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Now Find a show to go to!

May 31 (Sun) - HYEO, Black Mass, Vails Gate, Conforza, Nothing To gain - Dover Brick House (Dover, NH)

5/31 - Conforza, HYEO, and more in Dover

Dover Brick House (Dover, NH) - [black_mass][empty_orchestra][nothing_to_gain][vails_gate]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[May 4,2009 10:35am - RustyPS ""]

[May 4,2009 4:22pm - RustyPS ""]
[May 4,2009 7:09pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
I'm sure those other bands will be agony, but that's what downstairs is for, drinking. Ill be HYEO #1 fanboy this day. I remember when good bands like TTOS played in Dover, I should be in a band again so there's some real metal, not core.
[May 5,2009 8:52am - RustyPS ""]
[May 5,2009 9:06am - reimroc ""]

[May 6,2009 9:09am - RustyPS ""]
[May 6,2009 11:00am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Only 2 good bands on this show. I'll probably still be there.
[May 6,2009 1:42pm - doug  ""]

Nobody_Cares said:I'm sure those other bands will be agony, but that's what downstairs is for, drinking. Ill be HYEO #1 fanboy this day. I remember when good bands like TTOS played in Dover, I should be in a band again so there's some real metal, not core.

100% agreed. JRTR is still one of my favorite New England bands.
[May 6,2009 1:42pm - doug  ""]
Oh this was Nicholas, BTW. At work.
[May 6,2009 1:43pm - RustyPS ""]
why doug?
[May 7,2009 8:29am - RustyPS ""]
[May 8,2009 8:25am - RustyPS ""]

....do all of that
[May 9,2009 12:45am - RustyPS ""]
since there isn't enough about HYEO on the 1st page at this moment...I'll bump this shit
[May 11,2009 8:33am - RustyPS ""]
[May 11,2009 8:00pm - RustyPS ""]
[May 12,2009 8:27am - RustyPS ""]
[May 12,2009 4:24pm - RustyPS ""]
(301): White wifebeaters are like orgies with fat people. Enjoyable in private, i'm sure, but in public: no thanksss.
[May 13,2009 8:25am - RustyPS ""]
(919): so I was just driving high and I stopped to let a pinecone cross the road because I thought it was a hedgehog.
[May 14,2009 8:53am - RustyPS ""]
we have 5 tickets to sell for this if anyone's interested

absolute last time we're selling tickets for any show
[May 17,2009 8:50pm - RustyPS ""]
apparently the lineup has changed:

[May 18,2009 1:34am - MillenialKingdom ""]
THAT'S a better sounding show.
[May 18,2009 8:22am - RustyPS ""]
well if it's better then.....GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[May 18,2009 10:09am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Of course!
[May 18,2009 10:19am - RustyPS ""]
word son
[May 19,2009 8:50am - RustyPS ""]

RustyPS said:[img]
[May 21,2009 2:16pm - RustyPS ""]
[May 21,2009 6:13pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Ill buy a ticket from you guys. And Black Mass? Big meh from me. Shows still painful in my opinion. I actually wanted to ask you guys (Nick and Rusty) about playing a show with me in July. I'm waiting on a certain band, but ill hit your myspace with more info.
[May 22,2009 8:55am - RustyPS ""]
Seth, hit us up on Myspace, we'd love to play with you
[May 26,2009 8:33am - RustyPS ""]

RustyPS said:[img]

....do all of that

[May 27,2009 11:47am - RustyPS ""]
[May 29,2009 11:53am - RustyPS ""]
[May 29,2009 12:41pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
What time are you guys going to be in town? Ill grab my ticket from you. I don't take you guys as the weed smoking types, but I live around the corner and that's what I do, so the offer is open.
[May 29,2009 1:07pm - RustyPS ""]
Mike smokes, I don't much anymore, and Nick doesn't

we haven't really talked about what we're doing for Sunday yet, but we'd probably aim to be there for like 3-3:30
[May 30,2009 9:07am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This is Tommarrraah!
[May 30,2009 2:03pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[May 30,2009 4:59pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Dudes! Did you guys get my myspace message?
[May 30,2009 6:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Hells yeah we did, just checking to see if we can do it schedule-wise. Thanks so much for thinking of us Seth!
[May 31,2009 9:23am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ok kewl kewl
[May 31,2009 11:24am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[May 31,2009 12:36pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Do you know what time you guys are playing? Or when you'll be around? I want to scoop that ticket up and then come back.
[May 31,2009 12:45pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Word dude, just give me a call when you want to come by. I think I have you in my phone, I'll text you right now.
[May 31,2009 12:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

