one, but i've had one pointed at me. not fun.

also, i've never handled a cobra, and i know i don't like them.

[Oct 12,2005 5:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Guns used for wigger/tough guy shit = gay.
Guns used for protection, hunting, target shooting, etc = useful.
[Oct 12,2005 5:36pm - dirteecrayon ""]
largefreakatzero said:By the way, how old are you and your buddy, 12?

2 freshman guys were kicked off my campus forplaying russian roulette in theirdorm room.

awhile back mtv aired a commercial where a kid was playing with a gun. i think it should be aired on a regular basis.

hope your doing well!

[Oct 12,2005 5:43pm - retzam ""]
largefreakatzero said:Guns used for wigger/tough guy shit = gay.
Guns used for protection, hunting, target shooting, etc = useful.

I can agree with this.
[Oct 12,2005 11:13pm - georgekerrycurl  ""]
i agree with largefreakatzero. You forgot to add a little nigglet hunting on the side.
[Oct 12,2005 11:13pm - georgekerrycurl  ""]
[Oct 12,2005 11:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
dirteecrayon said:largefreakatzero said:By the way, how old are you and your buddy, 12?

2 freshman guys were kicked off my campus forplaying russian roulette in theirdorm room.

awhile back mtv aired a commercial where a kid was playing with a gun. i think it should be aired on a regular basis.

hope your doing well!

hahah russian roulette in college?? is this a new drinking game or the deer hunter fan club??

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