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Ready for the Energy Crash?

[May 10,2006 7:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
TOUCHDOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 10,2006 7:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
conservatives are the biggest pussies going. they're always talking about being a victim, and being restricted, and now being the minority, and losing their jobs to people who work harder than them.
[May 10,2006 7:22pm - hoser ""]
BornSoVile said:conservatives are the biggest pussies going. they're always talking about being a victim, and being restricted, and now being the minority, and losing their jobs to people who work harder than them.

Most of that is right except for the pussy and bitching parts....that's a Liberals' job, man.

[May 10,2006 7:24pm - hoser ""]
Oh, and I'm ready for this "CRASH." That's why I live in a log cabin in Maine, own 12 acres, and am currently in the midst of a GREAT turkey hunting season. Deer season is next, then turkey again, then moose, and a ton of fishing in between.

You Massholes are gonna have a tough time of this one....have fun, city dwellers!!!
[May 11,2006 12:36pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:There's also that section of land in northern Alaska that has tons of oil under it. Damn hippies won't let us touch it, and then say we're screwed cause there's no more oil. Wanna know what the true solution to all of this is: Kill all the hippies and get on with the drilling.

This whole "end of the world due to the lack of oil" cry baby shit is blown out of proportion. We do have the first steps to finding alternative fuel. We have a working vegetable oil engine, alcohol engine, propane engine, bio-diesel engine... but we don't have one that will accomidate the population of the U.S., let alone the world. I bet thats what those "skateboard kids" ment by they have the technology, they have the technology to develop these things, it just takes time.

The funny part of that whole article was how that guy bitched about how we need to get rid of our oil dependancy. He never once gave a valid alternitive. So, if we got rid of oil, what are we going to use?

Brazil has been using alcohol to run cars for 20 or 30 years, there are engines that run on water..I'm running my car on used veggie grease...figure it out. Why continue to use something that's poisonious, environmentally destructive to obtain and burn, and increasingly expensive?

[May 11,2006 12:52pm - PatMeebles ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Man_of_the_Century said:There's also that section of land in northern Alaska that has tons of oil under it. Damn hippies won't let us touch it, and then say we're screwed cause there's no more oil. Wanna know what the true solution to all of this is: Kill all the hippies and get on with the drilling.

This whole "end of the world due to the lack of oil" cry baby shit is blown out of proportion. We do have the first steps to finding alternative fuel. We have a working vegetable oil engine, alcohol engine, propane engine, bio-diesel engine... but we don't have one that will accomidate the population of the U.S., let alone the world. I bet thats what those "skateboard kids" ment by they have the technology, they have the technology to develop these things, it just takes time.

The funny part of that whole article was how that guy bitched about how we need to get rid of our oil dependancy. He never once gave a valid alternitive. So, if we got rid of oil, what are we going to use?

Brazil has been using alcohol to run cars for 20 or 30 years, there are engines that run on water..I'm running my car on used veggie grease...figure it out. Why continue to use something that's poisonious, environmentally destructive to obtain and burn, and increasingly expensive?

Because the energy output is not as good and it actually costs more to make than gas. Brazil is just subsidizing everything.

Plus, the drilling part is much better than it would be 30 years ago. The US goverment already mandates that a certain component to gas can't be in the final mix, and it contributes to the rising cost of gas at the pump.

[May 11,2006 1:54pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
Pat's got it right there. These things work for countries with lower driving populations like Brazil. Do you have any idea how much corn would cost if we switched to an alcohol engine? Do you know how much more money it would cost to produce that much alcohol in order to power all the things that gas does (just so you know, it costs more to refine corn into fuel than crude oil)? All those things would apply to oil as well. And water... we go through water shortages as it is, do you honestly think using a water engine would work?

Lets say for a second that one of these things was able to work in our culture. Its not going to get rid of oil drilling. You still need greese and oil to run your engins. You still need crude oil to make plastic and synthetic rubber (most rubber is synthetic or we'd have no more rubber trees). All of these solutions you are thinking of are wonderful and great, they just don't work.
[May 11,2006 2:23pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
So have scientists just decided that solar powered cars weren't working? Because pairing photovoltaic panels on the roof of a car with the whole "braking charges the battery" idea seems like it would give electric cars an infinite range.
[May 11,2006 2:30pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I don't know about this breaking charge thing (I've never heard of it), but the only solar cars that have been built are only drivable on a sunny day.

They are still working on it though, I do know that.
[May 11,2006 2:33pm - pisscup ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:I don't know about this breaking charge thing (I've never heard of it), but the only solar cars that have been built are only drivable on a sunny day.

You obviously have no idea how solar power works. Nor do you understand the concept of a renewable resource.

[May 11,2006 2:38pm - hungtableed  ""]
[May 11,2006 2:59pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
pisscup said:You obviously have no idea how solar power works. Nor do you understand the concept of a renewable resource.

