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NEMHF 2011 day 2 recap thread

the Palladium - Mainstage (Worcester, MA) - [betrayal][biohazard][blood_for_blood][bury_your_dead][close_your_eyes][faces_of_bayon][fit_for_an_autopsy][hundredth][kali_ma][legend][molotov_solution][murder_death_kill][randomshots][stick_to_your_guns][the_great_commission][the_world_we_knew][thy_will_be_done][winds_of_plague][year_since_the_storm][your_demise][born_low][confrontation][death_ray_vision][kind_conquer][lionheart][randomshots][shai_hulud][she_has_fallen][terror][the_carrier][the_greenery][this_is_hell][trapped_under_ice][venia]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Apr 15,2011 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
leaving for it now.
friday stage 1
kali ma
year since the storm
fit for an autopsy
murder death kill
the world we knew
faces of bayon
the great commission
molotov solution
thy will be done
your demise
close your eyes
stick to your guns
winds of plague
blood for blood
bury your dead

friday stage 2
she has fallen
kind conquer
born low
the greenery
death ray vision
the carrier
shai hulud
this is hell
trapped under ice
[Apr 15,2011 12:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I did what any honest man would do a took a #2 before the doors opened. Sweet victory.

she has fallen (second stage) not as many people upstairs as the start of yesterday, but still, they had peopl moshing for them.

kali ma (main stage) all instrumental music. Also part of the break thru music dot net thing. They are really good. One weird this is that one of these dudes is definitely off the work out regiment of the others. He must write everything. The rest o the band I would 100% want to have my back in a darkened alley. If you are thinking of starting an ill posse, you might want to give these guys a try.
[Apr 15,2011 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
kind conquer (second stage) reminded me too much of emmure. Idk. Wasnt in the room long enough to really pay attention.

year since the storm (main stage) the mainstage is running late so every single person i saw running down to the stage thought this was nate's band. They were pretty good even though they were separated from the crowd. The crowd interaction is usually their best part.
[Apr 15,2011 1:16pm - xanonymousx ""]
is there still tickets for this?
[Apr 15,2011 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]

confrontation (second stage) i honestly had no clue that they were still a band. The weirdest thing watching their set was seeing the members of the crowd. No longer the hard moshing people that they once were. Now they are more concerned with not spilling their beers. So odd for the formally edge crowd that used to be at their shows. PBR badge of freedom.
[Apr 15,2011 1:18pm - arktouros ""]
i hope they dig Faces of Bayon.
[Apr 15,2011 1:27pm - Mark_R ""]
Pointless to even ask, but any chance the Betrayal listed in the band list happens to be the xtian thrash metal band from the early 90s?
Maybe they saw the name in the lineup and thought "Hey, we're booked! Let's show up and play!"
[Apr 15,2011 1:29pm - Yeti ""]
good lord my area is going to be swarming with pluggies tonight.
[Apr 15,2011 2:01pm - the_reverend ""]

fit for an autopsy (main stage) NJ stands for Nate Johnson.... NJ stands for New Jersey... hm.... what does Guy give me since this is the 10th or so different band i have seen NJ in on BMA? Btw, awesome band is awesome.

born low (second stage) hardcore that actually uses their guitars for more than chuggs. This means they have to tune after every song.

betrayal (main stage) not bad hardcore, but the singer's shirt is terrible.
[Apr 15,2011 2:27pm - revenge!  ""]
any fights yet?
[Apr 15,2011 2:32pm - Mark_R ""]
MAYBE something will happen during Trapped Under Ice?
[Apr 15,2011 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
the greenery (second stage) just like yesterday, sooo good. Though the set yesterday was later, it was still pretty packed.

murder death kill (main stage) i know that facial tattoos are suppose to scarebear me into liking a band, but they arent my think. It's like tuff guy hardcore mixed with deathcore. Tuff guy deathcore I guess. Al though the some dedicated to all the juggalos (I'm assuming they are talking about dr acula) perked my ears up a bit.
[Apr 15,2011 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]
No fights that I have seen.
[Apr 15,2011 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
venia (second stage) pretty good modern hardcore. Not sure what the cover they played was, but i think that was the singer of shai hulud digging it. Their singer acted a lot like the singer of the carrier.
[Apr 15,2011 3:03pm - the_reverend ""]
world we knew, the (main stage) this is a band that always drove everywhere from NY to local basement shows so it is cool that they put in hard work and are reaping rewards.
[Apr 15,2011 3:10pm - the_reverend ""]
Also that one guitarist looks like he hasn't shaved since his prom.
[Apr 15,2011 3:14pm - ONTHESHIT ""]
[Apr 15,2011 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
i hope "Brimstoned" levels the Palladium, but Faces of Bayon somehow magically survive unscathed. if you make it out Rev, that's cool too.
[Apr 15,2011 3:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:i hope "Brimstoned" levels the Palladium, but Faces of Bayon somehow magically survive unscathed. if you make it out Rev, that's cool too.

