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Shutter Island

[Jun 15,2010 9:58am - aaron_michael ""]

arilliusbm said:It reminded me of the Paul Dever school in Taunton we used to go to. I have pictures of the place and a key on my keychain. Pretty fucking sweet place. The people I went with one time also heard little kid laughter echoing through the tunnels. Twas fucked up.

Is this an abandoned building? If so, is it a crowbar entry kinda place? I'm gonna be in that area on Saturday with time to kill, and urban exploration rules.
[Jun 15,2010 10:13am - arilliusbm ""]
It's a series of buildings that are abandonded and are coonected by tunnels underground(it's also a fallout shelter). All "L" shaped buildings have an entrance to the tunnels. I wouldn't recommend going there in day, let alone at night. I haven't been in about 8 years; the security is heavy, and it's state property. I think they started arresting people that were entering in there.
It's really fucked up though- my buddies and I came across a bloody pebtagram on the ground made of fresh blood, as well as splatter on the walls and shotgun shells. We also came into a room that had a bunch of cat skeletons, each with their left paw cut off. That stuff doesn't bother me at all but it was still cool nonetheless. Not making this shit up.
[Jun 15,2010 10:21am - aaron_michael ""]
I believe it. Growing up, we had Danvers State and Belmont State and we found some pretty messed up stuff inside.
[Jun 15,2010 10:23am - DreadKill ""]
i watched this over the weekend. figured out the ending 10 minutes in. i didn't need another 2 hours for them to reveal it, but otherwise it was a good movie. well done as far as effects, action, acting, etc.
[Jun 15,2010 10:30am - ouchdrummer ""]

arilliusbm said:Interested in reading the book now but need to finish the WoT. Havent read the last 3 books.

god damn right. so has rand cleansed the male half of the source yet? oh wait, spoiler... haha
[Jun 15,2010 10:40am - arilliusbm ""]
Of course Rand does. I saw that coming after I fapped to the Aviendha sex scene.
[Jun 15,2010 10:43am - Yeti ""]

arilliusbm said:bloody pebtagram

Bloody Pebtagram sounds like a stoner doom band.
[Jun 15,2010 10:46am - Yeti ""]
Does anybody here remember Beelze?
Remember how he said that we would meet again some sunny day?
Beelze! Beelze!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?
[Jun 15,2010 10:47am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm so sick of proofreading. Fucking phone. Thats like one giant text message. plus I'm always loooking over my shouder because these corporate douchebags freak out when someone surfing the net or texting
[Jun 15,2010 11:21am - DYA is FU  ""]
Saw this the other day, dug it. Good time, Kinglsey is the perfect go-to guy when you want "evil jew" in a movie. Leo's Bahstin accent = always hilarious.
[Jun 16,2010 9:36am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Saw this last night.


The wife drowning her own kids still urks me as a father. I could barely get through that part towards the end. Other than that it was a fantastic movie. Very well done and believable at that.
[Oct 21,2011 1:17pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This movie was fucking terrible.
[Oct 21,2011 1:22pm - Sacreligion ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:This movie was fucking terrible.

[Oct 21,2011 1:49pm - xmikex ""]
If I remember correctly, I saw this movie on a date. There was a preview for a Jennifer Lopez movie before it and the girl I was with laughed at it. I could not get out of there fast enough.
[Oct 21,2011 1:50pm - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said:lol @ camping behind the boxes in de_dust2
[Oct 21,2011 4:24pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

arilliusbm said:
arilliusbm said:lol @ camping on the roof in compound

[Oct 21,2011 4:34pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 21,2011 4:34pm - posbleak ""]
Sean was an extra in this, it was a terrible movie but seeing the back of his head on the big screen made it awesome anyway.

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