Something tells me that you actually have no clue about solar power. If you did, you'd know that no one has built a solar car that is able to run without direct sunlight (although the solar pannels do charge batteries in the car, the car takes so much energy to run that those batteries don't last that long). Also, solar powered engines only put out 2-5 Hp, about the same as a lawn mower. Hardly enough to replace a car.
[May 11,2006 3:04pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
All I know is that if we can make R/C cars run why can't we just build BIGGER R/C cars with giant batteries. Problem solved, no more oil, no more emissions, ten times the RAD as I cruise down the street in my neon green and black car that is capable of driving up walls and on its side.
[May 11,2006 3:06pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
And nobody can dispute the awesomeness of owning a car called THE CRUSHMASTERNATOR
[May 11,2006 3:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
the braking system on hybrid cars uses electricity when the brakes are applied, that's part of the way they've cut back.
i know a chick who's apart of an engineering team at mcgill university in montreal, they build solar power racing cars that travel from 40-60 km.
[May 11,2006 3:07pm - eddie ""]
pisscup said:Man_of_the_Century said:I don't know about this breaking charge thing (I've never heard of it), but the only solar cars that have been built are only drivable on a sunny day.

You obviously have no idea how solar power works. Nor do you understand the concept of a renewable resource.

i made christmas lights run on solar power for school. made me realize how many solar cells you'd need to run something useful. alot

i think he does and you don't understand that most renewable resources like trees for example are currently in a decay rate.

i don't think we have to completly get off oil. the hybrid was a really good idea, but why do you have to stop there? how about a car that runs on grease, gas and batteries? and have the engine boil water, so you have steam working that shit too.
[May 11,2006 3:21pm - pisscup ""]
Man_of_the_Century said:pisscup said:You obviously have no idea how solar power works. Nor do you understand the concept of a renewable resource.

Something tells me that you actually have no clue about solar power. If you did, you'd know that no one has built a solar car that is able to run without direct sunlight (although the solar pannels do charge batteries in the car, the car takes so much energy to run that those batteries don't last that long). Also, solar powered engines only put out 2-5 Hp, about the same as a lawn mower. Hardly enough to replace a car.

Actually I happen to be friends with some people who own a company that produces/installs solar panels. They have also built a solar powered/hybrid bus. I also know quite a few people who live completely off of the grid due to there use of solar power.

Other than what you have learned in school or read on the internet what is your experience with solar power???
[May 11,2006 3:27pm - the_reverend ""]
BSV: "the braking system on hybrid cars uses electricity when the brakes are applied, that's part of the way they've cut back."

you sound like my mom talking about computers there... I'm not saying you are wrong.. but let's just say you are talking modern jackass.

Modern jackass:“A little bit of knowledge can be a very bad thing.”
ie: knowing enough about something it sound convincing and even convince yourself/others, but not being correct at all.

HOW HYBRIDS WORK: this is all from my memory... so I might be a modern jackass too. it's a simple principle. actually, it's like the simplest electric principle ever! when an electric motor runs one way, it's a motor. when an electric motor runs "backwards" it's a generator. (when you have an magneticfield, it causes an electric current to flow following the right hand run along it's rotation) the "first" hybrid car was made in like 1917.

hybrid cars have an electric motor. when you are coasting or breaking, the electric motor spins backwards. this causes electricity to be generated and feed back into the batteries. the bearking is called regenerative breaking. this push back already happens in a standard when you "eat up" your speed by downshifting, but instead of the power just disapating in your engine, it's stored in the batteries via the emotor.

and bob: you would have to charge your giant RC car somewhere... and that energy would be from coal/nuclear.

eddie: the current that flows is tiny, but solar power isn't for driving things. also, it's not stable enough. it's for trickle generation. you feel solar cell plates into a battery/capacitor with a transformer so that you can voltage regulate from the battery. I actually thought the other day it would be awesome to turn all your house's chingles into solar cells. that would be so neat... just think if we could make that work and cheap. then your house would push energy back on the grid all day and only pull when you got home.
[May 11,2006 3:47pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
pisscup said:Actually I happen to be friends with some people who own a company that produces/installs solar panels. They have also built a solar powered/hybrid bus. I also know quite a few people who live completely off of the grid due to there use of solar power.

Other than what you have learned in school or read on the internet what is your experience with solar power???

Exactly, the bus is not run on just solar power. You can't (at the moment) make a vehicle that runs on just solar energy.

About the solar powered house... I didn't say anything about running a house on solar power, I was talking about cars. You can get solar pannels for homes, you just won't have as much power as you would if you used powerlines.

You are right, everything that I know about solar energy I learded ion school or through the internet. But when did "knowing someone" qualify you as knowing more than someone?

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