i would appreciate some pictures of the building collapsing upon itself.
[Apr 15,2011 3:29pm - Bloodsoaked  ""]
I know I am old and out of touch but who are all these bands?
[Apr 15,2011 3:38pm - ShadowSD ""]
It's not just you. Aside from Biohazard and Faces of Bayon, I'm not familiar with any of them.
[Apr 15,2011 4:08pm - the_reverend ""]
carrier, the (second stage) they went on early... unknown by them.... so they may have or not have ended before they were really ready. Once the crowd realized who they were, they completely cleared the floor for moshing and people piled on top of each other at the front of the stage.

hundredth (main stage) modern hardcore sounding to me a lot like the carrier to me. The people that were there really liked them. Enough to punch people in he head.

death ray vision (second stage) if anyone ever asked me, i would in fact tell them "yes, this is in fact the band with zack wells in it." But just as notibily, their drummer is one colin conway. Here's a joke, I went to concert and colin wasnt drumming for a band there. J/k that would never happen. The band sounds like shadows falls... well, the vocals, but he music is more rocky sounding. More like beer drinking music that feet stomping music.
[Apr 15,2011 4:27pm - the_faggotend  ""]
i have shit taste in music.
[Apr 15,2011 5:01pm - narkybark ""]
[Apr 15,2011 5:14pm - the_reverend ""]

faces of bayon (main stage) i think their set went over as you would expect, except for the people fake-moshing the whole time. Though the people in the great commission and molotov solution watched basically all the set.

shai hulud (second stage) their set in one word was magical.

the great commission (main stage) so wow, they really are all aboot jesus. I would love for them to see my pictures but that would be vanity. The lead singer is an indian guy though and i thought they didnt have souls anyhow.

this is hell (second stage) i always want them to be living hell, but still. The music is really good or so i thought ever since their cd found its way on my ipod.

molotov solution (main stage) a whole hell of a lot of bass drops.
[Apr 15,2011 5:19pm - Mark_R ""]
This is Hell are great, one of the bands I would have watched if I was there. But they play around here fairly regularly.
[Apr 15,2011 5:42pm - the_reverend ""]
Yeah, I know. The one cd that I listen to is also great. Took me a while to get into them.
[Apr 15,2011 5:44pm - the_reverend ""]
lionheart (second stage) watching them here as compared to the church show is like night and day. So much more energy and bruce did the guest vocals.

thy will be done (main stage) they always do awesome on the main stage. Plus, acaro was front and center.
[Apr 15,2011 6:18pm - the_reverend ""]
trapped under ice (second stage) waiting for them was like torturing kids before you give them an icecream sundea.

legend (main stage) like school in summer time. Actually, i have no clue. I rushed in or their last song.
[Apr 15,2011 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
your demise (main stage) cool shorts bro. Honestly, I just raced through so i could shoot terror.

terror (second stage) hot like a sauna. But terror didnt stop. I think it was cause their set was cut short. People jumped off everything, including todd pollock's flash. Luckily another photog found it in the crowd and gave it back to him. What a lucky lucky dooder.
[Apr 15,2011 8:11pm - the_reverend ""]
close your eyes (main stage) pop punk..

stick to your guns (main stage) they [still] have the jumping guitarist from walls of jericho. He still jumps a lot.
[Apr 15,2011 8:25pm - Aaron_michael ""]
Only pouncing is real. Pouncing down south.
[Apr 15,2011 8:52pm - xgodzillax ""]
did anyone atleast jump off the balcony?
[Apr 15,2011 8:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I think so. Hard to see
[Apr 15,2011 10:00pm - Kevord ""]
Crowd was crazy for blood for blood.
[Apr 15,2011 10:21pm - Kevord ""]
A lot of the crowd left after B4B and now people are just standing around for Bury your Dead. LoL
[Apr 15,2011 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
winds of plague (main stage) the bassplayer has normal earlobes again... weird. I guess that surgery works better than one would think. Good for him. Also, it looks like johnny hit the gym hard. That guy is even huger. Their bass drop samples make me not able to breath at all.

blood for blood (main stage) rob wasnt here which sort of makes it a b4b cover band. The set list after the first 3 songs was awesome. Thy started off slowly, but the fact they played enemy and then soulless as worth it. Wow. The guy from biohazard did ok, but it still wasnt right. Not only was the crowd amazing, but the stage was filled with awesome people and the photo pit was filled with so many photo people. There is one shot I took from behind the drummer that shows the success.