My text came back to me, they said it's a landline I have as your number.

email me your celly

thefutureiswideshut (AT) gmail (DOT) com
[May 31,2009 1:01pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I myspace'd you, too.
[May 31,2009 2:44pm - the_reverend ""]
im taking the dogs out before heading over for la festa. sever tstorms up here
[May 31,2009 3:10pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I might not be able to make this after all. We'll see.
[May 31,2009 4:24pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving in a minute.
[May 31,2009 4:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
nice out now, good thing we got all the gear wet
[May 31,2009 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
im here now. and la festa has be gotten mmm.
[May 31,2009 6:25pm - the_reverend ""]
vail's gate just played. young kids. there were plenty of funny things the singer said that I attibute to the age. they played reallh well. I yelled out that hirls are the worst at some point, but the music started aagain and everyone but me missed it. he also at one point said "fail"
[May 31,2009 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]
nothing to gain were pretty good. the bass player kept giving people the middle finger while playing. they covered a LOG song. I forget which one.
[May 31,2009 8:01pm - the_reverend ""]
HYEO put on an excellent performance. it seemed like a lot of people walked away really impressed.
[May 31,2009 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 1,2009 12:06am - tinygiantclothing ""]
great show tonight everyone! HYEO is sick! can't wait to do something with you guys again.

we had a lame turnout tonight . but the show was still awesome.
[Jun 1,2009 12:07am - tinygiantclothing ""]
brandon you should have called i could have drove you :(
[Jun 1,2009 12:15am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Fun shows, I love playing Dover / The Brickhouse. The food was tasty and the downstairs karaoke made me sad to be alive. Thanks for shooting the show Aaron, you snapped off some pretty rad shots.

Glad everyone had a good time!
[Jun 1,2009 8:28am - RustyPS ""]
Thanks to Chris for having us....thanks to Aaron for coming out and shooting the show....thanks to Seth for being our #1 fanboy

Black Mass was friggin sweet....so heavy and thick
[Jun 1,2009 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
I liked the last black mass song where josh screamed over and over "apple berry"
I think it was the chorus.
[Jun 1,2009 11:33am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I am almost certain he was saying, "Black Berry" or "Applebees".

Possibly "Apple fries!!!"
[Jun 1,2009 11:34am - the_reverend ""]
I thought it was "apple berry yeah!"
[Jun 1,2009 11:37am - RustyPS ""]
huckleberry finn?
[Jun 1,2009 11:59am - reimroc ""]
wish i could've made it to this show =(
[Jun 1,2009 12:04pm - RustyPS ""]
s'alright G...we still boozing on the 13th?
[Jun 1,2009 12:07pm - reimroc ""]
[Jun 1,2009 12:09pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jun 1,2009 3:04pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

tinygiantclothing said:brandon you should have called i could have drove you :(

Aw, sorry dude. I was busy pretty much the whole day anyway.
[Jun 1,2009 3:12pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
This was a good way to spend my Sunday afternoon. Rev, we love many things. HYEO ripped and kids were buggin out over the drums, and for good reason. I could hear every piece of the kit. Can't wait to play with you guys July 26th. Nick, glad you are doing so well. Rusty, good talks. Glad you guys stuck around for the karaoke experience. I thought Black Mass was really good. I know they haven't played for a while but like Rusty said, the songs sound thick and they build well. Maybe they'll keep going a little longer.
[Jun 1,2009 5:57pm - chris1337  ""]
hah, our drummer started counting us in before our guitarists were done retuning, that's why I said fail.

Had a good time hanging out with the bands and seeing them play. Def want to help out HYEO and bring them up to maine and try to get them on a show with Last Chance to Reason. Have a show with some good technical bands.

This was the new guitarist's and I's second full show with the band, thanks for all the encouragement from everyone, it meant a lot. Thanks again to rev for the pics.
[Jun 4,2009 1:47pm - josh mass  ""]
this show was a blast, getting to meet some new bands that we're really down to earth was awesome. looking forward to playing with HYEO again. and yes, we played the applebees song last, we're big on family restaurants.
[Jun 4,2009 9:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Does anyone know who that older gentleman was with the massive camera? I'd like to know where those photos are. Maybe it was for something ill.

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