Kevord, enjoy the impending wall o death.
[Apr 15,2011 10:35pm - Kevord ""]
I just said BYD is getting desperate they pulled out the wall of Death.
[Apr 15,2011 11:41pm - the_reverend ""]
Bundle up everyone it is cold out.
[Apr 16,2011 1:04am - bornoffire ""]
Ha. Sorry I didn't get to say bye or more to you in general. Had a cd for you. Good times
[Apr 16,2011 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
damn, I wanted a CD. I'm home and working on picturs.
[Apr 16,2011 1:59am - revenge!  ""]
Rev... what did ya think of BURY YOUR DEAD? And how many people were left staying for BIOHAZARD?
[Apr 16,2011 2:04am - the_reverend ""]
3K pictures from the main stage... 1,5K from the second stage.
working on them now.
[Apr 16,2011 2:06am - revenge!  ""]
How long til your done? Should I just pass out and look at them tomorrow?
[Apr 16,2011 2:11am - the_reverend ""]
idk, I'm rushing as fast as I can, but it takes time. night jucifer shirt on billy biohazard.
[Apr 16,2011 2:25am - the_reverend ""]

revenge! said:Rev... what did ya think of BURY YOUR DEAD? And how many people were left staying for BIOHAZARD?

it was matt which ruled, but all the other members besides slim changed.

a lot of people left before biohazrd, but there were probably two to three times what was there for Attack Attack!
[Apr 16,2011 2:53am - the_reverend ""]
day two main stage will start uploading in about 5-ish minutes.
[Apr 16,2011 3:10am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 16,2011 3:14am - Sacreligion ""]

I should probably go to one of these, but it's never actually worthwhile.
[Apr 16,2011 5:14am - the_reverend ""]
I closd my eyes for a minute and so glad that I did.
power napped while exhuasted.
[Apr 16,2011 7:55am - RustyPS ""]

that setlist starts off like shit but recovers rather nicely
[Apr 16,2011 12:23pm - revenge!  ""]
I cant believe they didnt play CHAOS. Buddha wanted to but nobody else did. Does anybody know why Colin was kicked out then allowed back in? I also saw some very stupid pit beefs. Why are people such bitches?
[Apr 16,2011 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
I completely forgot that there were going to be fights here so when people jumped off the stage, I was snapped bac
[Apr 16,2011 12:28pm - the_reverend ""]
(Jumped off to deal with a fight) back to reality.

Colin probably got kicked out for being colin, duh.
[Apr 16,2011 1:12pm - chokeonyourownblood  ""]
biohazzared review?
[Apr 16,2011 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm not really a fan of biohazard. I heard everyone got up on stage after I left, but I left. I think I knew 2 of the songs on the set list.
[Apr 16,2011 2:21pm - trixie34345  ""]

[Apr 16,2011 2:46pm - xmikex ""]

RustyPS said:[img]

that setlist starts off like shit but recovers rather nicely

That set list suuuuucks. Phony blood for blood show has a phony set list.
[Apr 16,2011 2:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 16,2011 4:05pm - the_reverend ""]
@aaron the weirdest thing I saw was drunk brando in the middle of the street, bending over to pick up a victory recods grab bag.
[Apr 16,2011 4:07pm - aaron_michael ""]
no picture, no care.
[Apr 16,2011 8:17pm - the_reverend ""]
One can not just photograph the brando
[Apr 16,2011 11:53pm - xanonymousx ""]
broken pictures are broken... [the carrier- venia]
[Apr 17,2011 12:14am - the_reverend ""]
Yeah, I got an email about it. They didn't upload for some reason. Will look when I get home.
[Apr 17,2011 11:25am - samoamosh  ""]

the_reverend said:
revenge! said:Rev... what did ya think of BURY YOUR DEAD? And how many people were left staying for BIOHAZARD?

it was matt which ruled, but all the other members besides slim changed.

a lot of people left before biohazrd, but there were probably two to three times what was there for Attack Attack!

slim and bubble were the same, just the other guitarist and drummer were different
[Apr 18,2011 2:48pm - Pires ""]

awesome shots...
[Apr 18,2011 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]
Colin being Colin.
[Apr 18,2011 3:41pm - bornoffire ""]
Colin is as Colin does

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